2007/7/24-26 [Uncategorized] UID:47398 Activity:nil |
7/24 Patton lives!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyUX6wV1lBQ \_ At first I thought this was a parody, then realized the guy is serious. In addition, most of the responses are positive written by a bunch of closet NeoCons. Interesting. |
2007/7/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:47399 Activity:nil |
7/24 Clinton: 35%. Obama: 25%. Gore: 15%. Is Gore the new Nader? Damnit. http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/money/gop.html \_ Gore isn't on that page, or the dem one either... \_ It's hard to get good numbers when you aren't even running. \_ Huh? These are the primary elections you are talking about right? What are you afraid of, that Gore will get enough votes that Clinton wins the nomination? \_ Sheesh, it's a poll. When people actually *vote* they are not going to write in Gore in large numbers. Just a few kooks. |
2007/7/24-28 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:47400 Activity:low |
7/24 We could have won the war in Iraq if $PRESIDENTIAL_ELECTION_WINNER_2009 had the guts to see the war through to its conclusion. \_ Remember, no one will vote for Hillary or a Scary Black Man, so the Republicans already have the election sewed up! \_ I'd vote for Obama even though I don't agree with a lot of his policies simply because he doesn't come across as a lying power mad criminal scumbag with a multi-decade record of lying, fraud, theft, and abuse. \_ Maybe he just hides it well. Care to describe HRC's fraud/theft/abuse? Every politician lies. I bet you also lie. \_ I think he's too young to have committed any major crimes already. \_ At this point you seriously want me to make a list of HRCs frauds and abuses? You're completely unaware of them, huh? You were born and raised in some foreign land? \_ Well you could just put one or two of the most important instances, as you see it. Because no, I'm not aware of it. I have better things to do than follow the life of this woman so closely. Are you referring to the whitewater shit? \_ Frankly, outside of freeper and Ditto Head circles, I don't think anyone is aware of these allegations. The American public sure isn't. \_ So you believe that they haven't been aired or that only people on the right are politically aware enough to know what is going on? Certainly a great number of her 'events' got MSM air time so you must think only the right wing knows what is going on. Weird. \_ And yet, you still post no substance. |
2007/7/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:47401 Activity:low |
7/24 The polls are in. Edwards tried his best and did ok, but in the end he has no chance. It's either a woman or a black man. Which one would you choose and why? (YouNeedToVoteToSeeResults) http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/debates/scorecard/youtube.debate \_ His being a slimeball personal injury lawyer may have something to do with that. \_ I think he did some good work. Do you really want all of your children's intestines sucked out by a pool? \_ Do /you/ want him channeling children to get a sympathetic jury to trump good science in CP cases? \_ And this is better or worse than Frist channeling a brain dead woman for political grandstanding? \_ False dichotomy. They could be equally bad. I don't recall him channelling her though. \_ Hmmm, the criminal or the racist, what a choice! \_ Just like a cracker to think that all black men are criminals. \_ I think you're joking, but just to clarify, Hillary is the criminal. \_ Yawn. Baseless accusations are so boring. Perhaps you can organize a website to collect both your tinfoil hat and your "proof"? \_ Funny, I considered the "Obama is racist" claim to be more controversial... \_ Didn't Hillary kill Vince Foster? \_ Just to watch him die. \_ With her bare hands. In front of a busload of nuns. \_ Bro's before ho's \_ Thank you Butler. \_ It's a poll about a 'debate' on youtube. There is no 'there' there. |
2007/7/24-26 [Uncategorized] UID:47402 Activity:nil |
7/24 Historically speaking, what is the chance of one candidate becoming another candidate's running mate? \_ It has been quite common in the past, but each situation is individual. -tom |
2007/7/24-28 [Transportation/Car] UID:47403 Activity:low |
