2008/7/16-23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:50586 Activity:nil |
7/15 In the past with rising energy costs->crisis and financial difficulties, what were some of the industries that did well and can we put our investment in those industries? \- gas theft |
2008/7/16-23 [Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity, Finance/Investment] UID:50587 Activity:nil |
7/15 My mom's fixed annuity is maturing and we're wondering what we should be doing with it. She's 70 and we gotta put the money where it is safe (no stock market, no 401k). What are some good choices to make now, considering that the US economy is failing and the banking industry is fubar? \_ I would buy another fixed annuity with enough of it so that annuity + SS = bare bones enough to live off of, put half the rest into a CA Muni ladder (or bond fund, if you have less than $1/4M to do this right) and buy an index fund with the rest. She is still too young to get 100% out of the market. What is wrong with an annuity? \_ I thought if you have over $3000 then you're not eligible for SS? Or is that something else? \_ I think this is related to SSI (Supplemental Security Income) for low income, not the Retirement SS. SSI allows a higher paycheck from the government. \_ No, even Warren Buffett gets SS. It is for everyone who has contributed for at least five years. Maybe you are thinking of the bankruptcy code. I think you are allowed to keep a car worth $3000 in a bankruptcy. \_ Ok so I tried to Google for Social Security but it seems complex, is there a SS for Dummies web site? Thanks! \_ http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761561113_2/Social_Security.html Courtesy of Bill Gates |
2008/7/16-23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:50588 Activity:moderate |
7/15 Provisions to tighten regulation over Fannie and Freddy. Whatever happened to GWB and Reagan's FREE MARKET economy and the new OWNERSHIP SOCIETY??? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25686589/page/2 \_ The macs are gov't partnerships with business--what has that to do with free market? \_ Plenty! Previous sarcastic poster, the free market/ownership society doesn't work very well if we are in a global depression. I think everyone recognizes this. \_ "Everyone?" Really, even the motd.libertarians? If so, this would be a mighty sea change. Is this true, libertarians? \_ official libertarian nutjob position: the free market would work perfectly in a global depression, if only the government would stop meddling. -tom \_ No, I think a global depression is a natural phenomenon and a healthy thing. Why would you want to stop it? \_ You obviously haven't studied the 1930s where people were starving on the streets while the capitalists lived off of nice steaks everyday. I wish you'd get laid off by JPL one day. Your f***ing IT job is worthless at JPL, FYI. fucking IT job is worthless at JPL, FYI. \_ And how the government's random lumbering economic policies made that very depression longer? \_ I think monetary policy is a good thing for social reasons but can result in a suboptimal economic result. BTW, you have no idea what I do at JPL. Hint: I don't work under the CIO. I'm glad I've upset you, though. I always wanted my own following bitch. --dim \_ And you haven't studied the Soviet Union. This kind of comparison is pointless and stupid. \_ and of course it's healthy because it proves the strength of the free market! -tom \_ One nice thing about the free market is that it will course correct itself. Certainly it is preferred to a planned economy. The free market would have never given us Iraq. It took an inept government you trust completely to do that kind of economic damage. \_ "that's not starvation and famine, it's the free market course correcting itself!" -tom \_ Imagine if every dollar spent in Iraq had been spent by the free market rather than Big Government. \_ Iraq was and is a major clusterfuck, but that's irrelevant to the question of whether global depression is "healthy." Stop trying to change the subject. -tom \_ Actually, it's not irrelevant. Do you trust the free market to allocate resources or do you trust Big Government to do so? In the former case you sometimes have market corrections. In the latter case you have Iraq. Which one results in a healthier economy long-term? Which one is morally superior? \_ I believe in a mixed economy, as do all non-whackjobs. Some things are better allocated centrally and some by a market system. Morality is a pretty personal thing, but I believe in a mixed economy morally as well, since both extremes cause huge amounts of human sufferring, when tried. \_ Your dichotomy is false. War is not a function of "Big Government"; it's largely a function of resources. Let's say that current trends continue, and oil and food