2007/5/17 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:46668 Activity:kinda low 92%like:46665 |
5/16 Ugly naked woman to be the spokeperson for linux: http://urltea.com/ki7 (fakesteve.blogspot.com) \_ Oh please. She's not a model, but she's not ugly. I'm sure you're Brad Pitt yourself. \_ While I agree that she's ugly, I really hope op isn't getting naked for novell. |
2007/5/17-19 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:46669 Activity:moderate |
5/17 link:www.csua.org/u/ipp "Nationally, for every dollar a working family saves on housing, it spends 77 cents more on transportation." And this does not include the time lost to commuting. Just another reason to live near where you work. \_ Nationally, homes are 1/2 to 1/4 the cost of homes nearby SF, Sunnyvale, San Jose, LA, and pretty much every CA city with jobs. I can move closer to Silicon Valley but I will have to pay 1.2mil for the same home that I can get in Union City for only $695K. CA is totally utterly fucked up. \_ The mentality of the average American Joe/Dim: Why the FUCK would I want to spend $3500/month on rent in the city when I can *buy* a nice suburb home, country living, 3X the size WITH A BACKYARD where kids can play, for only $2500/month mortgage? GO RAIDERS! COSTCO! RIDE SUV!!! \_ You make that sound like a bad thing. It isn't. \_ Damn and here I am willing to pay significantly more for housing AND more for transportation. \_ So the average American makes their money go 23% further by spending less on housing. That is smart. Saving on transportation is the sucker move if your numbers are correct. \_ Factor in "time lost to commuting" and it's a losing proposition. Time spent in a car is time spent getting fat and unhealthy. Thanks to not having a commute, I can work out at least an hour per day, and thanks to that, I'm not fat. Even further, the true cost of carbon emissions during transport are not measured, but probably far exceed your 23%. \_ You are making a big assumption on what transportation costs are going to be like in the future. I am betting that gasoline prices will continue to escalate. |
2007/5/17 [Uncategorized] UID:46670 Activity:nil |
5/17 Thongs http://www.cafepress.com/landoverbaptist/429363 |
2007/5/17-19 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car] UID:46671 Activity:very high |
5/17 What happened to Toyota's Tercel, Paseo and Echo? They all failed? Seems like Toyota's compact models never last long, while the Corolla lasted three decades AFAIK. \_ Toyota == new GM. Look what they just did to the xB. :( \_ Link? What did they do to the xB? \_ http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/?p=3729 short version: 650 lb weight increase, 6 mpg efficiency decrease, cheapened interior, messed up sightlines \_ Wow, that's a pretty damning review. And the price seems really high. Wasn't the whole point of those things to be dirt cheap? \_ Ironically enough, the debacle of the 2nd gen has the prices for the 1st gen models on the used market rising. I think some low mileage models are now going for over asking new. \_ but still as fugly as ever \_ Huh, that DOES sound like GM. I have a theory that much of this trend has to do with lame customer surveys. I'm sure people alwasy say, "It's great, but I wish it was a little bigger." This is my guess as to why the Civic seems to grow every year. \_ Although they keep changing the name every few years, Toyota never seems to stop producing a sub-compact (currently they have the Yaris), so the must still be making money in that market segment. have the Yaris). Perhaps in that market segment one has to keep refreshing models quickly. \_ #t the cheap small/compact car segment aims at young people who will outgrow their ego in 3-4 years for a more luxurious vehicle so while it's important to create a new car that's hip and cheap it's even more important to change their looks and their names every 3-4 years. \_ So the majority of people grow more wasteful as they grow older? I'm not so sure. Though the xB was targetted at "youth," the people I knew that were buying them were elderly or new 30ish families with 1 to 2 children. \_ I am thinking about getting the BRABUS Biturbo coupe. \_ I'm thinking about getting the BRABUS SV12 S Biturbo coupe. Does anybody have one and care to share their experience? \_ Are you talking about Smart? the 2007 model is just out and no one has experience on it. \_ They don't grow more wasteful. They grow up. Things like safety, cargo capacity, and comfort start to count. \_ Yeah, I have three of them, but my garage only fits two so I left it parked on the street, so City Tow got it for having too many parking tickets. \_ they got replaced by yaris |
2007/5/17-19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:46672 Activity:kinda low |
