2008/6/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:50122 Activity:nil 54%like:50112 |
6/2 motd: BORING bring back motd not getting laid guy |
2008/6/3-5 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:50123 Activity:nil |
6/2 Jimmy Carter: For CHANGE!!!! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=492_1212423029 |
2008/6/3 [Politics/Domestic/HateGroups, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:50124 Activity:nil |
6/2 Obama is willing to ditch his own church in order to win the election. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080601/ap_on_el_pr/obama How faithful. \_ After hanging out with the Klan for 20 years, he decides it's politically expedient to leave. \_ Yeah, the Klan. That's right. What an apt analogy. I mean it's SO obvious. \_ You're right. It's just as racist, but doesn't physically harm people. ^the Klan^his co-racists \_ The crazy is strong in this one. \_ Didn't we beat this horse a few day ago? \_ Give it up, you have already lost the election. Prepare yourself for at least four years and probably eight years of being in the \_ Obama is going to implode, trust me. \_ Why should I trust you? What other predictions have you made that were on the mark? \_ Well, it looks to me like he's already imploding. Obama! The only guy who could lose to the R's in '08! -!pp \_ What the hell are you talking about? Are you the person who thinks Obama wants to rape all the white wimmin? \_ I don't remember THAT post on the motd. -pp \_ http://www.pollingreport.com/wh08gen.htm Imploding. \_ That's a very strange def of imploding |
2008/6/3-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:50125 Activity:nil |
6/2 Don't look now, but the U.S.-backed government and army may be winning the war. (Editorial) http://csua.org/u/loo (Washington Post) \_ After the 5th or 6th version of that story in the last 4 years I don't think I have any more faith. \_ Uh-huh. You've seen this huge drop in violence and an effective Iraqi government and military in the last 4 years? When? \_ I've heard "X proves we have turned the corner and are winning but the media doesn't want to tell that story." \_ Is the Washington Post not media? \_ Funny how that works \_ Yeah, delusional people often are funny. You seem to be making up multiple things in this article for example... \_ When are they going to get rid of that fool Krauthammer? \- he really should get the "red dragon wheelchair treatment". if you arrange to have him delivered to me, i will arrange to have him "vigourously interrogated". |
2008/6/3-4 [Consumer/Camera] UID:50126 Activity:nil |
6/2 Does anyone know how to pictures like http://www.csua.org/u/lon where the setting sun in the background is as big as a person? I've seen movie scenes where a person is walking on the ground, and the setting sun is as tall as the walking person. I have a 300mm lens, but the sun looks very small even with this lens. I imagine one can do it by shooting the subject from very very far away with a very very long lens. But is there a more practical way? Thanks. \_ The sun/moon looks a lot bigger when it is at the very horizon. More atmosphere to pass through. And that is pretty obviously shot from a pretty long ways away. \_ Lens effect is minimal, it's in your head. (Fascinating bit of how our brain works, actually.) |
2008/6/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:50127 Activity:nil |
6/2 Fresno high school valedictorian scheduled to be deported. YES. \_ "Seventeen-year-old Arthur Mkoyan's 4.0 grade-point average qualified him to enter one of the state's top universities. But he and his mother have been ordered back to Armenia after their last appeal for asylum failed." But of course, all the illegal Mexicans aren't deported. \_ They aren't? I'm sure that's news to all the ones that have been deported. \_ They pick our crops. We need food. \_ They pick our cotton. We need socks. |
2008/6/3-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50128 Activity:kinda low |
6/2 See, it's not hard. I'm not a McCain supporter, but he's the most likely vote for me. I'll enumerate his plusses and minuses without referencing any other candidate: + Supports of the 2nd amendment + Supports the completion of the Iraq war + Likes originalist judges - Amnesty - enemy of the 1st amendment (McCain-Feingold) - Has succumbed to the Global Warming hoax (added after 1st post -emarkp) Now let's have someone pro-Obama do the same. -emarkp \_ Please define 'completion' of Iraq war. \_ I have a couple: + Knows something about foreign policy \_ Where do you get this from? \_ I do not think 'supports Iraq war full heartedly and jokes about bombing Iran' == knows something about foreign policy \_ That's ok, you're too cowardly to even post your name next to your political views, so I'm not all that interested in what you think. -jrleek \_ I'm amazed at how often people sign their ramblings with my name, so I've given up signing most of my posts. \_ Here is my password hash: $gqxSEpB62znlWCH4vHW2a1 \_ Where is the password file? \_ I'm not the pp, but I agree with his point, and I _will_ sign my name. It's still not clear to me which McCain is running: the one who stood against Bush in 2000, or the one who seems to have thrown that one