2008/3/11-13 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:49413 Activity:low |
3/10 http://www.roadracerx.com/article.php?article_id=358 Even Bay Area bicycle couriers hardly your typical law-and-order conservatives now say that Critical Mass is making things worse, not better, for day-to-day riders. \_ That was a pretyt good article on motorcycle commuting (on which \_ That was a pretty good article on motorcycle commuting (on which he is totally correct.) But since his assertion about bike couriers is totally unsourced, I'm not sure why you posted this. \_ because he's a stupid troll. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ_qK4g6ntM \_ Very funny! Is subprime a unique problem in the US? Or is it widespread to other countries? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Rock \_ Northern Rock did not underwrite sub-prime loans. They ran out of cash when the short-term money markets dried up. Giving people a loan w/o confirming their income, and the investment banks' securitization conduits w/o regard to underwriting and risk were mostly Americans' stupidity/genius. Those burned overseas bought our mortgage bonds. |
2008/3/11 [Uncategorized] UID:49414 Activity:kinda low |
3/10 Hey williamc, do you have Asperger's Syndrome? \_ don't most of us on soda? \_ that may be true but williamc is a bit severe, IMHO |
2008/3/11-13 [Uncategorized] UID:49415 Activity:nil |
3/11 Glenn Beck's video coverage of the media bias covering him (redux from yesterday, this time on TV). http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2008/03/11/beck.liberal.media.cycle.cnn |
2008/3/11-13 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:49416 Activity:high |
3/10 Motd poll! Spitzer should: Resign and go away: . Stay and fight: . Legalize prostitution: .. Stay and post a picture of Kristen, 5'5" 105lbs: .. Encourage call-girls and clients to fly to LV: .. \_ mmmm.. destroy families, legally ruin the lives of more young girls, make a few more movies like pretty woman to give them a positive role model. \_ Large scale prositution exists now. But because it is illegal and unregulated it is much nastier. Illegal immagrent sex slaves and pimps are the sort of thing that regulation would drive way down. (Not to other risks involved with the occupation.) Yes it might offended your delicate sensabilities, but making consenual activities illegal never helps. \_ Someone thinks prostitution is bad, call them a prude, declare victory! *laugh* It is hard to argue with your "logic". \_ actually it looks like he made a number of substantive points that you ignored. \_ Uh huh... poster's "substantive points": 1: fighting crime is hard. ignoring it is easy. 2: making crimes illegal makes them worse. 3: making crimes legal makes bad people stop doing those things. 4: you're a prude so nyah! send in the hookers! Which of these is a substantive point? And how many of my points did the person reply to vs. ignore? 2 were serious, 1 was tongue in cheek. *all* ignored. Carry on. \_ Trust the INVISIBLE HAND! Stay and post a picture of Kristen, 5'5" 105lbs: .. RIDE BIKE: ... Lie low until the furor settles down: . \_ RIDE BIKE so he becomed impotent, thereby removing the problem? \_ I can't be bothered to learn the details of this case. Can anyone summarize the salient points? So this guy hired a prostitute, anything else? \_ Apparently he transported her across state lines, which makes it a federal offense. \_ Did he? I thought he just mailed some money across state lines. That is also a federal offence though. \_ He also prosecuted others for doing exactly what he just got caught doing when he was AG. \_ "planning to meet a prostitute in Washington after arranging for her to travel from New York." http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aQB02sFNJ0Jg&refer=home First link I got off google news. \_ "planning to meet a prostitute in Washington after arranging for her to travel from New York." First link I got off google news. With "spitzer prostitute across state line" |
2008/3/11-13 [Uncategorized] UID:49417 Activity:nil |
3/10 Oh geez, spitzer cartoon http://media.townhall.com/Townhall/Car/b/littleguy.jpg \_ Oh geez, townhall. |
2008/3/11-13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49418 Activity:nil |
3/10 The smoking gun on Hillary's foreign policy claims is...Sinbad?! http://blog.washingtonpost.com/sleuth/2008/03/sinbad_unloads_on_hillary_clin.html \_ And this, kids, is why you don't fluff your resume. |
2008/3/11-13 [Computer/SW] UID:49419 Activity:nil |
3/10 polimon (politicial mosters) cute little animated jpg http://i29.tinypic.com/1zx6ttt.jpg \_ No such thing as an animated JPEG. It's a GIF with the wrong file extension. |
2008/3/11-13 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:49420 Activity:nil |
3/10 I have been riding a EX500 for a few years and I'm thinking of getting something more fun and comfy. Does anyone have a CBR 600RR? How is the suspension and handling compared to a EX500? I'm guessing it would be like a pinto vs. Ferrari type of comparison but without testing a 600RR I'm just speculating. \_ I've ridden F2s and F3s in the past. The F3 in particular was impressive. However I wouldn't want to use a bike like that for any long rides, the sitting position was pretty harsh. \_ I rode an F2 for years, it was fast but not very comfortable. Too bad you didn't post this last week, my Ducati Monster M900 was up for sale. Email me in case the guy who has it now falls through. -ausman |
2008/3/11-13 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:49421 Activity:high |
