2008/7/28-30 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:50702 Activity:nil |
7/28 Merrill Lynch forecasts +1.8% GDP growth in Q2, dropping to a -2.5% contraction in 2008 Q4 and 2009 Q1. http://tinyurl.com/65bmm8 (bloomberg.com) \_ This would be a big drop, if true. ECRI is not showing evidence of that kind of drop in their leading indicators, at least not yet. \_ The White House predicts considerably better performance than that: http://preview.tinyurl.com/6j86v4 (Yahoo News) |
2008/7/28 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:50703 Activity:nil 80%like:50707 |
7/28 Time to short Google: http://www.informationweek.com/news/internet/search/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=209602251 \_ Try comparing search results before you lose your shirt again. Also, the site is ugly and has serious usability problems (notably the content frame). -tom |
2008/7/28-8/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Python, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional, Computer/SW/Languages/OCAML] UID:50704 Activity:nil |
7/28 So, I'd like to try playing with a functional language. Any recommendations? \_ Haskel. Why would you start with anything else? \_ Haskell if you want a _functional_ language. Ocaml if you want to see what a proper language implementation looks like. LISP if you want old fogies to think you are cool. -- ilyas \_ Haskell. Why would you start with anything else? \_ I don't know. I've heard Erlang has been used more in industry. (Isn't Google using it for something?) I don't really know the differences. the differences. Sisal was for scientific computing, which is the area I work in. F# includes OOP (but I'd rather work in Linux.) \_ Are you learning this to learn or are you learning it to get industry experiance? If the second I'd say spend your time elsewhere. Haskell is one of those languages where once you start to understand how to actually use it this light will come on in your brain and suddenly you will never see programming in quite the same light. Erlang is cool, but has a lot less support library support/people out there messing with it, so actually trying to do anything with it is hard. OCaml is pretty damn cool as well, but really, if you want to wrap your head around pure functional programming, the language you should start with is Haskell. Oh, and you want this book: http://www.haskell.org/soe \_ Oh, and another thing. Haskell is also good because it makes it really hard to cheat and do things in a non functional manner. Its purity is its strength. \_ Ah, that's a good point. -op \_ Well, mostly I would just like to learn about functional programming to learn. But I generally like languages I learn to be useful for something as well, otherwise I never get to use it. For example, I like Ruby better than Python, and learned it to learn it. However, everything at work uses Python, so now I've forgotten most of the Ruby. Thanks for the book ref. \_ Really learning Haskell will make you a much better programmer, even if you never use it for anything. It really forces you to relearn a lot of things in ways you probably never even considered, and once you finish bashing your head against it and it starts making sense you will be a much stronger coder. |
2008/7/28-8/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Python] UID:50705 Activity:nil |
7/28 Python question: I have a Python helper script/class that I want to use interactively. The class needs a few path variables defined so that it runs on the correct files. I may want to use different files, so I certainly don't want to hard code them. There are also enough files that I don't want to pass them in as arguments. I thought I might be able to have a file that defines them and import it. so, file test_config.py defines "foo_path = 'blah'" >>> import test_config as foo_config >>> print foo_config.foo_path blah >>> foo_run() in the script file I have: print foo_config.foo_path I get: 'NameError: global name 'foo_config' is not defined' Why does my script file not get the 'global name' foo_config? \_ Is foo_run in a different module? Did you do something like 'import foo_run from foo_run_module'? I'm guessing it would work if you imported foo_config from within foo_run_module. \_ Yes, that works, but I would prefer to be able to interactively load different modules as foo_config. load |
2008/7/28-8/2 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:50706 Activity:nil |
7/28 Thugs on Wheels strike again http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/372364_criticalmass27.html \_ You know, I'm so surprised that we haven't had a nutcase with CCW PERMIT carrying guns and wielding a SUV who ended up shooting a bunch of bicyclists yeah baby BANG BANG BANG \_ So let's see. Critical mass goes by. Dude in car doesn't want to wait 10 minutes for them to pass, instead pulls out in front of them. People get pissed and shout at him, so he drives his car through the crowd and hits some people. Then things get ugly. Frankly he got off easy. \_ I have no idea where you invented this summary from: "According to what some witnesses told police, an altercation with the driver ensued and some of those on bikes began sitting on his car and hitting the vehicle, Jamieson said. "According to what some witnesses told police, an altercation with the driver ensued and some of those on bikes began sitting on his car and hitting the vehicle, Jamieson said. "The driver tried to back up, he said, and struck a bike. "That's when bicyclists really began attacking the vehicle. I think the cyclists got off easy. That's the problem with mobs. \_ Key word: some. Let's guess which some those were. Dude should never have ridden his car through the crowd. You know that, he knows that. You think people just decided to attack him for fun? How come all those 1000s of other cars along the route didn't get attacked? \_ I think the Thugs intentionally intimidate drivers, and are thrilled to escalate minor confrontations (jumping on the car, etc.) which induce panic in the driver, who in fear tries to get away from the mob. See, that's the problem with mobs. \_ So because the guy was irrationally fearful, it is okay that he committed assualt with a deadly