2007/6/26-28 [Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:47070 Activity:nil |
6/26 "that poor girl [Jessie Davis] should have stuck with her own kind" http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1856303/posts \_ yeah, humans rather than freepers. \_ She shouldn't have commented that his dick is not as big as it's supposed to be. \_ He sure showed her how big a dick he was. \_ stuck with women? Hawt Lesbo action! Such an odd thing to see homosexuality promoetd on a freeper site. |
2007/6/26-28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47071 Activity:low |
6/26 Secret: The Freemasons influenced Bush to start the Iraq War. \_ Three can keep a secret if two are dead. \_ You are so totally wrong. Majestic 12, the Knights Templar, the HK Triad, FEMA and the Illuminati worked together to influence Bush to invade Iraq as part of their scheme to use Terrorism as smoke screen to hide their conspiracy for world domination. Its all documented in UNATCO's files. -jcd |
2007/6/26-28 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:47072 Activity:high |
6/26 I've just found the ideal peice of motd trollbait, combining peak oil with "the suburbs suck." Truly gaze upon it, for it is a thing of beauty. http://jameshowardkunstler.typepad.com/clusterfuck_nation/2007/06/peak-suburbia.html \_ What the hell is this guy proposing? That we all cram into the city? This is highly unfeasible because our cities have evolved to be a working city rather than a living city, and it simply cannot scale to a level that'll hold dense population like Tokyo or NYC. Look, 30% of the energy in the US is spent on transportation, and by cramming into the city we'll maybe save 1/2 of that, reducing the consumption by maybe 15% overall. That is not enough to save the mankind from Kuntler's doomsday. Regardless of his proposals, there will still be huge energy hogs in sectors like manufacturing and electric generation. What is this nutso going to propose next, that the government mandate strict manufacturing laws and that we have a ration for iPods and computer usage? This is all silly. \_ It's more than just transportation usage. Cities are much more energy efficient in other ways as well. For instance look at that retail space/person chart. All these suburban sprawls include a ton of infrastructure that isn't as wasteful in dense areas. (The waste is possible in suburbia for the same reason the overbuilt homes are possible, land is dirt cheap.) \_ Is is also "possible" because the people doing the wasting shift the cost onto others. Does electricity cost more in in the suburbs? No? Who do you think pays the increased cost of delivery that all that extra infrastructure requires? Same goes for water, roads and a host of other things. \_ I'm just saying it isn't transportation energy alone. Building shit costs energy. Making raw materials takes energy. Outter suburbia is a system that works because energy is so damn cheap that the wasted energy use is insignificant compared to how damn cheap the land is. \_ Sure, but it also works because it is subsidised. \_ He's proposing urban redesign, restting zoning to make sense, and making cities places where people actually want to live. His Home from Nowhere covers this. \_ Good luck convincing the Americans that Kuntler's Utopia is good for Americans. \_ Kunstler's ideas have been embraced by some communities. Often, it's the developers, not the residents or potential residents who oppose the Urban Renewal movement. \_ Kuntler's Utopia-> dense shared living-> government control of land usage -> anti-free market -> communism. Therefore Kuntler is a communist. Communist = bad. Kuntler = bad. -capitalist \_ Your reasoning -> absolute deregulation -> free market without conscience -> reinstitution of indentured servitude, debtors prisons -> robber barons and industrial age imperialist rape -> sale of Universities to highest bidder -> closing of csua -> no more motd. Therefore, you hate America. Why do you hate America? \_ "dense shared living -> gov't control" doesn't really follow at all. See SF, NY, condos, etc. Gov't always "controls land usage" in some way, zoning etc. \_ Some of the scariest totalitarian minds I have seen work as urban designers in Europe somewhere. There was this one clown who advocated diversity and change in political order as the ultimate good to redesign societies towards. As in, having democracies everywhere is bad because it creates a political monoculture. Instead, we must have a lot of exciting mad social experiments. --- ilyas a lot of exciting mad political experiments. --- ilyas \_ Wasn't that done in the CSUA motd? \_ truely awesome. \_ No one is going to pay attention to this article because it doesn't have a happy Hollywood ending. Sorry. \_ Wow. Can we give this guy a CSUA account? \_ I always like his buzzwords like Cheez Doodle based economy, which was inspired when he was sitting behind some grossly obese family who were trying to buy Cheez Doodles and had maxed out all of their credit cards. |
2007/6/26-28 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:47073 Activity:nil |
6/26 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070625/sc_nm/egypt_mummy_dc_1 "The body of the mummy now in KV 60 with its huge breasts ......" \_ Dammit i killed motd boob guy \_ that or motd boob guy is moving into necro fetish too. |
2007/6/26-28 [Politics/Domestic/President, Politics] UID:47074 Activity:nil |
6/26 'Power Couples' Meet in Cities, Study Finds - Yahoo! News: http://www.csua.org/u/j0r |
