2008/7/30-8/5 [Recreation/Humor] UID:50727 Activity:low |
7/30 A linux story: http://xkcd.com/456 \_ http://www.eegra.com/show/sub/do/browse/cat/comics/id/36 http://www.explosm.net/comics/1337 http://www.explosm.net/comics/1323 http://www.explosm.net/comics/1219 \_ Cyanide and Happiness? That comic is rarely funny--more often just plain nasty. \_ I'm going with stupid. The first one in particular. \_ The eegra one is referencing Ctrl-Alt-Del ... this storyline in particular. http://cad-comic.com/comic.php?d=20080602 \_ Yeah, I know. It's still dumb. -!pp \_ Well, I think xkcd is hardly ever funny. Did you really laugh at that linux one? What's the joke, oh look someone got into linux, haha? xkcd has a ton of duds and the "famous" strips are more poignant than funny. \_ Making fun of CAD is like beating up MS sufferers. It's not exactly something to be proud of. \_ I think almost all daily comics are rarely funny. The Far Side was funny pretty often. Calvin & Hobbes at least felt "worth reading" if it wasn't funny per se. \_ Get Fuzzy (though often the funniest bits are not the final punchlines). Pearls before Swine (hit or miss, but more hit than miss). Cul De Sac. \_ how often do you actually laugh at those? \_ More of a wry chuckle \_ FoxTrot was generally funny when it was a daily |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50728 Activity:nil |
7/29 Torture is Un-American (or another whacko with BDS) http://preview.tinyurl.com/5l28vn |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Science/Electric, Computer/SW/Security] UID:50729 Activity:nil 78%like:50725 |
7/29 Pepperspray vs. taser, round #1: http://www.brickhousesecurity.com/self-defense-personalsecurity.html http://preview.tinyurl.com/5sjfz5 [infowars.com] http://videos.caught-on-video.com/Player.aspx?fileid=513DC6A2-FF6A-40F9-9893-589AC926FCCE&p=0 (taser takes down a BULL) |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:50730 Activity:nil |
7/30 "Neighborhood Walkability Linked to Weight" http://www.csua.org/u/lzh (http://www.webmd.com "People in the study who lived in the most walkable neighborhoods weighed an average of 8 pounds less than people who lived in the least walkable areas." "Neighborhoods built before 1950 tended to have sidewalks and other characteristics that made them more accessible to pedestrians, ...... In general, newer neighborhoods offered fewer opportunities for walking." Not all suburbs are the same. \_ Yeah, take Saratoga for example - no sidewalks or street lights. \_ San Francisco: 2nd skinniest county in America http://preview.tinyurl.com/5n2wft (Money Magazine) \_ Just in front of Williamson County, Tennessee, well-known as a walkable urban center. |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Military] UID:50731 Activity:moderate |
7/30 Can I CCW a gun into say, a post office? \_ no. How about other government buildings? \_ no. \_ Incorrect. State or City gov't buildings are covered by CCW. \_ I'd like to see you take them into a police station or courthouse. I'll be there with the camera taking pictures of your surprise. \_ I'd like to see you take them into a police station or courthouse. I'll be there with the camera taking pictures of your surprise. \_ A CCW covers any local or state building or meeting required to be open to the public. \_ I dunno, cops go into these things all the time and they are all armed. They just take off their side arms when they go through the metal detector. I imagine it would go more or less like that, in fact most cops would probably just think you were undercover or something. \_ right, except they actually have real badges and you have a frigging commoner's CCW permit \_ Of course I've *been* in a courthouse with a CCW while carrying, no problem. (No metal detector either.) \_ Where? San Diego and most SFBA Courthouses screen with metal detectors. What happens when you have to go through the airport and they scan you, can you just show them your CCW permit and carry your gun inside the building? \_ you go to jail. actually i lied. they take you to stupid person's jail, which is deep underneath the real jail. \_ you go to jail. actually i lied. they take you to dumbass jail, which is deep underneath the real jail. \_ Read the CA law. The permit is for CA, not for federal property. Airports have specific regulations about guns. \_ In an airport, a CCW covers you up to the sterile area. No exceptions for firearms beyond that (see CA penal code 171.5(b)(1)) \_ If you're dumb enough to carry a gun to an airport these days, I think you should stay home. \_ But I want to be a hero like emarkp and save innocent people from TERRORISTS!!! -emarkp #1 fan |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Uncategorized] UID:50732 Activity:nil |
7/30 Any of you know a Plone expert that lives in Portland Oregon? |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Uncategorized] UID:50733 Activity:nil |
