2008/3/24-27 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:49546 Activity:nil |
3/24 X Prize for 100mpg vehicles: http://www.csua.org/u/l3w I think the 100mph requirement for the mainstream category is too high. Something like 85-90mph will be more useful. OTOH I think it should add a crash test requirement to that category. \_ Put up your own prize money. |
2008/3/24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:49547 Activity:high |
3/23 Raise your hand if you don't know what motdedit is or why you should use it. And/or: Why does the motd seem to travel back in time? \_ Raise your hand if you don't care about motdedit. \_ motdedit is for the weak. we've been over this. \_ The time travel thing is the result of censor/restore wars. |
2008/3/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49548 Activity:nil |
3/24 An honest dialogue about race http://www.balloon-juice.com/?p=9955 \_ I see very little honesty there. |
2008/3/24 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:49549 Activity:nil 97%like:49553 |
3/24 Oops, biofuels are worse re greenhouse gasses http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2008/03/24/ap4806595.html http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120631198956758087.html?mod=googlenews_wsj |
2008/3/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49550 Activity:kinda low |
3/24 Wow, you'd think with all that experience, Hillary wouldn't be such a bad liar (re: visit to Bosnia). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It6JN7ALF7 \_ The press covered for Hill&Bill for 15+ years. They didn't have to be good liars. They got busted all through the 90s but mostly the press ignored it. Now that the press is leaning heavily to Obama, they are showing the world what the Clintons always were and cover for Obama instead. All very amusing. \_ The primaries will never end. I suspect Hillary and Obama will be gearing up for their 3000th debate right around the Inauguration of McCain. \_ ALGOR is going to settle this by becoming the nominee. \- Must not destroy Robot. \_ She doesn't actually kiss the little 8 year old Bosnian girl. She just makes a kissing motion but presses her cheek against her. \- This really has gone beyond "spin" and exaggeration to lying. \- This really has gone beyond "spin" and exaggeration (ALGOR && the Internet) to lying: On Bosnia, see: http://tinyurl.com/2k8yxg [wapo] On Northern Ireland, see: http://tinyurl.com/2ff9xe ... this time not a comedian, but a Nobel Prize winner. http://tinyurl.com/2ff9xe (this time not a comedian, but a Nobel Prize winner) This kind of thing is beyond "mere sleaze" like this: http://tinyurl.com/2sbrjo I know this is really long [20min], but it is a much more eloquent and cogent version of "why i [psb] hate hillary clinton" than i could put together: http://lessig.org/blog/2008/02/20_minutes_or_so_on_why_i_am_4.html It's about a month out of date but still very worth listening to, particularly if you have come to appreciate "character matters" It's about a month out of date but still very much worth listening to, particularly if you have come to appreciate "character matters" in who you vote for, rather than just the policy bundle [which a lot of ex-BUSHCO supporters have come to realize]. I strongly, strongly, strongly encourage any fence sitters of good conscience to watch that [if you have both feet on the Hillary side, I dont have much to say to you]. --psb \_ Some girl who wants to ***** my ***** out is for Hillary. so I'm for Hillary. \_ Thanks for posting the url though. I wonder if I can find an Obama girl... \- one reason the anti-abortion nutjobs and are powerful beyond their numbers, is they are spending their friday nights and sat afternoons agitating, while "apathetic"` younger people are out tring to find people to ***** their ***** out. but supposedly people can combine activism and socializing in the obama campaign [this is secondhand]. i thought most of the people you'ld have met at a hillary rally are menopausal women and economic losers? anyway, after you both go your own ways, be sure to tell her the only reason you "went through the hillary supporting motions" was so she'd "go through the motions". be sure to refer to hillary as "the sanctimonious hypocritical liar" so she knows which hillary you are talking about. \_ Uhm, I suspect most people reading the motd have already had their shot at primary voting. Who are you trying to convince? |
2008/3/24-27 [Uncategorized] UID:49551 Activity:nil |
3/24 These free Tibet fuckers are pissing me off, just like those LA riot assholes. They should be taken outside and shot like animals. Free Tibet my ass. \_ I know this is only Monday but even so I nominate you for, "Weakest Troll Of The Week" award! I don't think anyone will come up with anything lamer by Friday. \_ Any chance that the Chinese govt was that one setting fire on their own embassy in SF? \_ Ok, how about Free the Whales people? Free Willy? |
2008/3/24-25 [Finance/Banking, Reference/Tax] UID:49552 Activity:high |
