2008/3/28 [Reference/Military] UID:49587 Activity:moderate |
3/28 "Dude! I've totally just had this kick ass idea dude! <bong rip> After college, let's you and me be DEFENSE CONTRACTORS! DUDE! THAT WILL RULE DUDE!" http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/27/world/asia/27ammo.html \_ Only if you also have a 22-yr-old licensed male masseur as the VP, unless you're willing to perform all the dick massages to the Pentagon officials yourself in order to get your company into the market. |
2008/3/28 [Uncategorized] UID:49588 Activity:high |
3/28 "Parents pick prayer over docs; girl dies" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080328/ap_on_re_us/daughter_s_death_prayer \_ "Obviously, they didn't pray hard enough" -Religious Conservative \_ Ummm.. since you just made that up, why are there quote marks around it? More to the point, don't you mean "Christian Scientist?" \_ They should have prayed for brains instead |
2008/3/28 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:49589 Activity:nil |
3/27 What are they fighting about in Basra? 'The fighting in Basra, which has spread to parts of Baghdad, is not a clash between good and evil or between a legitimate government and an outlaw insurgency. Rather, as Anthony Cordesman, military analyst for the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, writes, it is "a power struggle" between rival "Shiite party mafias" for control of the oil-rich south and other Shiite sections of the country.' http://www.slate.com/id/2187564 |
2008/3/28 [Recreation/Food] UID:49590 Activity:kinda low |
3/27 Turducken is just so wrong: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turducken \_ I brought it to my in-laws three Christmas' in a row now. We think it is great. The oil in the duck helps keep the rest moist. \_ What's wrong with it? It's just cooking poultry together. \_ It's wrong because duck is greasy and it makes it very very unhealthy. And the idea of stuffing one animal into another sickens me. -op \_ In Japan there is a dish called, lierally, "mother and child". It's chicken and egg cooked together. That's more sickening than Turducken to me. \_ That's just because you are in denial about where your food comes from. \_ "My food bigotry is better than your food bigotry." Awesome. -!pp \_ heh, yeah. I ate it once in Texas. It was good but I could feel myself getting fatter. |
2008/3/28 [Uncategorized] UID:49591 Activity:high |
3/27 These Shao Lin monks are getting more action than most sodans! http://club.cn.yahoo.com/photo/view/100004207_134194_0_.html?source=1CE (Click on a picture to go to the next one.) \_ Those girls look kinda cold. |
2008/3/28 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49592 Activity:very high |
3/28 The only way the democrats are going to win this November is if they join forces. But both candidates are too arrogant to accept that. This country is not ready for a black candidate, nor a woman president, but both of them, together, will hold those democratic votes that may otherwise shift to McCain. This is just sad. Personally I will vote for McCain if Obama wins. I am not ready for a black kid president, regardless of how good his speech skill is. -ray \_ His "speech skill" is clearly better than yours. \_ Though he seems to have learned from the Shatner school of speaking. \_ Well, I am not voting for a fucking black president, because all black knows how to do is the play the racist card when they commit a crime. I've seen plenty of them in Oakland and San Francisco, wearing extra large T-shirts and pants dropped down. They belong in jail. -asian \_ This has to be a troll. You argument is logically inconsistant. \_ Yours too, troll-boy, so what? -jrleek \_ I don't think I combined ticket would actually make any sense. Why would Obama want to be vice-president to Hillary? He'd just end up playing second fiddle to Bill. Why would he want to have Hillary as his vice-president? It would be impossible to get her to tow the party line. -jrleek \_toe \_ Obama fiddles Bill. Hmm ... |
2008/3/28 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49593 Activity:nil |
3/28 Google Maps is lame. From 34643 Allegheny Ct, Fremont, CA To 1309 Elmer St., Unit A, Belmont, CA Yahoo Maps: via Dumbarton Br, 18.3 miles Google Maps: via San Mateo Br, 23.2 miles \_ Yeah, google maps really hates the dumbarton for some reason. |
2008/3/28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Industry/Jobs] UID:49594 Activity:nil |
3/28 HA HA HA "Bush sees Opportunity for Renewed Platitudes in Iraq." |
2008/3/28 [Recreation/Dating] UID:49595 Activity:nil |
3/28 Woof. Woman with nipple piercings in the airport. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8VM3DT00&show_article=1&image=large |
2008/3/28 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:49596 Activity:nil |
3/28 Top 10 Surprising Results of Global Warming | LiveScience: http://www.csua.org/u/l5c Check out #4 Speddier Satellites |
2008/3/28 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49597 Activity:nil |
