2008/2/4-7 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:49057 Activity:nil |
2/4 N Korea: nuke, WMD, supernotes Iraq: nothing We're barking on the wrong tree man. \_ N Korea is backed by ChiCom. Iraq is not really backed by Russia. We're barking on the weaker tree. \_ 2 other considerations, no matter what me do, NK could successfully blow up a lot of SK before we won. Iraq is mostly flat sand, which is easy to invade. Iran is mountainous. \_ Also, Iran is 3x larger than Iraq. Good luck pacifying that. |
2008/2/4-7 [Uncategorized] UID:49058 Activity:nil |
2/4 http://www.linein.org/media/screenclean.swf Humor: how to clean your window \_ http://ourc.at (or a cat doing the same thing) |
2008/2/4-7 [Industry/Startup] UID:49059 Activity:nil |
2/4 http://www.csua.org/u/ko7 "There aren't many people in the company, in the whole world, who know about the `Lolita' book or films," Lim said. Is this really true? Is there anyone on the motd who is unfamiliar with what the name "Lolita" refers to? \- Are you suggesting no knowing "that book by Nabokov" is a surpising failure of "pop culture knowledge" or poor knowledge of 20th Century Literature. If the latter, are you sure this ist a case of E_RATCHET? Maybe it is common knowledge in Teheran? \_ Partha Speak (n)-- many words, little content. \_ is this homosexual code? \_ Anything partha is ambiguously and androgynously gay. \_ I will take that as a "no, I have heard of Lolita." |
2008/2/4-7 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:49060 Activity:high |
2/4 Hey dimwit, I'm subsidizing for your wasteful LA freeways, what would you have to say if LA roads were toll roads like in the People's Republic of New England? \_ Go for it. We're headed there anyway. The carpool lanes are well on their way to becoming toll lanes. Maybe they won't have potholes once someone is concerned about them. I'm subsidizing BART which does nothing but lose money. How about we make it pay for itself, too? \_ How about we accept that there are some social goods (the ability to travel without having to be rich) that outweigh our fiscal investments? \_ The motd keeps telling me all these fees and taxes are for the services I get from local government. Now I'm told they are just a social good. Which is it? I don't have kids, should I pay school taxes? I do use the freeways which you say is a social good and thus should be free, but the op says they are wasteful and should be usage-fee-based which is contrary to your claims of free travel being a social good we should pay for with everyone's taxes. Which is it? \_ School taxes: yes; an educated populace beats an uneducated populace and has social side-effects that translate into less expenditures down the line. I'm saying that some things are worth paying for, no matter that they don't pay for themselves, BART and Amtrak included. -!op \_ Why is BART worth paying for if it can't pay for itself? Why not buy everyone a car, or a donkey, or a bike, or a helicopter? \_ Are you being disingenuous? Rail is the most space-efficient and energy-efficient way to transport large numbers of people over significant distances. BART itself is pretty fucked up, but public funding of rail in urban areas is way more obviously of public benefit than public funding of freeways. -tom \_ Rail is really inefficient if you have to go somewhere without rails nearby. \_ gee, so are roads. That's why you build infrastructure. -tom \_ Roads are cheaper infrastructure than building rail to the driveway of my house. \_ The freeway, the surface street, the residential street, and your driveway draw funds from several different sources. Mix and match and see what cost you come up with. \_ I'm sure it's cheaper than rail if only because I don't have to buy a train. If you advocate that we each buy our own train then I don't see how it's any better than what we have now. \_ Rail is much cheaper on a per-passenger basis. And enough with the straw men. -tom \_ These are not straw men. This is reality. I need to get from my house to my office. My neighbor needs to get from his house to his office. Rail is not a good way to solve this problem unless we are both going to offices very close to each other. Even in Europe, with great public transit, buses are vital. If you're going to use buses then you need roads, so what is the point of rail? I actually think rail is the least efficient solution. Rail is great to get large amounts of goods (or people) from point A to point B, but that's not often the problem that needs solving. \_ Are you really this stupid? Buses feed rail arteries. Obviously you still need local streets; it's not at all clear that you need freeways. Certainly freeways are far less efficient than rail. -tom \_ Are freeways really that expensive compared to the miles and miles of local roads which we need anyway? Replacing all freeways with rail sound freeways with rail sounds rather stupid to me. Even the Germans have the Autobahn. You are projecting your love of bike here against common sense. \_ The ROI on dollars spent on high-speed rail infrastructure is higher than dollars spent on freeway infrastructure. More passenger-miles per dollar, fewer emissions per dollar. That's common sense. -tom \_ Your ROI depends on the problem you are solving. Taking 1500 cargo containers from a port to a warehouse, sure. Taking 1500 people from their homes to 1500 places of employment maybe not. As I said, even in Europe and Japan they have roads and freeways. Rail is just an additional cost to add to that. It can help eliminate congestion at certain times, but your ROI argument leads me to believe that congestion is not your main issue and that relief comes with a high price you refuse to acknowledge. \_ That's because the price isn't high, relative to the costs of building and running a freeway and all the cars on it. -tom \_ But you acknowledge we need roads, so why pay more for rail, too? \_ How the hell did your brain get stuck in binary? \_ A helicopter? That's a truly great idea! I always wanted a helicopter. If you ran for office on the "helicopter on every pad!" platform you'd have my vote! I don't need a donkey or a bike, though. \_ Suppose there were 300K more cars on the road in the Bay Area. One thing you're paying for is your commute not to be even worse than it is. \_ I don't live in the Bay Area, so I'm really paying for not much of benefit to me. \_ You aren't paying for it then either, since BART is mostly funded by fares + the 1/2 cent regional sales tax. \_ "mostly" \_ Yes, 100% of the operating costs, in fact. Not sure how much of the capital costs, less than 100% though. \_ Bart subtracts 300K cars? Says who? How are they distributed? What else might those resources have been used for? \_ It's hypothetical. You can base it on the average weekday ridership of >300K if you like. Point is, do you remember what traffic was like the last time there was a major BART outage? \_ "No, I was in LA and it didn't affect me at all, therefore your argument is weak." -pretending to be dimwit \_ Another way of thinking about it is to imagine Bay Area traffic being like LA traffic. \_ Or even worse, Seattle. |
2008/2/4-7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:49061 Activity:moderate |
2/4 Romney is very good looking. My inlaws are voting for him because he reminds them of Ronald Reagan. They've always voted for winners in the past and have been 100% accurate. \_ Yeah? What do you think of them now, with Romney out of the race? "Even a broken clock is right twice a day". Also, if you have 1000 mutual funds playing the market, some of them are going to have extraordinary winning streaks that are more owed to randomness than to wisdom on the part of those running the mutual fund. \_ So now that Romney's out of it what's their accuracy rating? 50%? \_ Good looking? They like how he looks? Or they like his policies? \_ They like the way he carries himself. Ya know, charm, confidence, modesty. Things that Americans care about. \_ Sounds like your inlaws are going to be <100% accurate come Nov. \_ Damn, so does this mean that a few years from now alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, and diet coke will be outlawed, and everyone will be allowed to have more than one wife? \_ I'm not a Mormon but I'm against alcohol, cigarettes, and gambling since they've had crippling effects on my family. I don't care about diet coke or caffeine as they haven't affected me personally. The multiple wife thing is a serious issue since it'll create more desperate single restless young men w/o a wife to whip them (e.g. hateful, restless Middle East young men effect). I don't care about gay marriage, religion, etc. In all I don't have anything against Romney, and I may just end up voting for him. -Undecided Independent \_ I have no problem with people eschewing alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, etc. on their own; I have a huge problem with them telling me I shouldn't indulge those vices. \_ No, but I hear he is planning on declaring a "War on Trolls." Watch out! \_ Wow, two time Bush voters? Your inlaws are smart folk! \_ They're NOT smart, that's the whole thing. Americans vote for charming winners that appeal to their hearts while left wing people vote for smarties (or at least those who seem annoyingly smug about their superier intelligence) It's not about the policies, damnit. \_ Oh I see, you're just trolling. Left-wing people are not American? \_ San Franciscan style left wing is not MAINSTREAM America |
2008/2/4-7 [Uncategorized] UID:49062 Activity:low |
2/4 I'm really old and unmarried. A hot 19 year old just invited me to stop over and visit her at a women's college near Boston. What should i do. \_ Run, it's a trap. \_ Do you present yourself to her as being rich? If not, she's probably not a gold-digger and you should consider yourself lucky. \_ ha i am complete opposite of presenting self as gold-digger. she's 20, not 19. \_ How old is "really old"? Over 50? 60? Is the age difference a really big deal to you? \_ How do you know her? \_ Ask her what type of birth control she's on. If pill/patch/ring, consider yourself lucky. \_ What if she has a roommate? \_ Then consider yourself very lucky. \_ Then consider yourself doubly lucky. \_ He would be if the roomie were actually also somehow interested in him too. |
2008/2/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49063 Activity:nil 66%like:49072 |
2/4 Shriver is voting for Obama. \_ For whom do you expect her to vote? A Republican? |
2008/2/4-7 [Uncategorized] UID:49064 Activity:nil |
2/4 Time to sell gold? \_ As soon as the motd tells me it is time to sell gold, I'm buying. \_ "It is time to sell gold!" \_ I have decided to sell my gold, which I bought for $286/ounce back in 2001. I guess you should buy it from me, then. \_ I'll give you $290 for it. |
2008/2/4-7 [Uncategorized] UID:49065 Activity:nil |
2/4 http://youtube.com/watch?v=vAg5ZOZfVLo What language does this Super HOT BLOND speak? \_ Scandinavian probably. Where is German John when you need him? \_ Uh, it says right in the description that it's Swedish TV. \__ Super hot? Are we watching the same vid? \_ Let me guess, you're into flat chested oriental women? I like Jackie Johnson the weatherwoman, how about you? \_ Jackie Johnson is quite hot. The girl in the video is big- haired and pasty-faced. \_ Her outfit tonight really highlights her nice bosom. |
2008/2/4-7 [Health/Men] UID:49066 Activity:nil |
2/4 How to use a vagina: http://www.unclemelon.com/the_v.html |
2008/2/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49067 Activity:nil 72%like:49038 |
2/4 motd boob guy here. back from vac. http://youporn.com/watch/5022 |
3/14 |