2007/11/20-26 [ERROR, uid:48666, category id '18005#5.6425' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48666 Activity:low |
11/20 The White House has no comment: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071120/ap_on_go_pr_wh/cia_leak_mcclellan_5 \_ I mean, why would they? You don't expect conservatives to apologize do you? Stand strong, emphasize the positive, ignore criticsm, move on. These are very effective conservative tactics. \_ troll. \_ I guess a refusal to learn and change can be considered a hallmark of conservatism. \_ I guess a refusal to learn and change can be considered a hallmark of conservatism. \_ troll++; \_ Call it a troll if you like, but it is a defining quality of conservatism to preserve the past against the future. Part of this is resistance to change. Too bad you have such blinders that you can't see this. Conservatives call liberals "flip-floppers" all the time. Do you call them out as "trolls" for that? \_ Please tell us your name so we can Swift Boat you to death. -independent pretending to be conservative \_ You are not just a troll, but incredibly stupid too. |
2007/11/20-26 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:48667 Activity:nil |
11/20 Okay, password login failed for me again. How do I set up my soda acct so that I can login using SSL public key? \_ One tutorial here: http://www.modwest.com/help/kb20-90.html \_ I can't get it working from that. Either putty won't load the key generated on soda, or soda rejects my key generated from putty. Has anyone done this with putty on windows? \_ You need to import the key you got from soda, into Puttygen on the windows side, then use the resulting key. \_ Excellent, that did it. Thanks very much. -op \_ Condensed into step-by-step here: /tmp/publickey_putty_instruct Please feel free to correct/distribute. --erikred |
2007/11/20-26 [Health] UID:48668 Activity:low |
11/20 I've heard that the most common birth month is February. Why is that the case since February has fewer days than all the other months? \_ Lots of May weddings? Most of my friends have November birthdays. Puts conception around Valentine's day. \_ what's going on 9 months earlier? Birth months are purely a function of time after conception. \_ Chance of getting laid on May (spring love) is higher than any other month? \_ NOT TRUE. FUCK YOU. -not getting laid #3 \_ You heard wrong. If you STFW you will find that in 2006 July was the most common both in total number and in rate. July and August are usually 1-2 in some order. February was lowest in total number (obviously fewer days) but also 2nd lowest in rate (to January). June, July, August, and September have the highest birth rates. Interestingly, the rate on Saturdays and Sundays is really low compared to the rest of the week, with over a 30% difference on those days. (Tuesday is the most common day to be born.) Any idea why that might be? (Source: National Center for Health Statistics) \_ a sizable percentage of birth dates are chosen. (c-section, induced labor). more likely to choose to do it on a week day. \_ Why do you say it's more likely to choose a week day? For what reason? Or do you mean that the *doctor* is more likely to choose a week day, which I can understand? \_ Patients too. Does it really matter though, who chooses? Many (most?) C-Sections are done during the 9-5 M-F schedule that is convenient for the hospital. \_ Well, yes, it does. I can't think of any reason the patient cares if it's Sunday or Wednesday. \_ the patient doesn't schedule it. \_ What do you think, that the doctor does it somehow without the patient's permission? Of course the patient "schedules it" just like the doctor does. But it might be hard to talk the staff into coming in on a weekend. I bet you could schedule your C-section on the weekend if you were really persistent (and willing to pay more for it). \_ You think hospitals close on weekends? \_ No, I have actually worked in hospitals. They do not close, but they run on a much smaller staff. \- FYI, there are many, many studies on day of the week and by shift studies of the distribution of assisted/induced births and "natural schedule" schedule births. in addition to just counting the number of births, they have also studied the distribution of "problems" [low weight, mortality]. there have both been longitudinal studies in a given location [say due to greatly increased c section rates] as well as comparisons between disparate places [say north america vs asia] with different medical cultures, insurance schemes etc. obgoogle. short version of findings: being born on weekend: not good. of course YMMV. \_ Maybe the level of stress typically experienced on a weekday vs. weekend also has something to do with it? Isn't high stress more likely to trigger labor? -niloc |
2007/11/20-26 [Finance, Finance/Investment] UID:48669 Activity:nil |
11/20 Sowell explains why most income disparity statistics are bunk. http://jewishworldreview.com/cols/sowell112007.php3 \_ If by "explains" you means waves his arms wildly and says absoultly nothing, then yes. \_ He is confusing income disparity with class mobility. \_ Classes aren't mentioned. -not op \_ Just because he didn't use the word, doesn't mean that is not what he was referring to. What do you call all his dicussion about people moving from one tax bracket to another? \_ He's talking about income mobility, not class mobility. -pp \_ Explain what the difference is, please. \_ still waiting for an answer here.. not that I really expected a coherent one from a guy who read this expected a coherent one from a guy who reads this kind of crap, but still... |
2007/11/20-26 [Politics/Domestic, Recreation/Food, Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:48670 Activity:nil |
11/20 FRE FNM CFC LEN PHM ETFC, all bond insurers eating buckets of shit \_ http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/achievement/chap7.html |
2007/11/20-26 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48671 Activity:moderate |
