2007/9/20-22 [Recreation/Dating] UID:48124 Activity:high |
9/20 lastest Dan Savage: Q: I have been with my girlfriend for over three years. Our relationship has come to the point where we feel that we should either get married or go our separate ways. She is a great girl: smart, nice, trustworthy. We have a lot of fun together. There's just one problem: She hates sex. In her opinion, "sex isn't supposed to be fun." She also thinks our sex life is fine. But every time we talk about marriage, all I can think about is a lifetime of bad sex! Not Totally Screwed A: Don't marry this woman, NTS. Not unless you want to be sending me a letter like this one in two short years... \_ "sex isn't supposed to be fun?" Is it supposed to hurt? What? \_ It's supposed to make you curl up in the shower and cry till the bleeding stops. \_ Only the first time. \_ You aren't doing it right. \_ MOTD told me I was crazy when I said women don't enjoy sex. MOTD is better for CS advice. \_ if you think women as a class don't enjoy sex, you don't read Dan Savage's column very much. \_ I'm sure most of those letters are as real the Penthouse Forum letters - probably written by gay and/or pervy men. \_ Just because you refuse to believe something doesn't mean it isn't true. \_ Dan Savage agrees with MOTD: if it were normal for women not to enjoy sex, he would not be advising dumpage. \_ What does Dan Savage know about this? The dude is gay. \_ I love the fucking geniuses we have on motd. Keep the laughs coming, fucktard. \_ Yes, because reading advice about how much women love sex coming from a gay man makes sense. \_ He's also been writing sex advice columns since before you started masturbating. (The kind of which he practically invented.) I think that means more than your 5 minutes of fumbling with what, 3? 4? women over the years. \_ Yes, sex advice columnists are experts. I guess Adam Carolla should have a PhD in sexology based on his radio show. \_ Heck, Dan Savage has probably slept with more women than that. \_ Well he just says "don't marry her." Maybe this woman is just an honest one and the others just pretend to like it because they want to keep their man. Except the minority who actually do like it, but who motd teaches teaches us are nuts. All hail motd. us are nuts. All hail motd. \_ Oh come on, you're not a mathematician, but I'll accept your advice that 2+2=4 \_ What if I say that 2+2=3? Accept that? \_ I know someone who has cancer, therefore everyone has cancer. QED \_ I don't know anyone with cancer. Therefore cancer is a myth created by the pharmaceutical companies. QED \_ Unless someone is willing to sign his or her(hah!) name as actually believing the 'most women don't enjoy sex' meme, it's a bullshit motd troll. -dans \_ check out the big brain on dan! |
2007/9/20-22 [Uncategorized] UID:48125 Activity:nil |
9/20 Cool. Now $1 CAN = $1 USD. \_ The Fed rules. I'm hoping for 1 peso = 1 dollar. \_ ^The Fed^The Bush Administration |
2007/9/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:48126 Activity:nil |
9/20 Independent journalist in Anbar, interesting Part 1: http://www.michaeltotten.com/archives/001514.html Part 2: http://www.michaeltotten.com/archives/001517.html \_ Anyone who appears on the Wall Street Journal opinion page, Front Page Mag AND the National Review I automatically dismiss as a fucking idiot. \_ I was hoping this was Michael J Totten porn but its not: http://suicidegirls.com/interviews/Bushs+War \_ Who is this person and why do we care? \_ I tend to discount anyone who believes that Zaquarwi wasn't a US MILITARY FAKE MEDIA construct. he was just one dude, he did not control all terror in Iraq. |
2007/9/20-22 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48127 Activity:nil |
9/20 Bush cites 'unsettling times' in housing market. Afterwards, he urges everyone to get more education. -The Onion |
2007/9/20-22 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Display] UID:48128 Activity:nil |
9/20 For a HDTV >= 36", can someone quickly summarize the pros and cons of LCD vs Plasma please? Thank you. \_ how much >= 36"? From my research LCD seems the way to go until you get bigger than my wallet or apartment can handle. \_ I was looking at a 42". Browsing through the store, I felt 46" would've been too big for my apartment. -op \_ plasma: higher heat, less motion blur, less pixelation, quicker to lose brightness (I belieive) - I went with LCD \_ *less* motion blur on plasma? I thought it had more, making it less suitable for games, which was one reason why I asked. Turns out I misread the specs and the TV I was looking at is actually LCD. I decided to get it since it is through a special hookup at a great price, but might as well keep the thread in case anyone else is interested. -op \_ Yeah, I think LCDs have much better response time these days. LCD technology has done some amazing things recently. |