7/24 Looking to buy a new car. I'm going to buy a luxury car this time to replace my 10 year old Toyota Camry. Thinking of spending around 40-50K. I'm looking at Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, and Acura. I know the reliability and quality of Lexus and Acura cars, but I don't have much info on Mercedes or BMW. Have their quality improved in the past 10 years? I keep hearing about problems with the lower end MB or BMW cars like the C class or the 3 series. What about the MB E series or the BMW 5 series? Also I've been reading the discussion forum messages on Lexus RX and GS series. A lot of people have problems with rattle noises or other small problems. How much should one believe those stories? Can one dismiss those messages as coming from vocal minorities? I really liked the GS series but some of the messages I read are worrisome. Thanks. \_ Get a Lexus SC430. Why? Because if you're looking for a luxury car and have had your oh-so-boring family car for a while, chances are, you've been married for a while, had kid(s), and stopped having sex. You're looking for a luxury car to spice up your life, ya? Get a SC430, you're guaranteed to get attention from mature women (late 20s) and upwards. \_ They should all be ok. I think safety, handling, looks, resale value all outweigh reliability concerns with these cars. I would expect MB to have more problems related to electronic doodads (based on hearsay). \_ Fuck Lexus. get this http://www.dovebid.com/assets/display.asp?ItemID=xjd3207 \_ Which luxury car model has the best gas mileage? \_ I have a 2006 Lexus IS350 and a 2000 BMW 3 series. The Lexus needed a new transmission after just 3 months of driving. It had 2800 miles on it. It's a nice car that gets good mileage, but it's worrisome to have such a major problem so soon. The BMW hasn't had such a major problem, but it has had a litany of small problems like window regulators. I have put 100K miles on it. Stay away from Audi and MB. That leaves Acura. Only problem with Acura is that it's a rather boring car. Is this a car you are going to keep another 10 years or a car you will get rid of once the warranty expires? \_ Just stay away from MB. I know a foreman who runs a dealership repair shop and according to him, they're crap. They have too many electrical problems. \_ They were the best cars made 15-20 years ago, but not anymore. My mother-in-law has an S-class and my sister's bf has a CLS and they constantly have problems. Latest is that the air conditioning stopped working. In a 2004 car! It was fixed under warranty, but what a PITA. What happens when the warranty runs out?! \_ Then you pay $2k to fix it just like any other car. \_ Hah! Dude, you pay $2K to fix something small and like $6K to fix a real problem - and there are going to be more of them than for the average car. I once took my Accord in and had everything done to it - water pump, radiator, CV boot, plugs, brakes, timing belt, etc. It cost $1K. For a BMW you will spend $450 just to fix a window regulator. I am sure Mercedes is the same. A typical car is not $1-2K every time you bring it in, but a BMW or Mercedes sure is. \_ In the last few years, MB has been battling it out with Volkswagen for the very lowest spot in the Consumer Reports Reliabilty survey. BMW is better. My 2000 MB E320 has been uber reliable (now at 84,000 miles) but I treat my cars very gently. Note that 2000 was the one of the last years MB had good reliability. Both BMW and Lexus are going to get clobbered by Acura and Lexus in reliability. BMW has the "iDrive" system which is universally loathed. \_ Have you looked at Infinity G and M series? |
2007/7/24-28 [Health] UID:47404 Activity:moderate |
7/24 Wow, universal healthcare is expensive http://opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110010374 \_ It comes to $3000/yr per resident. That's actually less than my health insurance, which is $4200/yr. I think they should build in more incentive to wellness on the part of Wisconsin residents. \_ Where did you get the $3000/yr value? And what do I care about "per resident" when it should be "per taxpayer"? From the article: The plan would cost an estimated $15.2 billion, or $3 billion more than the state currently collects in all income, sales and corporate income taxes. It represents an average of $510 a month in higher taxes for every Wisconsin worker. \_ $15.2 billion/population of Wisconsin. It's actually $2700 or so but I rounded up. My health insurance costs $450 when all is said and done, so if I were in Wisconsin, it'd be an extra $100/month for me for there to be universal health insurance. (I rounded up again.) Workers here with families pay $900/month for health insurance (most covered by employer). \_ Of course, government estimates are never wrong. \_ You'd be paying your $4K + the $3K. \_ Maybe, maybe not. You might be able to get the money back from your employer, since his cost will be lower. \_ And why should people without families pay for those who have them? \_ It actually promotes my health not to be surrounded by sick people. \_ So paying for someone else's kid's broken leg from soccer practice makes you healthier? Okey dokey. \_ No, but paying to control TB for example and for immunizations in general does. \_ You are picking and choosing though. Paying for 'universal healthcare' means you may be paying for immunizations, but you are also paying for a crapload of other things, many of them misused _because_ they are perceived as 'free.' -- ilyas \_ And it may well not be doing any good. -- ilyas \_ And employer provided health insurance isn't perceived as "free"? \_ My point wasn't to argue in favor of the current form of healthcare over 'universal healthcare' but to try to shift the debate more towards looking shift the