7/30 freakish: http://ghettobraggingrights.wordpress.com http://underprivilegedjournalism.wordpress.com http://underprivilegedamerica.wordpress.com http://underprivilegedcartoons.wordpress.com http://digitalmonkeys.wordpress.com http://goddamnamerica.wordpress.com \_ There are freaks on the Interweb?!?!?! \_ I blame Bill Clinton... oops, I mean Barack Obama. |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Science/Space] UID:50734 Activity:nil |
7/30 The Antikythera "clock" may have been designed by Archimedes: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5df2da [new scientist] |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:50735 Activity:nil |
7/30 To destroy Al Qaeda, we must end the war on terror: Rand Corporation http://www.boingboing.net/2008/07/29/to-destroy-al-qaeda.html not really news except to dittoheads but maybe this is progress \_ Wow, you're right! That sure prevented 9/11! \_ Please to be pointing out how the current war on terror has actually done anything to prevent anyone flying passenger planes into buildings. Thicker cockpit doors don't count. \_ I already demonstrated how *no* war on terror didn't destroy Al Qaeda. \_ ...splodey brain. \_ It is really a war for hearts and minds, which we have finally started to figure out in Iraq. Bullets are not really that useful in this war, except maybe as the stick that goes with the carrot. |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Uncategorized] UID:50736 Activity:nil |
7/30 SF banned selling cigarettes in drug stores? WTF? \_ LA bans fast food chains, and Saudi Arabia bans cats and dogs, completing the trio of totalitarianist bodies. |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Finance/Banking] UID:50737 Activity:kinda low |
7/30 Financial aid question: If a wife applies for financial aid do they consider the husband's salary? \_ yes salary? What if the woman is partially through the program already What if the woman is partially through the program already when she gets married? Does that affect anything? Would it be in \_ Doesn't seem to affect loans, except perhaps the ratio of sub vs. unsub loans. Parental income (or more importantly lack of income) can have an effect, even if the student is independent of parental support and is married. And yes, for med school you apply for fin aid in March every year. -sony \_ don't you apply for financial aid every year? when you get divorced, you won't be around the next time she applies for financial aid \_ What do you mean "I won't be around"? I don't remember applying for aid every year, by the way. I seem to recall just applying up front, but it's been a long time. their financial interests to get divorced? \_ sounds like a lot of work just to scam the gov. out of a few thousand dollars. \_ It is probably worth more than just a few. Our marraige tax \_ It is probably worth more than just a few. Our marriage tax is a few thousand dollars alone. -!op \_ 1. It could be tens of thousands. 2. It's not a scam. If she has no income then she has no income regardless if I make a good salary. The loan is her responsibility to pay back, not mine. \_ I don't think the IRS sees it that way. Real Accountants please chime in, but if your wife is working, and you are, you are pooling your income to provide food please chime in, but if your wife is not working while in school, and you are working your high salary job, you are pooling your income to provide food shelter savings trips to see the 'rents in the suburbs. i dont think she really has no income. at the end of the month do you bill your wife for shared expenses like toilet paper and internet? \_ does it work out that way if you're married? really? i don't think so. so you're going to kick your poor bankrupt wife out on the street later? i'm not trying to be annoying, now I, not the op, am curious. \_ You mean you don't itemize your wife? \_ Her debts that she acquires after you are married are community responsibilities. So yes, you have to repay them. \_ I don't believe this to be true. Why would you be responsible if your wife goes wacky and applies for $3M in debt in her name using only her income on the application? Addendum: The above is true (husband is responsible regardless) in community property states, which are: Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Idaho and Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Idaho, Washington, Texas, Wisconsin and Louisiana. In Alaska, couples can opt in for community property. You can file in community property states to make property Sole and Separate (and back again), but I wonder if you you can do that with debts. \_ Many, many spouses "go wacky" during a divorce and ruin both parties credit out of spite. \_ Sounds like you need to move to a state not on the above list if that happens. 3. So is the lesson here not to marry a medical student until she's finished school or you'll hose her aid? That could be years. |
2008/7/30 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50738 Activity:nil |
