2008/4/11 [Uncategorized] UID:49720 Activity:nil 75%like:49715 |
4/10 Please suck my libertarian balls. --Greenspan |
2008/4/11-16 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Finance/Investment] UID:49721 Activity:nil |
4/11 McCain campaign attacks George Soros for funding third party groups, even though Soros has funded McCain's own causes: http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/04/mccain_attacked_sorosfunded_de.php \_ What's the betting pool like for odds on McCain self-destucting or having a stroke before the election? \_ "I was for George Soros before I was against him" |
2008/4/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:49722 Activity:nil |
4/11 Hey aspolito, you should read this before engaging in anal: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24036106 |
2008/4/11-12 [Health/Disease/General] UID:49723 Activity:nil 54%like:49740 |
4/11 Dear lord, I want to sodomize lolita, unless she has anal cancer -aspolito \_ Don't we all? \_ uh, no. -gay man |
2008/4/11-16 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49724 Activity:moderate |
4/11 So ummm.... Why the heck is John Yoo a prof at Boalt? \_ Because Berekley is a great academic institution with a wide diversity of viewpoints? \_ Why do you ask? (I keep hearing stuff about Yoo on the motd but I don't see why he's controversial.) \_ He is the main author of the "torture is okey-dokey" legal argument. \_ Perhaps b/c he is an excellent lawyer, teacher and scholar? I am not saying that Prof. Yoo is any of those things b/c I do not know him. But he could be an exceptional lawyer and teacher even if his politics are completely incompatible w/ yours. My favorite law school prof and I have quite different political views on many things but it does not change the fact that he is a superb lawyer and teacher. \_ If he such a superb lawyer, why did he produce such a wrongheaded legal opinion? \_ I do not know why Prof. Yoo wrote the torture memo. My experience suggests that someone asked him to write it. That he reached a conclusion that you \_ I did not say that Prof. Yoo was a superb lawyer. Also, I do not know why Prof. Yoo wrote the torture memo. My experience suggests that someone asked him to write it. That he reached a conclusion that you (and perhaps he also) disagree with, does not mean that he is not a good lawyer. Clients sometimes (often?) ask one to do support positions one thinks are morally, though not legally, unsupportable. (often?) ask one to find legal support for positions one thinks are morally unsupportable. Fortunately, sometimes the law does not offer such support. In other situations, the law does offer the support a client seeks. And in those case, one has no choice client seeks. And in those cases, one has no choice but to disclose that fact to the client. Anyway, my point was merely that Prof. Yoo may have qualities that qualify him for the job he holds, abilities that qualify him for the job he holds, desipte his political views. [Update: I think the following blog post is particularly relevant: http://preview.tinyurl.com/3g96eg [legal ethics forum]] \_ No, he is a counter-revolutionary and must be sent to the gulags. There can be no dissent! \_ Do you think torture is something that America should support? Do you think that it is against the law of the land? \_ I personally do not think torture is something America should support. But I do not think that it is against the law of the land in all cases. \_ Anyone who defends a counter-revolutionary is also counter-revolutionary! We will root out these traitors! \_ At a certain point, someone has to be responsible for ass-covering. "I was only following orders" and all that. \_ Well, he has tenure, which should protect him from being fired for holding unpopular opinions. But since he apparently was primarily responsible for the US violating the Geneva Convention, jail time is not out of the question. \_ I have not followed in detail the USSC's decisions on the GC issue, but as far as I am aware, it is not clear that the GC has been violated by BUSHCO's actions or that a violation of the GC would imply jail time for the principals b/c no applicable privilege exists. Re "following orders" - I agree that someone should be held accountable, but why should it be Prof. Yoo instead of those who commissioned his memo? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_conspiracy \_ It remains unclear that any law has been broken wrt Prof. Yoo and/or those who sought his advice and acted upon it. Even if some crime has occured, it is unclear that some form of executive priv. would not apply. \_ Do you believe the executive has the privilege to break the law with impunity? The Supreme Court disagrees with that. \_ As I said, I have not followed the USSC's decision wrt the GC. Based on my very brief reading of the decisions, it is unclear that any crime has been committed by Prof. Yoo or those who sought his advice. It is also unclear that even if a crime has been committed an exec. privilege will not apply. The USSC has not rule on this particular issue and likely never will ("John Marshall has issued his order now let him enforce it"). \_ Google "United States v. Nixon." \_ It is not clear to me that Nixon applies to this situation. There may be many kinds of executive privilege and power. \_ I think US v. Nixon is very clear - executive priv. exists, but it is specifically NOT immune to judicial review, particularly in the case where a crime may have been committed. I don't think there are "many kinds" of executive priv. - there is the kind recognized by the courts only. \_ It is not at all clear that Nixon applies when the Pres. acts in the arena of foreign affairs or national defense, which is the situation in relevant to Prof. Yoo. The Pres. inherent power may be overriding in those realms. [I was not using "privilege" in the technical sense] \_ I am doubtful of that argument, and I believe most legal scholars are as well. Note that Congress is given the power to ratify treaties. \_ Congress is also given the power to declare war, maintain a navy, &c. so clearly there is shared power over the conduct of foreign affairs and national security. But it is still unclear whether the Pres. power trumps. BUSHCO clearly believes it does. I am not sure they are correct. But the argument exists. And I believe that we will never have an answer. \_ I wonder how many of the Yoo defenders were calling for that stupid "A million little Hitler's" prof's head on a platter. (Or some such nazi/9-11 reference) \_ They hired him fresh out of the administration in 2004. The torture memos weren't revealed until after that. If he were brought up on charges as a contributor to undermining and violating the Convention Against Torture and war crimes, could he lose his tenure then? I was very happy to see him on talk show right after he was hired. A prominent conservative from Berkeley! Now I'd like to see him in jail. \_ Absolutely, COMRADE! Those who write or speak statements that WE the PEOPLES disagree with shall be imprisoned! The FIRST AMENDMENT only protects POPULAR speach WE like! Excuse me, COMRADE, I must now march on our ENEMIES, the TERRORISTS of EURASIA. Up with the REVOLUTION, COMRADE! \_ Uh, is the criminal or incompetent practice of law a first amendment issue? Surely there are standards about whether an argument is a good faith effort or a load of legal bullshit, with no evidence or justification in US jurisprudence. Writing legal opinions to justify the use of torture makes you a party to violating our own laws, and treaties against torture and war crimes to which the US is a signatory. That's why he's in the news. Because his classified memos are finally coming out -- those upon which Gitmo and the Padilla confinement are based -- and they are laughable, to the point of malpractice. http://preview.tinyurl.com/4q74q \_ 404 Not Found http://preview.tinyurl.com/4q74qt Bush: "We had legal opinions that enabled us to do it." \_ Bush will pardon the whole lot of them. |
2008/4/11-12 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:49725 Activity:moderate |
4/11 Dear free market people, what do you think about the government's involvement in regulating the airline industry? \_ Some regulations are a good thing, like minimum safety standards. However, crashes are bad for business and I'm sure the free market could do the job just as well. There are airlines lots of people still won't fly based on incidents that happened decades ago. \_ and you think that's efficient? \_ TRUST THE INVISIBLE HAND! |
2008/4/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:49726 Activity:kinda low |
4/11 "Spanish Parents Faking Divorce For School Spots" link:www.yahoo.com/s/855121 \_ Purebred Spanish, non-Mexican women are really hot. Nice hair, nice figures, homely face. \_ You know "homely" generally implies not hot, right? \- depends what country you are in. in indian homely = like to cook and kinda domestic ... as opposed to go out discos ad bars \_ On the motd, we (mostly) speak American English. \_ Daily perusal does not offer evidence in support of this theory. |