3/24 Opinion: companies that require tax-payer funded bailouts should pay for this privilege in advance as a kind of insurance. -- ilyas \_ So you advocate a business tax? I don't think we need a new business tax. I don't think we need bailouts either. Let them take their lumps and retire with what they've already stolen. Ban them all from every working in finance again to prevent recycling these criminal idiots and let the markets recover without government tampering. No bailouts. No silly taxes. \_ No need for laws/rules, the free market will take care of it. Requiring anything extra will stifle competition and make US less competitive to other countries. No. \_ It's very simple, if you want free taxpayer money in case of a 'catastrophe,' you need to pay the taxpayers a premium. This isn't just about the latest financial meltdown, but also airlines, farming, etc. -- ilyas \_ Seems kind of redundant, given the presence of private insurance. So I guess what you're saying is that companies should not be bailed out. Which isn't very interesting but I agree. \_ I am prepared to admit that bailouts might be necessary in some cases, I just want to make the fuckers pay for this. -- ilyas \_ Yes, this is essentially what the FDIC is all about. It is obvious that these IBs need a similar level of regulation. What pisses me off is that the BSC shareholders are going to get billions from the taxpayers. I was okay with a $2 (fuck you) bailout, because I understand the risk to the financial system, but why $10? \_ I'm fine with the shadow banking system getting a bailout, so long as they're willing to submit to regulation and oversight (just like ordinary commercial banks). If you want to operate with impunity, that's fine, but you shouldn't expect the goverment to swoop in and save your stupid ass when you mess up. \_ The purpose of the bailout wasn't to protect the company, but to build confidence in our financial system and to prevent from market melt-down. Ultimately, the goal is to protect the American dollar, hence everyone wins. \_ It is more prudent to protect the American dollar by regulating dangerous behavior by financial institutions, than it is to let them screw everything up and then bail them out. -tom \_ I don't think anyone will disagree with you except the it doesn't change the fact that dangerous behavior already happened. It's as helpful as trying to preach safe sex to people who already got a bunch of STDs. \- "first you have at admit you have a problem^W^W^W^W there was a bail out". \_ What if there was no BSC bailout? Exactly what dire effects for all of us are we trying to prevent? Dollar devaluation, is that what you're saying? I think that would be temporary. The broader macroeconomic policies of the fed. gov't seem more important. In a larger sense, bailouts undermine the entire market. The only real accountability executives have is to their shareholders. The only way to force that accountability is to make the prospect of shareholders losing their shirts very real. \_ There are real concerns of a domino effect; a BSC failure would put liquidity pressure on all the other institutions which hold BSC debt, which could lead to more failures. Complete meltdown of the financial system is not outside the realm of possibility. Still, bailing out BSC sucks. -tom \_ Yeah I mean, I would think they should let BSC die ignobly, and even let a couple other dominoes fall perhaps. Bail out when it actually does seem necessary; let some smaller fish take over. I'm skeptical of a term like "complete meltdown of the financial system". I'm sure the most irresponsible entities would like to trumpet themselves as being key to the entire "financial system" and therefore must be saved from their own mistakes. Just like any corporate welfare is couched in noble terms. \_ Yes, and this is exactly the problem with the shadow system. Without any regulatory oversight or standards, who really knows what is lurking behind BSC? Maybe they really are the key! Or maybe not... I hate to drag out that hoary old quote from Buffet about derivatives being "financial weapons of mass destruction," but in this case it seems warranted. \_ Dire? Think of all the yachts that won't be bought that year! My God! Think of the yacht makers' children! \_ LANDLORD WITH A YACHT! \_ Go read up on the panics the economy used to routinely experience in the late 1800's, with unemployment in the 20%+ range and bank runs and get back to me with any questions. \_ http://www.usagold.com/gildedopinion/greenspan.html \_ The Financial Times agrees with you, as do I. -ausman http://www.csua.org/u/l4i \_ Why don't you point us to something? And also say what your point is. |
2008/3/24-27 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:49553 Activity:nil 97%like:49549 |
3/24 Oops, biofuels are worse re greenhouse gasses http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2008/03/24/ap4806595.html http://preview.tinyurl.com/yv7nyg [wsj] |
2008/3/24-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:49554 Activity:kinda low |
3/24 http://plone.org/about/movies Java is the COBOL of 21st century, as exaggerated by the author. Scroll to the bottom and click that video. \_ Wow, what a weak argument. It boils down to "properties are good!" No balance about drawbacks of Python, and a tremendously weak analysis of Ruby. \_ Java is the crapness. Admit it. \_ Oh, I happily admit it. -pp \_ C. High enough level to get work done, low enough level to do anything you need. \_ Any language without garbage collection is a lose. Development/ debug time is tons higher. (There are places where C is good, but most of them are native calls inside tight loops.) \_ Garbage collection is just a crutch for sloppy programming. \_ Wrong. Garbage collection lets you build code that doesn't have to worry about lifespan issues. That's a huge win. Yes, 99% of all memory allocation issues are easy, but that 1% will kill you. \_ I've used C, Java and Ruby and this is one of the most content-free arguments I've seen on the topic of language choice. |
2008/3/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49555 Activity:low |
