3/25 http://www.csua.org/u/ibb
Why Republicans are increasingly skeptical of global warming.
\_ This is a joke. The real reason is because it's used as a political
and communist weapon, and the evidence supporting it is a bigger
joke than this article.
\_ "communist"? The hell?
\_ Well, socialist. It's a scheme to transfer wealth. That's
\_ I'll certainly agree that there are countries out there
looking to exploit the perceived disparity in carbon
emissions, but it would seem to me that this can be
rectified by assessing carbon emissions correctly and
then fining the hell out of the PRC and India (the two
biggest "developing world" producers of carbon emissions).
\- US carbon emissions are 5x china and 20x india on
a per capita basis. what would you use to "correctly"
allocate emissions to get "everyone" to go along with
"fining the hell" out of china/india.
\_ Which completely ignores what each country produces
with that carbon. The US out produces those
countries by how much? You can't look at one number
like carbon/capita and decide from that with no
context that higher carbon/capita country is more
'bad' than lower carbon/capita country. If I burn
5x your level of energy but produce 50x more with
it, then you're the wastrel, not me.
\- so are you a Randroid? seriously.
i dont think you understand the difference
between a "rights" based discussion and an
efficiency based one.
\_ I've never read anything from Rand. And
where on this thread does anyone mention
anything about 'rights'? Carbon is all
about waste and inefficiency. Perhaps you
are unclear on the thread topic?
\- by rand i mean ayn rand not rand corp.
\_ So if my neighbor makes $100k a year and I make
$20k a year and he leaves 5 piles of dog crap
on the sidewalk, while I leave only 2, *I* am
the worse polluter? Somehow, I don't think
most people are going to see it that way.
\_ If your neighbor has 300 dogs and you have 1
dog then yes you are the worse polluter. You
again skip the context part and just count the
single 'result' factor without taking into
account at all what was achieved for that
expense. By the numbers if you had his 300
dogs we could assume you'd have 600 piles
instead of his 5. You're a dog mess leaving
wastrel and he is efficient and clean.
\_ actually it's a great capitalist commercial scheme by Al Gore
who plans to profit from the scare bigtime selling credits
\_ As usual, the head of the party or corrupt church gets wealthy
while the normals suffer.
\_ I am kind of curious, do you really believe that the 90% of
atmospheric scientists who support the idea of anthropogenic
global warming are that easily decieved? That you are better
qualified to evaluate the evidence than people who have
spent their whole life studying it?
\_ How else are they going to get tenure? By proving everyone in
their department is wrong? One and only one will get tenure that way.
their department is wrong? One and only one will get tenure
that way.
\_ The world is flat. 100% of scientists know that. The Earth
is also the center of the universe. There is concensus on
that fact. If you don't agree we'll just torture and then
burn you at the stake, heretic.
\_ How impressively specious. Hyperbole aside, do you really
believe that the modern scientific establishment is no more
enlightened than the Catholic Church in the middle ages?
Are you actually equating loss of tenure and/or grant
money to being tortured and burnt at the stake? Or is
your bombastic sarcasm merely an effort to disguise what
you know to be an empty argument? -dans
\_ Yes. It's the modern version of it, yes. No, but have
you stopped beating your wife or are you intentionally
misframing my statements because your views are merely
unsupported opinions unbackable by facts? Two can play
that sort of cheap rhetorical game. I find it tedious
and boring and prefer not to but I'm doing it here just
as an example of how annoying and useless it is in any
sort of serious discussion. |