2007/2/21-22 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:45784 Activity:high 55%like:45780 |
2/20 I don't understand why this was deleted. If you shave your head, you can operate your mouse on top of it. \_ That's deeply fascinating. Thank you for sharing. \_ Is that a ball mouse or an optical mouse? \_ Optical. It still kind of sucks, though. I think I'm going to shave closer with a blade instead of clippers, and paint a grid on my head to help. \_ Ah, that's no big deal. I can use an optical mouse on my bushy head. \_ Huh. Maybe shaving my head was a mistake from a mouse use perspective then. \_ Yeah, the glare could confuse the mouse. |
2007/2/21-23 [Politics/Domestic] UID:45785 Activity:kinda low |
2/20 D.C. Cir. upholds law stripping the federal cts of the power to hear habeas claims from prisoners in Guantanamo Bay: http://preview.tinyurl.com/26ssw8 (miami.com - miami herald) link:preview.tinyurl.com/ynmz8x (pacer.cadc.uscourts.gov - decision) \_ Really sad to watch our civil liberties stripped away. I hope the USSC will overturn this. \_ GITMO is not on mainland US. Much like how Taiwan is not China. \_ Neither is fucking hawaii, dumbshit. But other than your poor choice of words, permanent residents can fall under the same danger if the president just decides he wants to imprison, torture, even execute them. No charges needed, no recourse. If the USSC does not overturn this, they're not worth the wood for their chairs. not worth the wood for their bench. \_ Ha, I got you! \_ http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/3131/nocontestsb1.jpg \_ What the heck was the point of that picture? -!pp \_ Well, it is unclear if the USSC can overturn the decision b/c the decision is really that the court has no power to hear a habeas claim from persons w/in a particular class. The 2d part of the decision is that for these particular people, no habeas right existed at common law, thus Congress hasn't suspending the writ - that may be reviewable, but I doubt it. The issue here is whether Congress has constitutionally used its Art 3, Sec. 1 and Art. 3, Sec. 2, Cl. 2 powers to determine the original/appellate jurisdiction of the lower federal courts (district courts and appeals courts) and the appellate jx of the USSC. Congress seems to have done everything correctly except possibly one thing - Congress may have prescribed a rule of decision in a pending case, which is unconstitutional. But, the problem is that it is unclear whether it is unconstitutional to prescribe a rule of decision in a pending case before the USSC or if it unconstitutional to prescribe a rule of decision in a pending case before any federal court. If the unconstitutional act is prescribing a rule of decision in case pending before the USSC, then Congress has acted cons- titutionally b/c there were no pending habeas cases before the USSC at the time the MCA was enacted. The hope must be that the constitutional violation occurs when a rule of decision is prescribed in a case pending before any federal court. It is unclear if this is true. The one other option is that that the USSC some how finds that Art. 3, Sec. 2, Cl. 2 gives the USSC original jurisdiction over habeas claims. From Marbury we know that the USSC's original jurisdiction cannot be altered w/o constitutional amendment, thus if the MCA takes away part of the USSC original jx, it would be unconstitutional. This option is no option at all b/c the USSC is not prepared or able to hear habeas pleas in the thousands of cases that can be filed. One other thing might happen in this case, the DC Cir. might re-hear the case en-banc and reverse. That is probably more likely than the USSC accepting and reversing the case. |
2007/2/21-23 [Reference/Languages, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45787 Activity:high |
2/21 What is the correct pronunciation for "le boeuf sur let toit"? Is it "le buu sir ley tuahh?" Am I close? \_ Yup, that's almost exactly right. The f in boeuf isn't silent, though. (Did you mean "le boeuf sur le toit"?) \_ Yup, that's almost exactly right. You do pronounce the f in boeuf, though. (Did you mean "le boeuf sur le toit"?) \_ Oh yeah, typo. Thanks for your help! BTW what's the best way to learn basic French so that I don't seem like an idiot when I order food? \- taking a french class to deal with haricots verts is silly. there are a couple of mnemonics, like the "CaReFuL" rule ... CRFL are the final consonants which are usually pronounced. [boeuf, blanc, pinot noir] for lots of french words there are english approximations which are good enough ... we dont say France, Nicaragua, Mexico the way the natives do. you dont want to do something egregious like say "chab-liss" whih the "ch" like "chicken" but anything close to "shub-lee" should be good enough. if i wanted chantilly cream on something, saying it the native way while speaking english would seem pretentious to me. fois gras, [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Chantilly (click to hear)] chateauneuf du pape, sauvignon blanc ... i'd just say them they way you'ld expect to say them. the final consonant rule is good to know, but beyond that, who cares if you get the notorious french "r" correct? how often do you need to ask for directions to Reims? If you dont know how to say something or what something is, just ask. i recommend the coquilles st jacques. --psb the coquilles st jacques. BTW, somewhat ironically (i have terrible spoken french) the only word i've been corrected on by a waitperson in the US was "darjeeling". i think the person correcting me felt kinda stupid after i asked him "have you been there?" and took another look at me. i do have a funny story about ordering some "viande" up on montmartre, but it doesnt "translate" into the motd well. oh at a bistro in the 8e this dood thought i asked for "un coke, monsieur" when i asked for a "croque monsiuer" [ham and cheese] but french friends say he was probably just being an ass. --psb \_ Take a beginning French class at a community college. \_ Every day when I open a newspaper and look and the world's economic trends, every year when the new demographic trends of the U.S. come out, every time I walk down the street and hear a language that isn't English I think "Gee I sure wish I knew more French! Screw all those crap languages like Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian, I'm going to study the Language of Tomorrow, the Language of Progress... French!" 