7/30 Can I CCW a gun into say, a post office? How about other government buildings? What happens when you have to go through the airport and they scan you, can you just show them your CCW permit and carry your gun inside the building? \_ Read the CA law. The permit is for CA, not for federal property. Airports have specific regulations about guns. |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:50739 Activity:nil |
7/30 SF is about to build a 2 mile subway from Chinatown to the ballpark, going UNDER Powell BART. Powell BART leaks like a sieve and BART needs to pump thousands of gallons of water out of the station daily. They actually have trash cans out in key parts of the station to collect water. Somehow I don't think the might SF corp of civil engineers have taken into consideration all of this crap they are going to have to build their gajillion dollar tunnel of shit under. \_ I hadn't heard about this. I assume there will be some easy transfer from BART to the new line? By gondola perhaps? \_ Ever use muni? \_ they will use HOMOSEXUAL FAIRY MAGIC \_ There will be an underground walkway from Union Square Station to Montgomery BART. \_ All subways leak water. The NYC subway system would flood within hours if electricity went out and the generators failed. It's part of that whole "being 100 feet underground" thing. But you should stay convinced that only you understand that water exists and that civil engineers don't know anything about their jobs. \_ you know I wouldn't put it past the city of sf to plan this 1.7 subway going under some of the densest most expensive real estate in the United States Of America, and totally fucking it all up and it ends up costing something stupid like 11 billion dollars. also the subway is part of a gentrify the toxic waste dump that is Hunters Point and fill it with pleasant white relaxed Google engineers who haven't done their own laundry in years + gain political points with the 40 percent population of sf Chinese people you never hear about. \_ *cough* Big Dig *cough* \_ You know I wouldn't put it past you being an idiot. \_ The gajillion dollar subway is part of a plan to gentrify Hunters Point, it is hard to dispute that. The gajillion dollar subway was planned to butter up the chinese sf people. \_ If you think civil engineers who work on subway systems don't know tunnels leak water you are dumb. \_ Apparently BATMAN is running SF's computer systems these days. THE MOLE MAN might run city public works \_ What is wrong with gentrifying Hunter's Point? You would rather see a Superfund site there? And I can't see what is wrong with actually serving your constituency. The Chinatown buses are the most crowded in The City. \_ Don't you know that the chinese aren't real people? \_ I wouldn't trust the City of SF to plan the drainage in a desert. \- maybe you can align the incentives by having Bechtel design a tunnel which goes under the Bechtel Building. BTW, isn't the rationale for this to connect 3rd street rail/caltrain to downtown without going through surface traffic rather than bringing chinese people to the ball park? \_ No, when this is all done, there will actually be two tunnels, two blocks apart: one for Muni and one for CalTrain. This seems kind of stupid to me, but I see why they are doing it. |
2008/7/30 [Recreation/Dating] UID:50740 Activity:nil |
7/30 Texas Presley started growing breasts at 8 and was up to a full DD by age 13. Incredible! |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50741 Activity:high |
7/31 Tell me again how City IS workers are all overpaid: http://www.sfgate.com/webdb/sfpay2008/?appSession=45817914602221 \_ There are MANY governments in the US, from Alaska to Tenessee. It is like a FREE MARKET for government loving employees. They can go to any government branch they want, no one is FORCING them to go to SF government. Free market is at force, and therefore the pay is justified. \_ You do realize this is their pay only through 6/13/08, which means half a year's pay? Right? So 8,700 employees have been paid at least $50K for half a year's work so far. Incredible. (FWIW, there are 28K employees total so 1/3 make > $100K.) \_ Where do you get the 28k employees? \_ I STFW like you should do. \_ City AND county? \_ Same thing in SF: http://tinyurl.com/6246nh \_ you're reading it wrong; look at some of the examples, most have "other pay" which is not part of their salary. The salaries are quite low for IT people. \_ No, I am not reading it wrong. Some of them do have "other pay". Some do not. "Other pay" is still pay and for most of them it's not that significant (less than 5% of compensation). \_ Do you know that they get it every year? Do you know what's included? No. You're looking at a number that's provided without details, and assuming it means what you want it to mean. \_ All you need to know is that: 1) Not every salary includes it. 2) Of the ones that do, it tends to be a very small amount - so small as to not matter. \_ So, what do you think the base pay should be for the highest-paid IT guy in an organization of 10K+ people? How about the second highest-paid? \_ I dunno. Strawman. We're talking about 8700 people, not the top 1 or 2. \_ So? What do you think the 8700th best-paid