2008/4/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49727 Activity:kinda low |
4/11 So we now know that Ds not only want a minimum wage, but a maximum as well. Would that apply to the Clintons? \_ Well obviously. What are they doing making over $10 an hour? \_ What the hell are you blathering about? You might want to increase the dosage on your medication. \_ google 'obama CEO pay' \_ I see that he says that shareholders should set CEO pay. Don't you agree? \_ I don't see what leglislators have to do with it, or what requiring publicly traded companies to have shareholders make a nonbinding resolution would accomplish. \_ Legislators are allowed to have opinions, too. In fact, they are often expected to have opinions about controversial topics of the day, like CEO compensation. Repeal the First Amendment if that disturbs you so much. |
2008/4/11-16 [Finance/Banking, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:49728 Activity:nil |
4/11 Countrywide 12 month CD is 4.25%. But some people tell me they're going out of business. Is it actually safe to deposit into Countrywide right now? Will FDIC pay me the full amount + interest should it ever goes out of business? \_ Are you really that concerned about 4.25%? I could see if it was 7% or something. How much more is that than the next best rate you can find? Anyway, the Countrywide web site says that is it is FDIC insured. FDIC will pay principal plus accrued interest up to a total of $100,000. \_ I'm putting down $20,000. Most rates are 3.00%, so by putting into Countrywide I'll gain an extra 1.25% interest rate or $250.00/year. That'll get me 2 good Chez Paniz meals. I'll take it. -op \_ Only if you eat by yourself and don't order wine, especially after tax. How long will it take for you to recover your money from Uncle Sam? Is $250 pretax really worth the risk? \_ Patelco CU ( http://patelco.org ) is having a new member special right now. 6.785% for 12 month CD. Existing members also have a special rate of 4% 12 month CD for new monies. \_ It says maximum amount of money you can put for 7% is $1000.00. UH DUH. \_ Ah, didn't see that the maximum is also $1000. Sorry about that. |
2008/4/11-16 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49729 Activity:low |
4/11 New UN Human Rights Appointee is a 9/11 truther http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives2/2008/04/020272.php \_ The new UN Human Rights council is worse than the old. They passed 8 or more resolutions against Israel, and _nothing_ else. Nothing on Darfur, nothing on Zimbabwe, nothing on China. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMEw0lZ3k_Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhWgZu6tcZU \_ Yes, because that's what happens when you create an .org like the UN that treats dictators, thugs, theocrats and other forms of human trash like real people and give them votes on anything. Want to do some good in the world? Shoot all those guys. If their replacements are just as bad, keep shooting. They'll get the message after a few funerals. Instead we treat them like royalty. As if they were legitimate leaders. \_ I'd like to shoot some people that I think suck too. Let's start with you. Then the rest of your family! \_ If me and my family were mass murdering butchers then I'd say go ahead. Since we're not and the people I'm talking about are, how about you try again? Or better yet, don't bother since your first response was so lame. \_ The UN is all mass murdering butchers? Who, precisely, has the UN murdered? \_ You = reading failure. We've already covered the UN staff cashing in on the global sex slave trade, but if you had actually read the this thread you'd know it was specifically about the UN HRC. Try again. The UN itself is responsible for deaths by inaction, not specifically murder but you don't really care about that either, you just want to play rhetorical gotcha games (and lose). \_ It is not my fault that you are incoherent. The reason your words are so confusing is because your thinking is so muddled. I will give you a second chance to answer the question: who, specifically, do you think is a mass murdering butcher? I assume from some of your rant above that do you think is responsible for mass murdering people? I assume from some of your rant above that you think that these people are on the UN HRC. Who are you talking about? Can you even name one of them? |
2008/4/11-16 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:49730 Activity:nil |
