2007/7/25-26 [Uncategorized] UID:47416 Activity:nil |
7/24 Are you a metrosexual? Find out: http://www.istrianet.org/istria/people/photos/viskovic/04_metro.htm \_ My answers are 1-10:No, 11-12:Yes. I guess I'm not metrosexual. \_ What is this, 2002 all over again? |
2007/7/25-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:47417 Activity:nil |
7/24 http://www.wickedpissahgames.com/games/gravitypods/GravityPods.html Pretty fun flash game! What level did you get up to? \_ i got to level 14 then clicked on an ad URL. I lose. \_ i thought you win big when you punch the monkey? ;-) |
2007/7/25-28 [Health/Sleeping, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:47418 Activity:kinda low |
7/24 My neighbor's busty 20 year old college-student daughter came over today to shoot the bull. Even though she's dumb as a post, she somehow manages to go to Cal Poly. She is incredibly tan and fit and somehow I found myself wanting to bang her silly, even though she's 15 years younger than I am and it's painful to have a conversation with her. WTF is wrong with me? She's practically a kid! Am I officially a dirty old man? \_ You're officially a healthy, normal, non-gay man. Congratulations. \_ No, just a man. \_ You think she came over to just chat with you? What's up with that? She's an adult, do whatever. At least you're honest with yourself about it. \_ See you've been trained by certain people to think that a 20 year old is a child. Reality check: she is a completely mature woman. She may not have the wisdom of age, but that's irrelevant. Some people never have that. And you don't need that to eat, sleep, or screw. \_ She's a 20 year-old. On average, 20 year-olds are not mature. Odds that she's "completely mature" are not high. That said, it's also irrelevant. She's an adult. If she's a consenting adult, have fun. Oh, and remember not to try borrowing your neighbor's power tools for a while. \_ "Why not, his daughter has just borrowed my power tool." \_ "Why not? His daughter has just borrowed my power tool." \_ Adult = mature, by definition. Too much bullshit out there about this. \_ Give it a rest, paedophile. \_ lol? \_ By "painful to have a conversation with her", do you mean she's a moron, or do you mean it's hard to hold back you urge and not explode in your pants when you talk to her in close range? explode in your pants when you talk to her? \_ I mean that there's a generation gap that certainly makes her sound like a moron. Who said I didn't explode in my pants? \_ I really don't know how this thread turned from "man, I want her!" to "she really wants you man!" just 'cause she came over to talk to this guy. Maybe he can convert her craving for attention to a romp in the hay, but I doubt a 20-year-old college hottie is hard-up for sex. \_ This is not what the majority of my csua mbox is telling me. \_ She doesn't have to be hard-up to want to be schtupped. She might want to schtup three guys in one day. Lots of girls that age are sluts. \_ Can I have their phone numbers? |
2007/7/25-26 [Uncategorized] UID:47419 Activity:nil |
7/25 i love the colbert report |
2007/7/25-31 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:47420 Activity:nil |
7/25 "Toyota unveils plug-in hybrid, to test on roads" http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070725/tc_nm/toyota_plugins_dc_2 This will put EDrive (http://www.edrivesystems.com out of business. |
2007/7/25-27 [Politics/Foreign] UID:47421 Activity:nil |
7/25 Hugo Chavez would be funny if he he wasn't running a country http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,290337,00.html \_ Having visited Venezuela, I can safely say it's a prime example why commies should never ever ever ever ever be put in charge of anything. Ever. -John \_ Chavez: driving home to modern leftists what Stalin taught our philosophical forebearers in the 30s-50s: the enemy of your enemy is not your friend. |
2007/7/25-27 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:47422 Activity:nil |
7/25 http://billoreilly.com being investigated by Secret Service http://newsfortheleft.blogspot.com/2007/07/bill-oreilycom-being-investigated-by.html \_ Huh, I guess I don't really see that as a direct threat. Stupid thing to say though. \_ It's mostly just ironic because Bill is currently on television calling certain websites "hate speech sites" because of certain stupid comments made by some of their members. \_ Such as? |
2007/7/25-26 [Health/Disease/General, Recreation/Pets] UID:47423 Activity:nil |
7/25 Guess what I found a really really cool site! Now you can find out your dog's sire/dam (assume they're registered) along with their genetic diseases (OptiGen test, CERF test, HIP test, etc). From this you can [manually] generate a pedigree and find out if your dog is from inbreed/linebreed, or inherited disease, etc! Here's an example: http://www.offa.org/display.html?appnum=1266552#animal |
2007/7/25-29 [Finance, Finance/Investment] UID:47424 Activity:kinda low |