2007/9/20-22 [Uncategorized] UID:48129 Activity:nil |
9/20 bring back x11 oj |
2007/9/20-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:48130 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 Is there a way in Twiki to have children inherit settings from a parent? I know there is a WebTopicEditTemplate which you can use for an entire Web, but what I want is to be able to have all of the children under a given topic automatically be populated with a template of settings when created. Is there a way to do that? Right now I copy and paste my settings each time and not only does that take time but there's a chance I forget to do it or else make an error. \_ Setting of arbitrary parent *topic*? I don't know of any feature by default. For my purpose, I wrote a plugin that made twiki use a custom EditTemplate depending on the suffix of a topic name. I imagine similar concept can be used to check the the parent variable. Search twiki site first to see if such plugins already exist. \_ Well, I just want the concept of a child topic inheriting a template from its parent topic. \_ But how do you specify *which* settings it inherit? When you first create a topic, twiki loads the default topic template and loads it in the edit box. Settings are interpreted on the fly by running through the topic text file twice. The settings are just part of normal text as far as it's considered. You need a way to specify which setting to inherit by perhaps wrapping it around a TWikiVariable. And given that you can change the parent of a topic by changing its metadata, interpreting it on the fly is probably the best way to handle it given current twiki behavior. \_ It should inherit all of them. Every Set = from the parent gets set in the child at creation time. If the parent changes later then too bad. \_ Keep in mind that TWiki didn't even have a concept of parent/child until few years ago. At least for the current implementation of new topic template reading, it looked to me like you'd have to actually overwrite that function within twiki's edit script itself and can't be extended with just plugins. That is, grabbing the variable defines from parent and putting it in place during creation. What I was suggesting where the settings are read on-the-fly at each access *can* be done via plug-in. Choosing the right wiki is a difficult task, partly because the ideals of each wiki devel teams are different. Wikis were originally meant to be unrestricted, which is an ideal that TWiki developers still try to hold to. That is one of the reason why there are commercial wiki implementations popping up designed from groun-up to have access restrictions. My main reason for choosing TWiki? It's one of the few that supports versioning of attachments, and rest of my group is still very shy of php, which ruled out MediaWiki. (And I believe MediaWiki has even less access control.) |
2007/9/20-22 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:48131 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 I have a DVD of my friend doing some Karate I'd like to copy for him. How can I copy a DVD so I can play it in a regular DVD player? Preferably using Linux, but I can use windows if necessary. \_ what format is the video file on the original DVD? \_ Err.. I guess I don't know. It plays on a regular DVD player. \_ If it's a non-copy protected dvd, you should be able to use any dvd ripper and then just burn 'em back, maintaining the structure. linux should have tools readily available for this. Does anyone know if a non-CSS protected video DVD files can just be copied like normal files or even just do the copy by using dd? I've never tried and am curious. \_ Well, a simple iso copy worked for me. I don't know if it would work if there was copy protection. -op \_ I don't know how CSS exactly works, but I doubt you can just do a dd of CSS protected files. I believe you can't even copy the the protected files by using just a file manager. That aside, thank you for testing this. I recently had to extract and remix the tracks from two different dvds created by a mini-dvd camcorder, and at least for the future, I can probably shave off 10-15 minutes. |
