6/5 Rezko convicted of 16 counts of corruption
http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/06/04/obama-saddened-by-rezko-verdict Obama: "This isn't the Tony Rezko I knew." Now was Wright the pastor
"he knew" Who does this guy know?
\_ Ahh, smell the desperation. Is this really the best you have
right now?
\_ Ahh, smell the desperation. Is this really the best you have right
\_ Starting in 2003, Rezko was one of the people on Obama's U.S.
Senate campaign finance committee, which raised more than $14
million. Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama, and that
fundraiser was instrumental in providing Obama with seed money
for his U.S. Senate race. Obama has since identified over
$250,000 in campaign contributions to various Obama campaigns as
coming from Rezko or close associates, and has in consequence
donated almost two thirds of that amount to charity.
\_ This is why we need campaign finance reform. Every politician
has to cater to people like this. Remember Bush and Enron?
McCain and the Keating Five? They all have to do this just
to stay in office.
\_ No, I just thought it was funny. This guys is surrounded by
hustlers, and he just keeps saying "That's not the ____ I knew."
He's either an idiot or a hustler. Which do you think he is?
\_ Surrounded by hustlers! Everywhere he turns! Pimps and
drug dealers!
\_ Try this, "Republican State Senator involved in land for cash
deal with power broker convicted on 16 corruption charges!"
You'd be the first one screaming for that (R) guy's head and
telling us how this proves (R) are all evil. But in this case
it is Obama so there's no problem with his prior actions or
associations. I don't have a horse in this race but I do find
your comments intellectually dishonest. I don't see how Obama
is any different than McCain and his dirty deals or Clinton and
her dirty deals or the rest of the Washington insiders and their
dirty deals. I fail to see how anyone can look at Obama and
give him such a big pass on *everything* so blindly just because
he sounds good reading from a prepared speech or teleprompter
and talks about hope and change a lot.
\_ But this isn't about Obama. If Rezko is guilty he should
pay the price, but you are seriously reaching to pin
this on Obama. It's not like Rezko was convicted in
corruption as part of his relationship with Obama.
(And yes I know about the land deal, it seems like a weak
story at best right now.)
\_ P.S. As to if it was an R, nah I wouldn't. Some here
might, but they'd be wrong too. If Obama was going to
the mat for Rezko I'd be upset, but I don't see any
evidence of that.
\_ *cough* Abramoff *cough*
\_ Wait, you think this is anything like Abramoff?
Seriously? You are that blinded by the need to
hate Obama?
\_ do we really need a president who can't observe worth a damn?
\_ Judgement!
\_ The Hillary wikipedia page has a paragraph about how Hillary
worked for a Known Communist for a summer straight out of law
\_ "Known Communist?" Are we travelling back in fucking time?
Aren't the new enemies the brown people from Arabia?
\_ I think we're moving towards pasty Han people. |