2007/10/5-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:48243, category id '18005#13.5625' has no name! , ] UID:48243 Activity:moderate |
10/5 Republicans trying to stack the deck in the Federal Elections Commission by either nominating a known voter suppression specialist or by allowing Bush to make recess appointments. http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/004396.php \_ Uhm, the FEC is always 3 D and 3 R. What deck are you talking about? \_ Read the article. Just because it is 3d and 3r doesn't mean it should be a body staffed by people who make partisan choices the number one priority. Just like the Justice department should strive for being non partisan. \_ I read the article before posting and a pile of the blog responses as well. Everything in DC is staffed by partisan hacks with the _possible_ exception of the GAO. Maybe. I'm not impressed with the need to screw up the FEC just so this one guy doesn't join them for a term. What was in the article that explains exactly what is so horrible about him anyway? Unless he's out raping nuns and sheep and sheep nuns it isn't important and no I don't care which party he's a member of. There are partisan hacks and plenty of em from both sides all over the place. And frankly, what is so wrong with being a partisan in a 2 party confrontational system? Lack of partisanship just reduces us to one party like so many petty totalitarian regimes. Bring on the partisans of all parties, I say. \_ Uhm, the FEC is always 3 D and 3 R. What deck are you talking about? \_ Read the article. Just because it is 3d and 3r doesn't mean \_ Read the article. Just because it is 3d and 3r doesn't mean it should be a body staffed by people who make partisan choices the number one priority. Just like the Justice department should strive for being non partisan. \_ I read the article before posting and a pile of the blog responses as well. Everything in DC is staffed by partisan hacks with the _possible_ exception of the GAO. Maybe. I'm not impressed with the need to screw up the FEC just so this one guy doesn't join them for a term. What was in the article that explains exactly what is so horrible about him anyway? Unless he's out raping nuns and sheep and sheep nuns it isn't important and no I don't care which party he's a member of. There are partisan hacks and plenty of em from both sides all over the place. And frankly, what is so wrong with being a partisan in a 2 party confrontational system? Lack of partisanship just reduces us to one party like so many petty totalitarian regimes. Bring on the partisans of responses as well. Everything in DC is staffed by partisan hacks with the _possible_ exception of the GAO. Maybe. I'm not impressed with the need to screw up the FEC just so this one guy doesn't join them for a term. What was in the article that explains exactly what is so horrible about him anyway? Unless he's out raping nuns and sheep and sheep nuns it isn't important and no I don't care which party he's a member of. There are partisan hacks and plenty of em from both sides all over the place. And frankly, what is so wrong with being a partisan in a 2 party confrontational system? Lack of partisanship just reduces us to one party like so many petty totalitarian regimes. Bring on the partisans of all parties, I say. \_ You know, it is hard to believe after Clinton and Bush, but there used to be a time when it wasn't like this. Presidents actually used to put members of the other party on their cabinet and the qualifications of your staff mattered at least as much as your loyalty. \_ Ronald Reagan hired people who were highly qualified and loyal. Ronald Reagan was GOD. -GOP \_ One word: Bork. \_ You know after Bork got 'Borked' he has spent the last 20 years writing opinions and articles and papers proving he is the extreme far right nutcase everyone suspected he would be. \_ Futher proof that smoking dope does not give you some kind of liberal disease. Suck it, Rush. \_ But you're ok with extreme left wingers on the court, yes? Someone asked how we got this way. The answer is the left viciously attacked Bork on his beliefs not his legal skills as a judge. The rest was history. \_ My memory is not so hot. Who was the last extreme left winger on the court? Also, Bork \_ Still there now. is a bad example for all of us on the motd. He is/was/will continue to be totally completely out in space. I am 100 percent glad he did not get confirmed. I dont think you'd want to live in a world either that has him as a Justice. Hey can we argue about Clarence Thomas now? \_ Whoop-dee-damn-doo. \_ I didn't say you would like him. I said where that sort of thing started in the modern era. \_ Your history needs lots and lots of work. Trying looking up "FDR, Supreme Court packing of," "Johnson, Abe Fortas nomination," etc. \_ Please join us when you can get on topic. Thanks. You topic is interesting but unrelated. \_ I think clinton had a few republicans in his cabinet? Lincoln's cabinet was kind of split, half always agreed with him, the other half thought he sucked, but he insisted they all stfu and press on with his agenda when he made a decision (I'm talking about the emancipation). I think everyone thought Roosevelt was god. I haven't read much about Nixon's cabinet. Isn't it funny how the Nixon era seems like a delightful spring breeze now? |
2007/10/5-7 [Uncategorized] UID:48244 Activity:nil |
10/5 *snip!* |
2007/10/5-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:48245 Activity:nil |
10/5 Anyone used Veritas on Redhat? I've used it on Solaris where it worked great but not on Redhat. How well does it work? Can it dynamically extend a pre-existing volume without unmounting? Thanks! |
