2008/7/18 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50613 Activity:moderate 85%like:50625 |
7/18 BUD DAY: "The Muslims are going to kill us." http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2008/07/mccain-pow-bud.html \_ BUD DAY doesn't appreciate your tone. |
2008/7/18 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50614 Activity:nil 88%like:50626 |
7/18 McCain violates OPSEC http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/2008/07/mccain_says_obama_trip_to_iraq.php |
2008/7/18-23 [Reference/Military] UID:50615 Activity:nil |
7/18 I love guns, but only old guns. I'd love to try out muskets, you know, those things that won us our freedom. I'd also love to try out Washington era canons, those that were used to scare off the bloody reds. Where can I go to shoot muskets and canons? \_ Civil war re-enactments. \_ There's an antique store, I think it's called Sergent's Surplus or something in Oakland? I have no idea what the legality is wrt to owning an antique ball/musket load weapon, I'm guessing you're not really required to register since it's so hard to kill someone with it. I mean, who wants to carry black powder, flint, loader, balls, etc etc? It's a drag! \_ A lot of people hunt with muzzle loaders. Typically there are separate licensing requirements. \_ Yeah, they really make drivebys inconvenient. Thank Jesus the supreme court has upheld our God-given rights to have assault rifles instead. |
2008/7/18-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:50616 Activity:nil |
7/18 At least he knows what he wants (NSFW): http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/orl/740493470.html \_ Hello tawei! \_ This is really funny, NSFW though. \_ Whoops! You're right, so noted. -op \_ aspolito, when did you discover that you liked being sodomized? can i sodomize you? \_ You got the wrong person buddy. Oh and I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but if you want send me a picture I'll keep the offer in mind. -aspo |
2008/7/18-23 [Reference/Military] UID:50617 Activity:nil |
7/18 Heller wins SCOTUS, DC still refuses to register his handgun http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=74036&catid=158 \_ "A spokesman for the DC Police says the gun was a bottom-loading weapon, and according to their interpretation, all bottom-loading guns are outlawed because they are grouped with machine guns." Apart from revolvers, chain-ammo-fed MGs/Gatling Guns, and top- loaded sniper rifles, what guns are _not_ bottom-loading? Muskets? \_ Shotguns? \_ Pump action shotguns load from bottom. \_ The one I used loaded from the side. \_ So, a semi-auto is OK if you hold in gangsta' style? \_ hunting rifles? \_ Most hunting rifles are semi-automatic, and use a magazine. Even bolt-action rifles often load from a magazine. \_ shrug, I'm going with image results from what google returns for "hunting rifle" \_ Yes, most of those rifles use a magazine. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sten_gun ? |
2008/7/18-23 [Science/Battery, Computer/Companies/Apple] UID:50618 Activity:nil |
7/18 iPhone battery life SUCKS. You'll probably have to spend another $100 in a year to get it replaced. Here's a cheap way to do it: http://video.gearlive.com/video/article/q407-replace-iphone-battery-tutorial http://www.anandtech.com/gadgets/showdoc.aspx?i=3036&p=3 (3G sucks, literally. Sucks up 25% more power) \_ no kidding. |
2008/7/18-23 [Reference/BayArea] UID:50619 Activity:low |
7/18 San Francisco, America's most walkable city: http://preview.tinyurl.com/64unjx (SF Gate) \_ There's no way it's more walkable than Manhatten. \_ Manhattan is not a city. \_ You ever live there? Comparing SF to all the boroughs is bullshit. Maybe if you want to include Alameda county and south down to oh, maybe Sunnyvale? \_ It may be bullshit, but that's how the definition works. Argue with the authors, not the posters. -!op|pp \_ If someone creates a bullshit stat you should ignore it. SF is very walkable and is a great city, but using "city" is broken if it doesn't let you count Manhatten without, say, Staten Island. (Here's a hint, you address letters to NYC residents and put the borough name where the city goes. Each borough has a "Borough Hall" ala city hall. Each borough is a seperate county, in CA that can't happen in one city. They are pretty damn close to cities.) \_ And yet not cities. New Yorkers want NYC to be a single city when counting things like population and separate cities when it is convenient to treat it like so. \_ I can address a letter to "Venice Beach" and it gets there, but no one would think of VB as anything but a neighborhood of LA. \_ I actually think it is, if you include the effect of weather, which the publishers did not. It is often too hot or too cold to really walk in Manhattan, almost never true in SF. \_ Good point about weather, but I've been in SF plenty of times where it was too cold to walk. SF is a freezing cold city with lots of wind, hence Mark Twain's quote. Not as cold as NYC or Boston, but not exactly San Diego. \_ Dude, you are a wuss. It never even gets below freezing in San Francisco. Just wear a jacket. It can suck to walk in the rain though, especially when the wind is blowing, but that is 30 days or less out of the year. \_ Bone chilling wind is often worse than snow. \_ The quote is misattributed to Twain. \_ Once again, why would you want to walk with a bunch of smelly