2007/8/22 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:47701 Activity:high |
8/22 For all you Mac fans, a description of Apple's current offerings (from http://www.aftermath-technologies.blogspot.com "As for the macrophilliacs out there. I am so sorry you spent a stupid amount of money for a crippled *nix box in a shiny package. But face it, you are running an expensive,poserific,drm loving piece of enviromentally damaging,disposable, x86 crap." \_ Nobody ever asked you to buy a Mac. It's interesting that anti-Mac people are far more vocal than Mac fans are. \_ no they're not \_ And in this one thread, you have an anti-Mac and anti-Mac-user blog posted on the motd and anti-Mac people aren't more vocal? Mac people aren't trying to pick fights with you. The anti-Mac people, on the other hand, are. \_ If crippling *nix is what allows average person to use it, that's not a problem, x86-ness irrelevant to users, and I don't know about DRM-loving. BUT, I do agree that Apple products are environmentally damaging to some degree. \_ All computers are environmentally damaging. If you want to save the environment, bring your computer, ipod, stereo, home theatre, vehicle (yes your prius too), and the rest of your western techo frills to an environmentally sound waste disposal site and be done with it. \_ That would be stupid. Most of those devices are undamaging in regular usage. The vast majority of the damage cause in production. So if you want to save the environment stop buying new toys, keep the ones you have and treat them well so they last a long time. Don't throw what you have away, that's just adding more toxic crap to landfills. \_ Uh huh. -dans \_ I dislike Macs as much as anyone, but this guy's blog is really stupid. \- what is there to dislike about macs except for the price? [and the still crappy power connectors, but that boils down to price too] \_ the users \_ Spoken like a true BOFH zealot. Have fun storming the castle. -dans \_ "storming the castle?" I *am* the motherfucking castle. |
2007/8/22 [Computer/HW] UID:47702 Activity:nil |
8/22 my rack. still huge. \_ Are you referring to your boobs or your penis? \_ How vulgar! Server rack, of course! |
2007/8/22-27 [Uncategorized] UID:47703 Activity:nil |
8/22 Is there a Russian-equivalent name for the English name Andrew? \_ 'Andrei' \_ I see. Then is there a Russian name that sounds like "Andriska" or "Andrishka"? There is a kid in my son's daycare center whose name is "Andrew", but everyone there calls him something like "Andriska". \_ Andryushka. It's a dimunitive form of Andrei. Dimunitives are very common in Russian in 'informal speech,' e.g., Sasha -> Alexander, Misha -> Michail, Natasha -> Natalia. There are also lots of degrees of 'dimunitiveness', e.g., Sasha, Sashka, Sashen'ka, etc. -- ilyas \_ do you enjoy speaking the Russkiy mat? \_ fuck! \_ Thanks! Mystery solved. |
2007/8/22-23 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:47704 Activity:low |
8/22 BioShock video review - for PC, a video card with Shader Model 3.0 is required (so an ATI X800 doesn't cut it) http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23825.html \_ Isn't the x800 from like forever ago? You can buy a kickass card for $99 that stomps the x800 which was from like forever ago. |
2007/8/22 [Uncategorized] UID:47705 Activity:nil |
8/22 wow http://owllc.com/Mortars_alert.mpg |
2007/8/22-27 [Reference/Tax] UID:47706 Activity:nil |
8/22 who is cheapest domain registrar? some statistics about that. \_ One reason you can't do a state-by-state "test" shift to another tax system is it would encourage too many people and corps to mess around with where they reported their incomes vs. their costs and current tax loop holes so you'd create an even bigger mess. I don't know if the FT is good for the country or not but I don't think you can gradually shift to something that requires dramatic changes across the board to see the expected/desired results. \_ Btw, you don't always need to do a 'test' to figure out the result. -- ilyas \_ Ilyas, I still think in my gut that the middle class is going to get screwed by the so-called Fair Tax, but the counter-arguments to my objections are enough to make me unsure that the middle-class screwing will actually occur. That said, I'd like more than a vague feeling of fear, uncertainty, and doubt as an argument against a specific proposal to clean up the mess that is our tax system. A 'test' isn't the only way to know, but doing a test will certainly make trying the new system a lot more palatable to everyone. --PeterM \_ Thanks for being honest. \_ I just meant "read my thesis." -- ilyas |
2007/8/22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:47707 Activity:nil |
#!/usr/local/bin/perl of choices out there with different tradeoffs. of choices o\ ut there with different tradeoffs. |
2007/8/22-23 [Computer/HW] UID:47708 Activity:low |
8/22 my server rack is out of control http://urltea.com/1ahk \_ "Free PORN at <DEAD>www.puretna.com"<DEAD> WTF? |
2007/8/22-27 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:47709 Activity:nil |
8/22 I'm sick of paying $70 a month for cell. what is cheapest cell phone rate? \_ T-Mobile prepaid is $100/year. \_ For what kind of plan? \_ If you don't use your phone all that much prepaid is a heck of a lot cheaper. |
2007/8/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:47710 Activity:low |
