Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:June:18 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2008/6/18-24 [Finance/Banking] UID:50285 Activity:nil
6/18 (
        Hope you're all well positioned for the deflation in equities
        The questions are:  (1) when (2) how rapid (3) order (in various
        markets) (4) how deep
        RBS seems to think (1) mid-July peak (2) to September (3) in the
        S&P (4) for a 22% loss from 1350 to 1050
        I think analysts underestimate coordinated action by intl govts to
        make sure big money gets their money out in time.
        \_ Bears will always be with us.
        \_ Bears will always be with us. Why would a European Bank be
           complaining about a looming recession? The answer lies in how
           bank profits rise when monetary policy is loose.
2008/6/18-24 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:50286 Activity:nil
6/18     "Google pushes a highly "googley" atmosphere, which is something
        akin to what the Brady Bunch would be like if they lived in communist
        Russia. Everything from the carpet to the bathroom tiles incorporate
        the Google colors into its design. People are encouraged to have
        googley attitudes, wear plastic smiles, and not to question the
        infallible nature of the executive management group. "
        Oh so very true. It hurts so much to read this site.
2008/6/18-24 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Reference/Religion] UID:50287 Activity:nil
6/18    Obama refuses to photographed with Muslim supporters: (Yahoo news)
        \_ Liar.  His campaign officials did this.  Remember, all campaign
           officials are dirtbags. -emarkp
           \_ By necessity.
2008/6/18-24 [Academia, Academia/Berkeley] UID:50288 Activity:low
6/18    Tree sitters, biting people, flinging poo.  Um, aren't these monkeys?
        \- two words: bottle rockets
        \- i want a live video feed of the hippie-removal operation.
           i'll make popcorn and enjoy watching those dirtbags get
           dragged off to jail kicking and screaming.
           \_ You and Zombietime should hook up.
              \_ You think the tree sittings aren't total idiots?
                 \_ I am a football season ticket holder so I am annoyed at
                    them for holding up the stadium rebuild and risking us
                    losing Tedford, but I take no joy in the tree sitters
                    demise. I think their passion and comittment, even to
                    a somewhat foolish cause, is admirable.
                    \- a losing cause which isnt foolish -> ok
                       a foolish+frivolous cause you realize is frivolous -> ok
                       a foolish+frivolous cause in earnest -> dumbass
                       a foolish+frivolous cause in earnest -> foolish

        \_ Can't they just be arrested for assault now?
           \_ Yes and they were.
2008/6/18-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:50289 Activity:nil
        One day we got tired of being serious about the situation and came
        up with Googolopoly, a game where you can take part of ruling the
        internet even if you don't work in Mountain View. The goal of the
        game is to use Google shares to buy as many properties as you can
        without landing in the deadpool and losing your stock.
        \_ Wow, that's lame even by the already low standards of people
           bitching about google lamitude.
2008/6/18-24 [Reference/BayArea, Reference/RealEstate] UID:50290 Activity:nil
6/18    Slowest May in 20 years for Bay Area housing
        "The median price paid was $517,000, down 21.7 percent from a year
        "Sales of all home types in San Francisco dipped 3.7 percent, as prices
        declined 5.4 percent to $790,000."
        Ok this is good, but I need MORE!
 _        _    _   _ ____  _     ___  ____  ____   __        _____ _____ _   _
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|_____/_/   \_\_| \_|____/|_____\___/|_| \_\____/     \_/\_/  |___| |_| |_| |_|

    _     __   __ _    ____ _   _ _____
   / \    \ \ / // \  / ___| | | |_   _|
  / _ \    \ V // _ \| |   | |_| | | |
 / ___ \    | |/ ___ \ |___|  _  | | |
/_/   \_\   |_/_/   \_\____|_| |_| |_|
        \_ Your a fag.
          \_ And you're (== you are) an embarrassment to all English speakers.
        \_ Housing prices go up and down but if they go down enough there will
           be a huge ripple effect through the rest of the economy.  You may
           find you don't have a job after housing drops another x%
2008/6/18-22 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:50291 Activity:nil
6/18    "June 19 is a Free Transit Day!"
2008/6/18-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:50292 Activity:nil
6/18    Anyone reccomend a simple way in perl to detect an animated gif?
2008/6/18-24 [Uncategorized] UID:50293 Activity:nil
6/18    <DEAD><DEAD>
        Genetics just got personal.
        \_ Oh hell no.
2008/6/18-24 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:50294 Activity:nil
6/18    Japan: still cornering the market for creepy
2008/6/18-20 [Uncategorized] UID:50295 Activity:low
6/18    To the guy who posted about investing in a "Target Retirement" fund and
        anyone else thinking of the same:  DON'T DO IT.  It is a scam.  There
        is no guaranteed return.  Actually ... Everyone please go ahead and
        invest in these funds, so I can transfer your wealth to me.
        \_ Nice troll. Ok, not really.
2008/6/18-24 [Consumer/Camera] UID:50296 Activity:nil
6/18    Is this from Google Local Maps image rendering?
        \_ I don't understand the question, but I probably wouldn't know
           the answer anyway.
        \_ That is a Street View camera car, if that's what you're asking.
        \_ Why was the driver getting a ticket?  Going too slow because the
           camera only works in low speed?
           \_ Too googly without a license.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:June:18 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>