7/25 One way to close the gap between the rich and the poor: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19958752/site/newsweek \ "The LAPD’s West Division has put a task force of 10-plus detectives on the case; plainclothes patrols have joined the chase." I wonder how many detectives Oakland police would put on the case if this was happening at, say, Fruitvale? \_ Oakland doesn't have enough officers, so probably no more than usual. Oakland also has an artificial shortage of officers, since they all work 4 10 hour shifts, giving them 3 day weekends. So on day 5 they get over time. Oakland also has an even more artificial shortage of officers, since plenty of Oakland cops fill internal jobs that at other depts, are filled by non cops. The Oakland PD union should be destroyed. I'm sure there are good people in the oakland pd but too many of them are fucking stupid or are just riding that cushy salary until they retire. \_ "Los Angeles Police Department detectives think the crew has struck more than 50 times since late last fall." If the same neighborhood in Fruitvale has been struck more than 50 times by the same crew, I think Oakland PD would assign quite a few people on the case, if not 10-plus. \_ Go to http://gismaps.oaklandnet.com/crimewatch. Search for burglaries within 1 mile of Fruitvale and International within the past 90 days. -tom \_ Why don't these super-rich people buy security cameras with higher resolution? That video screenshot is next to useless. \_ Resolution is useless if there's no light to be captured. Infrared cameras will help, though. \_ Or combination of motion sensor light and cameras. |
2007/7/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:47425 Activity:high |
7/25 He's right. "Without going into all the specifics, I think we are now moving into a situation where the White House, on various fronts, is openly ignoring the constitution, acting as though not just the law but the constitution itself, which is the fundamental law from which all the statutes gain their force and legitimacy, doesn't apply to them. If that is allowed to continue, the defiance will congeal into precedent. And the whole structure of our system of government will be permanently changed." http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/015836.php \_ "Without going into all the specifics" is pretty damn stupid. Isn't this guy supposed to be a smart dem? \_ Did you just arrive from Mars or something? Have you been ignoring the news for the last 6 years? \_ I have been following the news extremely closely. \_ And none of FISA, Gitmo, Geneva Convention, War Crimes Act, Justice Department firing and ignoring subpeanoas rings a bell? At all? \_ Bah, the constitution got thrown out decades ago when courts started making their own laws from whole cloth on a long list of topics. We're already and have been for a long time nothing like the founder's vision for how government should work. \_ ...what exactly do you see as the purpose of the courts? \_ Courts apply the law. In the case of SSC and USSC they are also empowered to overturn laws that violate the State/US constitutions. They are not to make up laws the legislature has not passed. What do you think courts are for? \_ Adjudicating grievances between parties; interpreting the law as legislated by the Legislative branch and signed by and/or executed by the Executive branch; determining the constitutionality of those laws and the actions of the other two branches. In the course of determining the constitutionality of certain laws and in the interest of not wasting taxpayer time and money with legislation that is doomed to be deemed unconstitutional, I see no reason why a court could not suggest an example of the sort of legislation that would not be considered unconstitutional. This suggestion is not, in and of itself, legislation. \_ ob more hunting trips with mr. scalia and mr. cheney \_ Ok so we basically agree. Now then, are you opposed to courts legislating from the bench, even in such cases that you agree with the outcome? \_ Please indicate where you see the courts legislating from the bench? \_ You're kidding, right? The classic is Roe v Wade. \_ Awesome wingnut logic. Roe V Wade justifies the current administration's destruction of checks and balances. \_ What? I said no such thing. You're also way over stepping assuming you know my opinion of if abortion should be il/legal or not simply because I think RvW was a bad ruling based on bad law. I figured you would get personal if I tried to discuss it intelligently with the best known example. I was right. Thanks for not disappointing. \_ I am not the guy you were talking to ealier, but I think that the problem of judges legislating from the bench pales in comparison to the problem of the Executive legislating all the time when it is not their job to do it. But they are both problems, imho. \_ Just because another branch may be abusing their authority, does not mean what the courts have been doing for decades hasn't made a complete mockery of our constitution. The system is supposed to have checks and balances. I see none anymore. I see courts making laws. I see the exec branch (and not just this one, kids) making laws. "Stroke of the pen, law of the land, cool!" Go look that quote up. And congress is sitting on their collective thumbs apparently concerned about nothing important and certainly not doing their jobs. \_ Am rereading Roe v. Wade right now, and while I don't agree with a lot of it, I'm still not seeing the legislating you're referring to. Can you be more specific about this, please? \_ It's conservative dogma that judges are legislating from the bench, and as such, cannot be examined or questioned. \_ Thanks for contributing nothing. Come back when you'd like to have a discussion instead of a smear fest. Thanks again. \_ Ok, let's get right to it. What is the basis underlying RvW? Once we agree on that I'll go to the next step. |