11/20 If gas price doubles, what are some states that'll suffer more than the others? Farm states? States that lack cities/mass transits? \_ States where residents pay a larger proportion of income for fuel. In consumption per capita the top states are Wyoming, the Dakotas, Alabama, and South Carolina. California is #51 (list includes DC). In consumption per $ GDP the top states are Mississippi, Montana, Alabama, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. California is again #51. (Source: http://tinyurl.com/yvsxav \_ California and NY both have residents who pay a lot for fuel, *and* have to have goods trucked in to large population centers. Your gas will cost more, but so will your vegetables. \_ The expensive states spend more as a proportion of income on things somewhat unaffected by fuel prices like housing and insurance and less on things like vegetables. I also suspect that fuel costs are a smaller proportion of operating costs as a percentage of sales price in states like CA where items like food are so expensive relative to other states. \- you're sort of on to something, but i think a more correct "econ dept" analysis is "wealthier people spend a smaller fraction of their incomes on non-discretionary purchases, and thus they can more easily adjust to price changes. you can drink "second growth" wines instead of premier crus as the dollar falls. you can decide to stay in star-- hotel on your vacation if the if you are spending more on gas around the year. but that is different than trying to change your food or utility bill 24x7." however this is analyzies the "welfare" or "utility" impact, not the prices. but when you say "suffer" that's what you mean. obviously a "luxury tax" on +100ft yachts will raise the price, but you cant really call that suffering. anyway, again you are on to something when you look at prices and the composition of expenses but you have to factor in substitution effects. and in that case i'd look at "rich" vs "poor" rather than cost of living. [e.g. poor people in the bay area dont have high heating bills in the winter]. an interesting philosophical detour is to look at the "utility monster" aspect to this. although this is better looked at across more disparate populations, like say us vs china, rather than california vs alabama. per diminishing marginal returns, somebody making $10k a year will get more utility from making an extra $1k per year and thus lose more from not making the extra $1k compared to somebody making $100k. however the question is if the $10k person has sort of adapted to low expectation but the spoiled and weak person at $100k sort of expected to keep getting raises and "suffers" serious shopping withdrawal, who is really suffering more? obviously it is hard to suggest public policy should compensate the whiney/subjective utility. \_ You think vegetables grow in Montana? There is actually quite a bit of economy of scale in shipping vegetables to large urban areas. I wouldn't be suprised if it actually cost more to ship to smaller morkets that are closer. cost more to ship to smaller markets that are closer. \_ Umm.. I know some people who grow vegetables in Montana. Hence, yes, I think vegetables grow in Montana. They also grow in California, and many other places. \- Famous Montana Potatos. there are a lot of cerial \- Famous Montana Potatos. there are a lot of cereal crops grown in montana, although i dunno how much of this makes econ sense and how much of this is because of crazy subsidies. amazingly enough, there is a proposal to grow sugar cane in the imperial valley [read desert + massive water subsidies = crazy plans] \_ I used to live in Montana. No one is growing any significant quantity of vegetables there, unless they are using a hot house. It freezes too late and too early. |
2007/11/20-26 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:48672 Activity:kinda low |
11/20 Most viewed pages on Conservapedia: http://www.conservapedia.com/Special:Statistics 1. Main Page [1,894,429] 2. Homosexuality [1,475,437] 3. Homosexuality and Hepatitis [515,993] 4. Homosexuality and Promiscuity [416,375] 5. Homosexuality and Parasites [387,265] 6. Homosexuality and Gonorrhea [327,795] 7. Homosexuality and Domestic Violence [319,073] 8. Gay Bowel Syndrome [305,261] 9. Homosexuality and Syphilis [261,781] 10. Homosexuality and Mental Health [243,293] \_ "... homosexuality has a variety of negative effects on individuals and society at large which will be subsequently elaborated on." \_ "... homosexuality has a variety of negative effects on individuals and society at large which will be subsequently elaborated on." \_ ...because hostile stat pumping is unknown? I'm surprised Ron Paul isn't the biggest hit. \_ Because most people going to the page are going to laugh at the stupid, homophobic freaks that run conservapedia. If you are a rational conservative sites like that are the last thing you want people to think of when they think of conservatives. Too bad the polictical movement has been hijacked by the insane and the xenophobic. \_ Nothing has been hijacked. There are extremists in politics. This isn't a surprise but they do not represent more than themselves and certainly don't speak for the vast and overwhelming majority of conservatives anymore than the nutters at Kos/DU speak for liberals. \_ Except for the fact that the conservative nutters now are the ones getting elected. That's why it is a hijack. That's also why the republican party is self destructing right now. (The democrats are just still running around like headless chickens, lack of leadership bad, but at least not as bad as really bad but effective leadership.) \_ What is your example of a conservative nutter? Was it better when the (R) were a permanent minority party who played golf more than they attended votes? \_ From the GOP Party Platform in Texas: http://www.theocracywatch.org/texas_gop.htm \_ Yes, and? Before you reply, I'm an atheist but not the kind who hates religious people so don't go there. \_ "Homosexuality - We believe that the practice of sodomy tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country.s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable .alternative. lifestyle in our public education and policy, nor should family be redefined to include homosexual couples. We are opposed to any granting of special legal entitlements, recognition, or privileges including, but not limited to, marriage between persons of the same sex, custody of children by homosexuals, homosexual partner insurance or retirement benefits. We oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values. Texas Sodomy Statutes - We oppose the legalization of sodomy. We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy." Wow, you really support these kinds of hateful ideas? \_ Any serious discussion of "Conservopedia" is silly. It's just some nutty private high school somewhere that got a little funding from the Eagle Forum for web hosting fees. |