2/8 How many people here actually like living in a culturally
diverse environment? I mean, S Cal is one of the most diverse
environments and it is a total dump. Ditto with Miami, etc.
To me, cultural diversity means lots of disagreements and a
decreasing possibility of pleasing everyone with social services
that a majority of the minorities would need.
\_ To me it means exposure to lots of different ideas and good food
\_ The SoCal definition of diverse seems spread out over a large
geographic area, and much of the diversity gets subsumed in
either LA culture or suburban culture. I prefer the diversity
of San Francisco, Berkeley, and parts of Oakland.
\- diverse = cheep food, open late = a good thing
\_ a good thing if you're single, a really really bad thing
if you have kids and you don't want them to get into
drugs, hip-hop, queer bi-curious, and strip clubs.
\_ As a kid I was into drugs, (not so much hip-hop),
motss and strip clubs and I think I turned out better
for it. Why deny my children that option?
motss and strip clubs and surrendering to terror.
I think I turned out better for it. Why deny my
children that option?
\_ Yes, I don't want my kids to be exposed to heathen
ideologies like Judaism, Mormonism, Catholicism and
even worse, Secular Liberal Humanism. So we all moved
to a compound in rural Texas with a bunch of like minded
people. How are you handling this parenthood challenge?
\_ I do, because I am a white guy who prefers brown skinned girls.
\_ I prefer lots of pretty blondes, hence I love LA -dim #1 fan
\- on a serious note, in re OP's last "point" about social services
[i put that in quotes since i think you are mostly rambling rather
\- on a serious note, in re your last "point" about social services
[i put that in quotes since i think you are just rambling rather
than trolling ...?] "studies show" diversiy *does* affect people's
inclination to support higher social safety nets. For example in
Europe there has long been a commitment to a higher levels of
state services but this is apparently weaking among white europeans
who might think "i'm ok wit heavy child care benefits for a sweedish
woman who takes time off to have two kids but not for some muslim
immigrant family with 7 kids" etc. not the best, but the most
convenient cite: http://csua.org/u/kqe |