2007/4/18 [Uncategorized] UID:46349 Activity:nil 75%like:46327 |
4/18 So where in the US can I buy hand grenades, RPGs, and mines? |
2007/4/18 [Recreation/Dating] UID:46350 Activity:kinda low |
4/18 It's amazing how the opposite sex can act like a catalyst that leads to irrational behavior. Just look at the NASA PhD woman who tried to kill her lover's SO this year, and countless love-hate related crimes in the history of mankind. In all seriousness, I think that if the VT killer had more free access to quality porn, he may simply have been masterbating his life away instead of getting pissed off at everyone else. What do you think? \_ who doesn't have free access to quality porn? \_ Porn and masturbation aren't substitutes for sex. If you're sexually frustrated I suggest exercising a lot. At 2-3hrs/day hard exercise you won't be feeling too sexual, and soon you'll look so much better that actual sex will be easier to obtain. It worked for achoi! \_ Do you think if the VT killer exercised more, the violence on 4/16 would have been prevented? \_ Yes, actually, I do. Exercise combats depression and could have been an avenue for this guy to connect sanely with other people. Nothing like having a hobby other people share to help you connect. Further, exercise de-stresses people so that might have helped too. Last, he might have got an actual woman if he looked hotter. Women aren't immune to beauty. \_ He must be built like Mr. Universe contestant by now \_ Actually, achoi is married. Presumably he's getting it once or twice a week. |
2007/4/18-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:46351 Activity:nil |
4/18 In C#, what's the opposite function for class constructors or static constructors? I can't find how to write a class destructor or static destructor. Does such a thing exist? If not, how does my class clean up after itself? Thanks. \_ Um, the process exits? And it's garbage collected? \_ I'm not trying to free memory. I'm trying to close some connection to a remote machine. \_ Unfortunately there isn't a good way in C# last I checked to manage lifetime. It's one of its deficiencies. |
2007/4/18 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:46352 Activity:nil 54%like:46366 |
4/18 http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-ethanol18apr18,0,7852828.story?coll=la-home-headlines Ethanol will erode the ozone layer. |
2007/4/18-21 [Reference/Military] UID:46353 Activity:moderate |
4/18 "If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." (The Dali Lama - May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times), "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest" (Mohandas K. Gandhi - The Story of My Experiments with Truth, Page 403, Dover paperback edition, 1983), "That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there." (George Orwell), "The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose." (James Earl Jones). \_ 1) I doubt anyone would disagree with the Dali Lama's statement, but it's irrelevant to the discussion. 2) Do you really think people in India view a prohibition on guns as the blackest misdeed of British rule? 3) The other two quotes are just silly. -tom \_ 1) It is relevant because you can't shoot back if you don't have a gun. 2) If they had guns would there have been an armed revolt much earlier which kicked the British out sooner with less loss of Indian life and abuse at British hands? We can't know. \_ Actually Netaji's armed revolt failed. One is almost greatful that the inane socialism of Gandhi and Nehru prevailed b/c Netaji was allied with the Axis powers. \_ Well, remember he did go to the russians first. it is kind of interesting that his loose canonness freked out the british enough, they wanted to assisinate him [so in that sense, he was a bit beyond the "merely" imprisoned gandhi and neheru]. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/4152320.stm if you want a better candidate for the darkest aspect of east india company and british [govt] rule in india, it is the many famines that ocurred because of the nature of their governance. [remember the EIC increased the profits extracted from india over the 1770 famine]. might one not see cooperation with the japanese army in a slightly different light in the context of the bengal famine of 1943. if you buy the widely believed analysis of amarty sen, that puts +4m deaths partly on churchill's head. and remember stalin was "our" ally. Jodi tor dak shune keu na ashe Tobe akla cholo re ... http://networks.ecse.rpi.edu/~kartikc/jodi.htm \_ I am an indian citizen and have shot a gun in india so i suspect i am better informed on this matter than you are. the statement above refers to the Arms Act issued a couple of decades after the indian mutiny of 1857 and proper analogy of that Act would be if congress passed a statue in the 1850s "clarifying" the 2nd amd to read "black people south of the mason dixon line cannot own guns or be employed in gun factories, unless