2007/7/31-8/3 [Finance/Investment] UID:47474 Activity:nil |
7/31 Why is everyone freaking out about Murdoch buying the WSJ? Are they afraid it's going to become a rightwing corporate mouthpiece (lol) \_ Yeah, actually I am. The WSJ NEWS reporting is excellent. the WSJ EDITORIAL PAGES are a bunch of 100 percent free market loons. It's an easy distinction. \_ WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! DUBYA EMM DEEEES!!!! |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Uncategorized] UID:47475 Activity:nil |
7/31 Look for criminals in your family tree. Anyone related to anyone else from Australia? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19956704 \_ WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! DUBYA EMM DEEEES!!!! |
2007/7/31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:47476 Activity:nil |
7/31 What size is Chelsea Clinton's rack? |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Uncategorized] UID:47477 Activity:low |
7/31 Hey Michelle Malkin readers (you know who you are) I saw your girl walking around SOMA this morning. She is 1/3 smaller in person. Does she live in The City or something? -ausman \_ Is there a Fox affiliate in SF? Maybe she's taping an interview? \_ WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! DUBYA EMM DEEEES!!!! \_ Your fucking dog puppy weaning bullshit got boring? \_ She is 1/3 smaller comared to what? Your big screen TV? What does \_ She is 1/3 smaller compared to what? Your big screen TV? What does this mean? \_ When she does that thing with the ping pong balls it is even more impressive. \_ For the clue impaired this means she is short. \_ It means she is short. \_ For the acronym challenged, what's SOMA? \_ Shit On My Adidas, which is what happens when you walk around there enough. \_ South Of Market. \_ I'm about to move to SOMA, Folsom between 7th and 8th. Are there any ultra-scary places to avoid there like 6th street? \_ The whole area right next to the Hall of Justice (the jail) is pretty sketchy. Not as bad as 6th Street though. |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Uncategorized] UID:47478 Activity:nil |
7/31 the dirty bomb is about to hit. who do you call and tell them that you love them? \_ Report the bomber's email to us. We'll spam him to death before he even has a chance to set off the bomb. \_ Call ed. He's the standard. \_ Dirty bomb? Just seal the circulation system and windows or run away. It's not a neutron bomb, sheesh. \_ Yermom. \_ dirty bomb is unlikely to kill injure or damage in an area larger than a few square blocks. i hop on the next bart train. |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:47479 Activity:kinda low |
7/31 Go vegetarian to save money - MSN Money: http://www.csua.org/u/j8u \_ I just spent $204 on a dinner for two at Millenium. I guess I'm eating the wrong vegetarian fair. \_ WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! DUBYA EMM DEEEES!!!! \_ Don't eat a fair next time \_ And what, half that was wine, plus 15-20% was tip? \_ Does that include the huge carbon footprint caused by shipping in interesting veggie items from all over the world? \_ Be smart, eat what's in season. It's cheaper, it gives you interesting variety, and the food tastes better. \_ veggies have much less carbon footprint than beef. -tom \_ Oh great, veggies are less evil. How about taking the health of our only planet seriously and stop playing the "I'm less evil than you so what I'm doing is ok!" game, huh? \_ I don't think it's about people feeling "okay," but about making a conscious effort to do less damage to the environment. We've gotten to where we are because we didn't pay attention to what industrialism and advancement of human kind has gotten ourselves into. Now people eat more meat because they can be bought "cheap," and we have to subsidize the farmers if we want non-meat stuff. Human \_ say what? where'd you get the idea that farmers are subsidized for the purpose of creating non-meat food items? actually are what we consider locusts to be. We devour resources beyond what eco-systems can handle. While less evil is NOT "okay," it's still a lesser of the two evil. \_ I think it is better to live in harmony with the planet than to destroy it a bit slower. I see no point in that. So it takes 100 years instead of 50 to make the planet unlivable, so what? \_ Who's playing that game? I also think local sourcing is important. It's just silly to talk about the carbon footprint of veggies as being bad relative to meat. -tom \_ Only you were talking about that strawman. The rest of us were talking by then about how importing your veggies from all over the world at all times of year is very hypocritical if you're doing it to save the planet. \_ A lot of veggies can be imported by slow frieght. That's actually amazingly efficient in large quantities. Yes it isn't as good as local; yes there is a bigger carbon footprint, but it's still way less than cheap factory farmed meat. Probably orders of magnitudes less. It's the air freight veggies that are a disgusting waste of fossil fuels. \_ Uh, you're the one setting up the straw man. Did anyone defend importing veggies from all over the world? -tom \_ You're just pulling my leg now, right? Did you even read the Op or the article or anything or just came around looking for another motd ring around the rosie rhetorical dance? Whatever. Have the last word to say whatever. I'm not going to waste more time or precious bits on this. \_ The article talks about saving by focusing on seasonal/local produce. You are the only person to have brought up importation. Your troll fu sucks. --scotsman \_ Actually his troll fu is mighty, since he started a huge flamewar over nothing but his inability to read and comprehend carefully. |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:47480 Activity:nil |