prices continue to go through the roof. Poorer countries like those in Latin America will be more heavily impacted than the U.S. The real free market solution to the problem would be for the Latinos to move to the wealthy U.S. The libertarian nutjob solution is to build a bigger wall, because "a primary function of government is to protect property rights." Obviously the situation is untenable; the "free" market will cause a war due to resource scarcity. Rwanda, Somalia are not the result of Big Government. -tom \_ Actually, I would say their governments are most to blame. \_ of course you would. -tom \_ So you blame the citizenry? Way to go! \_ you really enjoy putting words in other people's mouths, but you're not very good at it. -tom \_ Look, Tom. What other option is there? Either it's the fault of the gov't or the citizenry. Care to name your mysterious 3rd party? Zuul? \_ Maybe you should put more words into your own mouth instead of being so evasive. If not the gov't or the citizens then who? Zuul? I think it is primarily _/ the afteraffects of colonialism, which for this discussion was perpetrated by both government and market actors. -!tom \_ I would have to say colonialism is almost exclusively perpetuated by governments. Even the East India Company was basically a front for government interests. However, \- this is mostly not a meaningful statement but is mostly wrong before the East India Act. \_ Well it is 100% correct after the Act and "mostly wrong" means "partly right". I think it's debatable. Certainly EIC wasn't your basic corporation. \- "ObLandWarAsia" I think what you want to look into is "mercantilism". somewhat interesting note in re: your somewhat humorous first sentence: at one point coca cola was more or less going to buy the country formerly known as British Honduras [slight exag- geration ... it was pretty much going to be privatized]. In re: below ... you may want to read about how belgian colonialism int the congo changed when it went from being a personal possession of the king to a state colony. I think there's more blame to direct at the current corrupt and petty governments. I think Africa, as a whole, would benefit more from being run by corporate interests than corrupt governments. In fact, corporate investment in Africa is probably the the easiest path to salvation probably the easiest path to salvation just like it is in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other troubled regions. To really mess things up you need to get governments involved. governments involved. Governments are irrational. \_ I love this line of argument: 1) Assert that free markets produce optimal results. 2) Conclude that anywhere sub-optimal conditions exist, it is the fault of the government, by point 1. QED. Soon followed by: 3) To explain the existence of the sub-optimal condition, reverse- engineer an untestable hypothesis, usually based on government's response to the sub-optimal condition (i.e., "we wouldn't have gun crime if it weren't for gun control" or "the banking crisis is caused by FDIC insurance encouraging banks to take more risks.") -tom \_ I notice you still haven't defined your position. Why am I not surprised. \_ What position? I certainly feel that someone who uses a machete to kill a person whose family he knows, must be significantly culpable for that act. -tom \_ Governments are irrational? Only somone who has never worked in the private sector could say such a thing. Do you think businesses are rational? has never worked in the private sector could say such a thing. Do you think businesses are rational? \_ Ones that manage to compete are, yes. \_ Do you think that the military is irrational and poorly run? \_ It's one of the best examples of an irrational and poorly run government entity. |
2008/7/16 [Recreation/Dating] UID:50589 Activity:nil |
7/16 You all remember Amazon Amanda from BODacious magazine, right? If you haven't got the mag, you owe yourself a kick in the ass. Here's why: Amanda measures as follows: she stands at an Amazonian 6'3, wears a 44" DD cup bra, and tips the scales at a solid 365 pounds. What I didn't mention, is that she has a bear-huggable 43" waist, and her hips measure a stunning 63 inches. Like I said, she's one big girl! Size + shape = Yummilicious! |
2008/7/16-23 [Uncategorized] UID:50590 Activity:nil |
7/16 On my iPhone, when I start up my Google Maps I can barely zoom in/out. It's slow. I'm thinking maybe other apps are running in the background or something? Anyone have a similar problem? BTW it's not the network because I tried this with WIFI, E, and 3G. The other thing is, on my 3G, my GPS receiver never kicks in even though I'm outside. What's up? |
2008/7/16-23 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:50591 Activity:nil |
