Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:February:13 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2008/2/13-18 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49131 Activity:moderate
2/12    Why does Feinstein keep getting elected by California? She's like
        our version of Lieberman.
        \_ Last chance to stop it:
        \_ because the democrats are too wimpy to run anyone plausible against
           her.  She's a serious sell-out.  -tom
           \_ What has she sold out on?
              \_ Follow the URL. OP: thanks for the link -- I was looking
                 for that info myself yesterday.
              \_ Patriot Act.  DMCA.  Iraq.  Mukasey.  FISA.  Death penalty.
                 Flag burning, for chrissakes.  -tom
                 \_ Who is your ideal office holder?  (Among all national level
                    elected figures).
                    \_ how is that relevant?  DiFi is inches away from being
                       a neocon.  -tom
                       \_ Shows how far left you are. Ask your NRA friends
                          what they think of Feinstein.
                          \_ It's "far left" to be against the Patriot Act,
                             DMCA, and FISA?  -tom
                             DMCA, FISA, and the flag burning amendment?  -tom
                             \_ I wouldn't call Feinstein "far left" but
                                she's certainly not "inches away from
                                being a neocon". She's not even close to
                                a moderate right winger let alone a neocon.
                             \_ So she has a few votes you don't like.  What
                                about the rest of her zillion year voting
                                record?  No politician is going to agree with
                                you 100%.  What politician has a 100% record
                                with you?
                                \_ ...? If you have perhaps a half-dozen hot-
                                   button issues, and she screws you over on
                                   all six, the rest of her record becomes
                                   increasingly irrelevant.
                                   \_ Her voting against one's personal HB
                                      issues doesn't make her a sell-out.  I'd
                                      still like to know the candidate anyone
                                      here agrees with 100%.
                                      \_ How would you define "sell-out"?  -tom
                                         \_ What candidate has a 100% track
                                            record with you?
                                         \_ Someone who mostly votes
                                            against party lines and/or
                                            constituents' desires. Since
                                            Feinstein keeps getting
                                            re-elected it looks like the
                                            voters are happy with her
                                            record. I am. Not everyone who
                                            votes 'D' is as far left as you.
                                            \_ What credible liberal candidate
                                               has run against Feinstein?
                                               The fact that she can beat
                                               a tool like Michael Huffington
                                               by less than 2% (failing to
                                               even get a majority) is
                                               hardly an endorsement.  -tom
                                               \_ Someone would run
                                                  against her if they
                                                  thought they would win.
                                                  \_ prove it.  Party politicos
                                                     tend to smack down
                                                     serious challenges
                                                     from within the party.
                                                     \_ Not if there's a
                                                        person in office
                                                        they dislike and
                                                        who opposes their
                                               \_ Medea Benjamin?
                                                  \_ Har.  Oh, and DiFi is
                                                     also from Stanford.  -tom
                                                     \_ Who do you consider to
                                                        be a credible liberal?
                                                     \_ Isn't that a plus?
                                                        That she's smart?
                                                     \_ Who do you consider to
                                                        be a credible liberal?
              \_ executive summary: she voted against removing telecom immunity
                 for illegal wiretapping from the FISA Amemdments bill passed
                 by the senate.
                 \_ so?
           Summary: very pro-choice and anti-gun, but other than that,
           mostly a moderate.
2008/2/13-14 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:49132 Activity:moderate
2/12    Fuck you homeowners. And fuck Paulson. May you drown in your
        irresponsible debt.
        \_ What are you babbling about, young troll?
           \_ At a guess, the 30 day reprieve. -!op
              \_ Yes, the first bail out plan was bad enough. Moral Hazard. -op
           \_ Probably the conforming limit boost?
        \_ I was just listening to someone on the radio make an interesting
           point. All these interest rate cuts and things are really for the
           benefit of the banks who are in crappy financial situations due to
           their own incompetence. The fed. reserve's primary duty is to keep
           them afloat. It kinda makes sense when you consider the real effect
           of interest rate cuts at this time, and who benefits the most, vs.
           who gets hurt.
        \_ The number of defaulting homeowners is trivial compared to the
           number that took out normal loans they're paying every month.  But
           I guess that doesn't make for a good motd troll.
           \_ Exactly. "It's not a big deal" in the macro sense. So why is the
              goverment arranging special treatment for those who are defaulting? -op
              goverment arranging special treatment for those who are
              defaulting? -op
              \_ Fear, and the desire to be seen to be "doing something".
2008/2/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49133 Activity:high 75%like:49141
2/13    Mythbusting Canadian Health Care
        \_ Oh sure, you'd expect this from free-market deniers.