5/17 I like how hard the AFP works to blame Israel for the "fraying truce" in this article. "Israel bombs Hamas targets as Gaza truce frays" http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070517/ts_afp/mideast \_ Perhaps Isreal's long standing policy of killing or arresting any Palestinian leadership has finally had its intended goal of the disintigration of Palestinian society? Just a thought... \_ No. Terrorist leaders are not Palestinian society. The PLO killed off the real leaders in the 90s. And no, the goal is not the disintegration of Palestinian society (which hasn't had a chance since the 90s when the PLO returned). Having a chaotic terrorist laden mess on 3 borders is not good for your country. Engage brain before opening editor, please. Thanks. Knowing the tiniest bit of recent history of the region might help, too. \_ the article says Israel's action was in retaliation to rocket attacks, so I assume they updated the story since you posted \_ Yeah, I get a totally different story now. -op |
2007/5/17-19 [Reference/Religion] UID:46673 Activity:nil |
5/17 emarkp how can a Mormon be pro-torture? http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/node/4796 this is almost a serious, non troll Request For Comment. \_ What does being a Mormon have to do with it? And what are you defining as torture? -emarkp \_ Mormons are pro-polygamy, hence pro-torture (or, more accurately, pro-being-tortured.) \_ emarkp: How can anyone who calls themselves a christian be pro torture? -not op \_ Have you actually read the bible? -dans \_ OT Yahweh: "Obey my rules or suffer! And this applies to you all collectively, and family units collectively! And cut off part of your penises!" NT Jesus: "Ok those rules were unobeyable. Love me or suffer! and, uh, oh yeah this is evaluated after death. Btw I "died for your sins". This is important for some reason. I think I have schizophrenia." Allah: "Ok ok that love stuff was bs, I was smoking a lot of dope back then. We're back to obey or suffer. But I'm keeping the afterlife reward stuff in your benefit plan. I better see you on your knees many times per day, stroking my godly ego." \_ See above. -emarkp |
2007/5/17-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:46674 Activity:nil |
5/17 Welcome to the new congress, as partisan as the old congress. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0507/4046.html \_ Until we have true political reform, what do you expect? |
2007/5/17-19 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:46675 Activity:very high |
5/17 Korean trains in historic link-up http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6664091.stm Basically, SK pays NK $80mil for a for a symbolic train crossing. What the heck, SK? Why do you continue to play the enabler? -jrleek \_ Not sure why YOU would care about SK. I'm Asian and even I don't really give a damn. \_ jrleek is married to a Korean woman, but this is irrelevant. Anyone interested in International Relations should give a damn about what happens with SK/NK. Fallout here will have repercussions on the region for decades. Wake up. (Also, cue stoopid jokes about International Relations.) \_ I think SK is on really good drugs. It must be related to being a benevolent military dictatorship for so long. I doubt SK is prepared to pull a West Germany and carry the terrible economy of NK around for decades after reunification. \_ same reason why US bail out Mexico Peso back in the 1990s. a complete collapse of a neighboring country is never a good thing... refugee is a bit painful to deal with. \_ There's also a lot of sentiment built up in SK about a possible reunification; many SK people still have relatives/ancestral homes on the NK side of the DMZ. \_ At least when I lived in Korea, refugee from NK was not a problem. The tension between the two Koreas have gotten more relaxed, but it's much more difficult to cross a border of not just barbed wires, but minefields(in this article, it mentioned the need to clear out all the landmines) and soldiers with guns pointing at each other. In the mid 80s, a NK family escaped to SK by sea, and they were made instant celebrities. The government provided them everything they need to get started, not to mention all of the TV shows they were on. The father of the family made TV celebrity appearances for years after. (Just to give you an idea of how rare it is for people to illegally cross the border.) That said, there are many in Korea that has felt enmity against US and blame them for keeping the country divided despite the people's wishes. I believe US still has a fair amount of military influence in SK, which doesn't help the anti-US sentiments. \_ Yeah, according to my wife, escapees used to get a lot of money from the govt. and be minor celeberties. Now there are