2006/12/26-30 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/Display] UID:45494 Activity:nil |
12/26 I just got a Wii and it looks bad on my 10 year old 20" tube. What is the resolution of RCA connectors? If I get a new plasma or LCD will it look better? \_ component cable will make it better |
2006/12/26-30 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45495 Activity:nil |
12/26 http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/12/26/news/military.php "It's the French Foreign Legion for me!" |
2006/12/26-30 [Health/Disease/General] UID:45496 Activity:high |
12/26 What's the difference between "infectious" and "contagious" when talking about diseases? Thanks. \_ contagious is via the air \_ This seems to be pretty much a distinction without a difference. Some people try to call things you can catch by proximity "contagious", so while both are infectious, rhinovirus would be contagious, HIV would not. But I don't know of a standard, widespread distinction. Here's another possible distinction: Infectious means a disease caused by a micro-organism. Contagious means an infected person can transmit an infectious disease to another person \- i am not an expert in this, but my understanding is: contagious -> you can get it from another person [so this is probably what you are thinking both mean], but infectious means it is caused by an "infectious agent" ... e.g. if you cut yourself and get dirt in the wound and get a strep-caused problem, you have an infection but it wasnt contagious. so infectious is from "what" causes the disease. contagious is focused on the "how" the transmission occurs. what i am not sure about is what parameters apply to contagious, e.g. does it have to be same species, does it just include proximity or contact ... presumably something like getting a prion disease from eating mad cow beef isnt considered contagious ... since you are getting it via the medium of food. same for getting infectious malaria from a mosquito bite. now if somebody can explain the difference between iatrogenic and nosocomial, i'd be delighted. \- In practice they can be used sloppily but in "theory", contagiousness is a QUALITATIVE MEASURE of how easy it is to CATCH from another person [animal etc], and "infectious" gets at whether the cause of the disease is an INFECTIOUS gets at whether the CAUSE of the disease is an INFECTIOUS AGENT [bacteria, virus etc, as opposed to structural defect, toxin, chemical, radiation etc]. So it is reasonable to say "airborne influenza is MORE CONTAGIOUS than ebola" and to say "ebola is an infectious disease while osteoperosis is not" [pace, some h pylori type discovery]. can somebody explain the difference between NOSOCOMIAL and IATROGENIC. ok tnx. IATROGENIC. ok tnx. --psb \_ o.k. I probably won't do as good a job as the above, and i'm no expert, but my understanding is that NOSOCOMIAL is ` particularly in regard to maledies resulting from being in a hospital, where as IATROGENIC is used less specifically to describe any treatment-caused ailment. So that MRSA (resistant staff) is most likely to be referred to as nosocomial, whereas my fucked up shoulder, being directly attributed to the surgery, as opposed to the hospital per-se, would be more likely to be called iatrogenic. iatrogenic. -crebbs \- oh fair enough ... that seems like a meaningful distinction. one is GEOGRAPHIC and one is SIDE-EFFCTTING. so if i take my wife to the doctor and i get ill while sitting int he waiting room, that is NOSOCOMIAL but not sitting in the waiting room, that is NOSOCOMIAL but not IATROGENIC. meanwhile, if i get an infection from self- injections of insulin, that may be IATROGENIC. --psb \_yep. (assuming, the injections were prescribed, if not I don't think it counts, unless perhaps you consider yourself a Doctor of some kind :) -crebbs |
2006/12/26-30 [Reference/Celebration, Recreation/Computer/Games, Consumer/Audio] UID:45497 Activity:nil |
12/26 What did you guys get for Christmas? Anyone got a new car or Wii? \_ Eight new cell phones for my extended family. \_ Some pants from Banana Republic, an iPod, a nice tie, a nice bottle of scotch. |
2006/12/26-30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Finance/Investment] UID:45498 Activity:nil |
12/26 Thomas Sowell's take on the fixation of income disparity. http://csua.org/u/hs4 \- this is such a bullshit essay. he is mischaracterizing the "it makes no sense" line. the question is about equillibria and looking for explanations for "out-of-equillibria" behavior. for example for sports stars or hollywoods starts, there is actually an explanation offered for the giant paychecks of megastars, and that is the "winner-takes-all" or "superstar" \_ "prize economy" is the phrase you are looking for theory [i dont know anything about sports, but the rough explanation is megastars like MJ dont just help you win games, MJ sell tickets, sell merchandise, sell the brand ... simlarly if you hire tom cruise-level stars, they arent just fulfilling an acting role, but casting them serves as advertising etc ... people magazing, entertainment tonight etc will advertise your movie because you have cast tom cruise. i.e. there are not really many substitutes for these types. there are a limited number. YMWTGF(sherwin rosen, economics of superstars).] this is more what an honest discussion of compensation issue and trends looks like: http://csua.org/u/hs5 and to go from "these salaries seem historically high" to "govt dept of regulation salaries" is obviously a textbook strawman. also the "famous essay" about the pencil was actually made famous by milton friedman. i dont think it was especially famous until he talked about it in his free to choose show. \_ Everyone should be paid according to their needs. Sorry, I just read Atlas Shrugged. ;) |
2006/12/26-27 [Transportation/Car] UID:45499 Activity:nil |
12/26 Got a new serpentine belt in my car. Now, when I start up the car, there is a somewhat loud squeeking noise, especially when I turn the steering wheel. The noise is mostly gone within several seconds after starting the car, but does return to some degree if I turn the steering wheel far to the right or left. I also got new brake pads installed, but the noise occurs when the car is barely moving, so I'm assuming it has nothing to do with the brakes. Does it make sense that it's from the new serp belt? Could it be installed incorrectly, or is this somehow normal for a new belt? \_ Power steering pump problem? \_ You don't think that the fact that this problem was first noticed within 24 hours of changing the serp belt strongly suggests it's the serp belt that is the problem? My guess is that it's just that the serp belt needs to be tightened. What might trigger a problem with the power steering pump? -op \_ Can you try these? 1) Stop your car completely on some street surface (e.g. your driveway) and point your front wheels straight ahead. Now *try* to turn your steering wheel, ie. apply some force to your steering wheel either to the left or to the right as if you're steering, but don't actually steer. See if you hear the noise. 2) With the car stopped, steer all the way to the left or right and keep applying force to the steering wheel. This should give you the noise according to what you said. Now, let go of your steering wheel, and see if the noise stops. -- pp \_ I had this happen, turned out the belt wasnt tensioned properly. |
2006/12/26-30 [Uncategorized] UID:45500 Activity:nil |
12/26 Costco has the 40" Bravia for only $1700. Good deal or wait? \_ Both. They'll all get cheaper in the near future as LCDs really come into their own. That's a nice set, very good viewing angle, nice and bright, but consider the upscale model of the same size which can actually do 1080p. --dbushong |