homeless, drug dealers, and hippies? \_ Once again, you don't know shit about San Francisco. \_ I know enough that I'd rather live in a nice suburb than in the city. \_ You live in a nice walkable suburb? Which one? How many times have you even been in San Francisco? \_ Why do you have to walk to enjoy life? -op \_ I'd say Berkeley is a nice walkable suburb. Well, a walkable suburb anyway. \_ The bottom 5 cities still score higher than the most walkable cities in Orange County. Irvine, for example. \_ They didn't take hills into account. Or crime or panhandling. \_ Crime is pretty damn low in SF, and panhandling is pretty ignorable. I'll give you that if you have to walk through someplace like nob hill that the hills really do suck. \_ Crime in SF is low compared to come cities, but in terms of crimes committed per 100,000 people it is higher than the national average for murder, robbery, assault, burglary, theft, and auto theft. It is lower in number of rapes. Comparing directly to Los Angeles, SF has a lot more robberies, burglaries, and thefts. It has fewer assaults and rapes. Murder rate is almost the same. That's got to burst your bubble of viewing SF as being "safe" because I live in LA and I would never call it "safe". For fun, I compared SF to NYC: http://tinyurl.com/6lf6n3 Surprisingly (?), NYC is far more safe than SF. \_ If you lived here, you would know that the overwhelming majority of crime in SF happens south of 280, which is an area most people avoid, if they even know it exits at all. Most of the rest happens in the Mission and the Tenderloin, so it is very easy to avoid the small high crime neighborhoods, if you are so inclinded. Auto theft happens everywhere, but this does not effect walking. \_ Crime only happens in the bad areas. Well, duh. "Safe" cities don't *HAVE* those really bad areas. That's why they are "safe" - unlike San Francisco, which has some really bad areas that are still considered part of San Francisco even though I'm sure you think no one from those areas ever leaves them for any reason. You don't think NYC has bad areas, too? And yet it's much safer than SF. \_ Every city in the US has some high crime areas. \_ Every big city in the US has some high crime areas. Currently, NYC is doing a great job of combatting crime, and I have to give them credit for that. This is a relatively new phenomenea. This is a relatively new phenomena. \_ It is. However, SF is still above the national average in terms of crime and you can't cherrypick the nice areas to say otherwise. We could cherrypick the nice areas of every city if it worked that way. |
2008/7/18-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:50620 Activity:nil 54%like:50612 |
7/17 More hypocrisy from Al Gore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESxvY1tQHTo [Promo/hit piece from Americans for Prosperity] \_ It's pretty tough being Al Gore. On one hand, he wants to get his message across. On the other hand, it is extremely difficult to get his message across without violating his messages. On one hand, I'd wish he would bike to conferences using a single speed bicycle and wearing spandex. On the other hand, no one really listens to hippies dressed in tie dye shirts shouting "Global warming is here! Conserve!" Tough position man. What would you do in his position? \_ "This video is no longer available" \_ works fine for me \_ http://AmericansForProsperity.com has a picture of RONALD REAGAN Oh yeah this is a GREAT message and a GREAT site RONNIE is our GREAT HERO YES VOTE CONSERVATIVES NOW! Patriots unite!!! \_ Translation: I feel really stupid for supporting this hypocrite, ad hominem time! \_ You're a conservative, why do you care what other people do with their lives? As long as you are eco-conscious or can help others become more eco-conscious, what do you care? \_ Mainly just because it's annoying to have some hypocrite harranging you. -!op \_ Al Gore is trying to get policies enacted to force me to act in a way that he himself doesn't. It's clear that he doesn't actually believe in his global warming hoax since he doesn't even do a thing to live like he tries to tell the rest of us to live. \_ WWAGD. Bwahaha http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=33#comments \_ Al Gore is 10 times the leader that Dubya is. Too bad the Supreme Court selected Bush. |
2008/7/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:50621 Activity:low |
7/18 What's the best way to tell your parents that you're gay and you love getting loved in the ass? \_ The former: straightforwardly. The latter: none of their business. \_ "Oh Daddy, can you come hold my wet slippery body in the shower while I look for the bar soap that I just dropped? And tell mom to take a hike." \_ Gaybaiting? No, seriously, you're gaybaiting on the motd? WTF is wrong with you? |
2008/7/18 [Science/Biology] UID:50622 Activity:nil 100%like:50624 |
7/18 Krauthammer hammers Intelligent Design http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/17/AR2005111701304.html |
2008/7/18-23 [Uncategorized] UID:50623 Activity:nil |
7/18 Hey dim, what do you think about survival of the fittest? Darwin? Good? Bad? Just part of life and try your best? |
2008/7/18-23 [Science/Biology] UID:50624 Activity:nil 100%like:50622 |
7/18 Krauthammer hammers Intelligent Design http://preview.tinyurl.com/dvmk3 [wp] |
2008/7/18-23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50625 Activity:nil 85%like:50613 |