4/11 Anyone here edit home movies? I've started doing that lately and am now wondering what to do with all the raw footage (both the video tapes and the mpg version of all them). I have edited, shorter versions of them showing the key scenes, but the pack rat in me wants to keep all the raw footage. Thanks. |
2008/4/11-16 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:49731 Activity:low |
4/11 Zombie Time piece on the SF Olympic protests http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/zombie-chronicles-the-olympic-torch-relay-in-san-francisco This is seriously a great piece. Even if you usually hate Zombie check this one out. \_ That was actually reasonable, even though I usually don't like ZT. \_ Kind of funny - but isn't a guy who spends so much time photographing and obsessing over something he hates and loathes (protesters) kind of sad? \_ zombie time is not 'one guy'. it's definitely several people. my theory is its former berkeley campus republicans. \_ Isn't someone who posts without RTFA kind of sad? \_ I did RTFA. The guy is a mouthbreather and so are his commenters. \_ Umm... then you didn't comprehend? For one thing, this post isn't really funny. You appear to have missed the entire point of the article. Who's the mouthbreather? \_ What do you mean? "Stamp out Lou Gehrig's Disease?" "Another Alcoholic for a Free Tibet?" Shit is funny. The mouthbreathers are Zombie Time and his freeper readers. \_ Wow, it's like you're pround of shooting yourself down. \_ Wow, it's like you didn't read the article that you posted. \_ Now shoot the other foot! \_ So you don't think the article is in any way funny? You think this shit is deadly serious? Really? You never laughed once? \_ zombietime cracked me up with his "wild eyed communist" remark, but usually he is too dogmatic to be really funny.-!pp \_ zombietime is usually too dogmatic to be funny, but this is really good stuff. -!pp \_ Yeah, it's comedy gold. I don't know what "shoot yourself" guy's problem is. \_ Uh, did you laugh at *all* of it? Some of it was funny, some of it was dead serious. If you can't see anything serious about it then sth is probably wrong with you. Also, the guy who said the author "hates and loathes (protestors)" is flat out wrong and either did not read the text or is mentally deficient. \_ From the text a little more than halfway down the page: "Because of this I ended up on the same side as people whom I normally loathe." \_ That referred to anti- Israel protesters, not the protestors in general. \_ Ahhh, excessive parsing! I'm amused that you accused ME of lacking reading comprehension, and then willfilly ignore a very clear sentence in the article. When the sentence is pointed out to you, you try to dodge by incorrectly parsing the meaning of the sentence. The "guy" was used as an example. Face it, "Zombie Time" is a mouthbreather on a site full of mouthbreathers. I'm no fan of professional protesters either, but I'm certainly not going to write Homeric photo essays about them. \_ Are you serious? Go look at that paragraph again. "for the most part sympathized with the causes of the protesters". Christ. Axe-grinders rarely have anything really interesting to say. |
2008/4/11-16 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:49732 Activity:nil |
4/11 Hilarious photoshop disasters. http://photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com |
2008/4/11-16 [Recreation/Pets] UID:49733 Activity:nil |
4/11 Women infected with t. gondii toxoplasma spent more money on clothes and were consistently rated as more attractive. We found they were more easy-going, more warm-hearted, had more friends and cared more about how they looked, he said. However, they were also less trustworthy and had more relationships with men. http://www.futurepundit.com/archives/001675.html |
2008/4/11-16 [Uncategorized] UID:49734 Activity:nil |
4/11 Video of Paul Volcker's speech: http://calculatedrisk.blogspot.com/2008/04/volckers-speech.html \_ He has some good points but he's one of the worst public speakers I've seen. I think I'll save the links for times when I need to fall asleep quickly. |
2008/4/11-16 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49735 Activity:moderate |
