2007/9/27-10/2 [Computer/HW/Languages] UID:48196 Activity:nil |
9/26 Has anyone had a head unit installed/replaced at Circuit City or Fry's? If so, would you recommend them for installation? Also, if there are better places than CC or Fry's in the South Bay, please let me know. tia. |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:48197 Activity:high |
9/26 Another win for the Constitution and another blow to the Bush Admin: http://www.csua.org/u/jll (Yahoo News) \_ The Bush admin is dead. Who cares? Look to the future, don't dwell on the past. Do you have any idea what the front runners in both parties are saying about this? \_ unfortuantely, Bush is not dead. He is threating veto on the spending bill if it exceed its limit. Rubber stamp Democrats for some reason doesn't want to put Iraq war spending as part of of the spending bill. They should just cut the war funding completely if things are not going their way. \_ Bush is dead. He vetos. So what? The Democrats are not rubber stamps for the war. The reason they keep funding it is because they want us to stay there. They should do a lot of things but I don't put weight on what they should do, I look at what they've actually done, which is fund the war to every penny Bush has asked. Anyway, none of this means anything either way since the Democrats are doing nothing different from what Bush has been doing. \_ what is your proposal, then? we have 70-100 Iraqi civilians dies every day, ~4 million (out of total of 20+ million) displaced internally and externally. So, obviously we are not making this peaceful right now. My ears are all yours. \_ What was unclear? We leave Iraq. Unfortunately our leadership in the Congress is too pathetic and cowardly to do what we put them there to do. Or more likely, I believe that *want* us to stay there. They aren't putting up *any* sort of fight against Bush, an unpopular lame duck President. I can only conclude they want us in Iraq. They = Democrats, if that was unclear. \_ If you think the Dems are pathetic and cowardly for not "putting up *any* sort of fight against Bush," and are thus unworthy of office, that must mean that you think the GOP are murderous traitors who ought to be hanged, yes? \_ Hanged? No. We don't hang politicians for failed policy. Out of office? Sure, of course. That is the nature of our system. But I don't see the Dems saying they'll do anything substantially different if they have the executive office and they own both the house and senate and have done nothing. They aren't even very good at doing nothing. \_ Hyperbole aside, you've seen that the GOP are criminally negligent and corrupt. Surely even Do Nothing would be a better polict than the current polciy of screwing the American people over. \_ The reason they keep funding it is because they're scared of the punditry saying "they abandoned the troops in the field." This is of course bullshit, and they'll need to find their voices and spines and change that meme. But IMO they are obliged now to cut off the funding. There is no other way for them to end it. And until they get up the courage to do so, more soldiers and civilians continue to die. \_ Whereas when the troops leave Iraq, it will instantly become peaceful? Pass me some of what you're smoking! \_ what is your proposal, then? we have 70-100 Iraqi \_ some sort of "final solution?" civilians dies every day, ~4 million (out of total of 20+ million) displaced internally and externally. So, obviously we are not making this peaceful right now. My ears are all yours. \_ Stop cut n pasting. Say something new or don't bother posting. \_ Oh, no, Iraqis will continue to see violence, and that's on our heads. But our troops leaving now or 10 years from now won't change that. I'm speaking specifically of the US's cost in blood and treasure. We need to attack the issue with other approaches. It will be a long road as Bush has ignored all other approaches, failing to lay any groundwork diplomatcally/politically, but them's the breaks. \_ There is no need if we TRY to spread diseases like Cholera. The military should consider that as a cheap and effective option. \_ Or we could send in the CIA to spread crack. \_ I love how casually you predict the next 10 years. Here's another possibility. In 10 years, Al Qaeda has taken over Iraq, used the oil revenue to get biological and nuclear weapons, and erased a US city. See, we can all play that game. \_ That may be true but in 30 years they'll be commercialized and embrace everything Western just like Vietnam it is now. \_ And at the cost of only one major US port city! A good deal at twice the price! Maybe it'll be a smaller port city like San Francisco or Oakland.... \_ I can live with that. \_ Lemme guess, you don't live anywhere near SF? \_ Since Al Qaeda is very unpopular amongst the Iraqi people, it is hard to imagine how they could possibly "take over" Iraq. Try to imagine something with a greater chance of likelyhood, like Iran taking over Iraq. \_ That is already happening. \_ How popular was Saddam with the Iraqi people? \_ Are you saying that we are funding AQ? \_ SH was extremely popular with one tribe, one that represented about 20% of the Iraqi people. AQ has no such inherent power base. The Shi'ites hate them and the Sunni in Iraq have turned against them. \_ The Sunni aren't a tribe. They're a religious branch of Islam. Saddam's tribe was in Tikrit and the areas immediately around Tikrit. I agree with the rest of what you said. |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:48198 Activity:nil |