8/22 created a /csua/bin/mtd to appease the masses until those in charge can find the source for the real one \_ looks like yours does what it needs to. problem solved. thanks! \_ Did the other version do anything more than copy+append like yours is doing? |
2007/8/22-23 [Reference/Tax] UID:47711 Activity:moderate |
8/22 I don't mean to keep spamming about this but I wanted to reply here: \_ You make an interesting case for "FairTax". With 50 states, this could be prototyped by having 1 state shift from an income tax to a sales tax to see what happens. A lab experiment, in effect. Or you could do comparisons with countries which use a tax system similar to proposed. (or between states...) Last, we could phase in a fed. sales tax by 10% per year, and phase out income taxes at the same rate, ... \_ I think the problem with this is you end up with both systems at once. That's exactly what the plan intends to avoid (via repeal of 16th amendment). Politics being what it is, you can't phase out the income tax in parts. It's too complex and there are too many forms of it. And how do you make sure it goes away and stays gone? Plus I don't believe you could see benefits from a halfway system. It would be worse than without: you'd be adding to the complexity rather than simplifying. We do have states to compare. But no country in the world has a FairTax-like system. They have VATs on top of income taxes. \_ Yes, having both systems in place at once will be clunky, but most businesses already have sales tax handling built in, so it won't be a horrible burden. And a gradual phase-in *will* allow the actual consequences--intended and otherwise, to be measured, and a reverse route to be taken if the change is bad. Also, the whole federal income won't be dependent on a new untried system. Just like the opponents of abortion, the advocates of "fair tax" might find they get more traction if they don't push for "all or nothing". --PeterM \_ Both together would be *more* complex than today. So you \_ Only moderately, and most wouldn't feel the burden because the new tax system *is* so lightweight. No matter what, there will be pain in conversion, why not spend some pain to reduce the *risk* that the new system (any new system) brings? And you *can* reduce tax compliance cost by simplifying the damn income tax at the same time. --PM get no drop in tax compliance costs. To really judge it probably requires a reasonably long observation period. And if the systems are muddled together it will be hard to measure the real effect, when so many other things affect economic performance. You can obviously do a "trial run" at the logistical level of collecting the taxes (have businesses "fake" collecting the sales tax and submit the monthly returns etc. for 6 months or whatever). You could gather some statistics about that. \_ One reason you can't do a state-by-state "test" shift to another tax system is it would encourage too many people and corps to mess around with where they reported their incomes vs. their costs and current tax loop holes so you'd create an even bigger mess. I don't know if the FT is good for the country or not but I don't think you can gradually shift to something that requires dramatic changes across the board to see the expected/desired results. \_ Btw, you don't always need to do a 'test' to figure out the result. -- ilyas \_ Ilyas, I still think in my gut that the middle class is going to get screwed by the so-called Fair Tax, but the counter-arguments to my objections are enough to make me unsure that the middle-class screwing will actually occur. That said, I'd like more than a vague feeling of fear, uncertainty, and doubt as an argument against a specific proposal to clean up the mess that is our tax system. A 'test' isn't the only way to know, but doing a test will certainly make trying the new system a lot more palatable to everyone. --PeterM \_ Thanks for being honest. \_ I just meant "read my thesis." -- ilyas |
2007/8/22-23 [Transportation/Car] UID:47712 Activity:kinda low 73%like:47717 |
8/22 There are car insurance companies. There are car insurance brokers. When I go to the car insurance broker office, she pulls up a little web interface to search for rates. Is there any reason for me to go through a broker (and per her fee)? Why not just go directly to the car insurance company site? Opinions? \_ I guess it's the same as mortgage companies vs. mortgage brokers. |
2007/8/22-23 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:47713 Activity:moderate |
8/22 'broad spectrum antibiotics' is my favorite position \_ "Infectious diseases spreading faster than ever: U.N." http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070822/hl_nm/un_dc "It warned that global efforts to control infectious diseases have already been "seriously jeopardized" by widespread drug resistance, a consequence of poor medical treatment and misuse of antibiotics." |
2007/8/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:47714 Activity:nil 75%like:47716 |
8/22 What is a controller? What is a model? what is a view? did I win something? -brain |
2007/8/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:47715 Activity:low |
8/22 What happens if you go to Burning Man, and you get your period? \_ What do you think happens? \_ You bleed. \_ If you're responsible, you pack your bloody tampons out with the rest of your garbage, and fer fuck's sake don't clog the port-a- pottys with them. |
3/15 |