Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:August:13 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2008/8/13-14 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:50856 Activity:low
8/13    Has anyone else noticed Firefox 3 screwing up the bookmark icons?
        \_ yes
2008/8/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:50857 Activity:nil
8/12    anyone else back up their porn to Amazon s3?
2008/8/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:50858 Activity:nil
8/12    Happy Lefthander Day?
        \_ Today is 8/13
2008/8/13-17 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:50859 Activity:nil
8/13    The most interesting thing I found in this article is that in
        Arkansas, when two towns, Helena, and West Helena, merge, the new
        town isn't named Helena, but Helena-West Helena: (
        \_ "The citizens deserve peace, that some infringement on
           constitutional rights is OK, and we have not violated anything as
           far as the Constitution." Huh?
2008/8/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:50860 Activity:moderate
8/13    suck my dick aspolito. btw is your ars ready for serious sodomization?
        \_ You are so not my type honey. -aspo
           \_ Whether you're ready or not, your ars should get ready,
              cuz Imma gonna force you to like it. Imma gonna kidnap
              you to an unknown location uptown where nobody can
              hear us. Fuck you New York City!
              \_ Wow, an anonymous rape threat!  I'm somebody! -aspo
                 \_ I have a CCW permit and I can protect you. Where in
                    NYC do you live?                    -CCW guy
                    \_ Wow, you got a CCW in NYC?  How?
2008/8/13-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50861 Activity:nil
8/13    So are the Bush-loving GOPers:
        \_ You have some evidence that the shooter likes Bush or is GOP?
        \_ You have some evidence that the shooter liked Bush or was GOP?
        \_ "Gwatney owned three Little Rock area car dealerships and the search
           of Johnson's home turned up two sets of keys for vehicles from
           Gwatney car lots."
           You dumbass, he was just a twistoid.
           \_ Actually a Democratic donor:
              Look he gave money to Bill Clinton! Can we add him to the Clinton
              Death List?
2008/8/13-19 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:50862 Activity:nil
8/13    What do you know, Al Qaeda is freaking nuts [telegraph]
2008/8/13-17 [Uncategorized] UID:50863 Activity:nil
8/13    Weightlifter dislocates elbow.  Video here:
2008/8/13-19 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50864 Activity:nil
8/13    Wow, how does the kool-aid taste?
         "My point is that a President Obama will have a good, strong
        dialogue-oriented relationship with Russia, where these kinds of
        situations would not occur."
        \_ Red-flavor or blue-flavor?
           \_ This particular one is blue-flavor.
              \_ Sure, but how is the sentiment different from that of some-
                 one who drank the Red talking about McCain?
                 \_ Obama's force of will will prevent war?
                    \_ McCain's sheer anti-Russianism will prevent war?
                       \_ I haven't seen that claim.  Are you just pulling
                          it out of your ass?
        \_ If Condi did give the OK nod that might not be so far fetched.
           \_ Yeah, that berry-blue flavor is pretty good, huh?
            \_ Hard to tell what's water and what's not anymore.  If 10
               years ago someone told you the administration was going to
               make it legal to torture prisoners you'd think they were crazy.
              \_ Hard to tell what's water and what's not anymore.  If 10 years
                 ago someone told you the administration was going to make it
                 legal to torture prisoners you'd think they were crazy.
        \_ we need dubya and condi out on their asses before they fuck things
           up even more
        \_ Didn't Bush tell us he was going to "jaw-bone" the Saudi's to
           keep oil prices low? How well has that one worked out for us...
           \_ worked prety good for ~6 years.
            \_ No it didn't.  Just $3 gas seems cheap now.
2008/8/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:50865 Activity:kinda low
8/13    Can a non-US citizen acquire a gun legally?
        \_ Yes.
           \_ How? Url?
              \_ Permanent residents can.  STFW.
                 \_ So F1 students and J1 visitors cannot? SHIT! I wanted
                    to leave my mark on the soil before I leave the country.
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:August:13 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>