2006/11/2 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:45086 Activity:high |
11/01 What's more stupid than Kerry's joke? Kerry's apology for the joke. For crying out loud, why are liberals so apologetic? I'd respect him more had he stood by his comments. Fucking flip-flopper. \_ You're too stupid to recognize when someone's calling you stupid. \_ KERRY MUST APOLOGIZE! <Kerry apologizes> DAMN FLIP FLOPPERS! \_ Karl Rove is a genius, and the Republic is doomed. \_ You forgot, Kerry says: "I'll never apologize!" \_ Hi troll. No one here has actually said that. He also has yet to give a real apology that I've seen. "I'm sorry my comments were misinterpreted by [insert daily DNC fax talking points about Bush, Iraq, etc here]" is not an apology. BTW, did he ever apologise for calling our troops baby killers and rapists? \_ Do you also believe Mark Foley was punked by 15 year old twinks? \_ Of course not. He's a sicko and should have been booted out years ago. I don't have double standard politics. Two things mainly bug me about Foley (beyond his actual behavior): 1) apparently everyone in DC knew about it and ignored it, 2) while one side was trying to bury/ignore it forever, the opposition party appears to have sat on the information for *years* waiting for the right moment politically to release the info instead of outing him when they first found out. I do not appreciate children/young people being pawns in some silly Congressional election head-count power game. By either party. There *are* things that are more important that politics, many things, and this was one of them. \_ While I'm willing to agree that the timing of the Foley revelation is suspicious, remember that it's not the children/young people being manipulated; it's the culpability of the wrongdoers that's being manipulated. Foley (and the GOP leadership) are the ones guilty of manipulating the children/young people. The Dems are guilty of revealing that at a politically senstive moment. Yes, that's not good, but it doesn't excuse or make better the behavior of the GOP leadership in covering this up. -!pp \_ Both sides covered it up. One side covered it up to retain power, hide it, etc, all the standard reasons. The other side covered it up *until* it was politically advantageous *not* to. Had they determined it was not yet time to reveal he'd still be trying to bugger the under-age pages while sponsoring bills to nail net pedophiles. \_ You say the Dems covered it up as well. Do you have evidence they even knew? The report will come out of the ethics committee next month. You better hurry and get it to them if you have it. \_ It was reported at the time. It wasn't a secret. We'll see what comes from the report but I expect that to be a white wash for both parties. You don't seriously expect the foxes to properly investigate who killed the hens, do you? \_ Show me how the Dems covered it up. \_ By remaining quiet while they knew about it? What do you mean by "how"? \_ Isn't the blonde girl still missing in Aruba? Why don't you go vent some of your fake fury on that other obvious attempt to distract America from your miserable failure in Iraq? \_ Who cares about her? Why are you trying to distract from the issue? Because you don't have a real response. Thanks for playing. \_ Wow, you missesd the obvious point, even when hit in the head by a 2X4. You are even dumber than I imagined. Are you really a Cal student or grad or even dropout? \_ _n_ ______ _/o \/ \@ _________ O_ )=( ____I_ \______ \___/\______/ \ \ \_____ I II II II II Go stick your head in a pig. \_ You didn't have a point. No, I'm not a Cal student or dropout. I'm here to learn from you how to fail to communicate. You understood what I was saying but I still don't see why you bothered posting so I have failed to communicate at your level. Next time I'll simply rant about some totally random event which had nothing to do with anything anyone besides the girl's family cares about. \_ Just like your silly random rant about Kerry. Thanks for making my point for me. \_ Still no point to be seen and no response to what I said. If that makes you feel smart, then feel smart. I'm not here to injure your sense of self esteem. |
2006/11/2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:45087 Activity:nil 93%like:45092 |
11/1 http://money.cnn.com/2006/11/01/magazines/fortune/pluggedin_taylor_SUVsales.fortune Gas price down, SUV sales back. Yay! |
2006/11/2 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast] UID:45088 Activity:nil |
