2007/10/18-19 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:48356 Activity:very high |
10/17 Watson on black people http://news.independent.co.uk/sci_tech/article3067222.ece \_ Even if there is a genetic difference in intelligence between races, so what if there is? Every *individual* should still be afforded the same opportunity and not face systematic discrimination. Further, even if it is true that there is a measureable difference it doesn't justify racism. It could easily turn out that Chinese or Jews test out smarter than whites: does that give them the right to be the "master race"? \_ Yes. We already control most of the media -jewish \_ The theory of evolution says the master race should proliferate and the proponents of evolution will claim that it is completely reversed right now (blacks/latinos have more ~6 kids, whites have ~1.6 kids). Thus, the proponents will favor furthering evolution with racism. ~6 kids, whites have ~1.6 kids). Thus, proponents of evolution will most likely favor evolution with racism. \_ No, evolution says proliferation is a natural advantage. Having more kids survive shows that you're the master race. \_ Well then, I need to bow down to my INNNNDIAN friend at 7-11 because apparently, he's the MASTER RACE. \_ And Aryan to boot! \_ No, we're not 'the master race'. That is a Nazi thing. But the sooner you come to accept that we are God's Chosen People, the happier you'll be. \_ "master race" not "masturbator race" \_ My brother converted from Catholicism to Judaism. We're genetically Scandinavian. Which Chosen People is he? \_ I hope a hot Jewish female with enormous breasts was involved. Did he convert for marriage purposes? \_ If he married a Jewish girl, his kids are Jewish. There is no hope for him directly. \_ You haven't answered the question. \_ There's only one "God's Chosen People". \_ Whoa! You're going go for the genetic purity of the people of Yahweh argument? You're reducing the number of God's Chosen People to a rough score, my friend, and unless you've got a 3,000 year pedigree, it doesn't include you. \_ Uh no, see above, "If he married a Jewish girl, his kids are Jewish". We're good to go on the Chosen People thing. \_ What's your Halachic source for this, Rabbi? \_ The motd of course. What more do I need? \_ HAHAHAHAHA. \_ It's only nutty elitism that values IQ more than (say) being a nice person, or having skill at a trade. Being a plumber often pays better than an engineer/doctor/lawyer (and can't be outsourced), yet vocational training has been systematically eliminated in schools in favor of forcing every high school to be college prep. Still, his comment addressing foreign policy to black nations could be accurate or could be wrong. \_ name the plumber that gets paid more than an engineer, doc, or lawyer. and no, pro-bono lawyering doesn't count. the carpenter i talked to yesterday was bitching about getting $25/hr. he could have got $33/hr but the work wouldn't be as consistent at another place. \_ I had a plumber come out to my place last week and he charges $80/hr for his services. He works for himself, so yeah, he has overhead, but he probably keeps most of that. O'Grady plumbing, they do good work: http://www.ogradyplumbing.com \_ He's not getting paid $80/hr x 8hr x 5days x 50weeks. His yearly income is going to be lower than the 100k engineer, the 200k doctor or the 400k lawyer. If he makes 50k hes lucky. His benefit is being his own boss, not the income. He's not pulling down 160k. \_ I think you greatly underestimate what contractors make. True, the journeyman isn't making that much money. However, the foremen and the owners make plenty of money. I know a lot of tradespeople and they do very well. $160K is very possible and guys with a lot of business probably do better than that. I know a guy who installs fire sprinklers. He's been doing it 8 years and he joined the union. He works for a big company that installs fire systems in commercial buildings. He makes $85K per year and he doesn't even have a degree. In another so many years he'll be well over $100K - about what an engineer makes - and that's working for someone else. He learned his vocation through 4 years in the Navy. I think vocational training is much neglected. Skilled tradespeople (especially in a niche like wrought iron or cabinetry or whatever) make a lot of money. The undocumented Mexican guy is making $25/hour. A legal, clean-cut caucasian or Asian guy makes twice that and also has the Mexican guy work