their masters will vouch for them." this is not a statement of gun rights but the double standards that were de rigeur in colonial legislation, and it's impinging on self determination and soverignty. you know there is a reason the A in Act is capitalized. india today, like most of the rest of the world, sees guns as mostly something owned by cops and the military and low lifes [the eqivalent of gangbangers ... when there is a fight, most bring cricket bats, chains and field hockey sticks and these things that are a cross between a machete and a hatchet called a "da", but a few more "professional"/accomplished goondas have illegal "shoni-night specials"] and some decadent rich people [i went shooting with this dood on at his country estate. this guy literally owned a village, his wife was referred to mostly only partly jokingly as "the queen"... referred to only partly jokingly as "the queen"... it was basically a feudal set up]. there is no common gun culture there, almost nobody has senitmental memories of shooting cans off a fence post with granddad on the back40, going hunting with their dogs and buddies etc. 3) Why are they silly? Because you disagree? \_ 1) You can't get shot at if the screwed-up college kid can't get a gun in the first place. Whether guns should be easily available is a completely orthogonal to whether self-defense is permissible. \_ Screwball is going to get a gun. We've had a War on Drugs for decades and drug use has only climbed and spawned entirely new levels of violence unheard of before the WoD. \_ Uh, drug use is down 50% from 1979. -tom 2) We can and do know that no one sane views gun control as "the blackest misdeed of British rule." \_ I'm glad we all automatically agree with you simply because to not to do is insane. 3) They're ideological assertions with no meaning. -tom \_ Funny coming from the one most likely to post ideological assertions on the motd with no backing. Did you post #3 as some sort of inside joke? \_ Still not clear on how the possession of firearms in the current day and age somehow prevents the gov. from depriving us of our civil liberties. It certainly didn't help Jose Padilla or the folks at Ruby Ridge or Waco. In Pakistan, mind you, yes, I can see it. But here in the States? \_ Look at Britain. They're headed straight to 1984 and no one blinks. No guns and looking at knives next. No right to self defense. No right to assist another in need. Doomed. \_ Did you take V for Vendetta as a history lesson? \_ Where is this mythical Britain you are speaking of? \_ Actually someone yesterday had a very good point. In Iraq several hundred thousand (million?) lightly armed people are making a mess of things for the "feds," if you will. If things every get sufficiently out of hand, maybe you won't be able to stop the feds, but you and your closest 1 million neighbors might be able to. \_ What do you see as the odds of the US being invaded/occupied a la Red Dawn or Iraq? 'Cos I'm betting they're even lower now than they were in the 80s when we actually had an army arrayed against us. \_ I think the odds of the US being invaded are irrelevant wrt the right to keep and bear arms. The purpose is not protect the people from invasion (external). The purpose is to protect the people from our own government acting against us. The idea is that if the populace is armed, then the government hesitates to act recklessly b/c the people could rise up against it. \_ This undoubtedly made sense in the 18th century when arms and technology were such that a populace with access to firearms could effect a revolution against a tyrannical government (i.e., King George III or his potential succesor at the time, Kinge George Washington) but given the military might of the US Armed Forces, possession of non-military-grade gear translates quickly into ineffectual resistance; at best, a pop. with access to light arms and explosives can mount a guerilla terrorist campaign, esp. if properly motivated (say against an invading force), but against domestic authorities? That sounds very much like a pipe dream. \_ Although I generally agree, that post about the situation in Iraq made me want to rethink my position. The Insurgents have given the "feds," if you will, a sufficiently hard time. If the government decides to nuke and pave Baghdad, then all the AK-47s in the world won't do any good, but short of something like that, small arms have allowed generally non-military types to resist military occupation. \_ They've certainly made it uncomfortable and dangerous, but the US Army still has the run of the entire country and can arrest and detain at will. The occupation of Iraq is being harried, not resisted. \_ I didn't see yesterday's motd, but this is a very very good point, which occured to me about a year ago, and caused me to change my mind about the second amendment. I'd always been against gun control on general principle, but thought that the idea that random citizens