8/1 McCain goes negative
\_ What else are the Republicans going to run on? Their good
stewardship of the American economy over the last eight years?
Their fresh new ideas? The Iraq War? What other choice do they have?
\_ Economy was fine until Dems took over congress (though I'm not
stupid enough to blame a president or even congress for the
economy). The Fed is the real problem.
\_ really? i thought the problem was basing our economy
so heavily on service fees for bundled debt products.
I don't think that's a Dem/Repub thing
\_ Deregulation, which is primarily a Republican thing,
is what led to the explosion of financial services. That
and the laissez-faire attitude of The Fed (more
\_ No, forcing companies to lend to groups traditionally
not receiving loans is what caused the problem. Fannie
and Freddy buying up bad loans was the other problem.
Fannie & Freddy being backed by the government is what
allowed them to be so irresponsible.
\_ Wow, I hadn't realized there was a fantasy-land
version of the credit crunch!
\_ I don't think that this really explains the whole
story, but it is likely that Bush's American
Dream Downpayment Initiative, his Single-Family
Affordable Housing Tax Credit and his Self-Help
Homeownership Opportunities Program, all had an
impact on lower income home ownership rates, which
is what they were intended to do. The GOP also pushed
for banks to loan to more low income people in low
income neighborhoods, sorry I don't know the name
of the specific Acts that did this. But a bigger
factor was the explosion of unregulated credit, in
the form of CDOs, SIVs and the like that flooded
the market with easy credit. The money supply is
the market with easy money. The money supply is
the responsibility of The Fed and regulating
banks is the responsibility of Congress and The
White House, but because of their philosophy, they
decided to let "the market sort it out" which is
what we are suffering through right now.
\_ I'm sorry you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground
but can you please go drool somewhere else? Thank you.
\_ Do you mean Greespan, who was appointed by Reagan, or
Bernanke, who was appointed by Bush? Somehow, I thought
that these record deficits might have something to do with
why our economy is underperforming, but perhaps you have
a different theory.
\_ Greenspan let the tech bubble last too long, then applied
too much pressure to kill it. Bernanke should stop
printing money like it's going out of style.
\_ Could you not use "printing money" as a euphamism for
"loose monetary policy". Gives me the willies.
We're not Zimbabwe. |