9/27 What's a better laptop to get, Gateway, Dell, or Toshiba? \_ thinkpad \_ Are there still Thinkpads with butterfly keyboards? I had one 11yrs ago, and it was cool because the laptop body can be made smaller than the keyboard. \_ i would love to see those butterfly keyboards again. too bad that there won't be any butterfly keyboards anytime soon. |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:48199 Activity:nil |
9/27 Does anyone have experiences with OpenId and/or TypeKey as to minimize the effort spent on your web app authentication? How easy is it to integrate these 3rd party components into your web apps? |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:48200 Activity:high |
9/27 After last night's debates, it looks like the leading candidates are all in favor of keeping the war going until the end of their first term. I don't know who to vote for anymore. \_ Romney! \_ the reality is that Republicans are going to loose the election in 2008. They are doing everything they can to drag the war until end of Bush's 2nd term. When Democrat pull the troops, Republicans can righteously accusing Democrats "cut and run." \_ Oh please, do you have any idea what the Democrats are all saying? They will *not* pull the troops. That is the whole point. There is no one to vote for! \_ I'm still throwing support to Biden, even though he has no chance of being nominated. \_ As long as a majority of people support the crummy media created candidates because the better ones "don't stand a chance" we'll get what we deserve. I always vote for who I want, not who I'm told I should be. If more people were like us we'd have better government. \_ If elected, "I would have combat troops out of Iraq in about nine months," Edwards said. That seems pretty unambiguous to me. \_ Nope. Go check his response in the most recent debate. Here it is and I'll grant it is close but no cigar, esp. the way he starts off in answer to "2013" as a target date. He gets an "A" for effort though as the one closest to saying he'll actually end the war for real. MR. RUSSERT: Senator Edwards, will you commit that at the end of your first term, in 2013, all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq? MR. EDWARDS: I cannot make that commitment. I -- well, I can tell you what I would do as president. If I -- when I'm sworn into office come January of 2009, if there are in fact, as General Petraeus suggests, 100,000 American troops on the ground in Iraq, I will immediately draw down 40 (thousand) to 50,000 troops and, over the course of the next several months, continue to bring our combat troops out of Iraq until all of our combat troops are in fact out of Iraq. I think the problem is, and it's what you've just heard discussed, is, we will maintain an embassy in Baghdad. That embassy has to be protected. We will probably have humanitarian workers in Iraq. Those humanitarian workers have to be protected. I think somewhere in the neighborhood of a brigade of troops will be necessary to accomplish that -- 3,500 to 5,000 troops. But I do say -- I want to add to things I just heard. I think that it's true that everyone up here wants to take a responsible course to end the war in Iraq. There are, however, differences between us, and those differences need to be made aware. Good people have differences about this issue. For example, I heard Senator Clinton say on Sunday that she wants to continue combat missions in Iraq. To me, that's a continuation of the war. I do not think we should continue combat missions in Iraq, and when I'm on a stage with the Republican nominee come the fall of 2008, I'm going to make it clear that I'm for ending the war. And the debate will be between a Democrat who wants to bring the war to an end, get all American combat troops out of Iraq, and a Republican who wants to continue the war. \_ Just like he said then, the choice will be between a Republican who intends to continue the war and a Democrat who intends to end it. I guess at that point you can make your choice who to vote for. That is assuming that he wins the nomination (a big big unlikely assumption, I admit, but one big unlikely assumption, I admit, but one that should make you want to support his campaign if you want to actually end the war). \_ No, the choice will be between one party that says they will stay there to continue the war and the other party that kinda sorta say they'll be there but like if maybe uhm eventually ya know it is sorta hard and I don't like your tone asking me all these hard theoretical questions so please don't ask me anything until I'm President party that will also continue the war. \_ That will be true if Hillary wins the nomination, as is likely. I disagree with your interpretation of what Edwards said. \_ He was asked directly if he'd pledge to have them all out by 2013. He said no. What is there to interpret? I could have been a motd jerk and just gave you the first line but I gave the full quote. He won't promise to have them all out by *2013* which is *4* full years after he would take office. \_ He said he would pull 98% of them, which is good enough to me. I don't see why you want to leave the embassy unguarded. Do you think he should promise to pull the Marines from the Embassy walls as well? \_ Oh goodie then we can have another reenactment of the Iranian embassy take over because we left too small a contingent for the role they have been assigned protecting the embassy and the humanitarian workers all over the country in the middle of a huge civil war. Brilliant. More half- assed measures for the cameras. \_ The Iranian Embassy takeover was supported by the Islamic Rev. AQ in Iraq is not supported by Iraqis or the govt. Your example does not work. \_ Are you on the right thread? WTH are you talking about? This thread at this point was about how many troops Edwards would leave in Iraq and what mission they would have, such as protecting the US Emb from *any* hostiles. \_ Do you hold your breath until you pass out and then type randomly on the key- board? You invoked the Iran Embassy as though something of that nature could take place in a country that did not explicity support such actions. No matter how bad Iraq gets, it will not be that country. Stop fear- mongering. |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:48201 Activity:nil |