2007/9/20-22 [Finance/Investment] UID:48132 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 So, with the dollar tanking where should I put my money to weather the comming storm? \_ 'In the longer term, the U.S. dollar will have to rebound at some point, said Dustin Reid, senior foreign exchange strategist at ABN AMRO in Chicago. "It can't continue into oblivion forever."' -- http://csua.org/u/jk0 (Reuters) \_ You are too late. Dollar has already tanked. Buy low, sell high. \_ Jim Cramer be damned, I suspect that the tankage has farther to go, and that it's not too late. So, if you knew the dollar was going to continue to tank, what (besides foreign currencies directly) would you invest in? \_ Stocks and mutual funds of foreign companies whose currency will do well against the dollar. Truthfully, though, these have outperformed and I think you are too late. But if you think you are not late to the party that everyone else has been at for years then, yeah. \_ Jim Cramer says you are not too late. the stock market is going to 14,500 by end of year. buy-buy-buy! \_ obWhyDoYouHateAmerica? \_ I put my money into both American and foreign investments. Why place your bets for/against a single currency? You wouldn't put all your money into a single stock. \_ while i dont disagree with you, the analogy of single currency and single stock misses something slightly when the single currency is the dollar and you are long in the dollar. \_ Megacap companies that make most of their profits overseas are probably a good bet. |
2007/9/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48133 Activity:low |
9/20 Someone deleted my CRV question. Where does the money collected by the CRV end up? I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that some of it is used to pay refunds, but what happens to the rest? I STFW already. \_ The first two hits on google for "california CRV money" came up with very informative articles on this subject: http://www.sdreader.com/php/ma_show.php?id=384 http://www.sdreader.com/php/ma_show.php?id=279 about the 6th hit is http://www.somelifeblog.com/2007/01/californias-redemption-value-increase.html which goes into great detail on this. The latter ones two seemed really relevant to your question. At this point all I can say is LRN2STFW. -ERic \_ I used Yahoo! and not Google. BTW, thanks. \_ Its is a poor craftsman who blames his tools. \_ Not blaming the tool. Just saying #1 and #2 hits on Yahoo! were not informative. In fact, most were not. |
2007/9/20-24 [Recreation/Media, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48134 Activity:nil |
9/20 Dan Rather pulls back the curtain on the whole "liberal media" thing: http://www.csua.org/u/jk6 "Viacom, CBS and some of the senior management sacrificed supporting independent journalism for their corporate financial interests," he added. \_ Sorry Dan, those memos are obvious fakes, get over it. \_ Why would I trust Dan Rather? He's obviously part of the corporate media with an agenda to slander the liberal executives at Viacom and CBS. \_ This has nothing to do with liberal or corporate or anything agendas. It is Dan "I Got Busted Being A Dumbshit" Rather trying some last ditch pathetic effort to recover his self- stained reputation before he keels over and dies a laughing- stock. |
2007/9/20-24 [Science/Battery, Reference/Religion] UID:48135 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 explain this whole Jena 6 thing for me. ok tnx. \_ Black student asks for permission from principal to sit under so- called "White Tree," principal says sit where you like; next day, there are three nooses hanging from tree. Tensions rise, words are said, there's a fight, one of the (white) noose-hangers gets knocked out (but recovers in time to go to a school function that evening); prosecutor decides to prosecute (black) defendants for "Attempted Murder." \_ My understanding is the white kid who got beat up was not one of the noose-hangers but the whole thing has been so spun into the sadly typical OJ-like circus that who can tell? \_ and prosecutor decides not to prosecute the noose-hangers for a hate crime. \_ Actually, they were expelled, but then appealed. Yes, there is a difference between putting up some provocative rope and beating the crap out of someone. \_ Welcome to provocative speech, the kind of 1st Amendment speech that does not protect you from assault and battery, esp. when you're throwing punches as well. \_ Does not compute. \_ http://csua.org/u/jkl (ExpertLaw on A&B, mutual) \_ At first, I thought this was a troll about the porn star. My coworker briefed me about it this morning. -!op \- When i first saw "Jena protest" and "Jena 6" in print, I thought it was a reference to something going on in Germany. Jena is a famous old town prominent in German cultural/intellectual/religious history, and also famous for a Napoleanonic battle [hence the bridge in Paris from the Eiffel Tower to the Trocadero is the "Jena Bridge"]. I was kinda surprised when I first heard it pronounced "Gee-na". Did this story get natl coverage when the actual events occured last yr? Or only after the trial. I was kinda amazed to hear about the "White Tree of Jena". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jena#Famous_citizens \_ http://www.csua.org/u/jkc Thank god they aren't locals, though... |
2007/9/20-24 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48136 Activity:moderate |
9/20 why does Bush always say 'Democrat party'. weirdo. \_ to denigrate his opponents, of course. -tom \_ It is a code word to the wing-nut Right to let them know he is \_ It is a code work to the wing-nut Right to let them know he is one of them. \_ He's not the first to do it. I think Dem critics have gotten tired of "Democratic" party sounds like they're democratic. \_ Parse error at 'party'. \_ No, it's cause Democrat Party sounds harsh and curse like. Lucky for me it's a great litmus test. If someone says "Democrat Party" you know they are a partisan hack and it's not worth reading/listening any further. \_ I find it easy to simply use anyone who claims such a "litmus test" as a litmus test and ignore them. \_ This is why we can't have nice things. \_ It sounds like "bureaucrat", "autocrat", and "rat". \_ http://mediamatters.org/items/200608160005 The Republicans have used it as an insult since McCarthy. \_ I've only seen this come up on the motd and some very far left web sites. It never even occured to me there was a difference or it mattered. I certainly don't see the dramatic insult. Can someone please explain? \_ I don't think it 'matters' in any sense that anyone can possibly demonstrate. What I find interesting is how much time people waste on shit like this in political discussions, rather than things actually relevant to our lives. -- ilyas \_ You think that The New Yorker is very far left? \_ Where did I say I read The New Yorker? Anyway, I still don't see the dramatic insult. Or any insult. I wouldn't blink if someone said "Republic Party". What's the BFD? |
2007/9/20-23 [Uncategorized] UID:48137 Activity:nil |
9/20 wall works fine. |
2007/9/20-24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:48138 Activity:nil |
9/20 is wall being officially squashed? Fingering lwall gets me nowhere. Also /csua/bin/WHO: Permission denied. :( \_ can you finger any account? \_ i can finger it, it just has no log. |
2007/9/20 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:48139 Activity:nil |
9/20 http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3812960/MediaDefender.Source.TrapperKeeper-MDD | ^ tools mediadefender uses to browse p2p | Update: A list of leaked utilities is now available: | AresDataCollector, AresLauncher, AresProtector, AresSupernode, AresUDPDataCollector, AutoUpdater, AutoUpdaterSource, BTClient, BTDataCollector, BTDecoyClient, BTInflationDest, BTInterdictor, BTIPGatherer, BTPoster, BTRemover, BTScraper, BTScraperDLL, BTSearcher, BTSeedInflator, BTTorrentGenerator, BTTorrentSource, BTTracker, BTTrackerChecker, CVS, DCMaster, DCScanner, DCSupply, DistributedKazaaCollector, DllLoader, ED2KSupplyProcessor, ... | ... EdonkeyIpBanner, FastTrackGift, FastTrackGiftDecoyer, GnutellaDecoyer, GnutellaFileDownloader, GnutellaProtector, GnutellaSupply, KademliaProtector, KazaaDBManager, KazaaLauncher, KazaaSupplyProcessor, KazaaSupplyTaker, KazaaSwarmerDest, KazaaSwarmerDistributedSource, KazaaSwarmerDownloader, KazaaSwarmerSource, MediaMaker, MediaSwarmerDest, MediaSwarmerSource, MetaMachine, MetaMachineHashSetCollector, MetaMachineSpoofer, ... | ... MI-GnutellaSupply, MovieMaker, NameServer, NetworkMonitor, OverNetLauncher, OvernetProtector, OvernetSpoofer, P2PFileIndexer, PioletDC, PioletPoisoner, PioletSpoofer, SamplePlugIn, SLSKSpooferDLL, SoulSeekClient, StatusDest, StatusSource, SupernodeCollector, SupernodeController, SupernodeDistributer, SupplyProcessor, TKCom, TKFileTransfer, TKLauncher, TKProjectManager, TKSyncher, UsenetPoster, UsenetSearcher, ... | ... WatchDogControllerDestination, WatchDogControllerSource, WinMxDC, WinMxLauncher, WinMxProtector, wma generator |
3/14 |