11/02 Just FYI, here's the Heritage Foundation's study about who military recruits are. http://www.heritage.org/Press/Commentary/ed112905a.cfm \_ I like how they're "better educated than the national average" Given that being a member of the armed forces has standards at all and being a member of the country doesn't... why is this at all an interesting result? |
2006/11/2 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:45089 Activity:high |
11/01 "Soldiers are just cowards with their backs against the wall. The lowest IQ men in our society, those incapable of normal careers enlist. Their choice in life; prison or the military. Some will have to die in the support of our cause." Ann Coulter - Intervention Magazine, 11/06/03 \_ Ah, making quotes up again. \_ Actually, no, but thanks for playing. \_ Then you can support the claim that she wrote that? Seriously, after doing some searching, I can find no source for this except a random blog or two. It smells like an urban legend. \_ According to this page, it was Madonna who said this http://iammadonna.oracleswar.com/2006/08/never-underestimate-power-of-me.html \_ No, that page says Ann Coulter said it. \_ Actually, it says "Ann Cuntier". Don't know if they're the same. \_ Yeah, I think people like Ann Coulter are exactly what is wrong with this country, but I cannot find any evidence she actually said this. \_ She is not what is wrong with the country. She is merely a symptom. When politics turns into smears and extreme polarization, you get AC types on both sides cashing in. She didn't cause it. \_ The fact that you cannot find any source for this is all part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to cover up the tru7h about the "hundreds" of war crimes committed by the Bush BrownShirts against dissents. The Bush BrownShirts have removed all negative statments made by members of The Cabal in an effort to keep you from discovering the tru7h. -fmulder \_ I believe! I believe! \_ I'll accept that AC is a fool who should never be elected to anything if you'll accept that John Kerry and those who supported him in 2004 should never be elected to anything. \_ Only if you'll accept that anyone who actually supports AC is dangerous and probably criminal and ought to be in jail. \_ Sure. No one 'supports' AC. She is a noise maker who writes books for the freeper crowd for cash. But no I can't support sending her to jail. Maybe in China that flies but we still have free speech in this country and she has broken no laws I'm aware of. Remember that silly old thing about not agreeing with you but willing to die for your right to say it? Oh, nevermind. \_ get real. What Republican ever said that? Only the liberals ever did... you're going to be screwed once I get ahold of you. Even the liberals won't be able to save you. \_ What Republican? Do you *really* have no idea who I was paraphrasing? Damn... Is the state of education really that poor today? And I'm going to be screwed? Is this like a school yard "I'm going to beat you up" thing? \_ You *do* know that Voltaire was a liberal, right? \_ What about him? I hope you're not saying you're going to send him around "once you get ahold of" me to beat me up. ;-) \_ Please. If you're going to condition your acceptance with silly clauses about including anyone who supported Kerry, you've already propelled the conversation out of the realm of reason. Let's take this to its conclusion: gas Anne Coulter and her ilk. \_ "I don't like what she says so she must die". When that becomes an acceptable idea in this country held by anyone not in some psychotic extremist group then the whole democracy+freedom experiment thing is over and failed as well. |
2006/11/2 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/Theory] UID:45090 Activity:high |
11/02 What is the best way to implement this? I have a queue where jobs are submitted for processing, and multiple worker threads asynchronously pull the front job from the queue to process it. I also have N (N=3) priority classes. Normally I would just implement this as N FIFO queues and that would be fine. But wait, there's more! Some jobs cannot be processed until other jobs (their dependancies) have been completed. A job and its dependancy may have different priorities. Then, certain jobs may require the exclusive use of a resource being used to process a different job in a different worker thread being fed from the same pool of jobs (think dining philosophers problem). Any ideas? \_ Classic priority inversion problem. \_ Is this your 162 homework