2007/8/10 [Uncategorized] UID:47571 Activity:nil |
8/9 If you take a map of the bay area and plot out the location of all the girls I had sex with last week, you get a 5 pointed star. Does this mean I am secretly the anti Christ? |
2007/8/10-13 [Finance/Investment, Industry/Startup] UID:47572 Activity:nil |
8/9 http://tinyurl.com/24qedb (AP) http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsNews/idUKN0927223520070810?rpc=44 Countrywide Financial CEO exercises options and sells Wed at peak Press release Thursday after market close causes 13% drop in stock |
2007/8/10-13 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:47573 Activity:kinda low |
8/9 1998 no longer warmest year on record for US http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/Fig.D.txt http://csua.org/u/jaz \_ ruh roh, i see a warming trend plotted in excel! \_ You mean Open Office Calc. :-) \_ Charting is one place where excel really kicks OOo's butt. \_ Bah. I just charted it in OO and it was just fine. I had way more charts and options and labels and whatnot than I needed. \_ 1934? \_ Yep. Top 10 years are: 1934 1998 1921 2006 1931 1999 1953 1990 1938 1954 \_ What are the top 10 years in worldwide temps? \_ We'll have to wait for the world data to include the US correction. ANd who knows what other errors there are. \_ There are no errors in data that points to man made global climate change. \_ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16204542 "The top 10 warmest years have all occurred in the last 12 years" |
2007/8/10-13 [Recreation/Humor] UID:47574 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
8/9 Secret Asian Man! http://www.asianave.com/secretasianman/?EMC-SAM \_ I guess this comic just started, you can get quite a few here: http://www.comics.com/comics/sam \_ http://www.secretasianman.com/images/strips/SAM071006.gif (May not be SFW) |
2007/8/10-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:47575 Activity:nil |
8/9 My man pages are displaying incorrectly with \fBupdate\fR instead of displaying update in bold or whatever. Any ideas why? It happens on soda as well as other debian boxes I have. It happend using Terminal and xterm on my MacBook. \_ export TERM=vt100 \_ I tried that. it doesn't make a difference. \_ export TERM=xterm \_ I tried that also. problem persists. It also happens from a knoppix linux desktop, so I think the problem is the debian servers. |
2007/8/10-13 [Finance/Investment] UID:47576 Activity:nil |
8/9 http://news.search.yahoo.com/news/search?p=tuchman&c=news_photos http://www.stoweboyd.com/ambivalence/2007/07/peter-tuchman.html Why is this guy always in photos whenever the market drops? \_ He pulls off the "I am in hell" look pretty well. |
2007/8/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:47577 Activity:nil |
8/9 "It is very likely that any future 'September 11th' type of terrorist event in the United States may be facilitated, wittingly or unwittingly, by drug traffickers operating on both sides of the United States-Mexico border," the DEA report says. http://csua.org/u/jau |
2007/8/10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47578 Activity:high |
8/10 I just found out Vang Rhames' vicious killer dog is a Fila, a very "protective" breed that has a history of killing strangers. Filas were bred in Brazil to protect farms and to track & kill Brazilian slaves & fugitives. I hate dogs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fila_Brasileiro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dangerous_Dogs_Act_1991 \_ *laugh* Hi again Anti-Dog Troll. Seriously, you've beat this horse to death. You hate dogs, you hate dog people, you think dogs are filthy and stupid and smell and eat babies and target pregnant mothers and rob banks and suck people's souls while they sleep and are actively plotting to take over and/or destroy the world with Dogs of Mass Destruction (DMDs) since we all know dogs are the true master behind the Z.O.G. Did I miss anything in your anti-dog rant? \_ yes cats rule. -op \_ and for kicks I just read the first wiki article which you flagrantly misquoted re: tracking and killing slaves. if you're going to troll at least don't misquote the links. it dramatically diminishes the value of your troll. |
2007/8/10-13 [Finance/Investment, Finance/Banking] UID:47579 Activity:nil |
8/10 http://tinyurl.com/2vz45a (iht.com) Fed accepts MBS bonds, kicking back $35 billion in cash to banks in short-term loans, delaying mark-to-market valuations on the bonds (encouraging mark-to-Fed accounting schemes). \_ http://www.csua.org/u/jbd (Economist's View) That is not really an accurate summary of what really happened. The MBS were all Agency backed and therefore gov't guaranteed in the first place. Secondly, they did not buy them, they accepted them as collatoral for a very short term (72 hour) loan. More discussion about it here: http://www.csua.org/u/jbe (I know you don't like this blog, but unless you can find a better source of economic explaination, too bad emarkp) -ausman |
2007/8/10-13 [Science/Biology, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:47580 Activity:nil |
8/10 Why some people resist science: http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/bloom07/bloom07_index.html |
2007/8/10-13 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:47581 Activity:low |
8/10 Hello my fellow free linux media stream player users. Does anyone have a good url to listen to NPR, over the net? thank you \_ I have this in my xmms playlist file for kqed: [playlist] numberofentries=1 File1= Title1=(#1 - 347/1000) KQED Public Radio Length1=-1 Version=2 \_ does KQED pump out all that NPR stuff? like Fresh Air? \_ They do broadcast Fresh Air. You should probably check their website for other programs: http://kqed.org Oh, it looks like they actually have mp3 stream playlist on their website now, so you can use that instead of above. Oh, it looks like they actually have mp3 stream playlist on their website now, so you can use that instead of above. |
2007/8/10-13 [Health/Disease/General] UID:47582 Activity:nil |
8/10 This isn't new, but: http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2007/fit.nation/obesity.map It looks like obesity is a disease that began in the midwest and then took over the coasts. \_ Obesity is not a contagious disease. Or even a disease. |
2007/8/10 [Uncategorized] UID:47583 Activity:high |
8/10 I saw some porn where the female had a tattoo on her stomach that says 'HIT IT HARDER'. funny. |
2007/8/10-12 [Computer/HW] UID:47584 Activity:low |
8/10 I want to get off of Dell's postal catalog mailing list. How do I do this? Thanks. \_ Found this from http://www.dell.com http://membership.dell.com/myaccount/subscription/SubListRemoval.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs http://preview.tinyurl.com/2urep4 \_ That was awesome. Thanks. |
2007/8/10-12 [Uncategorized] UID:47585 Activity:nil |
8/10 hot http://www.flickr.com/photos/redandjonny/tags/stormtrooper \_ Are they pictures of a guy and ... a guy? |
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