for him because he can line up work for the other guy who doesn't even speak English. If you own a house you'd know how much you pay to have work done and it isn't cheap. You'd also know that a lot of the better guys turn work away because they have so much of it. \_ If you are paying the undocumented Mexican $25/hr, you are getting ripped off. \_ Not really. He's probably getting $15 from the guy who hired him and that guy is then making $10 in profit/overhead. Do something like get your hardwood floors refinished or have some tile installed (both take some skill and floors are hard work). Do you think the guy is going to do it for $8/hour? Not if he's any good he's not, undocumented or not. \_ So then you are paying $15 to the guy and $10 to his boss. Yes, this makes sense. But you can just hire the guy yourself, if you speak even high school Spanish. \_ Actually, I suspect he makes more than that, since he has people working for him. But at that point, he is really "running a small business" not just "being a plumber." \_ What do you think doctors, lawyers, civil engineers, psychologists, architects, optometrists, dentists, and accountants who are making money are doing? They setup a small business for themselves. With some luck and hard work their 'company' makes it. When a lawyer or doctor makes 'partner' what are they doing? Contractors are the same. They start out working for someone else, they hone their craft, and they strike out on their own - maybe with employees and maybe not. A lot of them start with themselves and some daylaborers they had good experiences with. So it really is "just being a plumber" in that sense - at least at first. There's not a lot of money at first, but neither is there in being a medical student and resident. I think the trades are greatly unappreciated career choices. Did you ever see "The Money Pit?" They lampoon how much contractors make (supposedly a lot) as the contractor drives a Corvette and asks the attorney client over the phone before he considers starting work: "How much money do you make?" "How much do *you* make?" (we can't hear the contractor's reply) "Really!" I have an acquaintance who is a contractor and makes a good living (enough to have a house and 3 kids w/o his wife working). We talked about this once and he told me: "Roofers drive Jaguars". \_ I think we are in agreement here. \_ Lawyers hardly make $400k. I think the average salary for a lawyer is something like $85k. HLS yes, Florida State, n HLS yes, Florida State, no. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_money_does_a_lawyer_earn http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos053.htm \_ Watson is an ass and has been for decades. -tom \_ Which is how tom responds to any conclusion he doesn't like. \_ Doesn't change the fact that Watson's an ass and has been for decades. -!tom \_ Gotta agree with tom's fans here. Watson is a complete ass. What's the name of that female who did a lot of the original DNA work with Watson & Crick but didn't share in the Nobel? \_ Is that Watson's fault or the Nobel nominating/awarding system? \_ probably a little bit of everyone. there was a movie on the subject i think, never saw it. \_ Yep. Watson has been, and continues to be, a bad person. \- RFRANKLIN was dead when they won the Nobel. So the credit issue may be valid, but the Nobel one is not. The Double Helix is a pretty fast read. He comes across as a medicore pud. (he goes on about how RFRANKLIN was a shabby dresser and all kinds of crazy things). --psb \_ BTW, note the difference between this and tom's "he's and ass and always has been, take it from me." \_ Sure, the Nobel committee makes their own rules, that's fine. But, Watson had the choice not too screw over Franklin. He made the personal choice to screw her over, and he's a bad person for that and for several other poor choices in his life. |
2007/10/18 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48357 Activity:high |
10/18 Dear sop (Scared of Poodles) guy, I'm really sorry that you got bitten by poodle(s) and I'm wondering if you could share your horror story with us, and how we can prevent from getting bitten as well? Thanks for your tips. -scared of ALL dogs guy \_ It went like this: I was born, I lived to this day without getting bit by a poodle, then someone on the motd said I was bit by a poodle and was scared of them so it must be true. My advice: don't post on the motd and you won't get bit by a poodle. \_ moron. |