under the Straight Talk Express. --erikred \_ This is a fair criticism. I personally put actions far above words. McCain has a pretty well known history. -jrleek \_ There was an excellent '03 OpEd written as McCain's proposed State of the Union 2005 and based on his historical support for progressive measures that made me think that I might actually vote for him. Sadly, his campaign this year has made me doubt his commitment to the same ideas that would have made him attractive to me. --erikred + Historically fiscally conservative (no on farm bill, no on pork) - gas tax proposal Is that one about foreign policy too close to referencing Obama? -jrleek \_ Ah, forgot the fiscal policy part. The only drawback is that he's from this current pork-loving congress. -emarkp \_ What does fiscally conservative mean? That he voted for Bush's $2T+ increase in the debt? That is a strange use of the word "conservative." \_ I'm pretty interested in any policy an Obama supporter agrees with that Obama hasn't changed at least twice. \_ The iraq war was a mistake from day one. He knew it. He made it clear he knew it back when saying that meant it branded you commie or a traitor. As to the rest, well, you are making baseless arguments so whatever dude. \_ Heck, I said that too. Does that mean I should be prez? \_ Well you've got the changing the goalposts thing down pat, but then again the goal is someone NOT like Bush. \_ You would probably do a better job than the current occupant. |
2008/6/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50129 Activity:nil |
6/2 http://preview.tinyurl.com/6nezv8 Getting lost in the media furor over McClellan's memoir is the new autobiography of retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, the onetime commander of U.S. troops in Iraq, who is scathing in his assessment that the Bush administration "led America into a strategic blunder of historic proportions." Among the anecdotes in "Wiser in Battle: A Soldier's Story" is an arresting portrait of Bush after four contractors were killed in Fallujah in 2004, triggering a fierce U.S. response that was reportedly egged on by the president. During a videoconference with his national security team and generals, Sanchez writes, Bush launched into what he described as a "confused" pep talk: "Kick ass!" he quotes the president as saying. "If somebody tries to stop the march to democracy, we will seek them out and kill them! We must be tougher than hell! This Vietnam stuff, this is not even close. It is a mind-set. We can't send that message. It's an excuse to prepare us for withdrawal." "There is a series of moments and this is one of them. Our will is being tested, but we are resolute. We have a better way. Stay strong! Stay the course! Kill them! Be confident! Prevail! We are going to wipe them out! We are not blinking!" A White House spokesman had no comment. |
2008/6/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:50130 Activity:nil |
6/2 What's a good Chinese pen recognition + dictionary program to get? Ideally I'd like to be able to hover on top of characters and the program would tell me what those compound words mean. Does such a program exist? |
2008/6/3 [Uncategorized] UID:50131 Activity:nil |
6/2 does anyone here only use 80 column terms? I'm thinking of editing MOTD in 132 column mode. would anyone care? \_ yes and yes. \_ Yes. Yes. \_ I use 80-column PuTTY as well as 80-column xterm. |
2008/6/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50132 Activity:nil |
6/2 Bo Diddley, dead: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080602/ap_en_ot/obit_diddley |
2008/6/3-5 [Reference/Military] UID:50133 Activity:low |
6/2 Just a heads-up on what passed in the CA Assembly the other day: AB 2062 "The bill would establish a database maintained by the department to serve as a registry of handgun ammunition vendors. "This bill would require that commencing July 1, 2009, unless specifically excluded, no person shall sell or transfer more than 50 rounds of handgun ammunition in any month unless they are he or she is registered as a handgun ammunition vendor, as defined. The bill would also require these vendors to obtain a background clearance for those employees who would handle ammunition in the course and scope of their employment. The bill would require the Department of Justice to maintain a registry of registered handgun ammunition vendors, as specified. Violation of these provisions, as specified, would be a misdemeanor. "This bill would, subject to exceptions, commencing July 1, 2009, require certain ammunition vendors to obtain a thumbprint and other information from ammunition purchasers, and would require submission of that information to the Department of Justice, as specified. A violation of these provisions would be a misdemeanor." \_ Do they use mysql or postgres? \_ But you can still buy ammunition without without being tracked, right? I don't really see how this new regulation can help with gun violence. I think a more effective (but more controversial) method would be to track or go as far as running a background check on the buyers, not the sellers. \_ You missed the whole thumbprint thing? |
2008/6/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:50134 Activity:nil |