3/28 Political debates on NPR are worthless. They really need a ref with fact verification powers or something. I was listening to one this morning talking about the Cow Palace, and the debators couldn't even agree on basic facts, like if the Cow Palace operates in the black or not. It's impossible to draw any kind of conclusions from two lists of completely contradictory "facts." |
2008/3/28 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:49598 Activity:nil |
3/28 So, has there been any report on how CNN and a lot of western media manipulated the image they posted on the Web about the Tibet riot? On the 17th CNN posted an image showing a Chinese army truck driving forward while 2 "innocent people" watched on the side. The right half of the image was cut. It had lots of looters throwing rocks at the truck. WTF? There were countless other examples. My dad mentioned this to me, he saw it on one of the local Chinese newspapers. I was suspicious at first, but then saw it on my local Chinese news last night. CNN's official response: we have to cut the image to fit the available space on the web page. If killing, looting, burning, and rioting can be justified, then nothing is illegal. Our balanced media would have you believe that invading a country looking for WMD which didn't exist, killing tens of thousands of innocent people in the process while pocketing billions, torturing, is all good, while enforcing law and getting rid of rioters is bad just because it's a communist government and it's just fashionable to bash against them, no matter what they do. In fact, if you don't bash against them, you will be in trouble. This is clearly an organized and orchestrated event. I asked myself why aren't the demonstrations peaceful. 2 explanations, either the Chinese police/army did something which enraged the protesters, nothing I've seen seems to suggest that, or the protesters rioted for a reason. They rioted because they know that peaceful demonstration will not trigger much response from the Chinese government, and hence cannot show how evil they are. They must riot, and ANY response from the Chinese government will be viewed negatively, because of the Olympics and the world's eyes are on China. Tell me that the oppressed and backward monk in Tibet know about this without any outside help? Was there any report that some rioters confessed that they were paid to riot? I wonder where the money came from. Let's face it, bashing China is the safe thing to do. Because it is a communist government, anything and everything they do is evil. Because we are a democratic government, then everything we do is right. - pissed off sodan \_ http://observers.france24.com/en/content/20080317-cnn-accused-propaganda-tibet-riots \_ Yawn. |
2008/3/28-4/6 [Uncategorized] UID:49599 Activity:nil |
3/28 'Pastor's Page' of Barack's church bulletin says the Jews were working on 'ethnic bomb' that kills Blacks and Arabs. Oh, and this was last year. (link to PDF) http://tucc.org/upload/tuccbulletin_june10.pdf \_ Your url is broken. I see no evidence of this anywhere. The URL is also very suspicious. "upload?" \_ So you think someone made up this pdf and hacked the site and put it in the upload directory to smear an otherwise loving and open minded pastor? Uh huh.... \_ Works fine for me. Sorry they have a suspicious website. \_ Working now for me too. -pp \_ "Israel planning 'ethnic' bomb as Saddam caves in Sunday Times (London) November 15, 1998, Sunday" This artlce was a hoax: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_bioweapon So this one sentence in the pdf is the equivalent of a stupid email forwarded from yermom. OMG SMOKING GUN!!!!!1!! \_ Thanks for sharing this. It is an interesting insight into the workings of Obama's church. I had wondered whether I should give money to his campaign or not, but I realize now what a great community he is part of. |
2008/3/28-4/6 [Recreation/Media] UID:49600 Activity:nil |
3/28 You guys gonna see 21 the Movie about MIT kids? Support your fellow nerds? \_ Apparently the movie makes a mash of the real story, which is (as is typically the case) much more interesting than the fictionalized version. \_ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23785878 \_ I'm not planning to see it. This morning's merc review said the movie had almost nothing in common with the real story. Based on the trailers I've seen it looks like boring knock off of a Hustle eps or a George Clooney movie. \_ Sounded pretty boring. With movie prices so high these days I only see the flash and bang fx flicks at the movies. For everyting else there is netflix, cable, and free play-anytime movies on cable. |
2008/3/28-4/6 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:49601 Activity:nil |
3/28 Anti-Emo Riots in Mexico! http://blog.wired.com/underwire/2008/03/anti-emo-riots.html \_ Is Emo the new word for Goth? \_ I thought it was the new word for hipster. \_ Emo mights might be hipsters, but not all hipsters are emo. |
2008/3/28-4/6 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:49602 Activity:low |