2007/6/26-29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47075 Activity:high |
6/26 Another Bush Administration official convicted by a diabolical prosecutor and a vengeful Congress, similar to the Libby case: http://www.csua.org/u/j11 \_ Uhm, no. This guy was directly involved in a bribery scandal. Libby was busted for his memory of events not matching eight reporters memory of events which didn't match each other's memory of events nor their own notes nor their own prior testimony. Thanks for the opportunity to correct your grave misunderstanding of Libby's situation, troll. \_ If this was really true he wouldn't have been convicted. He got caught red handed, refused to turn on his boss and expose Cheney's treasonous crimes and so went to jail. \- As Mr. Uhm, no suggests, Libby was a victim of the RAHM- PELOSI-JURY-REPULICAN_JUDGE-REPUBLICAN-PROSECUTOR conspiracy. I think it is is pretty clear George McGovern created Patrick Fitzgerald in his mountain side laboratory and had him spend 30 years infiltrating the REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT for a moment like this. The code word to activate him was "Barbarella". \_ Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the prosecutor and judge were both Republicans or Republican appointees. \_ You've heard of 'the appeals process', right? We have that because the justice system is understandably flawed. By your 'logic' we don't need an appeals process and all those folks on death row should be executed immediately. Care to try again? \_ You erased the much more amusing preceding material just post this? Minus ten points for Slytherin. \_ It wasn't amusing at all. It was off-topic and not even dailykos quality and frankly the same drivel that gets posted anytime anyone here tries to have a serious political discussion. I'm trying to discuss the facts of the case with the other poster, this has nothing to do with anything. It is pure noise and as such provides no opportunity for intelligent discussion and no, it wasn't funny the second time either. \_ You presume to be arbiter of teh funny? Being too thin-skinned to take your well-deserved mockery should make you rethink using motd. \_ Yadda yadda blah blah blah, yadda yadda. I see there's still no reply to the real comment about the appeals process, Libby's case details, etc. Just whining about "my drivel got deleted, wah!" I'll take that as either agreement or general ignorance of what actually happened in Libby's case, thanks. \_ Saying "the sky is blue" doesn't really warrant a reply. Yes, it's up for appeal. How 'bout you try again after his appeals are rejected? \_ So as I said, you don't know a thing about his trial and exactly how his bogus conviction came about. I'll say it again even though I know you don't want to know the truth: he was convicted because his story didn't entirely match the stories of 8 reporters. The 8 reporters stories didn't match each other. The 8 reporters stories didn't even match their own earlier testimony, nor their own written notes. It was not possible for Libby's story to match the differing and ever-changing stories of 8 people. Thank you for supporting real justice and not punishing people for having political views that differ from your own. \_ You are utterly convinced that your reading of the case is correct. Will you acknowledge you have been wrong if his appeals are denied? Somehow, I suspect not. if his appeals are denied? And you really have an obnoxious delete finger. Fuck off. \_ Erasing other people's comments on a globally editable MOTD just shows that you are too short for this ride. \_ Comments are erased on a daily basis. Get over it. \_ What is it with people missing the point today? Sure, comments are erased on a daily basis, but erasing part of a thread just so you can post your own POV is something else entirely. Grow up. \_ Bzzt, sorry. Erasing someone else's post had no effect on posting my POV. Try again? (y/N)__? |
2007/6/26-28 [Transportation] UID:47076 Activity:nil |
6/26 Is there a predictive traffic service availible? I know http://511.org can tell me what the traffic is right now. I'd like something that predicts traffic, sort of like the weather. \_ http://511.org Predict-a-Trip(SM): http://traffic.511.org/his_traffic_text.asp |
2007/6/26-28 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47077 Activity:nil 90%like:47066 |
6/26 SF Condo conversion laws gone amuck http://urltea.com/uot (examiner.com) \_ Dude, she bought the place and it a part of the title report. The laws aren't amok in any way shape or form. She should have read the damn title report. SHE IS A LAWYER, HELLO! Also her agent was unethical in not alerting her to the problem and probably can and will be sued, but it wasn't like this wasn't documented at the time of the sale. \_ Way I read it, she should never have been able to buy the place at all, and if she should have, it would have been at the 'below market rate' low income buyer price. She got swindled by the sellers. Boo hoo. caveat emptor. \_ Well, the sellers and the Real Estate Agents. And now she's sueing everybody, which is actually the right thing to do in this case. |
2007/6/26-28 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:47078 Activity:nil |
6/26 Another RINO joins the Defeatocrats: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1856687/posts \_ How long will the conversion process take for every Republican to become a "RINO"? |