7/16 http://sendables.jibjab.com Once again JibJab amuses me. But will lefties be able to laugh at Obama? \_ Obama riding colorful GAY unicorn. GAY GAY GAY!!! \_SHUN the unbeliever! SHUN! \_ Pretty funny. |
2008/7/16-23 [Uncategorized] UID:50592 Activity:nil |
7/16 Russia discovers oil and will be drilling it in....two months?!? http://preview.tinyurl.com/5wvbmd \_ Yes, because there were no other concerns with ANWR, Perry. |
2008/7/16-23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:50593 Activity:nil |
7/16 China burned 1.9 billion metric tons of coal in 2004. By 2020, predicts the China Coal Industry Development Research Center, it will burn 2.9 billion tons a year. That increment alone will send as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as 3 billion Ford Expeditions, each driven 15,000 miles a year. This puts into sobering perspective the meager efforts of the U.S. to stave off global warming by improving gas mileage. \_ 1. China's energy consumption per capita is about 1/7 of United States. \_ And, unfortunately, they're making every effort to be like us. 2. the reason why we are in such mess is because 150 years of pollution by the industrized nation such as USA and UK and others. So, you are telling me that G7 were the culprit of climate change but you want China/India/Brazile to curb their emission for sake of humanity while US/UK/France/Germany keep their Ford Expeditions? \_ Gas is $11US in Germany. I bet they don't drive a lot of Ford Expeditions. \_ Um, no. I was quoting this because in order to solve something we need to understand it. -op \_ obviously you don't understand it. Industrialized Nations are the cause of this problems, this includes United States. If you want to solve the problem, you need to have a sense of fairness or they will simply ignored it. The fact is globally, if United States cut emission by half, it would slow down the climate change crisis by a huge deal. but it requires sacrafices, like paying $10/gallon gas, and see natural gas and electric bills 3-4times of what you are paying today. Would you willing to make such sacrfice? of course not. You want to have 4-5 children to have that traditional sense of a family. You want to keep you 5000 ft2 house while there are only you and your wife live in it. You want to keep your Ford Expedition. and if oil price is high, you no longer oppose US government intervention to drive down the oil price, i.e. relax the emission standards for power plants and refinaries, and you no longer oppose US government to invade another oil-rich nation to secure petro sources. In the end, there are two things we need to look at when we are looking at climate change issues. 1. population, 2. energy consumption per capita. In that sense, China's one-child policy has been one of the greatest environmental policy ever being implemented in the world in the 20th century. talking about sacrafices.. you really think given the choice Chinese only want one child per family? IF industrialized nations are TRUELY care about emission, all one has to do is impose a fixed carbon tax rate at the consumption level. We can even divert some of these carbon tax to United Nation to enforce it. Why consumer level instead of producer level? because if we impose tax at the producer level, again, China will be end up paying bulk of the carbon tax for manufacturing good consumed by USA and rest of the industrialized nations. Consumers have to feel the pain, or there will be no changes in behavior. Once carbon tax made energy-intesive product/ activities expensive, people will 1. curb the activities, 2. figure out ways to achieve the same thing without much energy consumption. That will be another dot-com. And innovative economy such as United States will be the one reap the bulk of the benefits. \_ How about instead just taxing the hell out of any extraction of hydrocarbons from the ground. The oil pumpers / coal miners / gas miners can pass their costs on, thus encouraging less usage. Why make exceptions for who its for, G7 or China or whatever, they all need to pay for the dumping of carbon into the atmosphere. \_ Why doesn't China use nukular? \_ Because buying oil from Sudan is cheaper and the PRC has no moral compunctions. \- as opposed to the US buying oil from say SANI ABACHA. \_ Surely a more modern example is available to you, Partha. \_ China is aggressively building nuclear power plant and hydro- electric plants. Energy shortage in China is a lot more severe than those of United States and other Industrialized country, which outsourced much of the energy-intensive activities to China at first place. \_ Yes. But if we start investing on green technologies early and patent everything, China will have little choice but to pay $$$ to buy from us when they realize they have to go green or when they're forced to go green by some international