2008/4/21-30 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49786 Activity:nil |
4/19 Bush interrogation program was being used before Yoo memo http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-horton21apr21,0,1892568.story \_ He and Libby will both get a pardon. |
2008/4/21-5/2 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:49787 Activity:nil |
4/21 Yahoo Instant Messenger is not encrypted. Are there chat programs that are a bit more secure than YIM? \_ what OS are you using? \_ What are your goals? Corporate security, or preventing your wife from eavesdropping on you? If you're using IM for internal company communication, you shouldn't be using anything where you don't control the server; deploy an internal messaging server instead. Jabber-based servers are popular for this. \_ I think AIM supports encryption (at least it seems to when I'm using iChat or Adium). I think GTalk supports encryption as well. \_ Beware of webcams pointing at your screen! \_ There is encryption but it's a pain in the ass sometimes. \_ Both you and your mistress log on to soda using ssh. Then run the good o' "talk" program. good o' "talk" program. You two will have a more intimate experience than using popular chat programs, coz now you can see every keystroke by the other instead of just line by line. every keystroke by the other instead of just line by line. (Imagine all kinds of real-time animation you can do with the '-' key and the backspace key.) what animation you can do with the '-' key and the backspace key.) \_ install adium or pidgin-otr. Trust in nikitab. |
2008/4/21-5/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:49788 Activity:nil |
4/21 You'll appreciate this tom holub: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahg6qcgoay4 \_ Target rich environment? \_ I missed it (don't want to be a spoiler) completely! This would be a great TV commercial here in the US. \_ Except most American don't care about bears. \_ I think aspolito cares very much about bears. \_ I think aspolito wants to be sodomized by bears. \_ I think it's clever, although I had already read about the research this was based on, so I knew what to expect. I think the message is actually a bit off. No amount of telling people "look out for cyclists" will make them look out for cyclists. Your goal as a cyclist is to put yourself in a position to be the expected thing rather than the unexpected one. -tom |
2008/4/21-5/2 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:49789 Activity:nil |
4/21 What's a good term for a place that is easy to move into but hard to move out? Like "Tenessee is like a __________, it's so easy to move into but once you're in it, it's really hard to move out." Some of the terms I can think of are: blackhole, trap. Anything else you can think of? \_ tar pit \_ Roach Motel. In the old days in Hong Kong, Black Flag actually mode a version of Roach Motel where there was a one-way metal made a version of Roach Motel where there was a one-way metal push door leading to the bait in a semi-transparent plastic housing. No sticky substance was used. You could see how many "guests" there were when you replaced the motel. \_ Parenthood. \_ Los Angeles. Quick sand. \_ Hotel California \_ Red state \_ Quagmire. 'dict quagmire' comes up with numerous similar words too \_ Cal \- potential energy well x |
2008/4/21-5/2 [Health/Women, Science/Space] UID:49790 Activity:nil |
4/21 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080419/ap_on_re_eu/russia_space_6 Russian Federal Space Agency chief Perminov: '"You know in Russia, there are certain bad omens about this sort of thing, but thank God that everything worked out successfully," he said. "Of course in the future, we will work somehow to ensure that the number of women will not surpass" the number of men. Challenged by a reporter, Perminov responded: "This isn't discrimination. I'm just saying that when a majority (of the crew) is female, sometimes certain kinds of unsanctioned behavior or something else occurs, that's what I'm talking about." He did not elaborate.' |
2008/4/21-5/2 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:49791 Activity:kinda low |
4/19 Israel's dilemma http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200805/israel \_ I'm sympathetic to Isreal's plight, but that's a horrid fairly one sided article. \_ In which ways is it one-sided? \_ On who's side is it? \_ Carter has already done more for peace in the Middle East in two weeks than Bush has in two terms in office: http://www.csua.org/u/lbm (NYT) \_ It's hard to argue with your assertion, but the accomplishment cited here has already been contradicted: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7359661.stm \_ I totally agree, Bush has really screwed things up, but he can't hold a candle to Carter. \_ You're nuts. The kind of peace where Israel pulls back to the 1967 borders and gives 10 years for Hamas to build up in exchange for nothing? It's suicidal. Is this a troll? \_ Yes, everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Automatically, without question. Oddly enough, I think that you are more likely to come to peace with someone you are negotiating with than someone you are shooting at. I don't think for a second that Israel will (or should) agree to all of Hamas' terms, but I do think that if they don't start talking, there will never be peace. \_ Yes, everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Automatically, without question. Oddly enough, I think that you are more likely to come to peace with someone you are negotiating with than someone you are shooting at. I don't think for a second that Israel will (or should) agree to all of Hamas' terms, but I do think that if they don't start talking, there will never be peace. \_ Do you have any idea what Hamas is talking about or any knowledge of the history of the region, Hamas, or anything else going on? Have you read the Hamas charter? No. Here: http://www.palestinecenter.org/cpap/documents/charter.html When Hamas stops *firing rockets in Israel almost every day!