3/24 CBS has picked up the Hillary/Bosnia snafu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BfNqhV5hg4 \- ^snafu^lie \_ Snafu? You meant to say "lie". There's a looong way from "We were under threat of death from sniper fire! They send the First Lady when it is too dangerous to send the President!" to "We hopped off the plane into a beautiful sunny day where young local girls tossed flowers at us". \_ The interesting thing was how she invented an entire long story extolling the evasive capabilities of the transport plane and pantomimed "running to the cars". "And that's how it happened." Just bizarre. And now she said "I misspoke" which is another lie. \- I am not sure what the Clinton equivalent of "faith-based community" is, but it's not "reality based". Maybe "Hillary- expedient-recovered-memory-based". I agree with you the "vividness" of some of her recollections are disturbing ... like she has some kind of heroic delusion. I think she actually believes she is more clever than Bill Clinton, which is clearly untrue. If she loses, I wonder if they will effectively split up. |
2008/3/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49556 Activity:very high |
3/24 McCain's endless free ride http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2008_03/013394.php \_ McCain's free ride will end when Hillary finally gives up. He's going to get slaughtered. -tom \_ Maybe. I wish I shared your confidence in that. \_ No kidding, Bush was going to get "slaughtered" too how the the heck does a bumbling incompetent get [s]elected twice? \_ c.f. "Idiocracy" \_ I didn't think Bush was going to get slaughtered. The situation is completely different today. McCain will be viewed as the candidate of yesterday; he will win if people think the country's current state is good. What do you think? -tom \_ Unless the Dems get their act together and nominate ALGOR, McCain is going to be our next president. It is fairly clear that Billary can't win. I used to think Obama could win but Billary has really done a number on him in the last few weeks. Because of this I think McCain has a good chance of beating Obama. I think McCain has a very good chance of beating Obama. I think McCain will most likely beat Obama. \_ The idea of Al Gore as a candidate is laughable. He had enormous advantages over Dubya and still lost. He lost his own home state. He's got one strong topic, the environment, which doesn't seem like a major issue in this campaign. -tom \_ ALGOR's biggest advantage is the realization of the electorate of how different things would have been if he had become President in 2000. Also, unlike Obama, he hasn't been broken down by Billary. At this point, he is probably the only democrat who can take on McCain and win. \_ Asserting that again doesn't make it any less stupid. -tom \_ Do you really think people who voted for Dubya in 2004 will vote for Obama now? I think it will be the usual red vs. blue scenario. \_ Yes, I do. Something happening twice doesn't make it the "usual" scenario. Votes are a lot more elastic than that. Ronald Reagan carried New York. Clinton carried Georgia. -tom \_ Consider: McCain is less polarizing, seen as more moderate, than Bush. Obama is more polarizing than Kerry or Gore, apparently: for the racial issue if not the political issues. I rate their chances as 50/50 either way. It will depend on what media events happen between now and November. But don't take my word for it: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2yke8u The trend is actually for McCain. Saying McCain is going to get slaughtered is delusional. It's typical for you guys to delude yourself about the appeal of the Republican candidates. You don't understand the R voters. The only way McCain will get slaughtered is if he goes senile and cracks up on national TV: his age is his weakness. \_ I understand R voters just fine, you don't understand swing voters at all. They care mostly about the economy, which is going to hell. Who do you think they are going to blame for this? How much do you want to bet on the outcome? -ausman \_ I don't want to bet. I already said I rate the chances 50/50. If I want to bet near 50/50 I'll go play craps somewhere. I pointed to polls showing 50/50. Are you a Swami who foretells some vast shift in public opinions within the next 6 months? It's not very credible to place blame for all problems at the feet of the incumbent party. The D's voted us into Iraq also. The D's have controlled Congress lately. \_ Intrade and the Iowa markets have it \_ Intrade and the other markets have it more like 60/40. But I am sure all the people betting there are not as wise and experienced in these things as you are. I expect the polls to change pretty hard against McCain after the Democratic nomination. And a majority of Democrats in Congress voted against the Iraq War. Retelling that tired old lie of yours doesn't make it any more convincing. \_ The Senate is not Congress? A lot of D's voted for it, and a majority in the Senate. D's control Congress. D's continue to fund the war. I think I was mentioning delusions a couple posts ago. McCain hasn't really begun to fight. You really think it's so obvious? You should go bet on Intrade, those 40-something ask prices are ripe for the picking. \_ You are the one claiming that it is 50/50, you should be grabbing all the 40's you can. \_ The topic here started with someone questioning tom's claim that McCain will get "slaughtered". If you want to define what that means (Obama gets >60% of pop vote?) then maybe I could bet against that. I'm not claiming Obama will lose. I don't like the odds enough to risk losing. You are the one who is apparently certain of the outcome. My entire point is that it's uncertain. (Someone else claimed McCain would win.) \_ I am not certain, but I think the race is the Democrats to lose. They might just do that though. |
3/15 |