12/21 Would you support selling Israel down the river if that helped solve
the Iran and Iraq problems?
\_ there are no problem in Iran. It's like trying to prevent your
teenage daughter from having sex. You just have to accept the
\_ In this fantasy world, would I get a pony too?
\_ No, I don't think I'd trade a low-intensity conflict for a full
scale middle-east war + attempted re-enactment of the holocaust.
How about you?
\- just out of curiosity, who would go to "full scale war"
against a nuclear israel? --psb
\_ nuclear "wipe Israel off the map" Iran?
\- dont be silly. pak and india arent going to exchange
nukes, neither are iran and israel. what you should be
much more concerned about is the pakistani state falling
apart. i think taiwan may have more to fear from china
than israel does from iran.
\_ But when Iran does do what it's been promising to
do, I'm sure I'll hear a lot of, "There's no way
we could have seen THAT coming..."
\- yeah and communism still hasnt been discredited ...
it'll happen some day.
\_ you have no idea what are you talking about. If
Israel/Iran relationship is like mainland China and
and Taiwan, the world will be a much better place.
\- i am not comparing the relationship between,
i am comparing "threat probabilities". the dynamics
between who will win the rose bowl has nothing
to do with will it rain tomorrow, but you certainly
can say "it is more likely it will rain tomorrow
than UMich will win the rosebowl".
\_ that is exactly what I am saying. The "threat
probabilities" between mainland China and Taiwan
is next to zero unless Taiwan do something really
\_ Appeasement of enemies only emboldens them. And how quickly
you forget who originally supplied them with arms (hint : Not the
\_ Who?
\_ The world is a lot more complicated than your little throw away
one liner. Who are our "enemies" and who determines that? Do you
have an "enemies" list and how can I get on it? Or off of it,
for that matter, since it appears from your statement that
there is no way.
\_ [Discussion of Israel censored and restored.] |