2008/6/17 [Uncategorized] UID:50274 Activity:nil 66%like:50276 |
6/16 If you are under 13 years of age you may read this message board, but you may not participate. \_ and of course if you still want to do something you can just pretend to be over 13 and click YES I AM OLD ENOUGH unless you're Christian or Mormon in which case you shouldn't lie. |
2008/6/17-20 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:50275 Activity:kinda low 57%like:50273 |
6/16 Firefox 3 coming out tomorrow. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nf/20080612/bs_nf/60269 Memory usage - Firefox 3 Beta vs. Firefox 2 vs. IE 7: http://blog.pavlov.net/2008/03/11/firefox-3-memory-usage \_ There's a rule that says NEVER BE THE FIRST TO TRY IT. I'm going to let Firefox3 version 1 hammer out bugs first. \_ Um, I've been running the beta and RCs for several weeks now, and it's vastly better than v2. \_ Why are they reinventing garbage collection? \_ Because Firefox is written in a non garbage collected language. Because Firefox includes an interpeter for a garbage collected language with some complicated object lifespan issues. Because there is more to reducing memory footprint than garbage collection. Because implementing is not the same as reinventing. But most importantly: Because there is much more to reducing memory footprint than garbage collection. language with some complicated object lifespan issues. Because implementing is not the same as reinventing. But most importantly: Because there is much more to reducing memory footprint than garbage collection. \_ Uh yes, but they're worried about cycles? Who reference counts anymore? \_ The lifespan of a javascript object is a complicated beast. \_ In the past javascript was used sparingly and reference counting was easy and fast. Yes there were leaks, but once you closed a page the browser could just dump dump everything associated with that page and move on. It worked. Doing a good mark and sweep gc is hard, especially with how firefox handled javascript execution. Getting that right takes significant programing. (For instance until ie7, ie was even worse about javascript leaks, and they have a much larger team, although at least ie doesn't run javascript in the ui thread, does firefox 3 still do that?) |
2008/6/17-20 [Uncategorized] UID:50276 Activity:nil 66%like:50274 |
6/16 If you are under 13 years of age you may read this message board, but you may not participate. \_ and of course if you still want to do something you can just pretend to be over 13 and click YES I AM OLD ENOUGH unless you're Christian or Mormon in which case you shouldn't lie. |
2008/6/17-20 [Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:50277 Activity:high |
6/17 When I first came to California many years ago my advisor invited me to his house and gave me an advice that I never really thought about until recently. It was dead simple, and had nothing to do with what I was studying-- if you ever buy houses in California, DON'T SELL THEM. Keep them around, because in time, property tax will be so low that it'll take an act of stupidity to sell them. As long as population is booming and as long as people like me flock to California, property values will only go up, and in time, I will be a wealthy landlord just like my advisor. That's it! His second advice was a counter advice of the first one-- don't buy a house in California unless you're rich enough to hold on to it forever. Why? Because of Prop 13 which acts like Social Security in many ways. As long as you're the first recipient, you have a lot to gain from because newcomers pay more taxes to cover the old timers who are paying less. In addition, because (he thought) both SS and Prop 13 ecosystems are not sustainable in the long term, newcomers will receive much less services when they get old themselves, while new comers are hit with shit like property tax reset which are always proportionally much higher than pre Prop 13 taxes, as well as Mello-Roos, an additional 1% on taxes to pay for services that pre Prop 13 taxes used to cover. In another word, people who gained the most were those who joined the game early on while those who are new to the game (me) will simply pay exorbitant amounts of money with proportional gains that will only decrease in time. Hmmmmm. So basically-- my advisor's advice to me was pretty much: newcomers are pretty much screwed because they're late in the game, but if they ever get sucked into the game, don't leave. Thanks for coming to California Joe! \_ California is full, go home. \_ No please stay. The longer you stay, the higher value my home is. -home owner \_ Your advisor's advice to you was: buy as early as possible and don't sell. Sounds likes good advice. \_ Holding onto a property that is not making enough rent is stupid as hell. Sell the house and invest in something that's actually making you money. Property tax is not a reason to hold onto a losing investment. \_ In California, even if you put down 20% on normal homes (decent location, decent crime rate, etc), you're mostly likely still not going to make enough rent for the first decade or so. \_ Only if you're an idiot who buys without considering cash flow. If you only buy SFR in areas where rents are low compared to prices then sure. Don't do that. \_ *BUYING* a property that is not making enough rent is stupid. No one said to be stupid about buying. \_ There's all sorts of reasons you can end up with property that's a bad rental. Maybe it was a previous home. Maybe you inherited it. I'm just saying that buy early and never sell is not a given. \_ It wouldn't be buying if you inherited it. \- it's unclear what you advisor's "objective function" was, and i am guessing he is not an economist, but what an economist \_ right he's not an economist. He's one of those jolly old guys who love drinking and talking shit and always says things like "LIVE SIMPLE & BE HAPPY!" and "BUY LOTS OF PROPERTIES IN