treaty. One argument in the US against investing on green technologies is that the investment is not worth the saving. But if we can sell the resulting technologies or the products to populus countries like China and India that are behind in the game, the argument no longer holds. \_ or, we'll waste tons of resources implementing our own, high-tech sustainable programs, but they'll continue to use cheap fossil fuels, and we'll all have to suffer through the same crappy environment. Doesn't help to clean up our own acts when everyone else is still pissin' in the pool. \_ Fallacious: environmental effects do not occur globally instanteously. Less air pollution in the US _will_ result in cleaner air in US despite lack of reciprocity on part of PRC. \_ Your argument fu is very weak. \_ oh and china has been soo good at respecting things like patents and other intellectual property rights. If they want to use the technology, they'll implement it. \_ Hey, if it saves Manhattan from drowning, we will probably all be better off for it, too. |
2008/7/16-23 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:50594 Activity:nil |
7/16 Safari >>> Firefox 3.0 F*** Firefox. -x Firefox \_ stabbing self in eye is so enjoyable. |
2008/7/16-23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Finance/Investment] UID:50595 Activity:nil |
7/16 Yes let's start making interest rate super low and make it super easy to get loans so that every American can own a home! Go for it Greenspan, and keep it up Bernanke. "We're creating...an ownership society in this country, where more Americans than ever will be able to open up their door where they live and say, welcome to my house, welcome to my piece of property," Bush said in October 2004. http://www.thenation.com/doc/20080218/klein http://www.tompaine.com/articles/what_ownership_society.php http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B03E6DE153FF933A15751C1A9659C8B63 Please don't f***ing paste your f***ing CATO links here, thank you. \_ All of that started in 1996. \_ It is all Bill Clinton's fault. \_ related to the carbon emission thread above. This is the perfect time for US to curb consumer behaviors. we can now impose heavy taxes on housing that has sq.feet per person larger than a a preset limit, *AND* we can impose rules on developers that mediem house size to a fixed sq feet. China has similiar regulation already in place to curb large houses. Time for US to do something similiar. |
2008/7/16 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:50596 Activity:nil |
7/16 Gay Boy wishes for a planet full of unicorns. Planet Unicorn, Heeeey! Dim, this is stupid to you, so don't view it and don't you F***ING delete it. F*** off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQJD1ura7G4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOmtg9CTwjY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qiW1tiKmJQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyXxHjslgmk&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE4Mk70ljl4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-HsBzpbfmY&feature=user \_ Charlie, hey Charlie! \_ SHUN! \_ I've deleted one link and it was that dumb Japanese blinking girl you foisted on us that no one in their right mind wanted to see judging by the comments on the site. I don't make it a habit of deleting links. You must mean emarkp. --dim \_ I think you've got me confused with someone else. -emarkp \_ Maybe. You aren't the one that deletes the anti-Mormon threads? \_ Nope. It's typically better to let the idiots who post such things be exposed. -emarkp \_ My apologies then. \_ I'm going to replace the gay bay unicorn eye blinking links with fat porn if this keeps up. \_ Ashley has been bulking up! If this keeps up how huge will she get? link:preview.tinyurl.com/6rfwbn link:preview.tinyurl.com/65r3qf http://preview.tinyurl.com/69j4yb |
2008/7/16-23 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50597 Activity:nil |
7/16 http://wonkette.com/401074/your-first-exciting-batch-of-paultardpalooza-photos my favorite is the guy with the giant "READ ATLAS SHRUGGED" sign \_ When I first saw that sign I parsed "READ" as the word that sounded the same as "RED". I thought sign dude was just bragging that he managed to finish the whole damn book. \_ This is some funny shit. |
2008/7/16-23 [Consumer/CellPhone, Computer/Companies/Apple] UID:50598 Activity:nil |
7/16 Love fobs? Or should I say, FOBs? Here's your chance to meet FOBs via your iPhone. Just download the iFob application! http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=449803 |
2008/7/16-23 [Politics/Domestic/HateGroups] UID:50599 Activity:nil |