weapon? Good thing he didn't kill anyone. Would it be okay if I started shooting at car drivers that violate my right of way as a pedestrian? That is certainly a more rational fear than this guys. What was the chance that someone on a bicycle could actually hurt him if he stayed in his car with windows rolled up? \_ Smashing the windshield? I'd say he is 100% justified in fleeing from a mob, possibly injuring members of the mob in the process. \_ They smashed his windshield after he started running people over, at least according to the press account of the incident. I am not saying that there was a good reason to smash his wind shield, but he had no excuse for deliberately running people over, just because they were blocking his way and sitting on his car and "hitting the vehicle" which means smacking it with their palms. \_ Nope, sorry you've got it wrong. "The driver tried to back up, he said, and struck a bike." "That's when bicyclists really began attacking the vehicle." It was after the attack that the car drove away through the crowd. \_ Anyone with half a brain would know, don't try to muscle your car through a crowd of bikes. What did he expect? The sea of bikes to part before his mighty car penis? He tried to drive through them. He fucking hit someone. \_ Sorry, once the mob attacks, the victim should use force (even deadly force) to escape from the mob. That's the problem with mobs. \_ Any bicyclist with a quarter of a brain should know not to try to block the way of a moving car. Those that place more importance on asserting their "right" to annoy drivers than on protecting their own safety fall victim to natural selection. \_ "Tried to back up" means that he deliberately backed into someone blocking his way. This should be assault, but since he was in a car he will get away with it. \_ I generally agree with you, but this is orthogonal to whether you have a right to run over someone who blocking your way. \_ "Tried to back up" means that he deliberately backed into someone blocking his way. This should be assault, but since he was in a car he will get away with it. \_ No, it means he deliberately tried to back up, and there was someone in the way. That doesn't mean he was deliberately trying to hit someone. \_ Let's change the bikes to say, a regular demonstration. Demonstrators are marching, blocking a car. Dude tries to pull out of his space anyway and hits a demostrator. People start crowding his car and screaming at him for hitting someone when it was obvious he should have just waited rather than just pulling out when the road was blocked. Dude responds by driving his car through the crowd, hitting several people. You don't think he would be at fault there either? \_ And attacking the vehicle, smashing the windshield? Yes, no fault in trying to get away. \_ Since neither of us was there and there are no videos, we can only speculate, but if you are surrounded by people peacefully blocking your way, backing up without making sure your way is clear is at the very least, very reckless. |
2008/7/28 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:50707 Activity:nil 80%like:50703 |
7/28 Time to short Google: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5d5oyq [info week] \_ Try comparing search results before you lose your shirt again. Also, the site is ugly and has serious usability problems (notably the content frame). -tom \_ I don't think it's volume that makes Google better. |
2008/7/28-8/3 [Uncategorized] UID:50708 Activity:nil |
7/28 Comic-con cosplay gallery. There's some pretty fun stuff in here http://redeye.chicagotribune.com/red-comiccon2008-pg,0,252541.photogallery?index=1 \_ Navel rings are never a good thing, ever. \_ I agree, but which picture are you refering to? (Just give the number please.) \_ 10 & 31 \_ I didn't go to Comicon, but I was in San Diego all weekend and saw lots of participants in restaurants, bars, and on the streets. I was surprised at the number of women, some of them even very hot like the redhead in the schoolgirl uniform and the blonde in the Catwoman outfit. On the guy side I saw a Joker, but I didn't pay much attention to that. |
2008/7/28-8/3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:50709 Activity:nil |
7/28 Wired on War Games: http://preview.tinyurl.com/6xw36r [wired] |
2008/7/28-8/3 [Transportation/Car, Reference/Military] UID:50710 Activity:nil |
7/28 The impossibility of getting a CCW and the potential for accidents and great harm from handguns makes ownership very unattractive. I'm now thinking of getting a taser. Do people need to register tasers? Can they be carried in automobiles? CCW tasers? \_ A taser is considered a loaded firearm. (People v. Heffner) \_ It can't be. It is projectile using COMPRESSED AIR and should not be subjected to gun-powder related weapons. \_ Seriously, can you carry a taser in your car? Can you conceal it? \_ HEFFNER held that a taser is a firearm for the purposes of Penal Code 12031, which makes it a misdemeanor to carry a loaded firearm on your person or in a vehicle. If you could find some way of unloading your taser, then you probably could carry it in your car or conceal it. Also there are several exceptions to 12031. One of these applies to people who have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. |
2008/7/28-8/5 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:50711 Activity:nil |
7/28 Everyone's captcha hacked: http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=1418 \_ I still like the idea of making real people solve captchas to get porn or torrents or the like. Captchas that are actually used by other sites. |
2008/7/28-8/3 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:50712 Activity:nil |
7/28 Tennessee church shooter was a big O'Reilly, Savage, Hannity fan. Chose church in part because it was gay-friendly http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2008/jul/28/church-shooting-police-find-manifesto-suspects-car \_ But it isn't terrorism if it was done by white guys. \_ This is a good argument for CCW into church with you. \_ Expect more of these kinds of melt downs from Bush supporters. \_ Terrorists. This is what terrorism is. |
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