2007/6/27-29 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:47079 Activity:nil |
6/27 HANS http://www.wired.com/techbiz/people/magazine/15-07/ff_hansreiser \_ Kinda of a useless article. Trying to make up for lack of info with a creepy writing style. |
2007/6/27-29 [Recreation/Food] UID:47080 Activity:low |
6/27 Everybody, please move out of your wasteful suburbia lifestyle NOW and live in Kunstler's Utopia! We'll all live in a big commune, ridicule SUVs, and recycle our shit so that we can plant sustainable veggies to eat for our sustainable lifestyles! Kum Bai Ya, Kum Bai Ya... \_ Kunstler's rants are very sustainable. \_ Kunstler's post was wonderful and perfectly formed trollbait. Yours is ... less so. \_ Why do you hate on freshly picked veggies? Those things are GOOD man. \_ I already kind of live that way. What are you waiting for? \_ Kind of? If you're not with us, you're against us, traitor. |
2007/6/27-29 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:47081 Activity:low |
6/27 maybe ann coulter should stop wishing for the death of edwards? bleah. \_ You forgot calling him a "faggot," taunting him for having a dead son, etc. \_ Yeah i kind of gotta draw the line at anne coulter lately. \_ Lately? You mean there was a point where she was anything other than a crazed banshee? People always say you should just "ignore her," but the MSM certainly doesn't so you have to engage with her at some point. \_ They don't ignore her because she's entertaining and increases ratings and thus ad sales. \_ She didn't. Go find the full text. She says some pretty wild things but there's no reason to put extra words in her mouth. |
2007/6/27-29 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:47082 Activity:nil |
6/27 Ann Coulter vs. Elizabeth Edwards, who is hotter? http://blogs.usatoday.com/onpolitics/2007/06/ann-coulter-vs-.html \_ I don't know, but I sure know who is more ugly. |
2007/6/27-28 [Reference/Military] UID:47083 Activity:low |
6/27 German artillery!!! German artillery is the best! \_ Actually South Africa has the best artillery, if you restrict it to cannon-type artillery and don't extend the definition to include rockets. \_ South African has the world's largest arsenal of HIV. \_ South Africa has the world's largest arsenal of HIV. \_ RACIST! \_ "HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate: 21.5% (2003 est.)" link:www.csua.org/u/j1a (<DEAD>www.cia.gov<DEAD> Maybe not the largest, but certainly the largest per capita. |
2007/6/27-28 [Uncategorized] UID:47084 Activity:low |
6/27 Partha, you are a shithead. \_ This type of comment automatically self reflects. \_ welcome back ilyas! \_ Not just an ordinary shithead, but an eastern despot and possible criminal-against-humanity in the making! -- ilyas |
2007/6/27-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:47085 Activity:nil |
6/26 Cool little web game I found: http://www.astroempires.com Let me know if you join, I started guild "SYM" which should appeal to csua'ers... -John |
2007/6/27-29 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:47086 Activity:moderate |
6/27 Did you know the Russian army had the largest number of female snipers in WW2? Many of them were super hot too! \_ UGh I actually read the horrible book that Jude Law movie about Russian snipers was based on. I'm sure the Soviet propaganda masters told everyone the female snipers were hot and the men were manly. \_ Yeah yeah I watched this last week too: http://www.history.com/shows.do?action=detail&episodeId=194094 But I don't remember it saying the female snipers were hot. \_ They didn't say it but the pictures of those women in their teens and early 20s... SUPER HOT RUSSIAN BABES!!! \_ Were any of them large brested? \_ motd boob guy where do you live. im gonna beat you \_ I don't image the history channel would have described them as hot, no. I assume the op saw pictures in the show? \_ I saw the same show & pictures. No hotties. You're confused. \_ Were they hotter than Russian tennis players? http://www.mfwweb.com/tennis/IW05 |
2007/6/27-29 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:47087 Activity:moderate |
6/27 Speaking of Ann Coulter, this little bomb went off recently and seemed to have gone almost unnoticed. If Chimpy McFlighSuit has lost even the support of rabidly pro-Bush Coulter, what does he have left? "But I do sort of get the sense now that there is -- you know -- people reaching across the partisan divide, the country is unified. Bush really is a uniter because we're all just waiting for this nincompoop to be gone. I think we all finally are on the same page on that." -- Ann Coulter on Good Morning America \_ Didn't you hear? Bush is actually a liberal. Richard Cohen told me so. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/28/AR2007052801053.html http://urltea.com/v9s (washingtonpost.com) \_ I wouldn't say she's pro-bush. I'd say she's anti-left. \_ I'd say she's an opportunist looking to position herself for some sort of relevance once Bush leaves office. \_ The only thing Coulter is is pro-Coulter. \_ That would make her just like everyone else which she isn't or she wouldn't be interesting. \_ No, most people are not scheming sociopaths. Maybe you and all your "friends" are but most of us are not. \_ Sociopath? No, that's just a pointless smear. She has a thing going where she makes rude snarky comments and gets paid a lot of money for it. She isn't running through the streets with a knife or gathering her army for Helter skelter II. "Anyone I don't like or disagree with is a raging psychotic!@!@!@!111" |
2007/6/27-29 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:47088 Activity:moderate |
6/27 When Ann Coulter calls for an assassination, we talk about it. But when I say "kill Bush" on motd, I am censored. WTF? -REALLY pissed \_ How about "We should have killed Reagan, his star wars projects, and other mess he created when we had the chance." \_ Oh but she's just "joking," remember? She's just an "entertainer." Not to be "taken seriously." Whereas here on the "motd," "we" are all "deadly serious." Mmmmkay? \_ Advocating the assasination of the president is a felony, and the Secret Service will at least come and talk to you. Advocating the assasination of, say, tom, is not. So, "Kill tom!" \_ Because you're an unknown private individual and a lunatic making death threats against the POTUS. AC is a public figure (in)famous for building her public career and persona making outrageous statements about other public figures and falls under free speech. \_ Actually she didn't call for killing anyone if you read or saw the full text. \_ That's because you don't have 'favored poster' status like our friend Partha, who can spout about killing his 'political enemies' as much as he wants. -- ilyas |
2007/6/27-29 [Uncategorized] UID:47089 Activity:kinda low |
6/27 Is it possible for a polar bear to breed with a brown bear? \_ Yes. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/05/bear-hybrid-photo.html \_ BTW are there any species that can interbreed with human beings and produce offsprings? \_ Stick with 16-year-olds. \_ BTW, the plural of "offspring" is "offspring". \_ Vulcans -stmg |
2007/6/27-29 [Uncategorized] UID:47090 Activity:nil |
6/27 Why does "get down" also mean "let's dance"? \_ "...on the dance floor" |
3/14 |