3/10 Exhaustive Pentagon review finds no Saddam/Al Qaeda link: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/v-print/story/29959.html "An exhaustive review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents that were captured after the 2003 U.S. invasion has found no evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime had any operational links with Osama bin Laden's al Qaida terrorist network." \_ 600k documents really isn't that many although it sounds impressive there are still many millions no one has looked at yet. I find it amusing that the article states several times the Saddam was distrustful of religious terrorists being a secular strongman and then gives a list of all the religious terrorist groups he supported. \_ We're busy trying to find the link between Al Qaida and Barack Hussein Obama now! \_ Obama with an 's' is Osama, what bigger link do you want? \_ Barack -> Iraq Hussein -> ... Obama -> Osama It's all there right under our noses! Really, it's careless of the Illuminati. They are getting cocky and toying with us. Of course, Obama is really an artificial being, engineered to be the optimally appealing candidate at this point in time. Thus the ethnic mix, the speechmaking styles that are a composite of Kennedy and MLK Jr, and the exhortations of change designed to perpetuate the facade of democracy while They continue to pull our strings. \_ Hey good point. I never considered the possibility that Obama might be an Alien-Human hybrid created by MJ12. Obama might be an Alien-Human hybrid created MJ12. \_ MJ12 isn't a "thing" like a creature. It is an organization. If you're going to get all conspiracy, get it right. --UFO lover \_ Corrected. I was missing the "by." \_ So you claim! How do we know you're really you? What agency do you work for? Why are you trying to create a disinformation campaign? Obama might be an Alien-Human hybrid created MJ12. \_ It's all to throw us off the real scent. Just like Obama's name. I don't think it's careless. There is always a meaning, we just need to find it. Think! What would "created MJ12" mean? It's a clue about the origin of MJ12! And hybrid? Hybrids... Toyota is involved somehow. Layers upon layers... \_ Toyota and Templar both start with T, curiouser and curiouser. |
2008/3/11-13 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49422 Activity:nil |
3/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ_qK4g6ntM \_ Very funny! Is subprime a unique problem in the US? Or is it widespread to other countries? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Rock \_ Northern Rock did not underwrite sub-prime loans. They ran out of cash when the short-term money markets dried up. Giving people a loan w/o confirming their income, and the investment banks' securitization conduits w/o regard to underwriting and risk were mostly Americans' stupidity/genius. Those burned overseas bought our mortgage bonds. \_ We "securitized" our subprime loans and sold it to anyone who would buy it. Banks shoveled turds into a bag, got other banks to buy it and then said (Nelson laugh) "ha ha". \_ The British people are laughing at us, does that mean they don't have any subprime problem? How do they deal with it? \_ No, they bought a ton of our garbage loans. They have a lot to be very somber about. |
2008/3/11-13 [Health/Disease/General] UID:49423 Activity:nil |
3/11 Jail baits are not just jail baits. They are bombs. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080311/ap_on_he_me/teen_stds \_ But men don't get cervical cancer. \_ HPV isn't that big of a deal. Seriously. Get over it. \_ But....but...SEX!! !!! SPTIZER!!!!!!1!1!1 \_ The Sptizer thing is kind of funny since Sptizer broke up an expensive call girl ring while AG. \_ Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. |
2008/3/11-13 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:49424 Activity:nil |
3/11 Daylight Savings Time doesn't save energy. http://tech.yahoo.com/blog/null/83073 \_ But it saves awesomeness. |
2008/3/11-13 [Science/Electric, Finance/Investment] UID:49425 Activity:moderate |
3/11 Interest rate going below 0%? Is that silly or what? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23547244/page/2 \_ yeah its silly. Other stuff can happen that they dont mention in that article, especially since the circumstances look distrubingly like current environment. See, for example in that article, especially since the circumstances look distrubingly like current environment. See, for example disturbingly like current environment. See, for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquidity_trap |
2008/3/11-13 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:49426 Activity:low |
3/11 What's the difference between the word "Jew" and "Jewish"? \_ A Jew is a Jewish person. Jew is a noun, Jewish is an adjective. Like, duh. \_ Interestingly, the word "Jew" by itself is far more likely to be used by anti-Semites than the word "Jewish." Google the word "Jew" and read their disclaimer for a more involved explanation. |
2008/3/11-13 [Uncategorized] UID:49427 Activity:nil |
3/11 Critical Massholes (or: Why I No Longer Ride with Critical Mass) http://i25.tinypic.com/4q4voj.jpg I didn't know critical mass was in so many cities. \_ stupid troll, strike 2 |
2008/3/11-13 [Finance/Investment] UID:49428 Activity:nil |
3/11 The next bubble: priming the markets for tomorrow's big crash http://www.harpers.org/archive/2008/02/0081908 \_ GLOBAL RECESSION! I told you so! -recession swami |
2008/3/11-13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49429 Activity:high |
3/11 13 scandals, all Republicans labeled as such, only one D labeled: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Blotter/popup?id=2841254&contentIndex=1&page=1 \_ False. Look again. Is Tobias Republican? How about West? \_ Ooh, you're right. They failed to label 2 R's. Compared to all but one D. \_ Or you could say that they failed to label 2 R's and 3 D's one of whom was President Clinton. Does anyone really know one of whom was President Clinton. Does anyone really not know that Clinton was a Democrat? But they did pick twice as many R scandals. Is that liberal bias or just the fact that R's have been getting in hot water more lately? |
3/14 |