2007/3/26-29 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:46093 Activity:nil |
3/26 "As Gas Rises, Flying May Be Cheaper Than Driving" http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/Travel/story?id=1905640&page=1 It's an article from a year ago, but it's probably only more true now. \_ If you are 1 person flying has been cheaper for a long time, if you take into account wear and tear on the car. \_ It's amazing that now flying is cheaper even for a party of three. \_ And you get a good upper body workout too. |
2007/3/26-29 [Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:46094 Activity:nil |
3/26 "practically everything that our government does, plans, thinks, hears and contemplates in the realms of foreign policy is stamped and treated as secret -- and then unraveled by that same government, by the Congress and by the press in one continuing round of professional and social contacts and cooperative and competitive exchanges of information." Quoting from an official affidavit that was part of the New York Times Co. v. United States (Pentagon Papers). Authored by Max Frankel, then NYTimes chief Washington correspondent. |
2007/3/26-29 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:46095 Activity:low |
3/26 33-year-old senior counsel to AG Gonzales takes the fifth http://tinyurl.com/2358nr (washingtonpost.com) \- how long before immunity offer? you know the republic is in trouble when the president's lawyer's lawyer has a lawyer.--psb \_ The AG is not the President's lawyer, more like the countries. \- not this AG. i forgot who said this but one reasonable media commentator said somthing along the lines when ALBERTO went from the white house to the DoJ, his office changed but his job didnt. and it's "country's". \_ "between 1981 and 2006, only five of 486 U.S. attorneys who served in those 25 years have been fired before their terms expired, and none were fired for political reasons." http://www.salon.com/opinion/blumenthal/2007/03/22/attorneys \- for the nth time, this case is not about a "statistical" argument [beyond the prima facie "firings are very rare".] this is because we KNOW the details of each (most) individual case. for example nobody is bringing up the SF dood because it is well established he was leem. you use statistical args when for some reason you cant see inside the process ... like say in a venire/population that is 30% black and one DA over the last 20 trials has 1% black jury members due to his use of peremptories ... which one the one hand, he doesnt have to "explain" but on the other hand he cannot throw off somebody "only" because of race [BATSON v KY]. or say other cases of discrimination where there is no per case paper trail ... e.g. men and women are evaluted differently for promotion ... and there is no memo saying "grade women harder". if there is a statistical argument, it is in the classifications of this class of united states attorneies [where patrick fitzgerals was given a mediocre grade, others were given good grade that changed suddenly etc] |
2007/3/26-29 [Science/GlobalWarming, Finance/Investment, Transportation/Car] UID:46096 Activity:nil |
3/26 My car has about 145K miles and so far I've had to do oil change every 3K miles. I'm thinking of switching to synthetic because I've heard that 10K synthetic oil change is equivalent to a regular 3K change. I hate having to get an oil change every 3K and if I can extend it to 10K it would be worth 2X the $ I pay for. Has anyone switched to synthetic yet? \_ I am running on synthetic, but not exactly for the reason you mentioned. Synthetic allows me to go about 7k miles between changes. One way to gauge it is, wipe the level check on a piece of paper, and you'll be able to see how 'dirty' the oil is. With regular, after 3-4k, the paper is dirty. With synthetic, after 6k, it's still reasonably clear. Synthetic also gives you more lubrication/power when your engine has been running for a while, such as on long trips. \_ I use synthetic because I don't want to bring my car in as often. It costs more but not that much more so it's worth it. |
2007/3/26-28 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Academia/GradSchool] UID:46097 Activity:nil |
3/26 Alberto Gonzalez just keeps on lying. Now I personally think that NO ONE should be surprised that the bush administration has been firing US Attorneys for politically motivated reasons. It's just the sort of thing they would do. Yawn. I wonder why Gonzalez gives new and exciting reasons for it all happening every day. His masters should tell him to quit talking to the press. |
2007/3/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:46098 Activity:nil 90%like:46110 |
3/26 Gay-wango-tango http://www.nj.com/news/jjournal/index.ssf?/base/news-3/1174888546111830.xml&coll=3 |
2007/3/26-29 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46099 Activity:nil |
3/26 http://money.cnn.com/2007/03/26/news/economy/new_home_sales/index.htm Commerce reports new-home sales down 18% Feb 06 - Feb 07, down 4% Jan 07 - Feb 07 (economists had forecast +13%). |
2007/3/26-29 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:46100 Activity:nil |
