7/14 Woman Killed by Her Own Pet Dog. Chow chows rule.
\_ Clearly, she did not establish herself as the alpha.
\_ Chow chows and chow mixes do not enjoy being beta.
\_ While this is true, chow chows are independent and aloof
and behave like cats. They're not your usual dog breeds that
behave according to the hierarchical status. The concept
of co-operation has not been a factor in breeding the chows--
they're bred for their looks (cute and fury) and for food.
Chows have 25% bedience intelligence (meaning they'll
respond to your command less than 25% of the time) and with
a naturally dominant nature ("Hey *I* am the boss"), they
are one of the most difficult breeds to train with. A chow
pup requires 80 or more repetitions to learn a trick. Smart
pups like [border] collie, poodle, lab, learn in less than
5-10 reps; and once they got the trick they will listen and
respond correctly 95% or more. TV shows will never show a
smart and obedient and co-operative chow chow-- they nearly
don't exist. Pretty yes. Bad temperament and low IQ, that too.
\_ Why do you keep posting this made up stuff? Did someone's
Chow snarl at you when you were 5 or something?
\_ !pp: chow's are dangerous, dumb and not worth owning.
\_ Great meat.
\_ "The strong-willed Chow needs an equally
strong-willed owner. They have definite minds
of their own and can easily become your master
if you allow it. Chow puppies are naturally
well-behaved, more so than most breeds. They're
seldom destructive or disobedient. Because of
their good behavior, many people fail to train
them properly. When an untrained Chow reaches
adolescence, that dreadful teenage stage all
dogs go through, he may refuse to accept your
authority. We've found that most people who've
had behavior problems with their Chows failed
to train them and earn their respect."
\_ http://petrix.com/dogint/70-79.html
\_ I met a chow-mix owner one time and it was his 4th dog.
He had laborador and german shepherd mixes and loved them
all except the chow-mix, which is the laziest and dumbest
dog he ever adopted.
\_ From everything, it seems like Chows are fit only
to be eaten. How do they taste?
\_ Like chicken.
\_ Anyone who ever owned a Shepherd or a Lab wouldn't get Chow
if they had any dog clue. As always, do research before
getting a dog. Lab is a great family dog. Shepherd can be
a great family dog if raised right. Chow is a horrible family
dog but can be great for a single person if raised right.
\_ If you watched the video, the dog in question has smooth fur not
fluffy chow fur but let's not let facts get in the way of a
sensational story. A pure chow is too small to kill an adult but
mixing a chow with something much larger and then dumping it in the
backyard wouldn't be smart. As far as dumping her dogs in the
backyard goes, she should've read this: http://www.dogsdeservebetter.com |