9/27 Man, I love Hardboiled (free Berkeley APA newspaper), it's hilarious. The article in this old copy is great: "unmasking the emasculated asian male". I love how she assumes that asian men had to learn racism, sexism, and domestic abuse from white guys. Ha! http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hboiled/7-4.pdf \_ Lol many of the asian guyss I know are 2x as racist as the average white guy. \_ Hoyt Sze! Where are you when we need you? \_ Uh, why the heck would anyone go back to 2004 to read something like this? I mean, like, are you bored or something? \_ I'm posting to the motd, what do you think? |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Python] UID:48202 Activity:moderate |
9/27 Ok so to do the equivalent of the following: bool ? a : b In Python, it is: (bool and [a] or [b])[0] Uh, kick ass? \_ 99 times out of 100 if you use the trinary operator you are doing the wrong thing. \_ 99 times out of 100 if you use the ternary operator you are doing the wrong thing. Oh and python should have "a if bool else b". \_ Python 2.5 adds the ternary operator with the syntax above. See: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0308 The and-or trick was the most recognizable way to do this prior to 2.5. See: http://www.diveintopython.org/power_of_introspection/and_or.html This also explains why you need to do the wonkiness with wrapping a and b into arrays and then extracting element 0. Curious, why does the pp feel that using the ternary operator is a bad idea? -dans \_ http://tinyurl.com/36zdbe (fogcreek.com) -!pp \_ Most of this discussion convinces me that the ternary operator is a good thing. Many of the posters seem to miss the forest for the trees wrt code readability. At this point, I don't 'parse' the ternary operator, I just think of it as a (slightly) higher-level construct and find it easier to read and understand. YMMV -dans \_ bad coders : ternary operator :: Dubya : U.S. presidency \_ bad coders : code :: Dubya : U.S. presidency "However, there is already controversy surrounding the grant. Explains Dean Clancy, "Ok, so we got all this deodorant and shaving equipment now. So-fricking-what? What I want to know is how we are going to get this stuff on the engineers. Whenever I ask an engineer in Soda, "Why do you smell like Rick Starr's underwear, only worse?", they always give me some story about being allergic to deodorant or not having enough time to shower. Like I always say, you can lead a mouse to a window but you can't always make the mouse click on the window." Telling bad coders to avoid the ternary operator is like giving deodorant to EECS students. It doesn't address the core problem. -dans \_ What about L&S CS? Are they allowed to bathe? \_ I'm not aware of there being any department strictures forbidding EECS students to bathe. I don't know if I'm typical of L&S CS students, but I managed to bathe more or less regularly (or date hot women who have a thing for, possibly stinky, geeks). I suppose there was that one semester Paolo took CS 150 and didn't leave the lab for a week, but I definitely think that's an outlier data point. -dans \_ dans is channeling tjb. \_ i miss tjb. can we get him back? \_ Seconded. The man's a national treasure. \_ I think we can all agree that paolo is an outlier data point. \_ Nah, I'm not going to try to freestyle. Though I am pretty white. -dans \_ I think we can all agree that paolo is an outlier data point. |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Uncategorized] UID:48203 Activity:nil |
9/27 So the new website is up. Naturally it's not done, so we are prepared to face your derision, metal pots on our heads and wooden swords in hand. Please email vaheder with any suggestions, comments, and improvements. Danke. \_ larper! |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Uncategorized] UID:48204 Activity:nil |
9/27 So whatever happened with Sameer's effort to become one of the FEW and the PROUD? \_ they apparently don't take gnomes \_ GO GNOME OR GO HOME! GNOMES ARE THE BEST WARRIOR RACE! \_ Pft. Dwarves get +2 Con, -2 Cha, with no size penalty. |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48205 Activity:high |