* there might be something to talk about. Until that time they are at war with Israel who they don't even acknowledge the legitimate existence of and have made very clear very loudly their only goal is Israel's destruction. There is no compromising with someone whose only reason for being is your death. You can't be a "little bit" dead. Maybe you're not a troll, just naive. \_ You don't have to negotiate for peace with your friends, only those you are at war with. You seem to forget this basic fact. History is full of examples of hostile neighbors full of angry rhetoric eventually getting tired of fighting and then making peace. Why are these two any different? \_ Well, one side obviously isn't tired of it yet, for one thing. \_ Very uplifting. Now go read some real history. Far more conflicts have been resolved with the Rome vs. Carthage model than the "We got tired of killing your civilians with daily rocket attacks from our side of the border, we're going to give up our holy quest to kill you all and throw a tea and crumpets party for you, our new friends and neighbors, peace be unto you, brothers!" Negotiated peace only comes when at least one side has been defeated and is unwilling or unable to continue fighting. Until then there is nothing to talk about. \_ Who lost in the Catholic vs. Protestant wars in Northern Ireland? \_ You mean the modern version with the IRA, bombs etc? Everyone lost. The English were unwilling to apply the force required to win a military victory, didn't want or consider a heart and minds conversion, and both sides lost a number of people for no real purpose. This has exactly what to do with trying to talk with psychotics like Hamas? Nothing. Go read Hamas' charter and come back if you're serious about discussing this further. \_ Hamas is no nuttier than the Real IRA. \_ That's an opinion. Factually incorrect, but no one can stop you from believing things that aren't true. Have at it. The "Real IRA" stopped blowing things up after the English left them alone. When Israel steps back, Hamas just moves closer so they can fire rockets further into Israel. If it was San Francisco getting shelled every day (or whatever town you live in), you'd be screaming the loudest how "We have to kill them all and why hasn't the incompetent BUSH admin stopped the bad guys yet?!" \_ Israel has never, ever stepped back. \_ The Real IRA has not given up and in fact, continues to operate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_IRA You certainly have strong opinions for one so lightly informed. \_ Did you read your own link? The so called Real IRA is dead. There is more Real Crime in LA every day than these goofballs have managed since their founding in 97. \_ Which side is unwilling to negotiate? http://www.csua.org/u/lch (Yahoo News) \_ We've seen this one before. "We would like to kill you, would you please open the gate?" \_ Wow, you are incredibly naive. "We need 6 months to rearm for the next round of attacks. We'll stop attacking you for those 6 months if you let us bring in more weapons". You can't possibly be this dumb. Thus, I label you: troll. You still clearly haven't read the Hamas charter, either. You won't make it more than a few paragraphs in before your eyes glaze at the insanity and seething hatred. \_ I read about half of it. I will finish the rest later. It is full of a bunch of religious mumbo-jumbo. of religious mumbo-jumbo. Unlike you, I have actually been to Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, so it is kind of amusing that you bounce back and forth between calling me ignorant and a troll. Perhaps I am as informed as you and just disagree. \_ I'm stunned that you think putting a maple leaf on your hawaiian tshirt during your weekend excursion to the region makes you an expert. You would have been better off if you said you saw something on the history channel. \_ I saw it on the History Channel |
2008/4/21-2009/5/3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:49792 Activity:nil 61%like:42770 55%like:52942 |
Linux soda 2.6.18-6-686 #1 SMP Sun Feb 10 22:11:31 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux Welcome to Macintosh^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HSoda Mark VII, a dual Xeon 2.8GHz with many hozers. |
2008/4/21-5/2 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:49793 Activity:nil |
4/21 Think car. 0 emission and 124 miles per charge: http://think.no/think/content/view/full/290 \_ It reads "zero *local* emissions." Nonetheless, "an energy efficiency three times that of a traditional combustion engine car" is still pretty impressive. |
2008/4/21-5/2 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:49794 Activity:nil |
4/21 Why are there so many gay people in Hollywood? \_ Because acting is traditionally a gay friendly field, so a lot of young gay men get into acting. \_ You might have cause and effect switched around here... \_ By now there is no real cause and effect. If you are a gay teen you know damn well that the theater club is going to be a good place to hang out. \_ Maybe this is true today, with the Internet and all, but it wasn't true for rural gay teens 20 years ago. \_ My wild guess is that they were well-trained in acting in their real lives when they were pressured to act like heterosexuals in order to avoid trouble. |
2008/4/21-5/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:49795 Activity:nil |
4/21 Hey everyone! The CSUA is having its semi-regular Alumni BBQ! It will be May 8, 2008 in the Wozniak Lounge from 6pm. All alums and current members are welcome! Come for some free food and friends (hopefully disjoint sets). Email politburo with any and all questions/comments/concerns. --steven \_ Any hot women there? \_ I'll bring my girlfriend(s) \_ If you have to ask, you don't know. \_ any that are, will be "with someone". This isn't an event to go to for hot women. |
2008/4/21-5/2 [Science/Biology] UID:49796 Activity:nil |
4/21 If he shot himself in the nuts, can we put him up for a Darwin award? http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_9004996?source=rss \_ Yes, I believe the Darwin awards count self-sterilizers as canidates if they don't already have children. This guy failed though. On the other hand, he did try to flee from the police on foot with a bullet wound in the gut. Tough! |
3/15 |