6/3 Okay, anyone want to make a case for Obama? |
2008/6/3-5 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:50135 Activity:nil |
6/3 Zombie at "Israel in the Gardens 2008" http://www.zombietime.com/israel_in_the_gardens_2008/Israel Looks like it was a nice festival. Maybe I should go next year. \_ "All land is holy, all people are chosen" is anti-semetic? This guy is hillarious. \_ I see keffiyehs! \_ It's just a scarf, it doesn't mean anything! -JAS guy #1 fan |
2008/6/3-5 [Uncategorized] UID:50136 Activity:nil |
6/3 Anyone know how long after graduation your campus email will work? -mrauser \_ Do you mean soda mail? \_ <DEAD>kb.berkeley.edu/kb1385<DEAD> \_ Thats what I aws looking for, thanks. -mr |
2008/6/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50137 Activity:very high |
6/3 Since no one else seems to be willing to bite, here is my case for Obama: 1) He was always against the War. This shows good judgement and political courage. I have some sympathy for those who got swept up in the tide of emotion and then apologized for their mistake, but better to have not made the mistake in the first place. 2) Fiscally responsible. We have a huge budget deficit that only one party seems to be willing to face. Better to start closing that hole now, rather than continue on with our current policies. 3) Health Care: While the Obama plan isn't entirely to my liking, it is much better than doing nothing. Health care costs will eventually overwhelm our economy, if we don't do something about it. 4) Character: I was going to make a whole bunch of different points, but decided to roll them up into what I think is the most important one: Obama is intellectually curious, optimistic, generous spirited, and profoundly democratic. In an era where most leaders either pander to the lowest common denominator or go for a divisive 50% + 1 strategy, it is refreshing to see one that honestly tries to reach across the aisle and try to include moderates and even conservatives in his decision making. We have been able to afford a certain amount of infighting amongst ourselves recently, since we have not faced any serious threats, the way our parents and grandparents did, but I think we are coming up into a time where Americans are going to have to come together to face our problems. Obama overwhelmingly offer the best opportunity to do that. The best in a generation, in fact. -ausman \_ Stop overwriting other people's edits, please. \_ I had the motd locked. Respect the lock and you won't have this problem. \_ don't lock the motd forbloodyever and maybe we'd respect the lock more. I hate when some dumass starts motdedit and then goes idle for a prolonged time. \_ I don't do that. At most I spend a few minutes with the motd locked, but I will try to shorten that. \_ His plan is to add at least $800B per year to our budget. How is that fiscally responsible? What is Obama's health care plan and how do you think it will reduce costs? -emarkp \_ 40 million uninsured Americans with untreated costs will tear up the economy. \_ Whose cost does insuring the uninsured cut? The money for covering the actual medical bills ought to come from somewhere, and it's going to be from the premiums. \_ According to his website: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/pdf/HealthCareFullPlan.pdf I have not read this in its entirety and don't feel qualified to debate it point-by-point, but you asked, so here it is. --e-red \_ I'm not interested in point-by-point, nor even a full debate. If you're making the case for him, I'd like to know why you think his plan for health care is good, even in a nutshell. -emarkp \_ Single payer could reduce costs. I don't see how a mandated and/or subsidized version of the existing insurance system cuts costs, but that's what HRC and BHO propose. \_ Guaranteed coverage will improve labor mobility, which will make the economy more efficient. Standardization of things like IT delivery of health care records will save money. Guaranteeing that preventative health care is available to all will save money. Providing coverage to the 46M currently not covered is the humane thing to do. In a nutshell. \_ Where do you get the $800B figure from? \_ It was the number I recall for the sum of all his promised plans. I'll dig for a reference. I may have conflated it with the projected $845B (over 13 years) for the global poverty act. -emarkp \_ Ah, I did conflate the two. It's over $280B per year. http://csua.org/u/lp1 -emarkp \_ Ending the War and repealing the Bush tax cuts will raise and save much more than that. \_ Well, that's *very* speculative. For instance, Obama said he'd be for raising the capital gains rate because it would be more *fair* even if that meant a reduction in revenue. Allowing the Bush rate cuts to expire may very well reduce revenue as well. As far as the war goes, any savings will be quickly eaten up by new programs Obama has proposed. (I also disagree about what bailing out of Iraq will cost, but that's even more speculative.) -emarkp \_ I'm for not killing all infants at birth even if it means it causes a zombie outbreak that destroys the world. \_ Raising tax rates increases government revenue, especially at current tax rates. To claim otherwise is disingenuous. \_ ???? You're