3/26 Lots of people I love to hate on here: http://www.radaronline.com/features/2007/01/betting_on_iraq_1.php \_ Amusing, story, but I find it hard to characterize Thomas Friedman as pro-Iraq war. -dans \_ Erm, how exactly would you characterize him if not "pro-war"? He's the preeminent "give it six more months"er. \_ You don't think so? I remember the whole 'invading Iraq will be a grand roll of the dice! Good show!' column. \_ Yeah, I remember that column two, but didn't exactly read it as a ringing endorsement of going to war. Could be that I'm not weighting that column as much as the rest of his oeuvre. -dans \_ Revisionist \_ Who me? How about entitled to my fucking opinion. You're welcome to have your own. If you want to peg something as revisionist, how about the original article, which states that, "Because conservative pundits generally acted as a well-coordinated bloc, more or less interchangeable, all four of our hawks are moderates or liberals who might have been important opponents of the war..." So, in effect, the conservative pundits were all pro-war and all wrong, but they don't deserve to be taken to task for their opinions because they were wrong together! Awesome! -dans \_ Thou dost protest too much \_ #t -dans \_ it depends on what the meaning of "pro" is (you two obviously have different meanings) \_ Don't hate the playa, hate the game. |
2007/3/26-29 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:46101 Activity:low |
3/26 This is a good read, though it's a long article, how the US has no plans to 'rescue' our Iraqi allies when we eventually leave Iraq: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2007/03/26/070326fa_fact_packer?printable=true \_ Isn't the idea that we leave when they are ready to fully control their own country so they don't need rescue? \_ Right. I am opposed to the war, always have been, but I completely agree with you. I really don't think there is any way the 3 factions in Iraq will stop bombing each other while we are occupying Iraq. Maybe they'll keep bombing each other when we're gone, who knows, but we're not helping. One of the interesting points of the above article is that the Iraqis who work with us are not well treated by the US, are considered traitors by other Iraqis, and will be killed when we leave (and they're getting killed right now). The Bush administration has no plans to evacuate them eventually because that would be admitting that they made a mistake. I'm also available to start making analogies to the Vietnam and Korean war if you wish. Too bad there is not some all powerful figure left like Mao to tell people what to do. \_ Other Bush admin ideas: it will be a cakewalk, the war will last maybe 6 months, the war will pay for itself, the war will cost MAYBE $60 billion, imminent threat, WMDs, mushroom clouds, we will be welcomed as liberators ... did I miss any? \_ Which has nothing to do with this thread. If you'd like to stay on topic, feel free. |
2007/3/26-29 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:46102 Activity:nil |
3/26 This weekend I saw a man collapse right in front of me, and I was unable to help him in any way. I could not recognize whether he had a heart attack, seizure, stroke, or whatever. The only thing I could do was to call 911 and wait 10 min. I feel very very helpless and I wish that there was something I could do. Are there classes out there that can teach me how to recognize what problems people have and how to help them? \_ There are numerous first aid, cpr, etc. courses available. Check with your local adult school, community center, community college. Maybe local Red Cross chapter? Good on you for calling EMS quickly. \- to OP: ostenisbly a class will cover some of the legal issues, but given america is the way it is, you may want to at least glance at "good samaritan laws" if you are not at all familar with the concept. if the dood is unconscious, in some ways that is good ... my parent once had to whack a guy who refused to leave his car which was on fire, and i once had to drag somebody who was collpased in the middle of a busy street away but the person started screaming to be left alone/let go... if they decide to go after you for assualt since they havent given concent, it can lead to headaches. [althought my episode was in france...on the Rue de Rivoli]. \_ PP is correct, CPR class does cover legal aspect of \_ ^PP^PSB? helping someone. IIRC, in CA, you do need consent before administering CPR. If the dude is unconsicous then the person give implicit consent. Also, you have the option to NOT help him. However, if you do start CPR, you can not legally stop. If your CPR cert. is current, then they normally could not sue you. You may want to check to see if this has changed. Also, in other states, some law require you to admin CPR if you have been trained. It varies. \_ So 10 minutes later when help arrived, what happened? |
2007/3/26-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:46103 Activity:nil |
3/26 Could you add more helpful instructions to /csua/soda-changes.2007.1 to tell me how to fix my spamassassin, unless there is something better. Also, why no md2mb util? \_ nevermind, I'm lame. -op |
2007/3/26-28 [Consumer/Camera] UID:46104 Activity:kinda low |
3/26 I have been sort of teaching myself photo stuff on the go, mainly from my camera manual and trial and error, and found this pretty helpful (don't remember where it's from): http://tinyurl.com/2jxg6p -John \_ WELCOME BACK JOHN. Please post more Eurohumour. -john #1 fan \_ Well, last weekend, I faked a heart attack in Paris to freak out some American toursists...actually, I'm traveling around S. America for 3 months and haven't really had net, but I'll post loads of pictures around May when I return. -John \_ What are you doing in S America? Are you riding a motorcycle across S America? And how much money have you swindled by faking heart attack? -john #1 fan |
3/14 |