3/28 I like this quote the best "If the Chinese are wrong to hold on to their province of Tibet, then Lincoln was wrong to insist that the South stay in the Union. and we ought to immediately either grant the American Southwest (and California) independence, or else give it all back to the Mexicans. The same goes for Taiwan. China's rulers are no more likely to give up their claim to that island than Lincoln was inclined to let the Confederacy hold on in, say, Key West, Fla. http://www.antiwar.com/justin/j032608b.html \_ We can't change history. But for the present, if most people in the American Southwest and CA want independence, sure, let those people (and *only* those people) vote for it. (Cf. Quebec.) It's nonsense to say Tibet needs to stay because "it's the will of 1.2 billion Chinese people" most of which are not Tibetans. Personally, I don't know about Tibet, but I do want Taiwan to unify with Mainland China. However, since I have no ties with Taiwan, I should have no say in this matter. -- Chinese \_ Oddly enough, quite a few young Taiwanese-Americans seem to favor "reunification." It's the terms of such that tend to be the sticking point. \_ How many is "quite a few"? You can find "quite a few" young Americans who awant to bring back slavery if you look hard enough. There are always "quite a few" stupid people in any "sufficiently large" group. \_ An unscientific number used to represent anecdote rather than research; I spoke to my coworkers and some of their friends, many of them Taiwanese-American, and I reached the conclusion above. If you want real numbers, pay me money, and I'll conduct an actual survey (with MoE and all worked out). \_ Why not just say, "Some of my Taiwanese friends ..."? \_ 'How many is "some"? You can find "some" young Americans who awant [sic] to bring back slavery if you look hard enough ... blah blah blah.' -- !PP \_ This guy's arguments are fairly weak. For example, if Puerto Rico demanded independence, the US would probably let them go. The Puerto Ricans don't seem to be all the interested in either independence or statehood. Furthermore, Taiwan has been independent for 50 years now. It doesn't really compare well with the US civil war. Especially since Taiwan doesn't have the same vital economic importance that the South had (has) for the Union. The Mississippi is a big deal. \_ Also, China invaded and annexed Tibet in the 50s. There is no comparison here to be made with the South. \_ Unlike the south, tibet did not join the union freely. \_ Another weird one: The US govt. is MORE hostile to China than in the past? Wha? Korean War? Vietnam war? Nixon? 'Yellow Menace?' There's a lot of lame populism around right now, but I don't think it approaches past tensions with China. \_ Also, we fall over backwards making accomodations based on their economic power/potential. First sign that things are back to any sense of normalcy, let alone anti-PRC sentiment, will be revocation of Most Favored Nation. \_ After they shoot a few olympic athletes, maybe. |
2008/3/28-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49603 Activity:nil |
3/28 motd nuked!!!! |
2008/3/28-4/6 [Academia/Berkeley] UID:49604 Activity:nil |
3/28 Once again, the NYT does a leem article on Berkeley: http://travel.nytimes.com/2008/03/30/travel/30hours.html To wit: "students running off hangovers along the steep hills." \_ Why is this lame? I have done the same thing, when I was an undergrad. I thought the gratitous fraternity pot shot was kind an undergrad. I thought the gratuitous fraternity pot shot was kind of weak though: "But first, make sure it's not sorority or fraternity night, unless your idea of fun is watching college kids pound shots and scream at the top of their lungs." \_ Thanks for the article! After reading this 95% of you are probably nalstalgic on the stuff they talked about and wished that you're in the good 'ol days again. I for one am glad to get out of that place, esp. after reading the article. Good bye and good riddens. PS. I never understood the Asian fetish thing. Asian women look like little boys. Go Jackie Johnson! \_ And for every miserable illiterate putz like you who leaves, Cal is that much more attractive. \_ "College Avenue, the town's main drag" - uh WHAT? Since when? |
2008/3/28-4/6 [Health/Women] UID:49605 Activity:moderate |