ignoring history, and Obama. Charlie Gibson pointed out that in the past, raising capital gains tax rates *decreased* revenue, and cutting the rate *increased* revenue, and Obama conceded it. This is like saying that raising a price on a commodity must increase revenue for that commodity, and betrays a profoundly naive understanding of economics. -emarkp \_ I'd like to learn more about this. Do you know where I can get read about these tax cuts/increases and their results? \_ No, it is not like saying that. I guess you are sincerely misinformed about basic economics, not disingenous: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5kcels Obama should not have conceded that point, he should have contested it. Supply side economics is pure wingnuttery, which the overwhelming majority of economists agree. \_ #1, that blog is a joke, #2, the point was HISTORICAL. It *did* happen, period. It's not up for debate. -emarkp \_ You realize that just because an event (#2) happens after another event (#1), that #1 wasn't necessarily the cause of #2, right? \_ A Tax Holiday will tend to bring in extra revenue, for reasons that I hope I don't have to explain. \_ Greatest hits of the motd: http://csua.com/?entry=50011 \_ Fiscally responsible + voted for farm bill? \_ The Farm Bill is your sole criterion for determining fiscal responsibility? I agree that it was a bad piece of legislation, but surely voting for the War in Iraq has proven even more costly? \_ When he's actually been in a position to vote, he has voted to fund the war. \_ There's not a whole lot to work with in regards to his record. What fiscally responsible votes of his can you reference? \_ 1) It doesn't take that much political courage when you aren't actually voting on it. 2,3) His health plan and support for the farm bill don't say fiscally conservative to me. 4) "Profoundly democratic", man you are drunk on the Kool-Aid. Howard Dean had similar plans and ideas as Obama and was against the war. But he was white and did the yell. "Come together to face problems" is BS. What exactly does that mean? His plans are like those of the other Democrats. How is that reaching out to Republicans? "Generous spirited"? That's fine as long as it's his money; spending other people's tax dollars isn't generous. Optimistic? He always talks about how we are at a crossroads and we're going to have dire consequences unless we elect him. Obama is an extremely gifted public speaker, best in a generation perhaps, but he is still a politician, and he still blows a lot of hot air. \_ Remember "It's morning in America" from Reagan? Leadership matters. Reagan was a good president primarily because he was optimistic. Obama will do the same. I am prepared to be disappointed, but eight more years of the same screaming Rove/Limbaugh/Coulter/O'Reilly crowd in power is not what America needs. \_ Limbaugh/Coulter/O'Reilly were never in power, and McCain is not Bush. Obama is not optimistic like Reagan. He's very frowny and concerned looking in his speeches, not like Reagan. I don't really get where you're getting this optimism thing from. He is mostly about "we need to change from Bush". What's so sunny about that? That's what Hillary says, that's what D's were saying in 2004. \_ Well, he seems to believe he can do anything. I'll talk to Iran and they will stop enriching uranium! Promise! \_ This is a legitimate criticism, and I saw the same with Kerry. Always "I'll talk with them about xyz." That's fine, but there should be discussion about what to do if they tell us to go pound sand. -emarkp \_ Beginning a conversation with, "If you don't do what I want, I'll bomb you" tends to be a good way to abort negotiations. Listening and then replying is much more diplomatic; it also gives you more options, since you're not committed to a course of actions ahead of time. \_ You know Iran is in violation of a treaty they signed right? And they've already refused every carrot Obama claims to be planning to use? The conversation didn't start with that, it got to that. I'm not claiming Bush did an awesome job, but Obama is blowing smoke at best. I'm not interested in trading Nixon for Carter again. it got to that. Sure, Bush didn't do a good job but Obama is blowing smoke at best. I'm not interested in trading Nixon for Carter again. \_ And you're not going to get Carter for Nixon because Bush is worse than Nixon, and even Nixon understood the need to talk w/o preconditions-- that time with PRC. Obama is not Carter, and McCain is not Reagan. \_ China and Iran are totally different circumstances. They have nothing to do with one another. \_ He seems optomistic to me (and to most Americans). I don't know where you get the frowny thing from. Read his book, I don't have time to recap it here. \- I have not read all of the above, but the post-WW2 record is quite clear "structure trumps ideology". Budget deficits are better predicted by whether Congress and President are same party or diff party, not which party. |
2008/6/3-5 [Recreation/Dating] UID:50138 Activity:high |