7/18 BUD DAY: "The Muslims are going to kill us." http://preview.tinyurl.com/5skflp [miami herald] \_ BUD DAY doesn't appreciate your tone. |
2008/7/18-23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50626 Activity:nil 88%like:50614 |
7/18 McCain violates OPSEC http://preview.tinyurl.com/6hhzvp [tpm] |
2008/7/18-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:50627 Activity:moderate |
7/18 California state government spent $145 billion last fiscal year, $41 billion more than four years ago when Gov. Gray Davis got recalled by voters. With all that new spending -- a whopping 40% increase -- we ought to be in a golden age of government with abundant public services for all. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-matsusaka17-2008jul17,0,7957570.story \_ same flawed assumption as before; using the CPI as the measure for inflation is wrong, because both salaries and real estate costs in the state (not just in the public sector) have risen far faster than CPI inflation in the past 10 years. -tom \_ Just look at the nominal values. \_ nominal values of what? \_ Which means exactly zero. You're saying that the adjusted numbers aren't adjusted enough. Or that the rich should be getting soaked more. The point remains that the state spending has increased by a huge amount in a short time. The whining about the budget is ridiculous, especially considering that the proposed budget will still increase next year--mostly by stealing from other funds and raising taxes: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-arnold18-2008jul18,0,334514.story http://tinyurl.com/6b9koc [latimes] \_ Yes, I'm saying that the adjusted numbers aren't adjusted enough. State spending has increased by a huge amount in a short time *because of inflation*; it has not increased by a huge amount relative to the cost of doing business in California. Actually I would expect that, except for the prison sector, real state expenditures relative to California-indexed prices are flat or down over the past 4 or 10 years. -tom \_ Since you don't believe the published numbers, you'll just pull them out of your ass! \_ What are the published numbers for California? -tom \_ High real estate costs don't much affect State spending and I doubt even State salaries are up 40% in 4 years. \_ Real estate is absolutely a major cost to the state. So are fuel and energy. State state. \_ I doubt it much impacts operations. How much real estate does the State buy after all - especially residential real estate, which is where the bubble was? You'll have a hard time arguing 40% over 4 years undersells the State's real estate cost inflation. By the way, every business in CA has done business in the same inflationary environment. How many have increased spending 40% in the last 4 years? I know my employer hasn't. More like 5% per year which is about 23% over 4 years. Inflation hasn't been 40% over the last 4 years. \_ California's gross state product is up over 40% since 2000, so clearly business spending has increased by at least that much. I wasn't able to find 2002 numbers, but given the dot-com crash, I'm sure it didn't increase much from 2000-2002. -tom \_ What is your source, I can use it in my next debate with a net.libertarian. -ausman \_ Big difference betweeen 40% since 2000 and \_ Big difference between 40% since 2000 and 40% over the last 4 years. Here are the GDP numbers, BTW (in millions of current $): (Source: http://www.bea.gov/regional/gsp 2000 1,287,145 2001 1,301,050 2002 1,340,446 2003 1,406,511 2004 1,519,443 2005 1,632,822 2006 1,742,172 2007 1,812,968 So California GDP is up ~40% over 7 years. Since 2004 it is up 19%. \_ This is an awesome data source (and is a pretty strong argument that The State is spending more), thanks. Aren't classroom sizes smaller these days? So are fuel and energy. State population is up over 7% since 2000, which represents an absolute baseline for spending increase. Median household income rose from $46K in 2000 to $54K in 2006. And by cherry-picking a 4-year period, you're ignoring the fact that there were state budget cuts the three prior years. \_ And you're ignoring that the state was still deficit spending in those years. \_ So? They still had to defer all kinds of expenses. -tom \_ So. What? The state shouldn't be spending more than it takes in. Period. \_ Why not? Pretty much every business and family spends more than it takes in, at least occasionally. -tom \_ Time to recall the Governator! \_ I'd be for that in a heartbeat. -op |
2008/7/18-23 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:50628 Activity:low |
7/18 Best caption evar! http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92592545 \_ the "Enlarge" link is pretty good, too. \_ Totally appropriate. However I'm a liberal and I'm suppose to feel sorry for these guys and I'm suppose to want to get our government to mandate exercise for those who are obese. On the other hand, I don't feel sorry for them. What is wrong with me? -liberal \_ Being fat cows may largely be genetic, but spending $350/mo they spend on food and electricity? $350/mo on food and electricity? \_ Huh? Where do you get $350? \_ No, wanting the government to mandate exercise if fascist, not liberal--unless the two terms are the same. \_ Are you one of those Compassionate Conservatives I keep hearing about? \_ Food in general is obviously not out of reach enough |
3/15 |