with guns prevented tyrrany was silly. Now that the Red Dawn scenario is actually playing out in Iraq, with untrained teenage hooligans bringing the U.S. armed forces to its knees, I've become a much stronger supporter of the 2nd amendment, and plan to buy a gun this year. \- have you noticed 10x the number of iraqis get killed as us forces. are you the same person suggesting your pollution credits should be proprotional to your production/consumption? and what is bringing the us army to a halt are explosives and suicide attacks, and a desire to limit civilian casualties ... not firefights against people with civilian class weapons. finally these armed groups in iraq arent doing much that is productive but just denying stability. if things became anarchic the neighbors are probably going to be the problems and the us govt the solution. the lesson in iraq may be: tyranny is better than anarchy. the people in the ancien regime were probably better off than people during the 30yrs war. \_ yeah, because we really want to emulate what's happening in Iraq right now. The idea that the U.S. government is Coming For You is simply ridiculous. -tom \_ You trust our government? \_ if you dont, your choice is to move to canada or spain, not to buy a gun. besides trust them to/not to do what? imminent domain your house? reneg on social welfare safety net? take your gun away? inject you with syphilis? listen to your phone calls? watch you search for assp0rn? \_ The reason I remain a US citizen is b/c I trust our government more than any other on this earth. But, that doesn't mean that I trust our government very much at all. I, of course, am severely biased b/c I believe that all government, if unchecked, slowly expands to take away the rights of the people who created it. The only check I see is to instill fear in those who run the machinery of the government that a sufficiently enraged populace has the ability to retake their rights by force. Is my belief at all realistic? Hell No. But then again I am a bit of romantic and may have read too much Thomas Paine, &c. during my illspent youth. \_ I trust our government a hell of a lot more than I trust Charlton Heston. -tom \_ Didn't answer the question. You're ducking. \_ The question is meaningless. I think the likelihood that our government will ever do anything that I will personally need to take up arms against is absurdly remote; far more remote than the real societal problems caused by easy gun ownership. -tom \_ "Everybody got a pistol, everybody got a 45 / And the philosophy seem to be / At least as near as I can see / When other folks give up theirs, I'll give up mine." (Gil Scott-Heron) \_ my question of the day is, what does 2nd Amentment has anything to do with the ban on hand gun? I mean, I don't care about 2nd Amentment, but I don't see ban on hand gun has anything to do with it. Our right to bear arm was never limitless, civilians is not allow to own most of the weapons anyway, i don't see add hand gun to the banned list alters anything. \_ Well, to the http://packing.org people handguns are the only practical guns that can be carried around for self defense. Go argue with them. \_ Consider the meaing of the words "shall not be infringed." While many would agree that the right is not limitless, the issue is where and how can a limit be drawn. Many fear that it starts by adding one type of gun to the banned list, and then another, and still another, and eventually the people have no guns, the government (and criminals) have all the guns and the people are screwed. To think of it another way, first you add one book to the banned list, then another, and another, finally the whole library is empty. Would you support that? \_ That's pretty much a slippery slope argument. It's not a reasonable argument to tie handguns to rifles. They are different beasts. Of course some rifles can be modified fairly easily into a pistol-like size. But that would also be illegal. \_ As a non-gun owner and a pacifist I don't really know what the difference between a handgun and a rifle really is (other than size). If one seeks the deterrent effect, it seems that rifles cannot be regulated b/c handguns are not an effective deterrent. The logic, therefore, is why regulate the small potato, when one ought not regulate the big potato. I really do not know what the sol'n is to this problem b/c I see that regulating firearms and not regulating firearms both make us less safe in different ways. \_ There is a saying: "a handgun is what you use to fight your way to your real gun." \_ Well handguns are a lot more easily and commonly used for crime. They are also less useful as "deter government from fucking with you" weapons. Silencers are banned because of their criminal usefulness. It would only be logical to extend the ban to handguns altogether. A shotgun is probably better for "home defense" anyway. Someone with a rifle can still kill a bunch of people, but generally not do the sorts of massacres that have been getting headlines. Someone can still snipe people one at a time, or run into some place with his AK47 but this type of thing is easier to see, contain and guard against. |