9/27 In response to the previous threads about rubber stamp Democrats. My point is not rather we should fund the war or not. But rahter, if we going to fund it, fund it as part of regular budget process instead of going through all these supplement spending bills which doesn't have the same oversight as regular spending bill. Further, I failed to understand why Democrat would take Bush's veto threat about domestic spending while this guy's military spending is going completely out of control. Democrats should just say "fund the war via the regular spending bill, or not fund the war at all." \_ Ask Pelosi and Reid why they continue to fund it. The American people put them in office for a reason. They promised to end the war and clean up government. Under their watch, the war has actually expanded by 30k troops and corruption is rampant across the board. Oh yay, I so can't wait to vote for that bunch again. They've been so effective. \_ In what way is "corruption rampant"? Is there more or less corruption than with the Republican Congress? \_ Hello? Earmarking the hell out of the budget? Just like Republicans, except the Democrats promised to cleanup. So we get corruption+hypocritics instead of 'mere' corruption. There's a reason Congress's popularity rating as a whole is at all time lows. No one likes a liar (Iraq funding) or a hypocrite (earmarking corruption). \_ give some examples of corrupt earmarking. earmarking is not inherently corrupt. \_ you're kidding, right? DiFi's committee granting nobids to her husband's company? Pelosi granting handouts to her family's companies? Murtha, well damn, just about anything Murtha has come near. Look, be serious. You can't point a finger at the other party and scream 'corruption!' when your own party is doing the same crap. Glass houses and all that. If you spent less time prowling for Republican corruption and turned less of a blind eye towards Democratic party corruptions, you'd see the hypocrisy and I for one have had enough. I will not support corrupt people of either party even if they sometimes agree with me or even vote the way I like most of the time. \_ Please back up your claims. \_ I did. I'm not going to discuss this further with someone so clearly wearing blinders. You would google for it yourself if you actually cared and weren't suffering from severe self inflicted blindness. \_ No, you didn't. You gave allegations. \_ Whatever. You don't want to know and wouldn't care if I put it under your nose. Bored now. Bye. \_ "And I'm taking my ball and going home!" \_ No, just bored and not looking to get trolled today. I gave you more than enough info to google it if you cared to know. You don't. Story over. \_ Wow, fools do mock! -!pp \_ Your contribution: zero. oktnx \_ You do know that the current Congress has 1/10th as many earmarks in the budget than the GOP Congress immediately preceeding it, right? \_ When it is zero, lemme know. "Woot! The one party is not quite as corrupt (yet) as the other party! Yay for such heroism in government!" \_ Good luck on holding out for your utopian society. Are you going to hold your breath until you get it? Not everyone even is able to agree on what "corruption" in government is, so you will never find one without any. As a previoius poster noted, sometimes there are legitimate uses for an earmark. \_ Name a legitimate use for an earmark. I'm not certain you even understand what an earmark is. An earmark is a politician sticking something into a bill to give money to some local cronies in their district which usually has nothing at all to do with the bill. The bill in question is typically one of many "must be passed" pieces of legislation so no one will vote against it even though it is loaded with pork. If the allocation of money was legitimate it would have it's own bill. Earmarking = corruption. Unless you already hold office or are the recipient of said funds. \_ Earmarks can be legitimately used to fund specific projects. Don't be obtuse. -tom \_ Name a legitimate earmark. Just one. A specific project can and should get a specific bill, or be part of a larger related budget. I expect the military budget to include funding for specific weapons and bases. I do not expect it to include bridges to no where, funding for DiFi and Pelosi family and friends, or anything not related to the military. Either you don't know what an earmark is or you're being a total idiot intentionally. Either way, no one has posted a single earmarked item that is legit. Given how many billions of dollars in earmarks go out in each budget, you should be able to name one legitimate earmark, if there were any. There are not. \_ Here is $1B worth of earmarks to improve the CA freeway system. Are you going to claim that all of them are unneeded? link:www.csua.org/u/jma \_ privatized freeway systems are cost effective and better utilized. \_ Better utilized? Wtf does that even mean? \_ So your claim that these earmarks are corrupt is based on the idea that freeways should all be tollways??! Hoo-kay, please sign your posts with the moniker "Libertarian Troll" next time, so I will know not to waste my time researching a reply. \_ You're kidding right? Of course a transportation bill has money for transportation projects. Why do you even bother? I don't get it. Do you think no one will fact check your links? I specifically said they're filling the budget with money for local projects unrelated to the bill they're attached to. Transport money in a transport bill is not what I was talking about and you knew that. \_ The transportation bill is one of the appropriations bills that make up the "budget". It is you who do not know of what you speak. He pointed to a "budget" bill with "earmarks" which you admit are "valid". You are clearly too short for this ride. --scotsman \_ I was quite specific about this. If you choose not to read it and instead pick and choose single words out of context to 'feel big', then do so but don't think you've actually proven anything. \_ You have repeatedly mistaken "earmarks" for "pork". When called on it, you got all defensive and claimed that everyone else is an idiot. To earmark is to set aside monies for a specific project. Tom's phraseology is right. Yours is wrong. Also, you mentioned the "Bridge to Nowhere". I assume you meant Stevens' $200M joke. What bill do you think that was to be in? Hint: it wasn't in Defense. --scotsman |