'Cause remember, the best reason to learn a language isn't to get a better job, meet interesting people, travel the world, order food at a good(asian) restaurant, or get laid--the purpose of learning a language is to impress culture snob nerds on the motd. \_ The "get laid" aspect is still applicable to a community college French class. So is the travelling/people aspect unless you hate France and the other French speaking places which is more than most think (but most of which aren't economically important). Maybe they already know Spanish etc anyway. In reality most of us don't need to know anything but English. If you just want to get some basic language exposure the Pimsleur audio lessons are helpful. But then you don't interact with community college chicks. \_ As someone who spent almost 1/2 of his K-12 schooling learning French, I completely agree that it is not a particularly useful language. The languages you name would be far more useful, but would in no way help OP accomplish his objective of learning proper French pronunciation. BTW, practicality is not the only reason to learn a new language. Otherwise, why learn Greek, Latin or Sanskrit? The opportunity to read Homer, Ovid or Valmiki in the original language can be considered "priceless," to borrow a term. \- i thought this was "priceless": ...At the Vatican, bishops appointments are still written on papyrus in Latin as are letters of congratulations from the pope, but many bishops and cardinals write back asking for translations. "Dona nobis translation" --psb \_ It always sounded more like: "Number 17 please," to me... |
2007/2/21-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:45788 Activity:kinda low |
2/21 IE 7.0.5370.11 vs. Fx on XP Home SP2: (VM Size shown by Task Manager) IE Fx Start browser with empty cache: 14088K 11884K Visit http://www.yahoo.com 31196K 21448K \_ No, you fool, you are supposed to be bashing Google, not Yahoo. \_ Oh yeah. Google is evil, buy Microsoft! \_ PP wasn't bashing yahoo. PP was bashing IE. |
2007/2/21-23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, ERROR, uid:45789, category id '18005#16.7588' has no name! , ] UID:45789 Activity:high |
2/21 http://www.hillaryclinton.com/news/release/view/?id=1344 http://mediamatters.org/columns/200702200003 Dems begin to eat their own. \_ I would vote for literally any Democrat instead of the Republicans in power now. \_ What if the Governator could run for President? Would you vote for any Democrat over him? \_ Yeah, probably. Arnold has been really centrist lately. The State senate/house is a pit of despair. \_ This being the CSUA, you may not have spent much time studying politics, and this would explain why you think there's a story here. Seasoned political observers will recognized this for what it is. They even have a term for it. It's called a Presidential Primary Campaign. -dans \_ And this is dans's bid for Biggest Soda Asshole. \_ Awesome! I thought signing my posts disqualified me! \_ Awesome! I thought signing my posts disqualified me! -dans \_ Think again, dans. \_ Wow. Oh anonymous motd snark god, teach me your secrets!! -dans \_ That would imply you're willing to listen. \_ Oh snark master, what must I do to be worthy of your wisdom? -dans \_ Where'd you get that idea from? There is no crime to being anonymous or moral high ground to signing. \_ I didn't imply as such. I merely posit that anonymity opens entire avenues of assmastery that attribution cannot hope to traverse. And, actually, yeah, there is a high ground to signing, perhaps not a moral one, but certainly a trust one: I am more likely to believe something from a trusted source, less likely to believe something from an untrusted source, and, mostly neutral, though slightly less likely to trust something from an anonymous source. Of course, wanking is wanking, regardless of the attribution or lack thereof. -dans \_ I don't add/subtract value based on who signed. I use my brains and the net to check on anything posted if it is important to me. If it isn't important, then it doesn't matter who said what. I prefer to judge the message not the messenger. Otherwise, one is doomed to only reading that which only reinforces what one already believes. I see no point to that. \_ That cuts both ways. I'm sure I'm not the only one who rolls his eyes and keeps scrolling anytime he sees "dans" at the end of a post which I might otherwise read. Hell, if I see your name more than once in a thread, I assume the whole thing's noise, and this thread is a perfect example. Had you posted anonymously, I might be fooled into reading more noise. \- while i think it is true "anonymity opens entire avenues of assmastery" for some gaylords, i am dont think you are using the word correctly. maybe you mean assholishness? \_ If you like. I think my meaning is pretty clear, and, evidently, you got it. Besides, assmastery is a far more amusing word than assholishness. -dans \- do you pay words extra to mean what you want them to mean? \_ Yes. Though given that assmaster doesn't even appear in the wiktionary, I think you'd be hard pressed to come up with a dictionary (slang or otherwise) that supports your definition. It's not like I'm trying to argue the definition of `is' -dans \_ humpty-dumpty@soda: dans \_ Why am I not surprised this thread went waaaaaay off topic almost from the beginning? |