2007/4/18 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:46354 Activity:kinda low 90%like:46363 |
4/18 Oops. Ethanol is worse for the air http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/04/18/MNG7EPAN601.DTL \_ Biofuels have 10 times worse CO2 emissions than fossil fuels http://tinyurl.com/3dog3p \_ but a combination of biofuels with Biointensive farming would be ideal \_ Ride bike! Damn, I've always wanted to say that.... \_ Do you USE LINUX? Or SMASH KIDS? \_ But don't drink too much alcohol or fart a lot when you ride bike! |
2007/4/18-21 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:46355 Activity:nil |
4/18 Legal eagles, can someone explain this. Today's partial-birth abortion ban law states: http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/abortion/2003s3.html (a) Any physician who, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, knowingly performs a partial-birth abortion and thereby kills a human fetus shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both. This subsection does not apply to a partial-birth abortion that is necessary to save the life of a mother whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself. This subsection takes effect 1 day after the date of enactment of this chapter. ** BUT Ginsburg's dissent clearly states: ** http://www.scotusblog.com/movabletype/archives/05-380_All.pdf in Casey, between previability and postviability abortions. And, for the first time since Roe, the Court blesses a prohibition with no exception safeguarding a woman ** Can someone explain the Ginsburg interpretation? It looks like the law DOES have an exception yet she plainly states it does not ** \_ There is no such thing as 'partial birth abortion'. bleah \_ I'm just using the term as quoted in the law. \_ There is a difference between "life" and "health". \_ The law provides for threats to the *life* of the mother, but not the mother's *health*: "This subsection does not apply to a partial-birth abortion that is necessary to save the life of a mother whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself." In other words, as long as the mother can live, even in a life- supported coma, without resort to Intact D/E, Intact D/E is illegal. \_ Thx I didn't notice that |
2007/4/18-21 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:46356 Activity:nil |
4/18 USSC upholds Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Law: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6569007.stm \_ Yeah, and with a horrific procedure like this, the decision was 5-4 \_ I guess it's a victory for the pro-hurt Women side. This procedure, "horrific as it may be" is used to protect the mother's life and health. Outlawing saves not a single fetus but endangers the life of the women who have it. \_ That's a ridiculous argument. How can this procedure help protect a mother's life? Or her health? \_ Your comment is stupid enough to not deserve an answer, but I'll feed the troll. If a pregnancy is endangering a womans life or health, and medical induction (read RU486, etc) is counter-indicated, intact d&e is the best way to avoid abdominal surgery (always dangerous), the risks of sepsis and hemmorhage from nonintact d&e. \_ The partial birth process induces labor, then before the head leaves the birth canal, the brain is sucked out of the baby. How does giving birth protect the woman's health from...giving birth? \_ You are clearly too short for this discussion. \_ Read Ginsburg's dissent. Removing the fetus intact, instead of in pieces, protects the life of the mother by a) reducing the number of times surgical instruments are inserted and b) reduces the amount of fetal tissue left behind in the womb which can cause complications. Medical science doesn't rate procedures on how "icky" they are, but in how effective they are. \_ Since when has this administration ever paid any attention to science? \_ Think this'll have a role in the 2008 election"? --psb \_ Think this'll have a role in the 2008 election"? I dont imagine OCONNOR will make a another statement from the sidelines, but it would be awesome if she said more. This isnt quite right, but ALTIO like ALBERTO is probably going to be a hack. |
2007/4/18-21 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:46357 Activity:nil |
4/18 Support our troops: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cAChVVVZaM \_ I thought it was one of those busty-wife-flashing-boobs-for-husband- in-Iraq video. in-Iraq video. Too bad. |
2007/4/18 [Uncategorized] UID:46358 Activity:nil |
4/18 HUGE! http://www.dailymotion.com/sarennalee/video/xsy95_ldm3 - motd boob guy |
2007/4/18 [Uncategorized] UID:46359 Activity:nil |