           \_ Care to respond to the arguments or just blather
              and set up strawmen?
              \_ "1. Canada's health care system is "socialized medicine."
                 False. In socialized medical systems, the doctors work directly
                 for the state."
                 This is a joke. It's a semantic nit-pick.
                 This is a joke. It's a semantic nit-pick. (And goes downhill
                 from there.)
                 \_ All I can say is that I have one of the best PPOs money
                    can buy in the USA, and it SUCKS DONKEY BALLS.  If
                    what Canada has is socialism, then bring on the
                    socialism.  ok thx.
                    \_ Move to Canada then psb.
                       \_ That wasn't psb. --also not psb
                    \_ Maybe your PPO isn't as good as you think. My
                       current one sucks, but my previous one was awesome.
                       If yours sucks then it doesn't indict the entire
                       medical system.
                    \_ Move to Canada then.
                       \_ yeah, because who would want to do anything to
                          improve America?   -tom
                          \_ I don't think it would be good for America, and
                             the arguments at the links above are specious.  I
                             think the government needs to get *less* involved
                             in health care, not more.  If you want Canada's
                             system, go to Canada.
                             \_ If the system changes and you don't like it,
                                where are you going to go?  -tom
                                \_ Excellent non sequitur, sir!
                                \_ Mexico, where health care is cheap and
                                   of high quality.
                                   \_ Cuba!
                    \_ What exactly sucks about it? That it's not free?
        \_ This is my favorite:
           "We'll have rationed care
           Don't look now: but America does ration care. And it does it in the
           most capricious, draconian, and often dishonest way possible.
           "Mostly, the US system rations care by simply eliminating large
           numbers of people from the system due to an inability to pay."
           Um, yes. That's called capitalism.  This is saying, "socialized
           health care would be better because socialism is better!"
           \_ no, it's saying that capitalism rations care.  -tom
              \_ No, capitalism puts care on a market.
                 \_ and that's good because...?
                    \_ Because markets are a proven mechanism for optimizing
                       results and give you a choice of where and how to
                       spend your money. What's good about socialism? You
                       are trying to change the system so the onus is on
                       \_ Evolution is also a proven mechanism for
                          optimizing results. Just let all the poor, dumb
                          people die, it's the natural order of things.
                          \_ Don't forget about the UNLUCKY.  Evolution
                             doesn't care if it operates fairly.  Fairness
                             is a human peculiarity.
                       \_ It is a fallacy that markets optimize results.
                          An obvious failure case in the health realm is that
                          markets don't provide universal vaccine, which
                          ends up being a larger public health cost than
                          vaccine would be.  -tom
                          \_ I'm not saying everything should only be driven
                             purely by markets. So provide free vaccine. Next?
                             \_ Socialist.
                          \_ Exceptions don't mean it's a fallacy. "Commons"
                             concerns are a known area where markets alone
                             can't optimize the problem, because the costs
                             and benefits aren't easily quantified or owned.
                             Another example is stuff like national parks
                             and open space. The actual value of open space
                             to the society at large or in the area is hard
                             to accurately capture. I'm open to discussion
                             of what constitutes such cases but I don't see
                             convincing arguments with respect to health
                       \_ Proven, you mean like how the markets put CAs
                          power out a few years back? And gave us M$ as a
                          monopoly product? No one seriously believes in
                          unregulated markets as a mechanism for optimizing
                          \_ No one seriously promotes unregulated markets,
                             dumbass. Power markets are a laughable example
                             however: regulations prevented investment in
                             more power infrastructure.
                             \_ Then if you agree we need to regulate markets
                                you are just arguing over how much "socialism"
                                we really need.
                                \_ Regulation (laws) is not socialism, dumbass.
                                   \_ I'm confused. op posts article debunking
                                      myths about Canada's healthcare system.
                                      emarkp makes comparison to socialism.
                                      criticisms of capitalism follow, then
                                      praises of capitalism (by way of the
                                      free market, i.e., competition), then
                                      bad examples of said competition, then
                                      qualifications based on possible limited
                                      regulation, followed by ironic
                                      invocation of "socialism," followed by
                                      literal reference to socialism. At what
                                      point does any of this point to the US
                                      system somehow being better?
              \_ Well, it's true but oddly twisted.  All limited resources
                 must be rationed some how.  I only know of 3 ways, money,
                 politics, and violence.  The Free Market uses money for a
                 variety of good reasons, but sometimes it doesn't work.
                 However, we are so used to the free market that we only call
                 political rationing, rationing.  It's just a matter of
                common language use.