2007/10/18-19 [Reference/Religion, Recreation/Media] UID:48358 Activity:kinda low |
10/18 who is this 5 foot 10 blond on Regis & Kathy Lee? oh, it's rebecca rojim-stamos. she must have knocked them dead at Berkeley High. \_ Jesus Christ now she's talking about how she wakes up in the morning thanking God for being female and needs to feel her breasts just to be sure. \_ oh it's about a tv show. \_ well crap she's convinced me! she has a new show about feeling herself up premiering tonight on ABC, 8pm \_ I thank God everyday we have such quality culture on tv. \_ I bet Regis makes more than she does for the same work. I also doubt she will be on a show with some young hunky guy when she's 70 (Regis is 75). Still better to be a woman? when she's 60. Still better to be a woman? |
2007/10/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:48359 Activity:nil |
10/17 hey fellow not getting laid guys, Ubuntu updated today! \_ I'm getting 500k on my Gutsy torrent download. Hottttt. |
2007/10/18 [Uncategorized] UID:48360 Activity:nil 75%like:48366 |
10/18 are most Jewish girls this enormos? link:preview.tinyurl.com/2tzems |
2007/10/18-19 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:48362 Activity:moderate |
10/18 dear other motd not getting laid guys, how are going to get laid after the Mayan Singularity of 2012? \_ What the hell are you talking about. \_ Other history channel not getting laid guys know what I'm talking about. \_ grammarP \_ reading news. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21356785 Putin says Russian economy is great and birthrate is at its highest in 16 years. So why am I not getting laid? I am past my prime and I'm obviously losing the human race, evolutionarily speaking. I want to REPRODUCE. -0 laid guy #3 \_ Are you in Russia? I believe Putin on the economy, but I think Russia's birthrate is still terrible. \_ Highest in 16 years ain't saying much for Russia. \_ My favorite souvenir from my trip to the PRC is the English version of the China Daily that proclaimed all Five Year Goals Met. No one does propaganda like old Marxists, except for Capitalists disguised as Marxists. \_ http://www.russianbrides.com \_ I hear American guys have no problem getting laid in Russia. |
2007/10/18-19 [Recreation/Dating] UID:48363 Activity:low |
10/18 why did you remove my post about the enormous breasts of the new Bionic Woman? \_ Are those bionic breasts? Inflate when cute guy approaches, deflate when jerk approaches. |
2007/10/18-19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48364 Activity:moderate |
10/16 Hey reiffin, why are you such a fuck tard? \_ He can't help it, it's in his nature. \_ What did reiffin do? \_ I deleted a bunch of old crap from the motd that no one had touched in days. That is the first time I've ever been called a 'fuck tard'. Do I get a medal? Maybe if I swore like a gradeschooler about silly stuff I could be cool, too. How can I be as cool as the op? \_ I wish you'd delete the stupid poodle crap. I be as cool as the op? !reiffin I be as cool as the op? [usually someone adds my name to something I didn't write. now someone is saying I didn't write something I did. you need to work on your scripts.] \_ I wish you'd delete your fucking stupid poodle crap. \_ I wish you'd delete the fucking stupid poodle crap. \_ Poodle crap deleted. It'll be back in minutes. \_ It's the motd. If we want to talk about poodles, we will. Don't read it if you don't like it, or better yet, post something more interesting. "If you can't do, teach, if you can't teach, criticise." \_ motd censor deletes anything interesting. \_ Hey op, don't you know fucktard is one word not two. Jesus you're a fucktard. -dans |
2007/10/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48365 Activity:nil |
10/18 It's not just the Religious Right: http://csua.org/u/jr9 (WashPo) \_ Why do you hate America? |
2007/10/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:48366 Activity:nil 75%like:48360 |
10/18 are most Jewish girls this enourmous? link:preview.tinyurl.com/2tzems \_ ^Jewish^fat. Yes. \_ The word is "zaftig." |
2007/10/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:48367 Activity:nil |
10/18 The very versatile Burka! http://www.wsoctv.com/news/14360566/detail.html |
2007/10/18-19 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:48368 Activity:nil |
10/18 Britney Spears loses visitation right! |
2007/10/18-20 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48369 Activity:kinda low |
