1/11 Please dont think I'm trolling emarkp. So I met an incredibly
attractive female the other day at a bar. I don't normally
hang out at bars, but it was for someone's birthday. Said female
and I chatted for a very long time, agreed to hang out later,
traded phone numbers/email, etc. I stalked her a bit online
and found out she's nearly 30 and Mormon. Her web presence
makes her seem nice and cool and great and I bet we'd get along
famously since I don't smoke or drink (much) either. My pretty
\_ Do you think that not smoking or drinking is all there is
to Mormonism?
\_ No, there is also baptising dead Jews against the wishes
of their families and polygamy.
simple question is do hot unmarried nearly 30 female Mormons
engage in premarital sex? Or if I pursue this person, is she going
to be looking to get married before we have sex? Does this kind
of thing get hot nearly 30 unmarried Mormons get kicked out
of the church? I think she goes to church regularly, I found pictures
of her and her college friends going to church on her blog.
I hope some of the motd Mormons humor me and answer me. I am
trying to be funny but it's a serious question. thanks.
\_ You are doing EVERYONE a favor by tempting her to pre-marital
sex. Basically, if she fails to be pure, then she's not a true
Mormon and you'll help filtering out hypocrits and keeping
Mormonism pure while having sex with her. It's a win-win
situation for the Mormon religion and pagans like you.
\_ She gave him an email/phone#. He stalked her online. Where is
the part where our OP stalker even got a first date much less
was in a position to sleep with her? She may not even be a
Mormon. He only thinks he knows that from stalking her, not
from her saying so. This woman is a total stranger.
\_ It doesn't hurt to try. What have you got to lose?
\_ If she's actively involved in the church, premarital sex is out of
\_ Even if she is actively involved in the church, most
religious people are hypocrites, so maybe she'll be
one of those and put out.
the question. You may ruin her morals if you try, but why would you
want to change someone you like? -emarkp
\_ Yeah, right. Premarital sex is out of the question with actively
involved Catholic girls, too, and we know how that goes.
\_ This is why I ask! She is pretty hot. I don't know her
too well but I would consider converting just for her.
I don't believe in a supreme being right now.
I just remembered that I've been booty calling a Mormon
girl about my age in Sacramento for YEARS. She's a single
mom, she loves being Mormon since there is always a
a nearby Mormon family with 5 other kids who don't mind
babysitting. -op
\_ So you'll believe in a supreme being if it's convenient
for getting laid? I bet during sex, too! "Oh God!!"
\_ You mean Joseph Smith or Brigham Young, not God.
\_ Is there a trial period? Do Mormon females test drive
relationships with non Mormons for a few months, then issue
a convert to Mormonism and marry me if you want to stay together?
\_ Some do some don't. She may be willing to marry a non-mormon.
By 30 the Mormon dating pool is getting kinda sparse. -jrleek
\_ So if in my wild fantasy scenario we got married...
I would have to convert to Mormonism? I'm not saying
this is a horrible thing, just asking.
\_ Dude, you are getting waaay ahead of yourself here.
\_ She's Mormon. Marriage is something you talk
about on the 3rd date.
\_ Perhaps, but this guy hasn't even had date one yet.
\_ Yeah, but when I'm thinking about dating someone
I've always got "how is that sex thing going to
work" in mind even before the first date.
\_ Well, I haven't dated any Mormon girls, but I have dated other
religious women and in my experience you can get pretty far, but
not go all the way without a very serious comittment. Pretty
far means almost but not all the way by the late 20s. YMMV.
This is actually quite hot, if you are into it.
\_ Seconded. Just be clear on how far it can go ahead of time, so
as to avoid expectations of more.
\_ Well, as emarkp said, if she's really Mormon, sex is out of the
question. On the other hand, what was she doing in a bar? Was
there a show or something? -jrleek
\_ someone's birthday gathering. she wasn't drinking. |