6/21 Bush at 26% in Newsweek poll
\_ That's not too bad. Compare that to Nixon's:
http://preview.tinyurl.com/eytw5 (cbsnews.com)
Keep in mind this is from CBS, liberal Jewish media.
\_ Thanks for invalidating anything else you have to say.
\_ I don't think he cares. Why should he?
\_ maybe because he is supposed to be a representative of the
\_ He is. The people are idiots and so is he. I don't see why
people's opinions changed. What is different now? A lot of us
disapproved of him from the beginning. And, you know, didn't
vote for him. Now all these Johnny come latelys want to be
cool like us. But it's too late. We moved on to disapproving
of the mainstream primary frontrunners.
\_ Pft! I've already dismissed them all and moved on to
disapproving of the second and third tier candidates as
well as several who aren't even rumored to be interested in
running. -Johnnt C. L.
\_ He still has things he is trying to get accomplished and it
is hard to get Congress to listen to him when he is so
unpopular. Most politicians care about something called
their "legacy" as well, and every indication is that Bush
cares, too. So sorry, he probably cares. Maybe his
supporters (like you?) do not.
\_ His current goal appears to be to veto everything and keep
the investigations off his back until he can get out of
\_ IANARepublican, but think about it: ~43% of Americans voted in
the last Presidential election, and W got about 50% of the
vote, so, hey, 26% is pretty good for him.
\_ You might want to check the assumptions in your math
there sonny.
\_ 50% of 43% =~21.5% < 26%. I'd say my math assumptions,
faulty as they are, are probably more accurate than
those of the POTUS.
\_ You're making the assumption that the set of W
supporters is a subset of the 2004 presidential
voters. You'll have to justify that assumption
\_ he's also making the assumption that 100% of
the country responded to this poll. -tom
\_ You're both right, but you're missing my
(feeble) point, which is that the POTUS thinks
like this.
\_ Maybe he was when he was elected, but now that he *IS* elected
and that due to term limites, he can't be re-elected, why
should he care any more? Lame duck presidency FTL.
\_ I loved the comedy central clip where GWB 2000 'debated'
GWB 'current', especially the total reverse on intervening
in other nations and 'nation building'.
\_ Mission Accomlished!
\_ Congress at 14% (below HMOs at 15%)
\_ For "confidence", not "approval".
\_ For "confidence", not "approval". And from a different poll.
\_ OP didn't say "approval".
\_ The article did. Sure, blame your reading comprehension
issues on the OP
\_ I was making a point. I read the article.
\_ How is saying "apples are not oranges" a point?
\_ Isn't low confidence worse than low approval? I might not
approve of the job someone is doing, but I might still have
confidence that they will improve. Low confidence seems to
imply to me that not only does one disapprove of the job
someone is doing but also that they've lost any hope that
they will improve.
\_ Read a few polls and see how the two numbers tend to
relate. Motd will not do your homework for you.
\_ I'll take that as a yes then. So, the American people
feel more negativity towards Congress than the President
\_ Take that as a yes. Continue in obstinate ignorance.
\_ This only validates my assumption further. If it
really is a false assumption, you wouldn't have
been this much of an ass about it.
\_ Congress is always lower. You can hate the
bastards but not hate YOUR bastard. The president,
however, is all or nothing.
\_ How does that compare to Carter?
\_ The cbsnews link in the first reply will tell you. Other than
that, learn to use google.
\_ No, it does not. Other than that, have you heard of the
Socratic technique?
\_ Oop. It wasn't in that article. It was in another blog
post. Carter's lowest was 28% in '79. |