10/18 has a new all powerful motd troll emerged from the primordial ooze? All hail not believing in the advancement of the internet guy! \_ huh? \_ Probably just an old troll, back from the dead, Frankenstien-like. \_ All hail 'make shit up op troll guy'! \_ He believes in the power of the german shepherd! |
2007/10/18-24 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:48370 Activity:high |
10/18 Limbaugh's auction of Reid's smear letter now over $17.6million. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260170172469 \_ And disinterest among the non-ditto-heads approaches infinity. \_ Indeed. When anyone *else* auctions something to raise close to $1M for charity, it's a lead story.... \_ Cite, please. That, or drop trou. \_ You've gotta be kidding. This is a sky-is-blue thing. Go hit google for 3 seconds. Take off the hate blinders. \_ Just writing this is more time than I intend to waste on anything having to do with Limbaugh. \_ I'll snipe, but I refuse to learn anything! \_ What exactly is the PP supposed to be learning? Limbaugh is usually full of shit, arguably a dans is usually full of shit, arguably a Rush Limbaugh is usually full of shit, arguably a hypocrite, and surrounded by yes-men and sycophants. Why would anyone sensible waste his or her time digging through the volume of shit that Limbaugh produces to find the occasional thing he gets or does right? -dans \_ Limbaugh is the Colbert of the convervatives. \_ Regardless of whom or what it concerns, saying "x is not true!", "Umm, of course x is true, look it up.", "I refuse to look it up! You're a poo-poo head!", is dumb. period. \_ No, sorry that is not the way it works. The person making the extraordinary claim has to back it up with facts. If I claim that the moon is made of green cheese and someone disputes it, my response should not be "just Google it, asshat." The truth is that charity auction raise millions all the time with barely any notice at all. The Napa Valley wine auction does it every year. year. And here is another one, no one has ever heard of: http://www.hiltonheadwineauction.org/pastevents.htm http://www.csua.org/u/jrp You and Rush have an overdeveloped sense of your own indignation, but I guess that is the whole Right Wing schtick. \_ I'm not calling RL a poo-poo head. I'm saying he's full of shit, i.e. most of the time the things he says are untrue. I'm saying he's a hypocrite, i.e. he says one thing and does the other (c.f. prescription drug scandal). You sir are full of shit. and I don't need to google to know that. -dans \_ Re: prescription drugs: when has Rush ever come out against drug users? You are just assuming so because he is right wing. I'd like to see the transcript of that. Have you ever listened to his show? It doesn't seem like it. Maybe you're just looking for a nice ausman? you're just looking for a nice poodle? you're just looking for a nice german shepherd? \_ "Let's all admit something. There's nothing good about drug use. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up. \_ URL \_ http://www.csua.org/u/jsb (MSN) \_ Because, when someone provides a detailed quote, they're probably making that shit up. Clearly, it never happened if it's not on the internets. And, if it's on the internets it must be true! Unless you don't like what it says, in which, case the iternet is a big old dumping ground full of lies and unreliable information. You are a disingenuous fuckhead. Seriously, did you get a copy of 'Stupid High School Debate Tricks for Aspiring Amoral Republican Types' for your birthday or something? -dans \_ I can provide you all sorts of detailed quotes. It does not mean they are in context or weren't totally made up. For example, 41 of our esteemed Senators recently completely fabricated the statements of a well known radio show host, but you seem ok with that. \_ Told you I didn't need google to know you're full of shit. -dans \_ Poor Rush, no one is paying any attention to him. He really is suffering. \_ He should get a dog, then. Maybe a nice german shepherd! \_ 25m listeners... ignored... forgotten... unknown. \_ Obviously a victim of liberal media bias. |
2007/10/18-24 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48371 Activity:low |
