Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:April:10 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2008/4/10-12 [Industry/Startup, Finance/Investment] UID:49709 Activity:nil
4/10    Can an impartial stock investor please clarify the following statement
        for me so that I can vote to the best of MY interest and not the
        interest of the CEO/CTO/CFO?
        "Approval of an amendment to X's 200X Stock Plan to increase the
        number of authorized share of Class A common stock issuable
        thereunfer by 6,500,000"?
        \_ It is hard to say, without knowing more about the companies
           condition. They are trying to increase the amount of preferred
           shares available to sell, in case they need to raise capital.
           This generally dilutes existing shares, but might be needed, if
           they are low on cash or something.
           \_ If I give you more details would that help? The company has
              between 10-20K employees, their stock was inflated to
              ridiculously high in Q4 2008 but has since then tanked about 40%.
           \_ They might also be supplying shares for stock options and ESPP.
              -- !OP
2008/4/10-12 [Uncategorized] UID:49710 Activity:nil
4/10    suck my dick asspolito
        \_ The motd is not a dating site.  Please take it to the men's
           room or wherever your type does these things.
        \_ You make an offer like that you've got to back it up with
           pictures.  -aspo
2008/4/10-12 [Recreation/Dating, Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:49711 Activity:nil
4/10    Ouch
        \_ Similar incident happened in Orange County. If I lived in
           Southern Cal, I'd love to die the same way too. FUCK LA.
2008/4/10-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:49712 Activity:nil
        General lengthens Iraq tour so that Bush can shorten it and
        get credit. JOB WELL DONE BUSHIE!
2008/4/10-16 [Recreation/Dating, Health] UID:49713 Activity:nil
4/10    Next week is our one year anniversary of not having sex.
        What should I get her?  I wish I was kidding.  Life has become
        a tart, bitter joke where my only joy is the tiny hope my pain
        amuses the few motd users left.
        \_ teach her the joy of garden work and WOOD CHIPPER.
        \_ Get yourself an inflatable love doll, introduce it to her,
           and say that thanks to her, it and your palm are your only
           sources of sexual gratification for the last year.
           \_ Real Doll is better, albeit much more expensive.  Fleshlight is
              affordable and is still better than inflatable doll.
              \_ The crappier it is, the better.  The point is to show
                 how pathetic she is making his life.
                 \_ True.  -- PP
        \_ Actually, I'm pretty bored with this.  You're obviously not doing
           anything about it.
           \_ I was about to post the same thing.  This "no sex" joke is dead.
              OP should give it a rest.  Same lame post every time yet we never
              get any feedback at all when we ask questions.  Long running and
              now beyond lame dead joke.
2008/4/10-16 [Uncategorized] UID:49714 Activity:nil
4/11    Need a super easy primer URL to learn combination vs. permutation.
        Better if it's meant for kids. Thanks.          -lib art major
        \_ Combination cares about grouping, not order.  Permution includes
           order.  You can convert the number of permutations to combinations
           just by dividing by duplicate group counting due to
        \_ How about:
  [math is fun]
2008/4/10 [Uncategorized] UID:49715 Activity:nil 75%like:49720
4/10    Please suck my libertarian balls.                       --ilyas
2008/4/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49716 Activity:high 88%like:49719
4/10    68% of the Republicans still approve Bush. SAY WHAT?
        \_ Stupid people of America, unite!  Bush is your man!
           \_ It takes a real Conservative to really appreciate GWB.
              Obviously, there aren't many Conservatives on motd.
              \_ ^Conservative^idiot
                 \_ Case in point, the above knee jerking libural
                                                        -emarkp #1 fan
              \_ On the contrary, I think most Real Conseratives are horrified
                 by Bush.  Hence the historically low approval ratings.
        \_ I honestly don't understand most of the above comments. GWB has
           preciseley 2 conservative stances: 1) lower taxes, 2) national
           defense (and really #2 shouldn't be a conservative principle, it
           should be an American one).  I can't wait for GWB to be out of
           office, except then he'll be replaced by left-wing commies or Bush
           #3 (McCain) -emarkp
        \- keepin mind the number of "independents" are growing
           so the remaining Rs are more exreme/SIVs.
           \_ So are the remaining Ds.
2008/4/10-12 [Consumer/TV, Recreation/Media] UID:49717 Activity:kinda low
4/10    Why do people (myself included) like watching movies or TV series, or
        reading novels?  Why are humans so fascinated about stories that they
        consciously know are not real?  Do other animals exhibit such behavior?
