2007/12/31-2008/1/7 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48870 Activity:moderate |
12/31 "Wind turbines offer cheap energy" http://www.csua.org/u/kck This is not the big and costly turbines that you see in Livermore. \_ Wind power kills birds. Can't use that. \_ I say we throw wind-farm NIMBY-ists into the blades! \_ Saving birds from a horrible death is not NIMBY-ism. Birds everywhere should be saved. Do you know what NIMBY means? \_ Yes, it is. Maybe not to the letter, but certainly in spirit. Quit being an overly literal douche. Birds \_ I stopped reading your reply right at this line. There's no reason to keep reading after you post garbage like that. Have a happy new year. Maybe one of your NYRs should be "responding in a mature manner to other human beings and treating people with respect". This isn't junior high school. fly into glass buildings and die all the time. In places where the NIMBY wankers bitch too much, they put silhouettes of predatory birds on the glass, and this pretty much solves the problem. Instead of being a NIMBY douche, why not offer a contructive solution, e.g. fly kites that cast shadows of predatory birds near the wind farms. -dans,!pp \_ Problem is that it's the raptors that are are killed. \_ Problem is that it's the raptors that are killed. \_ Not a problem in the vicinity of airports. Birds there need to be driven away or killed anyway. \_ Why should they be killed or driven away from airports? \_ Bird strikes. http://www.birdstrike.org \_ Did you actually look at the video? That wouldn't kill any bird unless the bird was amazingly stupid -- which would help weed out moron birds from the gene pool. \_ Can't see the video from here. If it is bird safe then I'm in favor. Thanks. \_ it looks like a giant billboard made of spinning hubcaps. non-stationary and could only take wind from a single direction. On the other hand, the only birds that might get caught in it would be tiny ones. Sparrow size... \_ New wind farms don't have this problem. It's just a red herring. \_ That is correct -- the old ones had rapidly spinning blades Bird cuisinarts \_ Awesome. I want some right now. They look a little loud though. |
2007/12/31-2008/1/7 [Uncategorized] UID:48871 Activity:nil |
01/01 It's 2008 somewhere. \_ But not here. Not yet. |
2007/12/31-2008/1/7 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:48872 Activity:low |
12/31 I am looking for a PC tech/guru as a goto-guy when problems happen, (hard disk failures, etc.) must be located in the bay area, rates negotiable. -daveh@csua.berkeley.edu \_ Geek squad will also archive your porn for free! \_ Shouldn't everyone at a csua address be capable of this? \_ I'm guessing he's got a business and doesn't want to spend his own time fixing windows. |
2007/12/31-2008/1/7 [Computer/Rants] UID:48873 Activity:nil |
12/13 Outsourcing Surrogate Motherhood: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22441355 \_ Old news. |
2007/12/31-2008/1/7 [Politics/Domestic/President] UID:48874 Activity:nil |
12/31 With all this assassination talk going on, here's a link to a very impressive reconstruction of the Kennedy assassination to determine angles, etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r51wZTaJ3AU&NR=1 |
2007/12/31 [Reference/Military, Recreation/Sports] UID:48875 Activity:nil 70%like:48876 |
12/31 Soda comes up. Cal football going down vs. Air Force. Yay! |
2007/12/31-2008/1/7 [Reference/Military, Recreation/Sports] UID:48876 Activity:nil 70%like:48875 |
12/31 Soda comes up. Cal football going down vs. Air Force. Yay! Okay, the way the AF QB's knee bent was really fucked up. \_ We dominated. Put Riley in there next year and we might have a shot at something. It was seriously refreshing to see a quarterback who wasn't immobile with a terrible arm. |
2007/12/31-2008/1/7 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:48877 Activity:nil |
12/31 I have a PSP UMD game (Wipeout) that won't load anymore. The UMD looks pretty clean, although the case is fairly beat up. Any idea what could be wrong? The PSP plays other games. |
2007/12/31-2008/1/7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48878 Activity:nil |
12/31 http://www.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idUSN3155842820071231 Analysts project -6.1% drop in earnings growth for 4Q07 for S&P500 (down from +11.5% estimate released on Oct 1) But no problem: Analysts project +5.1% growth for 1Q08! |