money from the govt. and be minor celebrities. Now there are too many to keep that up. I haven't met many people who think the US is keeping Korea divided, although many (correctly) blame the US for dividing it in the first place. Although, of course the blame for that mistake can be spread around fairly liberially. -jrleek around fairly liberally. -jrleek \_ I guess we should have let Kim Sung I turn entire peninusla into glorious juche paradise? \_ I haven't kept up-to-date to realize that more people are escaping now. There is a lot of sentiment against US like any country where US has occupying forces. Don't know about recent elections, but past presidential elections were generally approved/disapproved by US, though not officially. In that aspect, US had a lot of political influence as well through the 80s and early 90s. \_ A lot of the anti-US sentiment has to do with criminal behavior on the part of US military personnel, esp. when it goes unpunished. Many people in Korea understand that US military presence is necessary to prevent NK's version of reunification, i.e. invasion, but they'd just as soon do without the rape and hit-and-runs. \_ While the few bad egg behaviors does cause an outrage, I don't think it would create the sort of sentiments that exists. While I and many do understand the need of US involvement to maintain peace, there are those who would rather make unification a number one goal, peace be damned. Sort of a "it's our problem, let us deal with it." Here's some (one-sided) details on US involvement in SK throughout the history: http://www.kimsoft.com/2002/anti-uslwr.htm The article mentions that it began in the 1800s. My theory is that most of the strong resentments stem from 1945/1948 through the presidency of Noh Tae Woo. \_ Perhaps I'm missing the point here, but I challenge you to show me any SK citizen who would welcome reunification under NPRK rule. \_ I don't mean welcome NPRK rule, especially given how much brainwashing is/was done in SK to think that anyone that speaks like a "North Korean" is a NK spy. (like using the Korean word for "comrade") I think these people are shortsighted and only see it as "NK and SK are both one Korea and we are as one" and not seeing that Kim Jung Il will not unify Korea except under his dictatorship. These people believe that if US leaves, the two Koreas can talk to each other peacefully and come to an agreement of a democratic unification. While this is a view of the extreme end, these are the people that are vocalizing their hatred of US. Most people are too busy living their own lives to care. \_ You have completely ignored the fact that whenever the US has large numbers of troops deployed to a place for any significant period of time, the locals always end up wanting us out. See Okinawa, Philipines, SK, etc. |
2007/5/17-19 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:46676 Activity:nil |
5/17 My new 750G Seagate HD shows only 698G available. WHAT THE FUCK?? \_ 750G = 750*10^9 bytes. Your OS is probably measuring in 2^30 bytes. See GiB vs GB \_ Also, disk drive manufacturers advertise "raw" storage, while your O/S measures usable storage. You lose quite a bit to disk label information, metadata and other various things. \_ When is the last time you bought a disk? It has been measured like that on all drives for many years. |
2007/5/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:46677 Activity:high |
5/17 Cum inside. \_ Hi dad. \_ ew. |
2007/5/17-19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:46678 Activity:kinda low |
5/17 emarkp, why did you support the Iraq War? -anonymous coward \_ Hi troll! Why are you using the past tense? -emarkp \_ Ok, very well. Why do you still support the Iraq War? -!op, anon coward #2 \_ Hi troll #2! I doubt I can say anything you haven't heard. -emarkp |
2007/5/17-19 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid, Transportation/Car] UID:46679 Activity:moderate |
5/17 GTI wanting person, have you looked at the honda fit? \_ How in the world does the focus go from GTI to Fit? A Mini Cooper S, Mazdaspeed3, Impreza WRX, etc. would make more sense. Golf->Fit makes some sense, too, but not GTI->Fit. Nothing wrong with Fit, of course. I have a friend who went from Jetta VR6 to Fit. His only problem is that it's a bit weak. I blame his unwillingness to drive manual. \_ I know the fit's a little underpowered but it seems like it is still a fun car to drive, and it is about the same size as the mini, costs a lot less, and has better cargo potential thanks to well designed seats. Shrug. Seems like an interesting car in the small hatchback category. \_ small cars are dangerous. Get the Accord, you can't go wrong. \_ Camry Hybrid. \_ Spoken like a true american. |
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