debate more towards looking at whether healthcare actually helps people be healthy. -- ilyas \- a study just came out comparing newly eligible medicare patients showing people who went from no coverage to covered needed more "work done" than people with continuous coverage. \_ I am not surprised that healthcare would be of benefit to that segment of the population. This isn't the same as 'overall effects' on the whole population, of course. -- ilyas \_ Send me a link, please. -- ilyas \_ there are plenty of people without healthcare in the U.S.; do you think they're likely to be healthier than those with healthcare? I can't believe I bothered to reply to that absurdity. -tom \_ Feel free to actually read the study I linked (twice now I think) rather than acting like an ass. The claim is that while healthcare has a positive effect (obviously), this effect is mostly negated by negative effects (with some exceptions, for instance optometry is generally clearly beneficial). My untutored intuition would say that healthcare would have a positive effect, but a very inefficient one given the amount of spending. That there might be no effect is something I think is pretty scandalous. -- ilyas \_ I am LEWIS@SODA. I am offering to teach you about Partial Derivatives, if you would like to learn about these wonderous things. \_ I think I understand what an effect is and what it isn't pretty well. -- ilyas pretty scandalous. Your example isn't as obvious as you might think -- are you controlling for race, wealth, etc? What should you control for? What shouldn't you control for? -- ilyas \_ I'm going to control for ilyas being a moron by stepping out of this conversation. -tom \_ So, ausman, to go back to our earlier discussion: this is apparently the best place on the internet you could find for general discussion? I brought up this study repeatedly, because I think its conclusions are somewhat counterintuitive (they certainly are to me). But the extent of discussion so far has been either to ignore it or ridicule it. Compare to how this study was discussed on overcomingbias, for example. -- ilyas ignore it or ridicule me for bringing it up. Compare to how this study was discussed on overcomingbias, for example. -- ilyas |
2007/7/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47405 Activity:nil |
7/24 Hillary prefers "Progressive". Hmm... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Era Progressives ... tended to assume that opponents were motivated by ignorance or corruption \_ what is wrong about the above statement? \_ "In the United States, the Progressive Era was a period of reform which lasted from the 1890s through the 1920s." Hell, if you're going to go that far back, why not call Giuliani a Whig? \_ Hillary specifically referred to Progressive as an early 20th century movement. \_ Would it kill you to type out the quote? \_ "I prefer the word "progressive," which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century." http://csua.org/u/j7m \_ Thank you! Wow, now I'm actually excited to vote for her. \_ Huh? Why? \_ Reform or bust, baby! \_ Oho, you sneaky out-of-context quoter! From the next line of the article: "I consider myself a modern progressive, someone who believes strongly in individual rights and freedoms, who believes that we are better as a society when we' re working together and when we find ways to help those who may not have all the advantages in life get the tools they need to lead a more productive life for themselves and their families. So I consider myself a proud modern American progressive, and I think that's the kind of philosophy and practice that we need to bring back to American politics." Yup, looks good to me. \_ You sneaky out-of-context replier! Does she disclaim any of the principles? No, she specifically included the early 20th century and she agrees with the principles of that movement. And my reply was to the person criticizing my reference to the early 20th century movement. \_ So, the word "modern" in no way modifies the views espoused in the early 20th century? \_ I didn't say it "in no way modifies" anything. \_ Soooo, if one of the principles of the early 20th century Progressives was that all of their opponents were corrupt or ignorant, which they generally were, is it reasonable that a modern Progressive, faced with a different political climate, might not view her opposition with such contempt? \_ That is one of the aspects of early Progressives which I see as relatively the same as modern liberals (or modern Progressives). \_ BushCo invites oil execs to a secret meeting to determine America's energy policy, and you don't see corruption? If there's contempt for a corrupt GOP, it's hard to pretend the GOP hasn't earned it. |
2007/7/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:47406 Activity:nil |