4/18 This morning I saw the US flag outside a Dept. of Transportation office at half-mast. Is it for the VA shooting? \_ Yes. The pres ordered half mast for federal buildings for (I think) a week. |
2007/4/18 [Uncategorized] UID:46360 Activity:nil |
*/* ker-chunk! |
2007/4/18-20 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:46361 Activity:nil |
4/18 Free advice sought from soda financial advisors. I'm a single guy making about $120k with no debt and about $150k saved. What would be a ballpark estimate of how much house I can afford in the Bay Area. Any other major variable to consider? Thanks! \_ Um, STFW? There are mortgage payment calculators on the web. Second, do you know your own budget? How much of a payment can you afford? And remember to figure in $250/mo for utils, and monthly payments for house insurance and property tax. Not to mention a monthly expense to "buy stuff" for your house, like furniture, and don't forget house maintenace. \_ http://cgi.money.cnn.com/tools/houseafford/houseafford.html assumes 33% payment-to-income ratio for "aggressive". for san jose this comes out to a ~ $585K house. \- that calculator probably assumes dependents [children]. if you you are single, and not a cokehead, or driving "teutonic rolling stock", it's probably ok to shift toward the aggressive side, tempered by factors like job-relocation flexibility and what your beliefs are about the future of the mkt [i say beliefs, because you dont want to end up in an investment that causes you stress because it's at odds with your appetitie for risk]. there are also difficult, person-specific choices like borrowing against 401k/403b etc [how common is that for 20-30somethings? different people have very different expectations of future income from salary increase reates, inheritance etc.]. btw, i think the calcultor there has some other issues. the house price changes by exactly the same amount as the down payment. i.e. for a downpayment of $150k, the house price is exactly $150k more than $0 downpayment. but it's certainly reasonable for a ballpark [i.e. you can do better than a $350k house in the sticks but probably not a million dollar place in sf]. it's kinda funny that with those stats, buying a place in "90%" of the country is a non-issue [the land of <$350k houses]. if not sf, not palo alto, not nyc, not ... \_ Well *I* think you can go up to about $1M, but you probably can't get a bank to lend you that much. What are your current expenses? You should be able to do the math on what you can afford. People in the Bay Area have always spent more than 33% on housing. |
2007/4/18 [Uncategorized] UID:46362 Activity:nil |
4/18 be my feedee: http://belliesandboobs.blogspot.com/2007/04/farrell-gained-some-weight.html |
2007/4/18-21 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:46363 Activity:kinda low 90%like:46354 |
4/18 Oops. Ethanol is worse for the air http://urltea.com/e46 (sfgate.com) \_ Biofuels have 10 times worse CO2 emissions than fossil fuels http://tinyurl.com/3dog3p \_ but a combination of biofuels with Biointensive farming would be ideal \_ Are you making the argument that increased farming will result in less C02? While thats true, it may not have the intended impact on global warming because the albedo of farmland is lower than non-developed land. More solar absorbtion will result in higher temperatures. Global warming solutions aren't so simple. \_ this entire ethanol thing is 100% bullshit, I can't believe left-wing liberal who pride themselves being more intelligent than those in the Bush Country fell for it. 1. it takes energy to grow corn. Fertilizers and pesticide all cost energy, distill ethanol to an appropiate concentration requires energy. If we do a mass balance on ethanol, it probably takes more energy to produce it than we'll get from it. \_ The overwhelming majority of researchers think that ethanol has a 20-60% net energy gain: http://journeytoforever.org/ethanol_energy.html \_ which is still an order of magnitude less than fossil fuel. 2. corn is not the most ideal plant to produce ethanol. high-sugar content plants such as sugar cane is a much better solution. This is one of the reason why Brazil can produce ethanol at a much cheaper rate than us. And this is why we are imposing 18% tariff on ethanols from Brazil 3. to use corn will eventually impact the food supply. It has already impacted the price of animal feed. And we will soon need to clear more forest to grow more of it, is this what we really want? In the end, this entire bio-disel thing boil down to two rational behind it. 1. Toyota spend good 7-8 years on hybrid technology and US is at least 7-8 years behind. Further, Toyota has patented and US is at least 4-5 years behind. Further, Toyota has patented a lot of hybrid thus make US car makers at a disadvantage. The *EASY* way out is just say we are going to use "bio disel." such solution requires almost ZERO modification to a car thus US car manufacturers doesn't need to do jack shit other than may be change the hoses/fuel lines. change the hoses/fuel lines. 2. In the end, it's about letting the petro price goes up and force people to pay for their lifestyle. But no one want to make such compromise because it is always easier to blame China/India than changing your own life style. \_ Is this Chicom troll? Are you aware of what China is doing to its environment in order to give its citizens a western "life style?" \_ corn-grower lobby, largely repulican. IT's not the best solution for alternative fuel, but one with many proponents who stand to make a buck off of it. |
