12/6 Mitt "Athiests can't be free" Romney!
\_ Is that Mitt's brother? Since that's not his name and he didn't say
\_ Ack, brain fart. And he said that without religion we
can't be free.
\_ As a society, not as individuals.
\_ How is this better?
\_ Can you name a free society in history that lacked
\_ Isn't Singapore incredibly secular?
\_ Lacked an official religion or religion as an
official requirement, or lacked religious and/or
non-religious freedom?
\_ A society of religious people, not necessarily a
state religion (which actually damages personal
religion) or 100% religious individuals.
\_ You're asking for a free society of religious
\_ Yes, like the United States--perhaps you've
heard of it?
\_ Are Americans required to be religious?
\_ The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, just to name
a few places I have been to.
\_ Which are all on the tipping point of
collapse. Read "America Alone" and "While
Europe Slept"
\_ From the inside flap or A.A. ...
And liberals will still tell you that "diversity is our
strength" while Talibanic enforcers cruise Greenwich Village burning
books and barber shops, the Supreme Court decides sharia law doesn't
violate the "separation of church and state," and the Hollywood Left
decides to give up on gay rights in favor of the much safer charms of
Yeah... I think I can safely
ignore this book.
\_ And the other one?
\_ I didn't really feel the need to
check out a book recommended in the
same sentance as Amercia Alone.
If someone can recommend a book
with that as the grab you text, well,
I don't really care what else they
\_ And we're on the tipping point of supply
side economics working! All hail the
downfall of the heathens!
\_ And have you read either of those
\_ Why not just read Cato the Elder?
These are the same old themes and
Cato is probably better written.
\_ Are you saying they aren't religious? If so
I'm not sure where you get that idea.
\_ A majority of people in those countries
don't believe in God. I don't know where
you get the idea that they are "religious."
\_ Well they are historically Christian.
Christianity is still part of the
culture, for burials and christenings
for example. I also knew some religious
Swedes so I guess my perception is off.
I just googled and you're right.
\_ My perception is probably also
throw off by who I know, but in
The Netherlands especially, religion
is in obvious decline, with a number
of old churches being converted to
new uses, like office buildings. It
actually seemed kind of odd, even
blasphemous to me, but I guess it
\_ blasphemous? who cares? take
religion too seriously and you
get abominations like that case
in Sudan where they wanted to
kill a school teacher for
"insulting Islam" for allowing
kids to name a teddy bear
"Muhammad". Insulting religion
and "blasphemy" shouldn't be
crimes, nor even discouraged,
\_ A bigger problem is the women in many Islamic oriented
societies have almost no rights. One of their big problems
is places like Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Afghanistan may
or not have actual written laws, I forget, but whatever
is written down may be trumped immediately by Shariah,
or whatever law the current high Islamic clerics interpret
as law, that day. At least in America when you get screwed,
they do it with a law that's actually written down somewhere.
Who cares about a stupid teddy bear.
\_ The world is not quite as
black and white as that, imho.
is better than tearing them down.
The exact number of non-believers
depends on how you ask the question
too, I realize. Not that many
"athiests" but lots of "I don't go
to church or believe in God."
\_ Irrelevent. Correlation != causation
\_ Right. It's like saying, can you name a free
society in history that lacked disease?
\_ Actually, religion is very like a disease of
the mind. You suspend all your reasoning
powers and critical thinking.
\_ Yeah that thought crossed my mind as I wrote
that too. The problem is that "faith" is a
limitless path. It can be used to justify
just about anything. In general it leads to
irrational conflict with other faiths, and
manipulation of the faithful.
\_ So what about the people of substantial
reasoning and critical thinking who are
\_ Religion is regarded by the common people
as true, by the wise as false, and by the
rulers as useful -Seneca the Younger 4BC |