3/28 Irish+German women = SUPER HOT. \_ Asian women = little boy figures = satisfy my long awaited but socially unacceptable yearning for petite underaged lovers. That is why I think Asian women = SUPER HOT, and I'm sure many of you closet Asian lovers at Cal feel the same way. \_ What makes you think we are in the closet about it? I have a skinny flat-chested wife with braces and that makes me happy. What is wrong with that? \_ you need to be closet about the UNDERAGED part or else the society will frown upon it. \_ Yes, I do get scowls from white women my age, but I am just amused by it. I don't really prefer underaged women, just young adults, though my brother teases me and calls me a pedophile. \_ Maybe at the high end of the spectrum, but both Irish and German women in general tend to be rather homely. Maybe two negatives equal a positive? I think on average Latin American women are the most attractive, but YMMV. Note that I am not saying there aren't hot Irish or German women. There absolutely are. I am speaking in general terms. \_ So sometimes there may or may not be in certain cases certain combinations that could or could result in a woman that is or is not attractive depending on yours or others personal preferences in some cases where upon each would have to decide on their own if someone was or was not possibly attractive in their view, sometimes, maybe? YMMV. IANAL. \_ I think there are accepted standards of beauty and my comment was based on those. You can have your own preferences, just like you can choose your own editor even though ED is the standard. \_ I think there are actually a few different standards of beauty. Fertility is considered attractive cross-culturally but that can be represented in quite a few different ways. \_ Average people look... average. What population do you sample? For example, younger populations tend to look better. \_ Different flowers blossom and wither at a different rate. Latina women blossom at around 14-15 years old, but they tend to balloon up and look like Jaba the Hut by the time they're 24 years old. There's something about the early release of growth hormones. Like fireworks: great sparkle, but only for a short period. \_ You think Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba, Adriana Lima, or Alessandra Ambrosio look like Jabba? \_ Don't blame their Jaba the Hut genes. Latina blood has superior digestive systems. Before the Conquistadores came they ate grass and grain and looked beautiful. But when they changed their diet to corn and other starchy materials they started to balloon up. If there's ever going to be WW3, skinny people will start to die from the lack of starch while the Latinas will be the ones who will survive by eating grass and grains. They will look beautiful again. Latinas on grain diet rule!!! \_ Jessica Alba is half Danish. Alessandra Ambrosio is Italian/Polish. Maybe they need some non-Latina blood to prevent ballooning. \_ Most Latinas do have mixed blood and I think it is why they are so beautiful. They have the best features of many races. \_ Maybe you are full of shit. Who knows! \_ lol \_ Salma Hayek and Sofia Vergara are my Latina goddess. Both are silicone free. Odalys Garcia is good too. --- !PP \_ Eva Mendes \_ Salma Hayek is possibly the hottest 41 year old ever. \_ That would be yermom. |
2008/3/28-4/6 [Recreation/Food] UID:49606 Activity:low |
3/28 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23727879 Don't use the middle stall in the bathroom! \_ It doesn't mention that the average office computer keyboard has more germs per sq-in than the average toilet seat. I read this somewhere else. \_ Re: "The worst place to cool leftovers: in the refrigerator" This doesn't make sense. Sure, It can take a long time for the temperature in the middle of a big container to drop. But doesn't it take even longer if you leave it on the counter? If the writer is thinking about the timer that the food at the middle stays in the warm temperature range which bacteria grows, well, after you leave the food on the counter for initial cooling, you either have to leave it on the counter forever or put it in the fridge. In both cases the total time that the food at the middle stays in the warm temperature range should still be longer than if you just put the food in the fridge at the beginning. \_ Writer may be talking about how a warm dish tends to heat the food surrounding it in the fridge. If you put your still-hot leftovers next to your eggs, you might as well leave your eggs on the counter. \_ For a few minutes, yes. Guess what. Keeping your eggs out for a few minutes every week won't change a hill of beans. Think for a second. You go to the store. You put the eggs in your basket. You wait in line. You drive home. All that time the eggs stay out. This article is filled with "OH MY GOD GERMS!" fear that is just silly. \_ Worrying about eggs going bad is pretty funny, considering on the farm, we used to only collect them once a day. They have built in antibiotic resistance, which should be obvious if you think about it for a second. You can even leave them out for a couple of days, but you risk getting "blood spot" eggs if you have a rooster around. \_ Yup. Supermarkets in Hong Kong display eggs on shelves, not in refrigerators. |
2008/3/28-4/6 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49607 Activity:nil |
3/28 Consumer confidence lowest in 16 years but BUSH'S TAX CUTS AND REBATES will rescue us!!! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23843931 |
2008/3/28 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:49608 Activity:nil |
3/28 The good thing about Obama is that he can use the race card to get us out of trouble, like war, recession, immigration, etc. |
3/14 |