2007/5/25-28 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:46746 Activity:nil |
5/25 Hazleton PA mayor fighting illegal immigration won the primary for both parties by massive amounts. http://www.yorkdispatch.com/politics/ci_5908958 |
2007/5/25-28 [Transportation/Bicycle] UID:46747 Activity:nil |
5/25 RIDE BIKE! UNDER TRUCK! http://www.csua.org/u/is5 \_ "It feels really strange to have a truck run over your head." \_ BS story; the truck ran over the peaked back of the helmet, not over his head. |
2007/5/25-28 [Academia/StanfUrd] UID:46748 Activity:nil |
5/25 18-year-old Asian girl from OC pretends to have gotten into Stanfurd http://www.stanforddaily.com/article/2007/5/24/imposterCaught http://www.friendster.com/1545524 Why? \_ poor taste. \_ poor answer. Do you have a simplified brain? Think harder. \_ Is that a cheap chinese knockoff of "Your brain has been classified as: small." \_ "What s friends do know is that they are scared and angry that someone slipped through the cracks for eight months." There's one difference between Cal and Standfurd, I don't think any students at Cal would have been scared or angered, just amused. \_ I wouldn't be so sure, the current crop of students are some of the wimpiest little twits ever. \_ Or confused. Why the heck would anyone want to impersonate a Cal student? It's not like our facilities are as nice as at the Farm. \_ The funniest thing about this is that if she had used a fake name, and gotten out when her RA was first catching on, they never would have caught her. She pushed it too long. \_ Chateau had squatters all the time. \_ Perhaps to make her parents happy? Most Asian parents still thinks that their kids happiness is defined as getting into Ivy-League type schools. She probably does it to fool her parents. |
2007/5/25-28 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:46749 Activity:low |
5/25 Happy towel day. Question: does anyone know of a Windows screen saver that displays the user desktop as it is, including showing updates (such as from logfile scrolling by in an application, etc.) but works with the normal MS screen lock function? -John \_ If the screen saver displays the desktop as it is, how does it save the screen? \_ screen burn-in isn't an issue anymore. \_ I've got an LCD at work. There are several images burned in. I thought that too until I was able to read the screen lock text while logged in. \_ But energy-saving is. \_ My main reason for a screensaver is the locking feature, not the burn-in feature. While it won't help John, I used to use xtrlock in unix systems which just took over the mouse and keyboard. \_ Google for transparent screensaver or clear screensaver. I looked at some a while ago but didn't find a free one so stopped. There should be several commercial solutions. \_ Try using a transparent image and load it as a custom image. I've never done this but it might work. |
2007/5/25-28 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:46750 Activity:nil |
5/25 I just found out none of the Sony Bravias have DVI inputs. How would you connect your PC to these LCDs? \_ Analog VGA cable same as the last 20 years? \_ You can't use an analog cable and an LCD. It looks like shit and text is unreadable. \_ Funny, I'm doing that right now and it's just fine. \_ Me too. Switched to DVI after a week and it looked exactly the same. \_ There are DVI-HDMI adapters. |
2007/5/25-28 [Transportation/Car, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:46751 Activity:nil 66%like:46744 |
5/24 The Pinkberry song link:tinyurl.com/a9ab4 \_ Speaking of Pinkberry, I'm the op who posted the following: http://csua.com/?entry=46690 After talking to a bunch of people it appears that no one seems to be sympathetic to the traffic congestion it has caused. On the bright side I see a bunch of attractive looking college women waiting for their pinkberries. \_ Ask them about their pinkberries. |
2007/5/25-28 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:46752 Activity:nil |
5/25 "There is little available evidence that the United States has more relative mobility than other advanced nations. If anything, the data seem to suggest the opposite. Using the relationship between parents' and children's incomes as an indicator of relative mobility, data show that a number of countries, including Denmark, Norway, Finland, Canada, Sweden, Germany, and France have more relative mobility than does the United States." http://www.economicmobility.org/assets/pdfs/EMP%20American%20Dream%20Report.pdf \_ After unions and WWII, manufacturing jobs overpaid for low-skill work. Now globalization is letting anyone else with the same set of skills do those jobs, for relatively less in wages (though well paid in their home country.) Getting an education and a job in industries that are America's strengths is the path to prosperity. Cutting student loan subsidies was a huge mistake. |
2007/5/25 [Recreation/Dating] UID:46753 Activity:nil |
5/25 I cried in the dressing room when I was measured as a 32DDD last year (I'm only 25!) My boobs look ginormous. We're talking Pamela Anderson sized basketball boobs. They are so big that I often fantasize about weighing them in the produce section of the supermarket (you know, those big scales that hang from the ceiling) just to see how much weight I have strapped to my chest. I'd have to weigh 'em one at a time because both at one might break the scale. |
2007/5/25-28 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:46754 Activity:nil |
5/25 I would like to write a script to login to a windows machine remotely and start a simulation (basically a poor man's version of a Windows Beowulf cluser). The simplest way to do this seems to be to run sshd on cygwin. Are there better ways? (Obviously, one better way would be to install LINUX, but that isn't possible in the near term). Thanks. \_ There are some OpenSSH implementations for Windows you can install without the full cygwin implementation. \_ Can you list some? Thanks. \_ copSSH works well for me. -!pp \_ What is the advantage of copSSH over cygwin+sshd? From the (brief) webpage for copSSH it sounds like it is cygwin+sshd. |
2007/5/25-28 [Industry/Jobs] UID:46755 Activity:moderate |