10/18 Watson backpedals from statement like mad http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071018/ap_on_sc/controversial_scientist \_ Watson is wrong. ALL MEN are created equal. The bible says so! \_ "In 2000, in a speech at the University of California, Berkeley, he suggested that sex drive is related to skin color. "That's why you have Latin lovers," he said, according to people who attended. "You've never heard of an English lover. Only an English patient." WAIT what??? So if I'm brown I'm horny? \_ Shouldn't the headline be "Watson backpoodles from statement"? \_ Shouldn't the headline be "Watson backausmans from statement"? \_ Haha! \_ Shouldn't the headline be "Watson backgerman shepherds from statement"? |
2007/10/18-20 [Reference/Military] UID:48372 Activity:kinda low |
10/18 Air Force to blame Cheney's attempt to execute Wing Attack Plan R on underlings http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071018/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/nuclear_mistake \_ german shepherd don't fly. |
2007/10/18-2008/4/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:48373 Activity:low |
4/1 motd fat jewish girl with enormous breasts guy, why don't you go watch that new Nostradamus History Channel Show with motd fucking poodle guy? \_ Nostradamus fans, have you read the Quatrains? \_ Nostradamus fans, have you read the german shepherd Quatrains? |
2007/10/18-24 [Uncategorized] UID:48374 Activity:low |
10/18 all right. bionic woman loaded. we'll see how large those things are. \_ You are such a loser it kind of boggles the mind. \_ Bigger than a german shepherd! |
2007/10/18-24 [Uncategorized] UID:48375 Activity:nil |
10/18 http://www.markit.com/information/products/abx.html Mortgage-backed securities (all ratings) renew plunge \_ Bushonomics. \_ free market part deux! |
2007/10/18-20 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:48376 Activity:kinda low |
10/18 Subversion woes. We want to be able to go to other developers' directories and type "svn status -q" to automate scripts. Now when I do something like this: user1@:~user2/dev/blah> svn status svn: Can't open '.svn/blah/_file.tmpl.tmp': Permission denied However there is no file named _file.* anywhere! What's going on? \_ it's trying to create a temp file in a directory where you don't have write access. -tom \_ Use svn, save a ausman today! \_ Use svn, save a german shepherd today! |
2007/10/18-24 [Recreation/Interesting] UID:48377 Activity:low Cat_by:auto |
10/18 Trippy... http://zoomquilt2.madmindworx.com/zoomquilt2.swf \_ The german shepherd is named trippy? |
2007/10/18 [Computer/Blog, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:48378 Activity:nil |
10/18 To whoever seriously thought Flickr has 3 9's of uptime, I have one thing to say to you: http://l.yimg.com/www.flickr.com/images/photo_unavailable.gif -dans |
2007/10/18 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48379 Activity:moderate |
10/18 when a girl tells me she is seeing someone else, what does that mean? they're making coffee? picking out drapes? had the german soldier marching? building the beast with two backs? taking the flesh express to tuna town? aardvarking? hiding the salami? motd not getting laid guy, do you have a good cable package? we should hang out. \_ It means everything is cool and you should upgrade your phone plan. \_ What does that mean? I'm not a complete idiot you know! |
2007/10/18 [Recreation/Dating] UID:48380 Activity:nil |
10/18 I just accidentally downloaded every single video Ewa Sonnett has ever made. She's off the charts? Is every chick in the Czech Republic this hot? How hard is it to learn Czech? I have to move there immediately. \_ Who is Ewa Sonnett? url to videos? -dans \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/2cz9lj \_ meh. She doesn't really do it for me. -dans |
2007/10/18-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:48381 Activity:insanely high |
10/18 Fuck you motd d o g guy, I've written a script to delete your poodle posts automatically. Go ahead and make my day. poodle \_ You probably don't want to do this. First, automatically munging the motd is a squishable offense. Second, if tom thinks you are doing this, he will declare you to be guilty without evidence or trial. Further, he will decide anyone who supports you or provides evidence to the contrary is just a flunky puppet secretly controlled by you. Do you really want to have to deal with tom? Probably not. -dans \_ People say that using scripts on the motd is a squishable offense, but every sec with tom? Probably not. -lame \_ if you really want to bring this up: no one has provided any evidence that paolo wasn't auto-deleting the MOTD, and it's trivially obvious from the evidence available that he was. And dans is a stooge. -tom |
3/15 |