6/3 Attention Sodans! "EcoGeeks get all the girls" http://green.yahoo.com/blog/ecogeek/539/ecogeeks-get-all-the-girls.html "Nearly 9 in 10 women (88 percent) say they'd rather chat up someone who owns the latest fuel-efficient car versus the latest sports car." Forget about whether global warming is real or whether we have hit peak oil or why we're fighting a war in Iraq. This alone is why you should ditch your SUV. Hurry before the chicks run out! \_ Can you explain why black chicks in LA still dig guys with huge SUVs with spinners and white chicks in Hollywood still dig guys with sportscars? \_ Ask the author, not me. -- OP \_ What if you RIDE BIKE? \_ The survey didn't cover this. \_ 9 in 10 women are liars who probably do care about the environment and want to make that point, but who will jump into a guy's $350K Ferrari in 3 seconds if given a chance. \_ I'm not sure why guys think fast flashy cars do anything for their sex appeal. Then again, it's pretty obvious most men have no idea what is sexy. \_ You've obviously never owned an expensive car. Success is sexy to most women. It's not the car that's sexy. It's that the man driving it is able to provide. Why do you think rich ugly guys get so much tail their daughter's age? Deep down, most women want to be taken care of. Are you more impressed with a guy driving a 1972 Pinto or a guy driving a 2002 Acura TL? Don't say it doesn't matter, because it matters just like the clothes he wears and the school he went to. Guys, on the other hand, are more genuine. They just want a fun, sexy gal and rich is 100% optional. \_ I have driven my roommates Z-8 and while it is true that you get more female attention, you actually get even more young men admiring your car. Money is obviously attractive to women, but if a fancy car is the only way you can think of to show that, you aren't very clever. Then again, if you are rich enough, why not? I would personally prefer a fun, sexy gal who was rich over one who was not, and I think most guys would, actually. \_ Yes you get attention. People look at flashy cars. That is loads different than "people fuck the drivers of flashy cars." (Plus, 9 in 10 means that 1 in 10 women really like flashy cars, so I guess you've got decent odds there, but there is a serious issue of quality.) \_ The survey said "chat up" and "interesting to talk to" not "hop in the sack with". I never meant to imply that 10 in 10 (or 9 in 10) would go that far. It's probably that 1 in 10. However, for 9 in 10 to say that they wouldn't rather talk to the guy in the Ferrari versus the guy in the Civic Hybrid is baloney. \_ It is becuase of "young men 'admiring' my car" (and my bejewelled wife) I got a Concealed Weapons Permit. -Toluca Lake Arsenal \_ I have an acquaintance who transports exotic cars like Lamborghini, Bentley, Ferrari, and so on. Sometimes we are able to drive them (like when the road is too steep or twisty for the truck to navigate). You better believe you get attention from both men and women. I am not saying it's the only way to woo women. I am just saying that most of the women who responded were lying their asses off because they didn't want to appear shallow. A Prius doesn't get that kind of attention. I think a lot of the women who responded were also thinking about a greasy guy in a Mustang or Camaro and not a successful well-dressed businessman in a Ferrari F430 Spider. And of course everyone prefers a rich wife all else being equal, but what about a rich, unattractive wife versus a poor, extremely hot wife? I'll take the latter 10 out of 10 times. Life's not fair. Women like rich men and men like hot women. BTW, does your roommate get laid more often or by hotter women? And why does someone with a $100K car have a roommate anyway? \_ Cause he has a $100K car? |
2008/6/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:50139 Activity:low |
6/3 Clinton 'open' to joining Obama http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7432696.stm \_ That would be pretty funny if this happened and then Obama was pres but then died somehow and then HRC was president. \_ At least we would know that it wasn't the Ku Klux Klan who assasinated Obama. http://www.dailysquib.co.uk/?c=117&a=1227 \_ Why do dumb people keep thinking they are as clever as the Onion? \_ Chill out. The Daily Squib is the UK-equivalent of The Onion. -- PP |
2008/6/3-8 [Uncategorized] UID:50140 Activity:nil |
6/3 did any of you other old nerds play LEGACY OF THE ANCIENTS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdPTDTc5-y0 |
2008/6/3-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50141 Activity:nil |
6/3 German motd boob guy, do I have a video for you http://preview.tinyurl.com/6fyfkb \_ Speaking of which what happened to German John and his fan? \_ she isn't even German. Its a german show about a English chick. |
2008/6/3-8 [Reference/Tax] UID:50142 Activity:nil |
6/3 You are smart people. You know that the tax cuts have not fueled record revenues. You know what it takes to establish causality. You know that the first order effect of cutting taxes is to lower tax revenues. We all agree that the ultimate reduction in tax revenues can be less than this first order effect, because lower tax rates encourage greater economic activity and thus expand the tax base. No thoughtful person believes that this possible offset more than compensated for the first effect for these tax cuts. Not a single one. http://voxbaby.blogspot.com/2007/01/new-years-plea.html -Prof Andrew Samwick \_ But... but.. LAFFER CURVE.... neener neener I CAN'T HEAR YOU! \_ Mocking people works much better if you don't sound like a complete fucking retard. \_ I sound like a complete fucking retard in life, why change here? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Samwick Samwick is a heavy hitter and a Republican who served as chair of Bush's Council of Economic Advisors, btw. Mankiw, who served after him would say pretty much the same thing. |