5/25 I'm looking for pointers on how to recruit excellent junior/mid level computer scientists or programmers. For those of you who have hired people, what is a good way to go about recruiting? Basically we want really smart people who know and love CS and programming. Money is not a constraint, but we don't want people just in it for the money. Google seems to have a good way of doing this, but I don't know if there methods apply to much smaller organizations. Thanks. \_ Google hires excellent people by hiring a lot of people and letting probability take care of the rest. \_ I would start getting your employees to refer someone they know to come in and talk to you. Or if you have good/trusted friends in the IT industry, see if they can refer someone to you as well. Good people hire good people. (most of the time). IT industry, see if they can refer someone to you as well. Good people hire good people. (most of the time). \_ Myth. All people hire people they like. Not everyone knows or likes good people. If this myth were true then good people would be running all these companies and we know that isn't true. \_ Google is struggling to hire anyone decent. There is no reason for a non-PhD to go to Google these days and it shows in their increasingly desperate hiring behavior. As far as money goes, 99% of people are 'in it for the money' because there are lots of things they could be doing they would enjoy more that don't pay as much yet there's their resume in front of you. Ask yourself if you would do the same job if you got paid half as much, no options, etc. \_ I wouldn't be doing the same job if the compensation were halved, but there isn't any other job I would want unless the compensation was more than twice what I get now. That's what I meant by not in it for the money. \_ Fair enough. Just curious, are you married? Have kids? Mortgage? \_ http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/GuerrillaInterviewing3.html My medium-size company has arrangements with some recruiters who are not employees to find good candidates based on resumes, referrals, etc. employees to find good candidates based on their resumes, or references, etc. They will figure out what you are looking for. Then you have to screen and interview a ton of people to find the ones worth hiring. and interview a ton of people to find the good ones. \_ Very good link. Thanks for posting that. If only more hiring managers would follow his advice. |
2007/5/25-28 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:46756 Activity:moderate |
5/25 I don't really care about ethics and how people look at me. Is it perfectly legal to be an asshole and NOT tip at restaurants? \_ If you can't afford to leave a few bucks on the table then you can't afford to eat out. It is legal but you should examine your economic situation more closely if that level of cash outlay actually matters to you before you go out again. Or just eat at fast food places where we don't tip. McDonald's sounds like the right level for you anyway. And woe be if you're out with 99% of this country and don't put in your fair share for tip. Your fellow diners will remember and hold it against you forever which is likely to cost you a lot more over time than the tip. So don't be a trolling cheap-ass and leave a few bucks. \_ It's legal. You should move to Korea. No tipping culture. \_ Or Japan. \_ just dont go to the same place twice..unless you like special sauces or something \_ In a country where people's wages are reduced because they're expected to get tips, it's rude, boorish, and petty to not tip. There are plenty of countries where failing to tip is fine, but the U.S. isn't one of them. However, it's not illegal. Just fuckin' stupid. -tom \- why is it stupid? it may obviously cause problems at tip-expected restaurants you expect to go back to, but for one offs, i think it is assholish and you might get deservedly abused, but stupid suggesting it will hurt you, not sure why you would say that. \_ driving a single-occupant SUV to work every day may not hurt you, but it's stupid. \- i think buying $400 shoes is usually stupid too, but usually people mean something like "it is irrational" rather than "i wouldnt do it" or other "bad" behavior like being selfish, or an asshole etc. in fact often assholeish behavior like freeriding is "rational". is not contributing to npr/public tv stupid? no, i dont think so. so in some cases you can show people are behaving irrationally when they dont realize it, but it's incumbent on you do present some argument. for example the study that shows there is a corrlation between car price and a question like "how much do you like your car" but there isnt a correlation between car price and how pleasant/unpleasant was your commute. i.e. people thing about their cars different when they are thinkign about their cars and how the use experience transpires. ok thanks i have to go now i am in a hurry. \_ I don't know about you but I personally think a late 30 year old ambiguously gay Indian guy spending ~$1000 a month eating nice food and drinking fine wine is beyond stupid. \- i probably drink less than 2 bottles of wine a month. i hate spending money on wine. to me it is a "tax" on going out to eat with friends. unless you live with your parents, i probably also have a higher savings rate than you do. of all the ad hominems directed at me in the motd, this is about the lamest, e.g. starting with "i dont know about you ..." |
2007/5/25-28 [Politics] UID:46757 Activity:nil |
5/25 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baptism_for_the_dead Is George Lucas a member of LDS? Nauvoo sounds suspiciously like Naboo. \_ Nauvoo is derived from Hebrew. Meaning "beautiful". -emarkp \- lucas has a lot of proper nouns that sort of sound like some word from latin, sanskrit etc. e.g. you dont have to be a classics scholar to know "sidious" is a bad guy. dooku my be from "dukka" ... for unhappiness, suffering etc. \_ I thought it was from "dookie" \_ Ugh I forgot about Count Dookie. Lucas is obviously surrounded by yes-men. \- oota boota loocas |
2007/5/25-28 [Uncategorized] UID:46758 Activity:nil |
5/25 Loser. |
2007/5/25-30 [Finance] UID:46759 Activity:nil |
5/25 Tips on tipping: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18825948 |
3/15 |