2007/10/5-9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48246 Activity:low 61%like:48252 |
10/4 It all depends on what the meaning of "torture" is: http://www.csua.org/u/jnr \_ Even the Red Cross calls it torture: http://www.csua.org/u/jnw \_ Even the Red Cross calls it torture: http://www.csua.org/u/jnw |
2007/10/5-7 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:48247 Activity:high |
10/4 I stopped using Y! Mail because it was collecting a lot of spam. I switched to Gmail thinking Google's better. Now my Gmail's collecting as much spam as my Y! Mail, I'm beginning to realize that Google blows just as much as Yahoo. Is there a better FREE mailer out there I can use? \_ whats your email addr? i'll tell the spammers to stop -shac \_ Is SpamGuard in your Yahoo Mail turned on? \_ If you're running the free version of Y! Mail (as opposed to one that comes with AT&T Yahoo or <DEAD>sbcglobal.net<DEAD>), SpamGuard doesn't seem to do jack. You can tag email as 'Spam' but that has been a big joke since I *still* get spam no matter what. \_ whats your email addr? i'll tell the spammers to stop -shac \_ Is SpamGuard in your Yahoo Mail turned on? \_ If you're running the free version of Y! Mail (as opposed to one that comes with AT&T Yahoo or <DEAD>sbcglobal.net<DEAD>), SpamGuard doesn't seem to do jack. You can tag email as 'Spam' but that has been a big joke since I *still* get spam no matter what. \_ You can run, but you can't hide. \_ Sorry about the spam. I get little to no spam at gmail. \_ I don't get spam at either one. My Yahoo mail account is several \_ You can run, but you can't hide. \_ Sorry about the spam. I get little to no spam at gmail. \_ I don't get spam at either one. My Yahoo mail account is several years old. My gmail account is newer. \_ I get a lot of SPAM at Yahoo!, although it also catches a lot. I don't have GMAIL. 10/4 http://www.ixiqi.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/geekjewery42ap8.jpg <head>Great gift for your lady friend (or metrosexual friend)</head> \_ I don't think you know what metrosexual means \_ I don't think he knows what "great gift" means \_ These are more girly then they are metro. I prefer the shirts with the body tag on front and back. -dans |
2007/10/5-9 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:48248 Activity:moderate |
10/5 Although each D-Day landing craft had a 2 men assigned as flamethrowers, most of them did not carry flamethrowers out of fear that they'd explode. I love the History Channel -not getting laid guy #3 \_ Hey get your own nickname! - the original not getting laid guy. \_ Sorry I changed my login to not getting laid #3. Maybe we should start a loser club or something? \_ Hold on how un-laid are you? I'm watching the history channel two. some SF freaks are talking about German jet engines. awesome. - original not getting laid guy. \_ hi I'm #3, I love the Weird Weapons of the Axis/Allies. Jet engines are cool too. Go ME262, they kick ass! Well actually they kind of sucked compared to the P-51 Mustangs, since ME262 had bad maneuverability, etc etc. But hey, the idea's cool. \_ And they run out of fuel after a few minutes and have to glide back to base where upon American fighters just pull in behind and shoot them down easily. And they required a difficult to produce and incredible toxic fuel. ME262 was cool. For the Allies. Hitler should have let his generals run the war. Fortunately, he was insane and militarily untalented so the Allies were able to win. \_ Hitler was a micromanager. I hate micromanagers. \_ The Allies would have beaten even the greatest military genius in the world, because of economic might and sheer numbers. Only a great politician could have saved the Axis and Hitler, though a great German leader, did not have enough international relations skills to pull it off. \_ If only he had kept the Jew scientists... \_ Can't recall his name right now but the admiral in charge of the german submarines wanted to wait until they had 700+ before launching a war instead of the 100? or so they had. Imagine how the war for the atlantic would have gone with 700 subs or even 350 german subs roaming around? We could not have reinforced Britain, there likely would not have been a dday, etc. On the Russian front, he didn't allow his generals to pull back to defensible positions after they took ground so the Russian counter attacks hurt a lot more than they should have. He didn't believe in strategic bombing. He didn't let his army reinforce the beaches at Normandy until too late. Need I go on? \_ I am not saying Hitler didn't make mistakes. I am saying that Germany would have lost anyway, because they did not have the military might to defeat Russia and the US. The war could have gone on longer, but Germany would have lost no matter who was advising them militarily. However, with a better politician perhaps France would still be speaking German. \_ My wife and I had sex again tonight. -happily married guy \_ Married a fatty, huh? \_ I'm guessing the pp didn't marry Asian, or is fresh \_ No she is thin and asian. But we have only been dating for seven years, so maybe you are right, things will slow down after a while. \_ Busty? \_ Sorry, no. |
2007/10/5-9 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast] UID:48249 Activity:low |
10/5 http://tinyurl.com/2aahwq (pensacola news journal) "Police have said he arrived at the airport carrying a Dora the Explorer doll, hoop earrings and a jar of petroleum jelly." \_ I really, really didn't need to read this. \_ He has no regard to the girl's health. He should've brought KY jelly instead of petroleum jelly. \_ Obviously he wasn't planning to use condoms ... What an asshole. |