7/31 After 911, the government gains surveilance power to eavesdrop. What are some things they actively monitor on these days? USPS mail? Email? Do they have complete access to YahooMail/Gmail? What about my history of library checkouts? Are credit card companies cooperating fully to expose our spending patterns? \_ They can subpoena your email provider What about my history of library checkouts? \_ They may request these Are credit card companies cooperating fully to expose our spending patterns? \_ It is all classified because in a Democracy, your government has full authority to keep track of what you are doing and you have no right to know what they are doing with your tax dollars. \_ We're actually a democratic republic but ok. \_ Hi, Mr. Pedantic? It's your country calling. They'd like you to wake up now. Ok thx. \_ It isn't pedantic. It is an important difference, but ok if you want to keep thinking that. |
2007/7/31 [Uncategorized] UID:47481 Activity:nil 80%like:47483 |
7/31 wow. http://www.solosuck.com |
2007/7/31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:47482 Activity:nil |
7/27 I just wrote a perl script to delete your puppy bullshit |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:47483 Activity:nil 80%like:47481 |
7/31 wow. NSFW http://www.solosuck.com \_ oops. sorry. NOT SAFE FOR WORK. \_ heh, I "lynx -dump"ed it to find that out |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Reference/BayArea] UID:47484 Activity:nil |
7/31 where can i get a khafiyah in San Francisco? \_ kafiyah? \_ Find. Kafiyah. Where? \_ % find /sf -name Kafiyah |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Recreation/Dating] UID:47485 Activity:high |
7/31 Lust trumps love when it comes to having sex http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20059548 \_ I knew this all along. Girls just want to have fun. \_ The motd taught me that women don't want to have sex. I'm soooo confused now. Oh please help me Motd Girl Gods! \_ By the way, this is the reason that they have sex but it doesn't say anything about frequency or enjoyment of the act. \_ They just don't want sex with me. \_ They say they want to have sex. They may even act like it if it helps them land a man. However, they do not \_ They say they want to have sex. They may even act like they like it if it helps them land a man. However, they do not actually like it and would be just happy if they never had sex again. Witness how lesbians progress in relationships: 1. Date 2. Move in together 3. Get a dog 4. Have sex \_ in addition to being unable to get laid, you apparently have never met an actual lesbian either. \_ I'm sure you're an expert on lesbians and also think that the actions of actors on "Sex in the City" are representative of reality. Women like sex so much that some even fake the Big O to get it over with. Yes, I'm sure they can't wait for more. Give them a Black Amex card and never touch them again and they'll be happy as shit. You know which women love sex? Psychos, traumatized women, and fat chicks. I'm sure most of your experience is in the latter category. Not that they like the act itself either, but it's a big ego boost for them that someone is actually interested in them. \_ project your issues much? \_ Fucked a lot of fat chicks, huh? \_ Hey BDG is that you? I have probably dated more women than you and in any case I have dated many. And I can say that while there is a whiff of truth in what you say, I have known many women who enjoyed sex who were good looking, not crazy and not traumatized. I even married one. I am sorry that your experience has been otherwise. \_ The key is that women who like sex and aren't a big bundle of issues are way out of BDG's league. Women can smell that kind of misogyny from a mile off, and the ones with their heads screwed on straight know to stay the fuck away from that kind of crap. The sane like to fuck the sane. Crazy that. (Note, this also is the reason stupid frat guys think the crazy ones are the best in bed.) \_ So in a nutshell what you are saying is that it's hard to date the 2% of sane women who enjoy sex. I would agree with that. It would be a lot easier if, say, 90% of sane women enjoyed sex. \_ No I'm saying that by being a creep you've limited youtself to the bottom 10%, but if it makes you feel better you can pretend that that is a larger chunk of the female population. \_ Bottom 10%. Haha! What a laugh! You base this on what exactly? \_ link:csua.org/u/j9f \_ It's not just me. Look at how many married men are unhappy with their sex lives. Look at how many women say they aren't really into sex. I've heard two ex-wives (neither mine) say "I don't care if I ever have sex again" and also heard women say that their husbands wanted sex too often. Face it: sex isn't a big deal husbands want sex too often. Face it: Sex isn't a big deal to most women like it is to men. Reason: It's not that interesting to them. \_ Married men tend to be happier with their sex lives than single men. No one is arguing that women want to have sex as often as men do, we just object to your characterization