Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2007:September:21 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2007/9/21-24 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:48140 Activity:nil
9/20    Pull out method 3rd most popular:
        \_ Is this some Iraq thing?
           \_ The troops should pull out and shoot all over Iraq's belly.
2007/9/21-24 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi, Academia/OtherSchools] UID:48141 Activity:nil
9/20    MIT student wears art to airport, almost gets shot.
        \_ I spent many winter and summer vacations in Boston, and I can
           testify that Bostonians are, in general, retarded.  And I'm not
           talking about the MIT student here.
        \_ when I first heard about this I thought it was an intentional act.
           after you look at it, well, it's been spun like mad by authorities.
2007/9/21 [Uncategorized] UID:48142 Activity:nil
9/20    32DD
2007/9/21-24 [ERROR, uid:48143, category id '18005#1.5' has no name! , ] UID:48143 Activity:nil
9/20    amusements for the day:  The Senate absolutely OUTRAGED
        over the Move-On ad, and not really that outraged over spending
        trillions on Iraq with no reasonable end goal.  Also The President
        Of Iran is WORLD'S GREATEST TROLL.  You let him tour the
        ground zero site, he wins!  If you don't let him, he still wins!
        \_ It may be too late to follow up this thread, but what do you
           mean by "he wins" if we let him come.  You mean he gets some
           positive PR by pretending to be a decent guy?  'cause if that
           is all you mean, he "wins" most of the time.  So what?

        \_ Why do these things amuse you?
2007/9/21-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:48144 Activity:nil
9/20    anyone get that Xbox game yet where you shoot your way through
        first scene in the John Woo movie Hardboiled ?
2007/9/21-24 [Uncategorized] UID:48145 Activity:nil
9/20    if anyone is looking for a UI developer job
        pls contact
2007/9/21-24 [Health] UID:48146 Activity:nil
9/20    Man urinates on dying woman, declaring it "YouTube material."
2007/9/21-24 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:48147 Activity:nil
9/20    John Kerry in Doonesbury 30 years ago:
        \_ Didn't he serve in Vietnam?
2007/9/21-24 [Transportation/Car] UID:48148 Activity:nil
9/20    This couldn't possibly go wrong
        (dumping subway cars to create artificial reefs)
        \_ This is a good example of how the carbon credit system is kind of
           a scam at this point; there's no regulation, so companies can get
           paid "carbon credit" money for dumping iron in the ocean because
           it might encourage plankton growth, and other sorts of questionable
           tactics.  -tom
           \_ Dumping iron filing rust did indeed create a plankton bloom in
              iron-poor areas.  The advantage with plankton is that when they
              die, they sink to the bottom, sequestering away the carbon.
              Unfortunately, who knows what else it might cause.  Oh, and of
              course methane and water vapor are far worse than CO2.
              \_ Well, that's the thing; the things done in the name of
                 carbon reduction haven't necessarily been researched in terms
                 of the entire cost/benefit.  Yet companies can get money
                 for doing environmentally dubious things.  -tom
           \_ Actually, dumping iron filing rust did indeed create a plankton
              bloom in iron-poor areas.  The advantage with plankton is that
              when they die, they sink to the bottom, sequestering away the
              carbon.  Unfortunately, who knows what else it might cause.  Oh,
              and of course methane and water vapor are far worse than CO2.
        \_ It worked great with tires!
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2007:September:21 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>