2008/6/3-8 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:50143 Activity:nil |
6/3 Super Pii Pii Brothers. A new Wii game brought to you from Japan. A great birthday gift idea for your female friends. Yours for only $34.99. http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/superpiipii.html?cpg=70H http://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/zoom/super_piipii_brothers.jpg \_ April 1 was a long time ago. \_ April 1 is only 10 months from now! :-) -- !OP |
2008/6/3-9 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:50144 Activity:low |
6/3 Our spotless sun http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime-images.html http://csua.org/u/lp6 (nationalpost.com) \_ Original article by PK CHAPMAN: http://csua.org/u/lp7 Rebuttal by D KAROLY: http://csua.org/u/lp8 Both op-eds in The Australian \_ It sure would be nice if the two effects balanced out. I don't think the climate models included solar variation. \_ http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/image-description.html "In the images taken at 304 Angstrom the bright material is at 60,000 to 80,000 degrees Kelvin. In those taken at 171 Angstrom, at 1 million degrees. 195 Angstrom images correspond to about 1.5 million Kelvin, 284 Angstrom to 2 million degrees." So, as temperature goes up, the wavelength first decreases then increases? That doesn't make sense to me. \_ It doesn't make a lot of sense to me either, but materials at temperatures radiate over a wide spectrum of wavelengths. It's just that the peak radiation level decreases in frequency with increasing temperature. In a sense, you can observe a body at a temperature at any wavelength--you just won't necessarily be viewing the wavelength at which peak output occurs. \_ Obviously you are a shill for the global warming hoax. \_ What does a discussion on radiation output w.r.t. wavelength and temperature have anything to do with global \_ What does a discussion on black body radiation output w.r.t. wavelength and temperature have to do with global warming? \_ The Global Warming deniers claim that the temperature increase is due to sunspot activity. At least some of them do. \_ You mean the nonexistent temperature increase? |
2008/6/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:50145 Activity:nil |
6/3 Well, I haven't been here in awhile, but it is very nice to see that I could predict the content before I even saw it. Way to go motd - most reliable place on the internet. \_ Excellent content-free post! \_ Weak troll. |
2008/6/3-5 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50146 Activity:moderate |
6/3 Since no one else seems to be willing to bite, here is my case for Obama: 1) He was always against the War. This shows good judgement and political courage. I have some sympathy for those who got swept up in the tide of emotion and then apologized for their mistake, but better to have not made the mistake in the first place. \_ I am not sure whether this shows good judgement or just a certain type of undesirable (for a President) mentality. \_ In other words, he's not your candidate because he didn't support the war. \_ No. I just question whether he was really the only wise person in Congress. There is nothing in his academic or other record to indicate so. I think maybe he wears his heart on his sleeve or in some way didn't quite comprehend the situation in a way that others did. I don't believe for one second that all of Congress is stupid and easily deceived except for greenhorn Obama. If anything, it may have been a calculated political move which has apparently paid dividends. \_ The majority of Democrats in Congress voted against the war. \_ The majority of Democratic Senators voted in favor of the legislation. It is true that the majority of the House Democrats voted against it, but that is playing with statistics since the House has so many more members. How did Obama vote again and what was unique about his position? \_ You seem to be arguing both sides of the fence here. ".... all of Congress is stuid and easily here. ".... all of Congress is stupid and easily deceived except for greenhorn Obama" and then "... what was unique about his position?" Are you the same guy? Voting against the War was hardly a unique position, which the first comment implies. It was somewhat of a contrary and politically risky (and correct, imho) one. \_ Obama makes it seem like he was the only one opposed to the war from the beginning, but he was not. As you know, he didn't even vote on it but so what if he had? \_ Technically they voted to authorize Bush to go to war if deemed necessary, not to simply go to war. 2) Fiscally responsible. We have a huge budget deficit that only one party seems to be willing to face. Better to start closing that hole now, rather than continue on with our current policies. 