of every woman who enjoys sex as psycho. I would like to have sex with my wife every day, but she does not want to have it that often. That does not mean she is frigid or that I am unhappy. men: http://www.csua.org/u/j9j "Eighty-three percent of men enjoy sex "a great deal"; that falls to 59 percent of women. " I don't think anyone would dispute that men tend to have higher sex drives than women. I wish I could have sex every night with my wife, but she does not want it that often. That does not make her frigid or mean that I am unhappy with my sex life. \_ No. It just means she doesn't like sex that much. 31% of women report they aren't into sex from your own survey. You then say your wife doesn't want it often. End result: Women don't enjoy sex that much. I will claim (with only anecdotal data) that the 31% number is actually twice that or more. 31% were being honest. It also includes newlyweds. Check out that ~50% of people over 30 are dissatisfied with their sex lives for a dose of reality - and that's just those willing to be honest about it. \_ At least you are changing your tune from "no women enjoy sex" to "2%" to at least 1/3. Everything isn't black or white, like in a computer program. \_ If you put a gun to my head and asked me if women ejoy sex my if women enjoy sex my answer would be no. There is some contingent of women (e.g. porn stars) who seem to enjoy it, but my argument is that they are effed up in some way. \_ porn stars appear to be among the women who least enjoy sex. \_ Based on their proclivity for fucking all the time? I wonder what they'd be like if they actually enjoyed it. \_ While either 90% of my relationships have been with this magic 2% that actually has a spine and enjoys sex or your numbers are off. I know full well I'm not enough of a super hottie to be consistantly getting the best of the best, so I'm going to go with the problem being you. \_ How would you know if they actually enjoyed sex?? -!bdg \_ Not only that, but how long were the relationships? Every women will claim to Every woman will claim to love sex for the first year or two. That doesn't mean they do. Look at how common "inhibited sexual desire" is for women. is for women. After that euphoric "honeymoon phase" in a new relationship where she sucks you off every day the sex dwindles to where women prefer it to be: minimal. That's why guys divorce even superhotties in favor of fresh meat. Women don't put out if they don't feel they have to. Men will screw a knothole in a tree. Why? They like sex! \_ When you first meet women they will of course pretend to enjoy sex. \_ right, and they also lie about it to people conducting surveys! \_ Because no one ever lies on surveys. Hell, some lie about it to themselves. \_ I'll take the survey results over the assertions of a misogynistic MOTD idiot, thanks. -tom \_ I don't think it's misogynistic to say that women don't enjoy sex. How does that put women down? It's just how things are. If women were biologically wired to enjoy sex then they would have more children than they could care for. Women *are* wired to please their mates so that they stick around, but that's not the same as enjoying sex for the sake of the act. The women who enjoy sex for the sake of it are either young and inexperienced or messed up in some way. It sounds misogynistic to say that until you realize it's biological. \_ maybe you're not misogynistic, maybe you're just an idiot. -tom \_ Or maybe I'm right. \_ I think that has been thoroughly eliminated as a possibility. -tom \_ Yes, because you believe what your wife tells you. BTW, is she fat? Just wondering. \_ go read http://homepage.psy.utexas.edu/homepage/group/MestonLAB/Publications/WhyHaveSex.pdf http://urltea.com/146t (homepage.psy.utexas.edu, PDF) |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Health/Women] UID:47486 Activity:nil |
7/31 World's most beautiful paintings of women around the world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUDIoN-_Hxs \_ All of the beautiful women in history have been white?? \_ Well, DUH! It's implied throughout my Art History 27 class. |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:47487 Activity:nil |
7/31 What's the deal with chicks and flipflops? It is barely okay to wear flipflops to the mall. Flipflops to work is lame and flipflops paired with an otherwise nice outfit is even more lame. Can women not afford shoes or sandals anymore? Plus, they are so bad for your feet! I have been watching out for flipflops lately (no I do not have a foot fetish) and the problem is reaching epic proportions! \_ Sir! We have a flipflop gap! \_ Just move to The City. It is too cold for flipflops here. \_ "Future President John Kerry!" |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Uncategorized] UID:47488 Activity:nil |
7/31 01-18-08 Monster is Cthulhu? "Bloop" sounds are used .. utube Cthulhu meditation (FmhfA9578Fg) at 0:13-0:20 this sound is used for 01-18-08 monster at either 1:14-1:26 or at 4:26-4:35 this sound is used when the monster throws the head of the statue of liberty if not. .it's a nice rip off for his monster |
2007/7/31 [Finance/Investment] UID:47489 Activity:nil |
7/31 http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=%5ETWII&t=1d&l=on&z=m&q=l&c= Why does today's Taiwan stock market index look like this? I thought exchanges only halted trading on significant dips, but it looks like they stopped trading from 10:15am - 12:45pm when it was trending up. |
3/14 |