           \_ No, it's saying "fears of rationing care are based on a
              fictional lack of rationed care in the US."
        \_ I love this argument:
           - Universal health care is Socialism!  Capitalism rox!  F U TAXES!
           - Our health care system sucks!  We need Canada's system!  OBAMA!!
2008/2/13-18 [Recreation/Dating] UID:49134 Activity:nil
2/13    wendy
        \_ Those boobs are fake, right?  Cute face, though.
2008/2/13-18 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:49135 Activity:kinda low
2/12    What is the profile of a person defaulting home loan? I mean,
        are these type of people under-educated? Risk takers? High
        school drop-outs who desperately want to own homes? And why
        are they in certain areas (Inland Empire, etc)?
        \_ They run the gamut. If the loan officers were all of a sudden willing to
           give them a loan, even though they previously didn't qualify, and they
           want a house, who are they to object. "I sign my name saying I'll pay it
           back. But if they give me the money, that must mean I can pay it back.
           Because otherwise the government would tell them not to give me the money."
        \_ They run the gamut. If the loan officers were all of a sudden
           willing to give them a loan, even though they previously didn't
           qualify, and they want a house, who are they to object. "I sign my
           name saying I'll pay it back. But if they give me the money, that
           must mean I can pay it back.  Because otherwise the government would
           tell them not to give me the money."
           \_ in another word people with lower than avg intelligence,
              who mostly congregate in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA like our dimwit
              \_ There are fewer foreclosures in places like SF because
                 the market is stronger. That's all. Look at Sacramento
                 for NoCal "stupidity".
                 \_ SF markets did not go up as much as in LA, mostly because
                    people were not dumb enough to sign a bunch of loans they
                    couldn't afford, so the bubble wasn't as bad here. Only
                    in the NorCal burbs are people that stupid.
              \_ Southern California style left wing is not
                 MAINSTREAM AMERICA.
        \_ one oddity about california is foreclosure laws here make it hard for
           the lender to persue assets beyond the property on which the loan
           was taken out.  This takes a most of the risk out of defaulting on
           a loan for a 'underwater' property.
        \_ one oddity about california is foreclosure laws here make it hard
           for the lender to persue assets beyond the property on which the
           loan was taken out. This takes a most of the risk out of defaulting
           on a loan for a 'underwater' property.
           \_ unless you re-fi'd
        \_ They are San Jose engineers making $100K+ with a $740K mortgage
           \_ Yes, but being a state with trust deeds instead of mortgages
              mitigates that somewhat, as it is much easier to foreclose
              on a trust deed.
        \_ They are San Jose engineers making $100K+ with a $740K mortgage now
           who bought at $275K in 1995
           \_ "... when he refinanced his home in Northern California to take
              cash out to pay for his daughter's college tuition."
              Yeah, blame it on the daughter.  Stop playing good parent.  Did
              he pay $465K+ for his daughter's college tuition?  There's
              probably some European vacations and a BMW that he's not
              \_ People have an amazing ability to rationalize away their
                 mistakes and put the blame on someone else. Too bad, they
                 lose a chance to learn something when they do that.
        \_ I know someone who bought a house in Berkeley *knowing* she was
           going to lose the house.  5 figure salary, really bad credit, not
           a very convincing person.  Didn't matter.  They gave her a huge
           loan knowing she couldn't pay it and she knew she couldn't.  I just
           don't understand.
           \_ The market is broken because all parties involved are shielded
              from the consequences of their behavior by the government.
              \_ Tell that to JP Morgan and Citibank.  The mortgage securitization
                 conduits did not look at the paper they were packaging. Greenspan
                 turned a blind eye, and did not enforce what little mortgage
                 underwriting regulation there is. Or use FedRes' considerable influence
                 to stop the BS.
              \_ Tell that to JP Morgan and Citibank.  The mortgage
                 securitization conduits did not look at the paper
                 they were packaging. Greenspan turned a blind eye,
                 and did not enforce what little mortgage underwriting
                 regulation there is. Or use FedRes' considerable
                 influence to stop the BS.
                 \_ So what are the consequences? I haven't paid much attention
                    honestly but I haven't heard of any high profile people
                    getting fired or anything.
                    \_ Oh Jees. Something like a dozen CEOs have lost their
                       jobs in the last six months. But no one in the White
                       House, it is a "responsibilty-free zone."
                       \_ you mean they they found an excuse to take their
                          golden parachute early.
2008/2/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:49136 Activity:nil
2/12    So how many days until the motd is littered with Obama-Madrassa
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2008:February:13 Wednesday <Tuesday, Thursday>