CA AND NEVER SELL, TRUST ME!" \_ This advice makes sense if you were a Baby Boomer, which this guy probably is. Our lives are more complicated. \_ I think the moral of the story is you should have bought properties when you were 5 years old. \_ I'm 27, is it more complicated than a 35 year old, and even more complicated than a 45 year? \_ no. life is no more complicated now than then. oh wait, we have the intartubes now and ipods so gosh i guess life is really hard now not like the people who fought in ww2, got schooled on the gi bill and bought houses in the 60s. those guys had it easy. \_ You are confusing Boommers with the WWII generation. People who were born after WWII would not have had a chance to fight in it. would not have had the chance to fight in it. \_ I'm not confusing it at all. Few of those wwii vets came out and bought a house. They went to school, they saved up, then bought later. So someone buying in the 60s was likely a wwii vet. Someone born in 1945 would have been 20 in 1965 and not buying a house. None of which has anything to do with anything on this thread. \_ I think most people born in the late 40's bought their first house right out of college. I know my parents, who were born in 42 & 45, bought their first house in 1968. It was easier to buy a home in California those days. \_ My advisor said when he first got his BS in the 70s his salary was about $10K/yr and homes were $20K/yr, and it wasn't a big deal getting a house 1-2 years after you graduated. A lot has changed since then. \_ A lot of veterans bought houses when returning from the war. That's when cheap tract housing became popular. In CA there were a lot of houses built in the 1920s, but very little in the 1930s (Depression) and then a big boom in 1945-1950s or so when returning vets came back, took factory jobs (or similar) and bought homes. Even now in much of the country two people with union manufacturing jobs or even something less well paid like call center operators can buy a nice home in a safe neighborhood. would tell you is "people move too little" and would make more money if they were more open to moving because of jobs. but of course that in turn doesnt factor in quality of life issues [like how much of a premium would you have to be paid to move to the fresno branch of your office for a year? $50k? $100k?]. but once you start including more than NPV in the calculus, you have to start considering that in terms of house purchase too. if having three kids is important to you, that may affect you housing decisions. also, when you no longer need the services of a local good scholl district, it might not make sense to keep paying for it. imagine how much more expensive SF real estate would be if the schools were palo alto level. \_ Not that much more. Reason: Most people who can afford SF can afford private school and would likely put their kids in private school even if they lived in Palo Alto. \_ I'm not sure that most means what you think it does. Here's a hint, there's a hell of a lot of kids in SF public schools. \_ Sure, but how many are there by choice? \_ There are some very good public schools in SF, as good as the schools in PA. The trick is getting your kid into them. \- look at percentage of WHITE CHILDREN in SF public schools as you go from low grades to high school. it's amazing how non-white SF public high schools are. \_ So, what is your point? That only white children can be good students? \_ White kids don't go to SF public schools. Either there are none living in SF (possible) or they are going to private schools anyway. \_ This is mostly true. About 10% of the kids in school are white, while 30% of the population is (non-hispanic) white. 20% of the students are in private school, so I think you can figure out where they went. |
2008/6/17-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:50278 Activity:nil |
6/16 Pin for sale at Texas GOP state convention "If Obama is President... will we still call it the White House?" http://www.americablog.com/2008/06/gop-state-convention-in-texas-if-obama.html |
2008/6/17-20 [Uncategorized] UID:50279 Activity:nil |
6/17 Tabs on the side of FF (works with 3.0) <DEAD>addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5890<DEAD> \_ How can I disable tabs? I hate new things. |
2008/6/17-20 [Uncategorized] UID:50280 Activity:nil |
6/17 Bob Beckel (who brought the smear up) blames right-wingers for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyWiRQXaR8A \_ "The smear"? Please whomever you are, go away and go away soon. \_ (Well, Obama calls it "the smear") |
2008/6/17-20 [Science/Disaster, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:50281 Activity:nil |
6/17 World's wealthiest Oil Man endorses Peak Oil concept: http://preview.tinyurl.com/68tf3f (Yahoo News) \_ Peak oil is guaranteed when you stop drilling. Ever increasing energy prices are guaranteed when you stop building power plants. Econ 1. \_ We have more oil wells in the United States than the rest of the world, combined. Drilling quadrupled after the 70s oil shocks yet oil production continued to slide. Peak oil is a result of geology, not politics or economics. |
2008/6/17-20 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:50282 Activity:kinda low |
6/17 May was the least deadly month for US troops in Iraq since the war began. \_ Meanwhile, we are losing the war in Afghanistan, where Osama really is. \_ Shhhhhhhh! \_ No, the violence continues there, but the casualties in Iraq have dropped so low that the numbers in A. are worse at the moment. \_ Not helped by resurgence of Taliban in Afghanistan and clear support from Pakistani Intel. Also: more reason for us to pull out of Iraq and go back to fighting an enemy we can find: the Taliban. \_ Right on! So we can now pull out our troops with a clear conscience. |
2008/6/17-20 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:50283 Activity:nil |