7/16 How did I miss this? Keith John Sampson was accused of racial harassment for reading an anti-KKK history book http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25680655 (AP) http://www.thefire.org/index.php/article/9490.html (WSJ op-ed, funny) \_ When did we as a nation reach a point where "I can candidly say that we regret this situation took place" works as an apology? What the hell's wrong with, "We acted incorrectly, and we apologize."? |
2008/7/16-23 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:50600 Activity:nil |
7/16 Wow, quite a few errors in the dissent re: the DC gun law http://www.gopusa.com/commentary/guest/2008/dth_0715p.shtml \_ Wow, quite a few gun nuts need to get a life. \_ <img src="read_ayn_rand.jpg"> |
2008/7/16-23 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:50601 Activity:kinda low |
7/16 Support air-drying laundry. Save energy. http://www.laundrylist.org \_ I just learned that a friend's home owner's association has a rule against drying laundry outside, even in your backyard. I'm still flabbergasted by this. \_ Why? Some won't even let you keep your garage door open longer than it takes to put your car in. \_ Most HOA's do. This is one of many activities associated with poor folks, that are perceieved as lowering property values. \_ Banning this in front yards I can understand. But backyards? \_ Banning this in frontyards I can understand. But backyards? \_ Some HOAs don't even let you keep your garage door open for longer than it takes to park your car. \_ Is this for lowering auto theft rate? If not, I'd think leaving doors open on garages with Porsches and Mercedes inside would raise property values. \_ No, it's because the inside of garages is usually cluttered with junk. BTW, my old neighbor used to park his new Porsche on his lawn. Talk about conflicting statements. \_ So, I figure a lack of HOA add $20,000 or so to the value of the house. Any opinions? \_ I don't know, but a lack of HOA fees probably adds value. \_ depends on HOA amount... but do some math \_ Rule #632 why you should never buy a condo - stuffy HOAs telling you what to do. \_ HOA is not limited to condos. \_ Don't most new suburban developments these days have HOAs? \_ Yes it is very true. Take a look at the Rosedale Community in Azusa. You have 2 HOAs. One is the North HOA at $150, and the other one is the South HOA at about $150. Then there is Mello-Roos that jacks your property tax to about 1.75%, because the state of CA no longer can pay for new schools in that new area. We're talking about "cheap" homes between $450K to $750K. http://www.rosedaleazusa.com/community New SFH today have HOAs in addition to Mello-Roos. I'm talking about S Cal. N Cal doesn't seem to have that type of shit, presumably because it's regulated growth so no need to rebuild schools/pipes/wires. \_ ^regulated growth^farther from Mexico^ \_ what does Mehico have anything to do with this? \_ Rub your two brain cells together and you will figure it out. \_ I get it, you think IMMIGRANTS cause all the problems that S Cal has. Yes immigrants are bad GO BACK HOME IMMIGRANTS! \_ ILLEGAL immigrants are hard to plan for and regulate. |
2008/7/16-17 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:50602 Activity:nil 60%like:50566 |
7/14 Where does oil in the sea come from? (63% fatty tuna) http://www.noia.org/website/article.asp?id=129 \_ Do you want to have sex with Dirk Pitt too? \_ Wow, you say that like adding over half again as much through man made sources isn't alarming. Especially considering how natural seeps are generally in stable locations. Hey look, deforestation isn't a problem because look over there! Deserts! \_ non sequitur. Note that transporting oil is more cause than drilling. \_ Cars kill more people than illegal handguns, so obviously we shouldn't worry about illegal handguns. \_ I know a jerk-ass who advocates dumping his motor oil down the drain since there is already so much oil the bay already. F*** both of you. Fuck both of you. \_ Call the cops on that idiot. -!pp \_ Agreed. !pp && !op \_ I don't advocate throwing more oil in the ocean. What's your problem? -op |
2008/7/16-23 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:50603 Activity:nil |
7/16 Another stupid argument for an armed citizenry http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives2/2008/07/021014.php \_ Hey lefites, if you disagree, feel free to comment, but don't change my text. -op \_ Hey lefty censors, stop editing my post. -op \_ Ok so if the father arms, great. What if 8 men are armed as well? Then you end up with a dead father and a raped daughter. Fucking trigger happy Conservatives. \_i guess liberals like bending over.. \_ I guess yermom is a liberal then \_ Who needs weapons when you have KUNG FU! http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_9913246 |
2008/7/16-23 [Uncategorized] UID:50604 Activity:nil |
7/16 HezBoLALALALALALALALALALALALALALALLALALALA \_ What's up with this extra 'L'? |
3/15 |