2007/9/13-14 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:48044 Activity:nil |
9/12 This guy seems to have a good gig going. Hack on some BSD stuff with no deadlines, and use project donations money to travel the world. http://zeus.theos.com/deraadt I guess he's kinda like that guy with the dancing videos. But Theo doesn't dance. Or take videos. \_ Start your own niche OS project that businesses want. |
2007/9/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley, Reference/Military] UID:48045 Activity:moderate |
9/13 I don't know if any students still read this, but I know some staff does. Be careful out there: http://www.insidebayarea.com/oaklandtribune/localnews/ci_6880995 (Crime wave targeting Cal students) -ausman \_ Thanks ausmas, this is one of the reasons that I want to get a taser. -taser below \_ The reasons so many muggings involve people getting beat up first is if a group of people run up to you and hit you hard 99% of the people's reaction is to be stunned for a bit. Stunned and on the ground most likely. Which gives someone plenty of time to grab your stuff and run off. Muggings aren't fights, if done right you don't have any warning. \_ Yeah and if there are >1 muggers, your taser isn't really going to help you. Just avoid black people. \_ yes. train in handling a gun and it'll be second nature to not be stunned and gun down 2 or more muggers \_ And the you'll wake up. \_ Wow, that celaya is a bit of a dolt. Can we get a brighter Asst. chief please? "one off the street, and another one fills his shoes." It's not like there are limited spots. |
2007/9/13-14 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:48046 Activity:high |
9/13 Since we invaded Iraq, there are more than 2million refugees fled the country. My questions to you all are: 1. do you think we the Americans has a moral obgligation for taken care of by settling them in US? 2. if you don't like the idea of allowing them settle in US, would you think we have the moral obgligation to pay countries who do? We have generated a huge proportion of refugees (something like 1 in 4 Iraqis are displaced since American intervention. I am just a bit curious why this topic never bought up anywhere. \_ Who says they want to come to the US? Who says they aren't happier moving to tribal areas with people more like themselves? Who says we haven't helped any of these people? Some urls would help. \_ US doesn't issue Visa to Iraqis, not even those who have gotten themselves in trouble by translations, etc. \_ Can they get AmEx instead? \_ How much should Al Qaeda pay to relocate the refugees? \_ how does it relevent? Al Qaeda didn't create this mess. |
2007/9/13-14 [Science/Space] UID:48047 Activity:nil |
9/13 Attn: motd gazillionaires: if you're looking for a worthy cause, try buying thousands of these and distribute them throughout Africa: http://preview.tinyurl.com/yt644z (Telegraph article on Life Saver water bottle, as seen on /.) |
2007/9/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:48048 Activity:nil |
9/12 And it turns out eavesdropping didn't contribute to stopping the terrorist plot in Germany anyway: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20749773/site/newsweek |
2007/9/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48049 Activity:very high |
9/12 Actual history of the Patriot Act, for those who think that GWB had nothing to do with it: http://www.epic.org/privacy/terrorism/usapatriot "When the legislative proposals were introduced by the Bush administration in the aftermath of September 11th, Attorney General John Ashcroft gave Congress one week in which to pass the bill -- without changes. Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, managed to convince the Justice Department to agree to some changes, and members of the House began to make significant improvements. However, the Attorney General warned that further terrorist acts were imminent, and that Congress could be to blame for such attacks if it failed to pass the bill immediately." Yes, Congress passed it, after the usual intimidation and fearmongering from the White House, but is it Bush's baby. \_ Cute and all but that isn't how legislation is created or passed. It requires a sponsor and Congress does not have to convince the Justice Department or the AG or anyone else of anything. The legislature makes the laws. Period. If they don't have the guts to deal with their job, they need new jobs. "Oh no mean mr. bush scared us so we abdicated our constitutionally granted power and just fell over like so many pansies in the wind, boo hoo, you're so mean mr. bush! it isn't our fault! vote for us and we'll fix it and we'll end bush's war, too!!" riiiiight. \_ I agree with you that Congress abdicated their responsibilty here, but the true author of the legislation was the Justice Department. We do need to flush most of Congress and get a new one. Feingold, we can keep, the rest need to go. \_ So now I know where you get all your incorrect assumptions. You read wacko sites like http://epic.org. Apparently, you're also one of those people who sees everything in black and white. Either GWB was the primary person behind the Patriot Act, or he had nothing at all to do with it. \_ Please tell me this is intended as sarcastic. Do you seriously think of EPIC as a wacko organization? Do you think the EFF is a wacko organization? -dans \_ you're an idiot. \_ Oh man, you really got him that time! Zing! \_ Maybe you should re-evaluate your extremist views, dans. The June 1995 issue of WIRED magazine quoted a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation as saying that EPIC "made everybody else at the table look moderate. It's the old good-cop-bad-cop routine." \_ In 1995 the EFF was radical. They realized there was a damn good chance important rights were going to be stomped on and acted quickly to fight that. That was 12+ years ago, when almost noone had any concept of digital privacy and rights. Then there was this whole thing called the .com revolution and now, and while the EFF may not be mainstream it is far from extremist. \_ Anyone who does not support the Patriot Act is an extremist. EFF does not support the Patriot Act. Therefore EFF is extremist. Q.E.D. \_ Nice strawman. |
2007/9/13 [Uncategorized] UID:48050 Activity:nil |
9/13 why do you hate my 32DDD's? |
2007/9/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:48051 Activity:kinda low |
9/13 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20586948 Penta-millionaire is the new millionaire (inflation) \_ Don't worry, with the housing plump, "millionaire" will re-gain its old status soon. \_ 'A proposed amendment would create a new definition for "large accredited investor" that ...... would exclude the equity in one's personal residence.' Poll: What's your net worth by this new definition? < $0 : $0-250K : $250K-500K : x $500K-750K : $750K-1M : x > $1M : |
2007/9/13-14 [Industry/Jobs] UID:48052 Activity:kinda low |
9/13 I think this thread is hilarious: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2205007948&topic=12544 Someone totally needs to start a "Buy Emily a Belt" group. -dans \_just bumps me to my profile, do i need to be in the berkeley group to see it or something? \_ Hurm. It's the developer discussion board. You may need to have the developer application installed. Try hitting: http://www.facebook.com/developers |
2007/9/13-14 [Recreation/Dating] UID:48053 Activity:nil |
9/13 Knocked Up is a pretty good movie. You know why I don't blog? Because each entry would be a bitter ode to how I have a longterm perfectly serviceable girlfriend, but we haven't had sex in almost 6 months. oh wait I do complain every day. nevermind. |
2007/9/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:48054 Activity:nil |
9/13 Convicted rapist out of jail after serving only six months, just because he issued an apology. What justice. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070913/ap_on_re_us/to_forgive_release "Having waited 20 years for justice this shortened sentence makes justice feel incomplete," the victim wrote. |
2007/9/13-14 [Science/Space, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:48055 Activity:nil |
9/13 http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/09/13/MNFIS5MBO.DTL You poor bastards trying to get home from SF... I weep for you. \_ Good news for those that usually don't use the affected on-ramp. \_ My wife and her co-workers take BART, and they live in Fremont and Newark. \_ Time for another tax cut! |
3/14 |