Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:May:27 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2008/5/27 [Uncategorized] UID:50060 Activity:nil
5/27    Hey everyone, it's 5/27 now
        \_ And?
           \_ And people can stop creating entries labelled 5/26
2008/5/27-30 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:50061 Activity:nil
5/26    I seem to recall that ATI was going to open-source it's drivers
        does anyone know if the ATI drivers for Linux still suck?
        \_ Do the drivers suck or are they just binary only?
        \_ Last I checked (~6 months), they didn't support rotation, and I
           couldn't find any indication that they planned to do so. That's
           the only thing I really care about, so I can't say if they suck
           in other ways.
        \_ I tried this last week.  My company purchased a Dell Optiplex
           755n (without windows) with an  recall that ATI was going to open-source it's drivers
        does anyone know if the ATI drivers for Linux still suck?
        \_ Do the drivers suck or are they just binary only?
        \_ Last I checked (~6 months), they didn't support rotation, and I
           couldn't find any indication that they planned to do so. That's
           the only thing I really care about, so I can't say if they suck
           in other ways.
        \_ I tried this last week.  My company purchased a Dell Optiplex
           755n (without windows) with an ATI somethingorother card.  I
           tried the radeon and radeonhd drivers.  No luck.  I tried
           ATI's binary drivers and found they resulted in a machine that
           had to be reinstalled (crashed on starting X, and would no longer
           boot).  I filed a bug with ATI, and was told that they are
           providing Linux drivers on a "best effort" basis (ie, "it doesn't
           work?  too bad -- we don't care.").  After screwing around with
           this for a couple of days, I replaced it with an Nvidia card,
           downloaded Nvidia's binary Linux drivers, and had things working
           in minutes.  ATI's commitment to open source so far consists of
           a press release.                     --alawrenc
           \_ Wow, that's too bad.  Thanks for the info.  I wonder how many
              nvidia cards go into desktop linux boxes.
              \_ I always use Nvidia for this reason.  -op
           \_ I love how "best effort" really means "least effort."
2008/5/27-30 [Computer/SW] UID:50062 Activity:nil
5/27    Hey, do we put some robots.txt file in place to keep GOOG from
        indexing ~user^?  That used to be the top hit for my name, now
        it doesn't come up at all.  Presently my FACEBOOK account is
        the top hit for my name.  That is not o.k.  I'd hate to have
        delete my facebook account :(
        \_ Google does index CSUA user pages.  You can see lots of them
           by searching for "".
           \_ So his Facebook page just has a better pagerank is all...
        \_ Does ~user come up at all?
           \_~[Me] does not come up at all, used to be #1 hit for "my name"
             I do see ~others though, so I guess I just used to have
             links to it that i don't now?
2008/5/27-6/1 [Reference/Military] UID:50063 Activity:nil
5/27    Hey ilyas, tell us about your guns
        \_ Cracks me up how clueless you people are about guns. -not ilyas
           Read up on "shall-issue" states.
           <DEAD>en.wikipedia.orssue"<DEAD> states.
           \_ California is a "may issue" state.
           \_ Guns are scary!  Anyone who owns a gun must be a nutcase!
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:May:27 Tuesday <Monday, Wednesday>