person should make in an organization you don't even know the size of? \_ I do know the size. 28K people. And you are a waste of time, because you apparently cannot read (see above where I stated the size). \_ No, I did not realize this, thanks for straigtening me out. I was astonished at how underpaid they were, now it looks about the same as the private sector, which does seem kind of high, given the bennies and job security they get. \_ The same as the private sector? Maybe at the high end of the private sector plus they are eligible for overtime. Check out these median SF salaries for comparison: http://www.payscale.com/research/US/City=San_Francisco/Salary \_ Most are not eligible for overtime, and the SF city numbers posted above are not the median numbers, they're the highest-paid staffers. The least expensive one on the list is a senior IS business analyst; $100K is a completely reasonable salary for that title. \_ You do realize the list keeps going, right? So it's not just the highest paid. It's everyone. The highest paid person in SF made $264K for 6 months of work. The second highest (a nurse) made $200K including $128K of overtime. Of the 1000 highest paid employees, there were only 4 IS employees. This isn't just about IS. It's about 9000 people making 100K per year working for the city. We all know that city employees work harder than anyone and only the best and the brightest work for the city of SF. It's reflected in the quality of the services provided. Why you would defend this bloated piece of shit organization is beyond me. Got a relative working for the city? \_ "In the first half of the 2008 calendar year, the City and County of San Francisco has more than 8,700 employees who have been paid at least $50,000 (through June 13)." You're misunderstanding the data; these are just the 8700 top who've earned more than $50K so far this year. \_ Go to the link, you fuck. You can get the salaries for the entire city. 8700 are just the people who make over $100K. \_ You are wrong, as usual and typically too arrogant to admit it. Go to the link, pull the drop down that says "See ALL" and hit search. How many entries do you see? 8730. There are far more city employees than that. \_ Okay, you are correct that the bottom 2/3 are not listed, but what is your point? What did I misunderstand? Nothing. I stated in my very first paragraph that it was 1/3 of the city employees who make more than $100K and in my last sentence above that "8700 are just the people who make over $100K". Tell me something I don't know. \_ The point is you have provided no data which suggest that SF city employees are paid over the median or average. \_ Look at the salaries and the job titles. Compare to industry. Rinse. Repeat. \_ Yeah, I did, and it looks pretty low. \_ You are on crack. You think a nurse making $200K in 6 months is "pretty low"? \_ You think a CEO making $10 million in 6 months for bankrupting his company is "pretty low"? It's all relative. \_ No, I don't think that's "pretty low". Regardless, nursing wages are well understood and $400K is a lot for a nurse. \_ The nurse makes $130k in regular salary, as you know. \_ Which, as you know, is a lie to hide her actual salary. Government employees use that trick a lot - especially police and firemen. I think her W-2 is far more interesting than her paper wage. \_ Bullshit. You have no idea what you are talking about. \_ Uh huh. Which is why the facts support me and you have none to support you. \_ That quote is from the link. And you still haven't answered how much you think the 8700th-highest-paid city worker should make. \_ It's a stupid question not deserving of an answer. The point here is that the city pays the same as - or higher than - industry for most jobs, which is in direct contrast to the "poor underpaid government employee" schtick some SOBs on motd believe. The city pays plenty of its employees higher than the median salary. Maybe even all of them, but we can't be sure of that because we don't know what positions the bottom 2/3 hold. Why does the city employ 28K people anyway? Caltax says that is 1.5x as many per capita as Santa Clara, San Diego, or LA. \_ you've provided no data which show that the median city staffing salary is higher than the median private salary for comparable jobs. \_ I don't have to show that. I just have to show that 1/3 of positions in the city pay higher than the median in order to prove that city employees can be paid plenty well and hence are hardly underpaid as a whole. \_ If less than 1/3 make more than the median you need to retake your statistics classes. \_ do you even understand what a median is? If less than 50% of city employees are paid above the median, the class "city employees" is underpaid. And the average will be even lower than the median, because cities don't have CEOs pulling down seven figures for running their companies into bankruptcy. \_ We can't compute the median without more data. However, there's a good bet that most of the lowest paid workers are not in job classifications that