           \_ That is FUCKING AMAZING
              \_ It is amazing.  I think it's partially trained behavior, but
                 still, the elephant almost certainly has a conceptual
                 understanding of what it's doing.  There's also a good amount
                 of data on drawing/painting in great ape species.
                 Elephants, great apes and dolphins can self-recognize in
                 mirrors and presumably on TV and in movies.  I remember
                 a nature show on Koko the gorilla where she was reacting
                 to videos of male gorillas when they were looking for a
                 mate for her.
                 In most ways, gorillas and chimps have at least the cognitive
                 ability of a small human child, and they could probably
                 enjoy the chimp equivalent of Teletubbies.  -tom
                 \_ This is a hoax, pure and simple.
                    \_ It's not a hoax.
                       \_ How many elephants did they have to TORTURE to
                          teach them these tricks? This is BARBARIC. Animals
                          should roam wild, free, and happy. ANIMAL
                          TORTURE. FREE THE ELEPHANTS!!!!!
                       \_ Until I see a video of the elephant doing this
                          without a person (not a zoom that only shows the end
                          of the trunk) it's a hoax.
                          \_ until you stop being an idiot, you're an idiot.
              \_ Dang it, he draws a better elephant than I do!
              \_ Maybe the elephant is tracing out some faint shape on the
                 paper which the audiance can't see from far away.  But even
                 if so, it's still amazing.
        \_ Why do people like to get drunk or take drugs or play video games
           for hours on end? Probably for the same reason: to escape from their
           mostly unhappy lives.
           mostly unhappy lives.
           \_ I guess that's the reason.  -- OP
              \_ Why do people like to do anything at all?
2008/4/10-12 [Politics/Domestic] UID:49718 Activity:nil
4/10    Please suck my libertarian balls.
        \_ But your liberarian balls want to be free!
           \_ Niiiice :)
           \_ Actually, they want to be for sale.
              \_ They want to be outsourced to Bangalore.
        \_ Wouldn't you rather have the Invisible Hand fondle your
           libertarian balls?
2008/4/10-16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49719 Activity:nil 88%like:49716
4/10    68% of the Republicans still approve Bush. SAY WHAT? [gallup]
        \_ Stupid people of America, unite!  Bush is your man!
           \_ It takes a real Conservative to really appreciate GWB.
              Obviously, there aren't many Conservatives on motd.
              \_ ^Conservative^idiot
                 \_ Case in point, the above knee jerking libural
                                                        -emarkp #1 fan
              \_ On the contrary, I think most Real Conseratives are horrified
                 by Bush.  Hence the historically low approval ratings.
        \_ I honestly don't understand most of the above comments. GWB has
           preciseley 2 conservative stances: 1) lower taxes, 2) national
           defense (and really #2 shouldn't be a conservative principle, it
           should be an American one).  I can't wait for GWB to be out of
           office, except then he'll be replaced by left-wing commies or Bush
           #3 (McCain) -emarkp
        \- keepin mind the number of "independents" are growing
           so the remaining Rs are more extreme/SIVs.
           \_ So are the remaining Ds.
              \- that's true to some extent but there is a difference in
                 the R and D populations, but it is hard to explain without
                 drawing a picture
              \_ No, the number of Ds is remaining constant, or even slightly
        \_ Loyalty and subordinance to authority are pretty strong
                 \- well if we are talking about the last year, rather
                    than a "generational" trend, more than the number of
                    Ds changing, the D-leaning Indeps have increased a lot.
        \_ Loyalty and obedience to authority are pretty strong
           Conservative virtues.
           \_ As are showing strong stance for America (don't flip flop)
              and never showing weaknesses and never admitting mistakes.
           \_ As are marching in lockstep to sound bites for Lefties.  (Bush
              lied, people died, etc.)
              \_ The Left is united by a common enemy (Bush) but if you actually
                 went to a demonstration or paid any attention or even looked
                 at the Zombietime site, you would know that you are full of
                 crap. It is more a temporary coalition of 100 different
                 special interest groups. Read The Nation letters section
              \_ The Left is united by a common enemy (Bush) but if you
                 actually went to a demonstration or paid any attention or
                 even looked at the Zombietime site, you would know that you
                 are full of crap. It is more a temporary coalition of 100
                 different special interest groups. Read The Nation letters
                 section sometime.
2025/03/14 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:April:10 Thursday <Wednesday, Friday>