4/11 Did Obama just shoot himself in the foot? I am an Obama supporter, but this statement seems like a political mistake to me. http://www.csua.org/u/l9l (newsday) \_ Oh bullshit. You are not an Obama supporter and everyone knows it. \_ No, I really am an Obama supporter. I even voted for him in the primaries. \_ The guy is going to make a lot of political mistakes. He is incredibly green. \_ Holy cow, I guess he just insulted 1/2 of America. I guess this is why McCain is going to win. \_ I could be wrong, but I don't think 1/2 of America lives in rural areas. \_ FWIW, Obama's response to the all of the "umbrage" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc9PepjyDow \_ He is pretty slick. \_ I think what you wanted to say was that he's a SASSY NIGGER, didn't you? \_ Yawn. How many times are we going to have to see this lame troll this election? FAIL. \_ Sigh. Modern politics just reminds me of the trial scene in Idiocracy. \_ I knew enough about McC and HRC to not like either so I was looking at Obama back in January/February. But now that I know more about him I think he's the worst of the three for the country and I *really* don't like the other two. This statement shows what he really thinks and it is ugly. \_ What about his statement do you disagree with so strongly? Try the response video on youtube linked above, too. \_ It was definitely a political error. Calling a broad swath of people "bitter" and saying they "cling to guns or religion... anti-immigrant or anti-trade" makes it sound like those aren't valid opinions to have; that they are desperate fools. His subsequent response framed it differently: saying that they focus on those things because "they can't count on Washington" for economic or other problems. It's a clever response but it has a different twist than the original statement. Clearly he didn't intend for his remarks to a liberal SF audience to be seen by the "bitter" people themselves. Barack admits mistake: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7344532.stm \_ I actually agree with his remark and I was raised in a small town, but I think it was dumb of him to voice it. -op \_ He regrets the remark, but he didn't apologize for it. \_ Worse than HRC? Really? i don't know if I'd go that far. I would say Hillary has the same elitest views, coupled with distain for democracy and voters that I find appalling. See her attempts to get the Michigan delegates seated and her continuing Bosnia delusions. What makes you think Obama is worse? -Obama is a racist guy \_ Yes worse than HRC and I *really* loathe her. Here's how I see it: HRC: same dysfunctional war room self-induced crisis/fuckup of the week for 4-8 years but that's 99% their internal problems and doesn't truly hurt the country in a real way over the long haul. BHO: true believer in socialism, hates our allies, loves our enemies, no clue at all about half the country's needs/desires and most similar in my mind to Jimmy Carter, worst president ever. Given how the election is going, it looks like BHO gets the party nod and goes up again McC and gets crushed because quite frankly BHO is even more distant from real people than McC and has another 6+ months to say more stupid things. McC: not (R), nor (D), nor (I), he represents the (Selfish) party. Self aggrandising, nearly as criminal as BHO and HRC in his financial dealings, no guiding philosophy other than getting his name in the paper, the Presidency would just be a huge ego trip. I don't know who I'm voting for in November but it won't be any of these losers. IMO, no matter who you vote for (of these three), you're voting based on lesser-evil, as none of them has a single good idea in their head. If anything positive comes from the next President (no matter who) it will be a case of the broken clock being right twice a day. I guess by my own words, HRC is the least worst and wow does it make me ill to say that. \_ So who is your ideal candidate? \_ My ideal candidate wassn't in the race. It sure as hell isn't Pat Buchanan. This whole election cycle is a wash. \_ When wasn't it a wash? Did you think that Dubya would make a good president? How about Kerry? Gore? Clinton? \_ Patrick Buchanan \_ Le sigh. \_ So is he an ANGRY SCARY NEGRO or is he an OUT OF TOUCH IVORY TOWER LATTE SIPPING ELITIST? Which is it, please? \_ Both. \_ Wow, I guess angry and partisan doesn't have to make sense, huh? Just go with your feelings, Luke. \_ Huh? Which of those things you listed are mutual exclusive? You don't think someone can be and angry scary elitist? That's how I'd define a lot of people I met in elitist? That's how I'd describe quite a few people I met in Berkeley. -!pp exclusive? You don't think someone can be an angry scary elitist? That's how I'd describe quite a few people I met in Berkeley. -!pp |
3/15 |