matter. My argument is not "the median city employee makes more than the median private sector employee" (which might still be true). My argument is that city workers are often paid plenty well - at least market rate if not more. \_ City workers are often paid poorly, well under market rate. Nice impasse, eh? You could resolve it by looking at median and average earnings, but you have no interest in doing that. -tom \_ I'll look at them if you can find them. However, the data we do have contradicts your statement. \_ It does no such thing. -tom \_ Sure it does. The jobs we can see are paid as well as or more than comparable jobs in industry. \_ Which says nothing at all about the median or average, or even about people with comparable experience and skill. -tom \_ We don't need median or average to show that they are not "paid poorly". All we need are the salaries, which are not "poor". \_ The City is a unified City and County, so it requires additional staffing. But I agree that the number of employees still seems to high. \_ Not much more staffing, since there are no other cities in the County to manage and oversee. \_ MUNI >> public transit in LA/Santa Clara/San Diego, per capita. -tom \_ If true then that's SF's own fault for having such an expensive infrastructure given the populace it serves. \_ SF is providing more services, therefore it has more staff. I hope you don't view Santa Clara as the greatest example of city services. -tom \_ Why is it providing more services than it needs to? \_ It's not. -tom \_ Apparently it is if Santa Clara is getting by just fine with less. \_ You're an idiot. I'm done here. -tom \_ That's good because you've contributed nothing of value to the discussion except to reiterate your steadfast belief that government workers are poorly paid even in the face of facts which show 1/3 make more than the median attorney salary. \_ you're an idiot. \_ Clever \_ That is what the residents want, you know that, right? \_ I'm not sure this is true. If you give the people want they want they will spend you to a multi-trillion dollar deficit. If SF is solvent then no issues, I guess. However, I read SF is facing a $250M deficit next year. true. If you give the people what they want they will spend you to a multi-trillion dollar deficit. If SF is solvent then no issues, I guess. However, I read SF is facing a $250M deficit next year. I live here and I can _/ assure you that this is true. The voters routinely vote for increased taxes for increased services. The widely reported $250M gap is being closed by (gasp!) rainy day funds, which The City put away during better times and by a hiring freeze. And while $250M might sound like a lot, it is less than 4% of the total budget. What is the State of CAs deficit this year? How about Bush's? \_ Actually, I haven't heard that the deficit was covered. I did read that the Rainy Day Fund is $122M, so it's not enough by itself. And then what? Bush is a moron and a red herring, but sure, other government sucks, too. I won't argue that. \_ So the City is doing better than the the State and the Federal government in this time of recession. I think we can agree this is a testament to the superior quality of SF City government. Not sure why you think the Federal deficit is a red herring, aren't we talking about government fiscal management here? How many companies are running in the red right now? Check out GMs deficit. \_ If you want to argue that the Feds are bigger fuckups than SF feel free. I agree. However, that doesn't exonerate SF. Of course, you realize your argument is directly at odds with your free market advocacy; if the city jobs really are better-paying and easier, they will naturally attract the best people. \_ Markets are not efficient. I don't think most people realize how much money is to be made at the city. That's the point of publicizing the salaries. \_ You don't understand what you are looking at. Those are the highest paid 8700 out of a work force of over 27k. So over 2/3 make less than $100k. \_ I understand completely and you are restating what I said. Is English your first language? Your ignorance of SF City services is showing. Don't you live in LA or something? How many times have you even used a SF city service? Most of them work good or even great, like the public parks and libraries. \_ The city couldn't even fire a guy who they thought was a wacko and then he locked them out of their own systems. Sounds like things are going swimmingly. \_ well he's still cooling his heels in jail. i doubt he'll have a job for much longer. |
2008/7/30 [Uncategorized] UID:50742 Activity:nil |
7/31 i was helping someone move today and i moved a suitcase and out popped an ENORMOUS battery powered dildo. we're talking big enough to name after the Norse pantheon. jesus christ. |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Uncategorized] UID:50743 Activity:nil |
7/31 for partha http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=86f148c29736a1041478 \- er was this directed at me because of the part at 2:57? |
3/14 |