3) Health Care: While the Obama plan isn't entirely to my liking, it is much better than doing nothing. Health care costs will eventually overwhelm our economy, if we don't do something about it. 4) Character: I was going to make a whole bunch of different points, but decided to roll them up into what I think is the most important one: Obama is intellectually curious, optimistic, generous spirited, and profoundly democratic. In an era where most leaders either pander to the lowest common denominator or go for a divisive 50% + 1 strategy, it is refreshing to see one that honestly tries to reach across the aisle and try to include moderates and even conservatives in his decision making. We have been able to afford a certain amount of infighting amongst ourselves recently, since we have not faced any serious threats, the way our parents and grandparents did, but I think we are coming up into a time where Americans are going to have to come together to face our problems. Obama overwhelmingly offer the best opportunity to do that. The Obama overwhelmingly offers the best opportunity to do that. The best in a generation, in fact. -ausman \_ Stop overwriting other people's edits, please. \_ I had the motd locked. Respect the lock and you won't have this problem. \_ don't lock the motd forbloodyever and maybe we'd respect the lock more. I hate when some dumass starts motdedit and then goes idle for a prolonged time. \_ I don't do that. At most I spend a few minutes with the motd locked, but I will try to shorten that. \_ His plan is to add at least $800B per year to our budget. How is that fiscally responsible? What is Obama's health care plan and how do you think it will reduce costs? -emarkp \_ 40 million uninsured Americans with untreated costs will tear up the economy. \_ Whose cost does insuring the uninsured cut? The money for covering the actual medical bills ought to come from somewhere, and it's going to be from the premiums. \_ Preventive care is much cheaper in the long run. People without health insurance tend to have crappy preventive \_ Preventative care is much cheaper in the long run. People without health insurance tend to have crappy preventative care. \_ Prove it. \_ I see. Thx. -- PP \_ An ER is an expensive place to get primary care. \_ According to his website: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/pdf/HealthCareFullPlan.pdf I have not read this in its entirety and don't feel qualified to debate it point-by-point, but you asked, so here it is. --e-red \_ I'm not interested in point-by-point, nor even a full debate. If you're making the case for him, I'd like to know why you think his plan for health care is good, even in a nutshell. -emarkp \_ Single payer could reduce costs. I don't see how a mandated and/or subsidized version of the existing insurance system cuts costs, but that's what HRC and BHO propose. \_ Guaranteed coverage will improve labor mobility, which will make the economy more efficient. Standardization of things like IT delivery of health care records will save money. Guaranteeing that preventative health care is available to all will save money. Providing coverage to the 46M currently not covered is the humane thing to do. In a nutshell. \_ Where do you get the $800B figure from? \_ It was the number I recall for the sum of all his promised plans. I'll dig for a reference. I may have conflated it with the projected $845B (over 13 years) for the global poverty act. -emarkp \_ Ah, I did conflate the two. It's over $280B per year. http://csua.org/u/lp1 -emarkp \_ Ending the War and letting the Bush tax cuts expire will raise and save much more than that. \_ Well, that's *very* speculative. For instance, Obama said he'd be for raising the capital gains rate because it would be more *fair* even if that meant a reduction in revenue. Allowing the Bush rate cuts to expire may very well reduce revenue as well. As far as the war goes, any savings will be quickly eaten up by new programs Obama has proposed. (I also disagree about what bailing out of Iraq will cost, but that's even more speculative.) -emarkp \_ Raising tax rates increases government revenue, especially at current tax rates. To claim otherwise is disingenuous. \_ ???? You're ignoring history, and Obama. Charlie Gibson pointed out that in the past, raising capital gains tax rates *decreased* revenue, and cutting the rate *increased* revenue, and Obama conceded it. This is like saying that raising a price on a commodity must increase revenue for that commodity, and betrays a profoundly naive understanding of economics. -emarkp \_ epong: didn't your spider senses go off when you cited Charlie Gibson as an authority? \_ I'd like to learn more about this. Do you know where I can get read about these tax cuts/increases and their results? \_ No, it is not like saying that. I guess you are sincerely misinformed about basic economics, not disingenous: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5kcels Obama should not have conceded that point, he should have contested it. Supply side economics is pure wingnuttery, which the overwhelming majority of economists agree. \_ #1, that blog is a joke, #2, the point was HISTORICAL. It *did* happen, period. It's not up for debate. -emarkp \_ You realize that just because an event (#2) happens after another event (#1), that #1 wasn't necessarily the cause of #2, right? \_ A Tax Holiday will tend to bring in extra revenue, for reasons that I hope I don't have to explain. \_ Greatest hits of the motd: http://csua.com/?entry=50011 \_ Fiscally responsible + voted for farm bill? \_ The Farm Bill is your sole criterion for determining fiscal responsibility? I agree that it was a bad piece of legislation, but surely voting for the War in Iraq has proven even more costly? \_ When he's actually been in a position to vote, he has voted to fund the war. \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/56j2dn Wizbang blog \_ There's not a whole lot to work with in regards to his record. What fiscally responsible votes of his can you reference? \_ 1) It doesn't take that much political courage when you aren't actually voting on it. 2,3) His health plan and support for the farm bill don't say fiscally conservative to me. 4) "Profoundly democratic", man you are drunk on the Kool-Aid. Howard Dean had similar plans and ideas as Obama and was against the war. But he was white and did the yell. "Come together to face problems" is BS. What exactly does that mean? His plans are like those of the other Democrats. How is that reaching out to Republicans? "Generous spirited"? That's fine as long as it's his money; spending other people's tax dollars isn't generous. Optimistic? He always talks about how we are at a crossroads and we're going to have dire consequences unless we elect him. Obama is an extremely gifted public speaker, best in a generation perhaps, but he is still a politician, and he still blows a lot of hot air. \_ Remember "It's morning in America" from Reagan? Leadership matters. Reagan was a good president primarily because he was optimistic. Obama will do the same. I am prepared to be disappointed, but eight more years of the same screaming Rove/Limbaugh/Coulter/O'Reilly crowd in power is not what America needs. \_ Limbaugh/Coulter/O'Reilly were never in power, and McCain is not Bush. Obama is not optimistic like Reagan. He's very frowny and concerned looking in his speeches, not like Reagan. I don't really get where you're getting this optimism thing from. He is mostly about "we need to change from Bush". What's so sunny about that? That's what Hillary says, that's what D's were saying in 2004. \_ Well, he seems to believe he can do anything. I'll talk to Iran and they will stop enriching uranium! Promise! \_ This is a legitimate criticism, and I saw the same with Kerry. Always "I'll talk with them about xyz." That's fine, but there should be discussion about what to do if they tell us to go pound sand. -emarkp \_ Beginning a conversation with, "If you don't do what I want, I'll bomb you" tends to be a good way to abort negotiations. Listening and then replying is much more diplomatic; it also gives you more options, since you're not committed to a course of actions ahead of time. \_ You know Iran is in violation of a treaty they signed right? And they've already refused every carrot Obama claims to be planning to use? The conversation didn't start with that, it got to that. Sure, Bush didn't do a good job but Obama is blowing smoke at best. I'm not interested in trading Nixon for Carter again. \_ And you're not going to get Carter for Nixon because Bush is worse than Nixon, and even Nixon understood the need to talk w/o preconditions-- that time with PRC. Obama is not Carter, and McCain is not Reagan. \_ China and Iran are totally different circumstances. They have nothing to do with one another. \_ You're right, but not for the reasons you think you are. Iran has at least two different factions in play: the Pres. and the Supreme Council. PRC was mostly monolithic. My point, though, was that even Nixon recognized that talking >>> huffing and puffing, sometimes. We're militarily tapped out and can't invade/occupy Iran, so why pretend like we can? Let's meet, then we can show everyone else how reasonable we are and what a showboating clown Mahmoud is. \_ He seems optomistic to me (and to most Americans). I \_ You know our ambassadors meet occasionally right? It's not like we have no diplomatic contacts at all. \_ Are you high? Apart from a highly unproductive meeting in Baghdad in 2007, the US diplomatic position on diplo- matic contact with Iran has been "they can read our position in the papers." EDIT: Our ambassadors aren't meeting, but our Treasury Dept. have: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7248148.stm \_ He seems optimistic to me (and to most Americans). I don't know where you get the frowny thing from. Read his book, I don't have time to recap it here. \- I have not read all of the above, but the post-WW2 record is quite clear "structure trumps ideology". Budget deficits are better predicted by whether Congress and President are same party or diff party, not which party. \_ McCain's daughter is HOT HOT HOT http://i27.tinypic.com/2qtzww9.jpg |
2008/6/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50147 Activity:nil |
6/3 One reason no true conservative should ever vote for McCain: Keating Five |
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