6/17 We currently have AT&T (used to be SBC) for local phone service. However these guys really suck, and my wife hates them. Is there an alternative local land-line service provider in the Bay area? \_ Hello, telco monopoly. You want alternate business, voice-overIP on a non-AT&T internetconnection, or get a cell phone. |
2008/6/17-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:50284 Activity:high |
6/17 Obama the Marxist http://preview.tinyurl.com/3qxoqt [wsj.com] "Globalization and technology and automation all weaken the position of workers," he said, and a strong government hand is needed to assure that wealth is distributed more equitably. \_ Highly unequal wealth is generally considered bad. In the past the government of the united states WAS concerned when regular wages stayed stagnant or dropped while the upper 1% gained a higher percentage of the pie. That's not Marxism, no matter what your Libritarian echo chamber says. \_ Grive me Librity or grive me Dreath! \_ Thank god, I can't wait to see tax rates go to pre-Reagan era. Fuck globalization and trickle down to China economy, it was a dumb idea in the beginning, and a complete disaster in practice. \_ Sorry but you're either incredibly stupid or ignorant if you want to go back to the Carter era economy. Compared to then, this is a golden time for the economy for rich, middle class, and poor. Or wait, there's a third option I forgot: you're a troll which is why you keep mentioning Reagan; you're looking to draw someone out on how great Reagan was or something. \_ Real average hourly wages peaked in the early 70s. \_ Real average hourly wages peaked in the late 70s. \_ You gonna support the shit you just made up from your ass, liberal? \_ What shit? That in the Carter era we had double digit inflation, we voted in prop 13 to save people from outrageous property taxes and that the country was headed downhill in a huge way as stated by Carter himself in a major speech? If you don't know those things then as I said you're either ignorant, a troll, or just plain dumb. I'm pretty sure you're a troll. \_ Facts are such bitter things when you are a Conservative: \_ Facts are such bitter things when you are a Conservative: link:preview.tinyurl.com/3w79k5 From article at: http://www.demos.org/inequality/numbers.cfm \_ "Public programs that enrich..." Looks like a socialist advocacy group. Try the Cato Institute web site if you want to convince me. -pp \_ Yes, the BLS is such a biased org. So you only accept facts authorized by the Authorized accept facts approved by the Authorized Conservative Statistical Institute? How Stalinist of you. An overwhelming body of evidence points to three decades of stagnate wages for the middle three decades of stagnant wages for the middle class. Amazing that you have somehow missed it. \_ Cato Institute > Heritage Foundation, but not by much. \_ So, what, you are against technology and automation? Let's all go back to stone age tech. Let's redistribute all resources equally to everyone! Actually no, fuck that. Poor people should have fewer kids. \_ You're entitled to your extreme thought processes and belief as do I. -fuck Reagan \_ You're entitled to your extremely bad grammar. \_ I'm entitled to have 100 kids because I'm winning the genetic pool race. PS my kids have US citizenship, nah nah nah nah nah -fuck Reagan \_ Believe it or not the world isn't binary. Marxism is one extreme, yes. However that doesn't mean, say, Pell grants are Marxist. But Pell grants do have a good track record of increasing social mobility and in doing so decreasing the inqequality of wealth. A large, desperately poor, increasingly hopeless segment of the population is something any government wants to avoid if it wants to prosper. \_ I don't want the government to prosper. I want the people and the country as a whole to prosper. Providing some education assistance (or a more reasonably priced educational price at each institution would really be more helpful) is helpful. Raising taxes on everyone and flushing more money down the drain is not helpful to anyone unless you're one of those government employees sucking the life out of the rest of us who earn our living the traditional way: working. \_ duhhh what? hmmm your dumb \_ thank you for adding zero content. \_ Raising taxes on everyone is not good. Raising taxes on the wealthiest as the income gap continues to grow makes a lot of sense. Hint: no one earns $1bn strictly through "working." \_ No. The folks making tens and hundreds of millions are mostly hedge fund manger and other NYC financial types who are taxed at the cap gains rate instead of the income rate where they belong. That is the only place you need to change the tax code if you want a fairer tax on the truly rich. But slamming people who make $100k in this area with a higher tax rate because they are 'rich' is just stupid and harmful to the economy. Raising taxes across the board is not going to cause economic prosperity. \_ Agreed. Making income>$1m level pay their fair share, though, might. $100k is not filthy rich anymore. --pp \_ Obama wants to raise taxes on people who make over $250k, not $100k. If he means family income, I am screwed, but if he means personal income, I am still under that. \_ Screwed? Just how exactly are you "screwed" if you pay more tax on your $250k? \_ The dead hand of The State will force me to quit being productive, drink cheap wine and die of alcoholism. \_ I agree, my grandfather worked hard so his descendants could have the best of everything. Why should I let the mean old government, at the point of a gun, take away everything he sacrificed for, just so some truck driver's son can get some education he will just throw away anyway. away anyway. -truck driver's son \_ Hey, Obama wants to eliminate capital gains taxes on start-ups! Now that's a Marxism I can get behind. \_ What is his definition of "start-ups"? |
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