7/24 So why did the "liberal" media obsess over Edward's $400 haircut and never mention Romney's $300 visit to the salon? http://johnedwards.com/watch/hair \_ Because Edwards has way more fru fru hair and ultimately the news is about selling ads, the political agenda is second. \_ Because no one in their right mind could believe that Romney's dumb enough to pay good money to look like that. \_ You can't see how Edwards is being called out for being a hypocrite since his entire campaign is the "Two Americas" theme while Romney has never made that sort of statement? No one likes a hypocrite. The people in the "poor half" of Edwards America sure as hell can't afford his $400 haircut. |
2007/7/24-26 [Uncategorized] UID:47407 Activity:nil |
7/24 Myth Busted, or True? The more/earlier I shave a part of my body, the thicker hair that area will grow? \_ Busted, it just seems that way because when the hair first grows it seems think. |
2007/7/24 [Uncategorized] UID:47408 Activity:nil |
7/24 ICE ROAD TRUCKERS \_ Yes? |
2007/7/24-28 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:47409 Activity:nil |
7/24 2/3rds of US anti-AIDS program funding in Africa allocated to ineffective abstinence-only programs http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?article=how_bushs_aids_program_is_failing_africans \_ That's because they're not believers. Time to send more missionaries. \_ at least they died pure \_ Umm.. obviously not... \_ The best thing the West can do for Africa is stop using it as a giant social experiment and dumping ground for unsellable goods. \_ So we just stop selling them condoms and let them all die? \_ The second part of your sentence does not follow from the first part. |
2007/7/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:47410 Activity:nil |
7/24 Every politician lies, therefore you should vote for the candidate whose policies mostly closely resemble those of George W. Bush. \_ Farewell to Bizarro World. You is our best friend. |
2007/7/24-26 [Uncategorized] UID:47411 Activity:nil |
7/24 WEEKLY WORLD NEWS to publish last issue in Aug. \_ I love Ed Anger |
2007/7/24 [Uncategorized] UID:47412 Activity:nil |
7/24 Is Yahoo having troubles today with web-based services such as mail and address books? |
2007/7/24-26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47413 Activity:low |
7/24 It might blow up, but it won't go pop It might blow up, but it won't go pop IT MIGHT BLOW UP, BUT IT WON'T GO - *BANG* http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-countrywide25jul25,0,5439657.story?coll=la-home-center \_ Whoa, time to panic, Countrywide only had $485 million in profit! Run for the hills! \_ So, your response is "La, la, la, la! I can't hear you!" ? \_ What response should there be to half a billion dollars in profit for a mortgage company? -tom \_ Ummm, I think "the husing market is so screwed it's messing up even secure finance" is important. You don't? \_ How is a $485 million profit "messed up"? -tom \_ Profit is evil. We must all share the good and the bad as a society. Think of the children, you brute! \_ The 66% drop in earnings isn't a big deal? \_ No, not really. The industry clearly has slowed down, which was anticipated by everyone, including Countrywide. They're still making gobs of money. They might make smaller gobs of money in the future. They might even lose some money. So what? This is a company with an $18B market cap and $200B in assets. They are not going away due to a few mortgage defaults. -tom \_ link:www.mercurynews.com/ci_6452404 Foreclosurse notices at 11-year high in CA \_ yes, and? It's a cyclical industry on a down cycle. -tom |
2007/7/24-26 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Electric, Science/Battery] UID:47414 Activity:nil |
7/24 Power outage in downtown SF. Lots of websites down. \_ Unable to surf, SF's civilization is down! CODE RED!!! Terrorism! \_ They got LJ, and now a million emo kids have nowhere to slit their wrists. \_ http://valleywag.com/tech/breakdowns/a-drunk-employee-kills-all-of-the-websites-you-care-about-282021.php \_ My old roommate drinks a lot and works there... hmmmmmm and is not online \_ FWIW I think the drunk employee story is a sham, but who knows. Just seems too much of a coincidence - drunk employee and major city power outage on same day? \_ D you know if affected Yahoo's webmail/addressbook/calendar services? |
2007/7/24-28 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:47415 Activity:low |
7/24 TSA warns about "Terrorist Dry runs" involving suspicious cheese: http://www.csua.org/u/j7o \_ Uh oh, time to watch FoxNews and vote Republican for safety! \_ "And in November, a passenger in Houston, Texas, checked luggage that contained a plastic bag with a 9-volt battery, wires, a block of brown clay-like minerals and pipes." So are you saying this is made up? \_ You are being cited for violation of the "MOTD! NO FACTS!" policy. Next time the fine will go up dramatically and on the third offence of bringing FACTS! to the motd you shall be terminated with extreme efficiency. \_ Are you saying the cheese incidents didn't happen? Are you some kind of cheese-eating surrender monkey? \_ I'm saying you better stop posting facts to the motd before you get squished. |
3/14 |