2007/4/18-20 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:46364 Activity:moderate |
4/18 I can't hit shit with my dominant hand with a .22 How the hell did Korean Shooter manage to shoot 50 people? Did Chow Yun Fat train him? \_ Some people are naturals...I personally took a pistol course offered through my martial arts class taught by the same people who train FBI agents. AT the end we were tested, I got an expert level marksmanship (highest). I hit the target every single time (50 rounds)...only two rounds were not within the first circle of the target. This was all while moving, at varying distances. Note, I've never owned a gun before or since. I do have better than 20-20 eyesight. -scottyg \_ the sheeple just sat there waiting for their turn \- he did a lot of "hand exercises" \_ lots of CS. many victims were shot 3+ times, some in the head, which is what you do in CS -- shoot for the body while they jump around, and then for the head when they slow down. besides, most dead people were found in two classrooms, with him blocking the only exit (no backdoor). he shot a girl in the mouth. \_ What does CS stand for? \_ Counter-Strike \_ Unless he was playing CS on a Wii or with a Light Gun, I don't see how this translates. Your mouse is not a pistol. \_ ob CS + hands-on practice + some dexterity a friend who is a trained shooter pulls single shots between multi-second pauses playing a stand-up arcade game. I agree just CS is not sufficient. \_ Glock 19 comes with 3 15round mags. From the picture of the hollow points, and the statement of the gun store, he bought Remington HPs - the cheapest HP - because they come in qty 50 Most HPs are sold in qty 20. |
2007/4/18-21 [Finance/Investment] UID:46365 Activity:nil |
4/18 http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=000001.SS&t=1y&l=off&z=m&q=l&c= I don't get it. In the space of 1 year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange index has gone from 1400 to 3600. What gives? Doesn't the central government love stability? Does this mean 3600+ is stable? \_ first of all, Shanghai Stock Exchange, like *ALL* Asian stock exchange, is not nearly as transparent as NYSE, etc. However, recently I've attended a leading Chinese economist. He said there are couple reason why stockmarket are high - for some reason, average profit margin has increased tremedously in past 3-5 years - PE Ratio was hover around 15 back in 2005. Now, it's close to 35, which is close to NYSE average. But compare with all other Asian stock market's average P/E ratio, Shanghai is actually on the low side, which implies there are still a way to go \_ This is wrong on a number of counts: first of all, the S&P 500 P/E is 16, not 35. Secondly, the P/E of most asian markets is not over 35. In the Korean borse, it is 10, for example. I personally think that the Shanghai market is in a bubble, driven by a lack of investment opportunities for regular Chinese, but I could be wrong. - while raw material prices are on the rise (thanks to US choke on energy market), inflation is relatively in checked due to stagnant labor cost (see below) - while hourly wages has increase something like 30% in past 5 years, productivity also increase about the same amount. Much of the productivity gain (which is probably the highest in the world) is due to deregulation and market reform in conjunction of IT revolution. - China's economy is finally got out of contraction mode and start expanding. Key industries are housing and automobiles (great, here goes the Earth) \_ Uh, what? Hasn't China's economy grown by 10% or so every year for over a decade? - MarketShare/GDP was depressed back in 2005. I didn't pay much attention to this number because I have no idea what does number means Overall, the economist is relatively optimist about China economy's fundamental and therefore he personally didn't think the stock market is too high. Then again, stock market seldem reflects the fundamentals. kngharv \_ kngharv, do you agree with that economist? \_ SSEC down 4.5% today. But I get it. China is doing everything it can to moderate growth, but investors just can't get enough. -op http://tinyurl.com/2w62q8 (reuters.com) \_ SSEC down 6.5% today. Just in time! -op |
2007/4/18-21 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:46366 Activity:nil 54%like:46352 |
4/18 Ethanol will erode the ozone layer. http://urltea.com/e47 (latimes.com) |
3/14 |