assignment? \_ Nah, extending an existing system for work. -OP \_ This sounds amazingly similar to some of the job queueing stuff handled by Sun's N1 Grid Engine. You might be able to adapt it to your use, or if not, grab the source -- Sun publishes this -- and see how they solved the same problems. (We use N1GE and our users are pretty happy with it) -ERic \_ Grid computing? NOOOOOOOO!!!! \_ and in spite of the name, it is not really Grid computing, it is more of a batch job submission / processing engine. A great way to distribute tasks across many systems. SUN Marketing FTL -ERicx across many systems. SUN Marketing FTL -ERic \_ Here is a link to the source: http://gridengine.sunsource.net/servlets/ProjectSource GridEngine is a decent piece of code written by fairly good engineers. I worked on a interdepartment project w/ the N1GE team while at Sun and they were very nice responsive people. I used to work w/ the N1GE group when I was at Sun, if you need a contact, I can find out who is currently working on queue mgmt. \_ and in spite of the name, it is not really Grid computing, it is more of a batch job submission / processing engine. A great way to distribute tasks across many systems. SUN Marketing FTL -ERic \_ Would it be an acceptable solution to have multiple threads processing the jobs that have no dependencies, but have only one thread process jobs with dependencies? That thread could then do a topological sort on the elements in its queue when it goes to read from the queue. I guess after sorting, the job entire dependency graph could be handed to a worker thread... - ciyer \_ There may be a high fraction of jobs with (relatively simple) dependancy graphs. I'm thinking when a job with dependancies gets queued, it's dependancies can get (upwards only) priority inheritance. |
2006/11/2 [Uncategorized] UID:45091 Activity:nil |
11/02 Anti-smoking ads funded by tobacco companies boost Teen smoking http://www.healthscout.com/news/1/535826/main.html No, really? Who thought those were a good idea? They all amount to, "You're not mature enough to smoke." Which is a well known way to get stupid teenagers to do anything. Sheesh. |
2006/11/2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:45092 Activity:high 93%like:45087 |
11/01 http://tinyurl.com/yyaqvb (money.cnn.com) Gas price down, SUV sales back. Yay! \_ Oh no! \_ "Meanwhile, the RAV4, ... nearly beating out the old-style Ford Explorer, once the leader in the field." The RAV4 and the Explorer are in the same class? \_ The new '06 RAV4 is bigger. It is comparable to CRV. I still wouldn't compare it to the Explorer though. |
2006/11/2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:45093 Activity:nil |
11/01 http://tinyurl.com/yyaqvb (money.cnn.com) \_ "Meanwhile, the RAV4, ... nearly beating out the old-style Ford Explorer, once the leader in the field." The RAV4 and the Explorer are in the same class? \_ Isn't the RAV4/CRV Honda's and Toyota's way of charging idiots more money for a Civic/Corolla? \_ The new '06 RAV4 is bigger. It is comparable to CRV. I still wouldn't compare it to the Explorer though. |
2006/11/2 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:45094 Activity:very high |
11/02 http://salon.com/news/feature/2006/09/24/allen_football Allen regularly called Blacks the N word in college. \_ So just curious, does Swift Boating Allen make what Kerry has said ok? Is that the new standard in politics? You've got one or two guys who said he used the word decades ago and several more guys who said he didn't. Whatever. \_ lol \_ What Kerry said was accidental, and not "oops, I exposed my real feelings" accidental, but a literal accidental omission of one word that his notes made it clear he meant to say. Try again. \_ URL for either statement? Mind reading and wishing doesn't count. \_ Stay on target, little RNC talking pointer, stay on target! \_ I'll take your non-reply as a bullseye. Thanks. \_ Yes, please! More irrelevant issues! I don't want to know anything about the issues! \_ Well yesterday people were asking why Allen was a racist prick and why the whole "he just totally made up a racist slur and didn't realize it was racist" argument is bullshit. \_ It's a Swift Boat attack. It's all "he said it", "no he didn't". If you didn't accept the same kind of attack on Kerry, then you have no business accepting it on Allen. \_ The Swift Boaters were disputing documented historic facts. There's no correlation at all with this situation. If you want to make a comparison, it's something like Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. -tom \_ Documented historic facts? Kerry's record, such as it is, is chock full of irregularities. His own stories aren't even consistent about where he was, when, with who, and what happened. I do agree the Anita Hill accusations are similar. \_ Hey, lay off. He's been a little confused ever since Nixon ordered him into Cambodia in '68. \_ Hey, at least he is running. \_ But this has nothing to do with his politics. This entire election is going to be decided based on nothing to do with the issues. \_ Whether he is a lying, racist asshole has nothing to do with his politics? \_ Welcome to how the Kerry campaign felt in 2004. \_ Actually it does. When he tells someone born and raised Virgina "Welcome to Virginia, Macaca" (paraphrased) that says a lot about him and how he sees non whites as second class citizens. Do we really need more racist yahoos running our country? \_ Maybe they like wasicsts in VA. Who are we in CA to \_ Maybe they like rasicsts in VA. Who are we in CA to tell them who they should elect to represent tell Virginians who they should elect to represent themselves? This is a distinctly local issue, not a national one. \_ US Senators pass bills that directly affect every human being on the planet. Also John Kerry isn't running. \_ So what? We have never had national election of Senators. No matter what I think of Allen my opinion doesn't matter b/c I can't vote for him. Instead of wasting my time w/ news about his wacism, I'd prefer to hear about CA news. [ If you want to argue that we in CA ought to express our outrage so that VA voters are pressured to elect someone other than Allen, shouldn't VA citizens have the right to choose whoever they think is best for them, w/o outside interference? ] Re Kerry, see below. I think the whole Kerry thing has been blown way out of proprotion. \_ "But this has nothing to do with his politics." \_ I disagree. This does have something to do w/ politics, just not national politics. I think the Kerry comment is also being blown way out of proportion. So Kerry said something dumb, let Bostonians deal w/ him. way out of proportion. I would be willing to entertain the argument that the Kerry comment is noteworthy on the national state b/c Kerry was a national figure by virtue of his Pres. bid. Even so, the press needs some sense of proprotion. \_ Actually, this race will probably determine which party controls the Senate, so it is of huge national importance. \_ Then we should all get to vote on it. \_ We can all campaign and contribute money. \_ By your logic, ever Senate race is crucial and we should get to vote on each one b/c it might affect national policy. But that is not the way things work. We vote for our representatives only. And what gives me, a CA citizen, the right to dictate national (or local) policy to VA citizens? They are after all citizens of a co-equal sovereign state in our republic. How would you like it if the VA citizens came to your home and told you how to run things? \_ No, we just need one supreme leader. \_ I'll take the first term and let you know how it goes. \_ Listen to it yourself and decide, did he really mean to say "mohawk" or "macaca"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r90z0PMnKwI \_ He didn't claim he said "mohawk". \_ "Wadhams said Allen campaign staffers had begun calling Sidarth "mohawk" because of a haircut Wadhams said the Webb staffer has. "Macaca was just a variation of that," Wadhams said." \_ Yes? and? Macaca != Mohawk. Why would we expect to hear Mohawk when he said Macaca, he said he said Macaca, every other person there said he said Macaca and no one said he said Mohawk? I love the motd. It's full of such oddness. \_ Best excuse ever. Especially considering the haircut is about as unmokawky as well, a haircut could be. |
2006/11/2 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:45095 Activity:nil |
11/02 YouTube sued by Universal Tube (utube.com): http://www.kltv.com/Global/story.asp?S=5619298&nav=1TjD http://tinyurl.com/taltn (blog.washingtonpost.com) |
2006/11/2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:45096 Activity:nil |
11/01 Lower gas prices mean more SUV sales: http://tinyurl.com/yyaqvb (money.cnn.com) \_ "Meanwhile, the RAV4, ... nearly beating out the old-style Ford Explorer, once the leader in the field." The RAV4 and the Explorer are in the same class? \_ Isn't the RAV4/CRV Honda's and Toyota's way of charging idiots more money for a Civic/Corolla? \_ The new '06 RAV4 is bigger. It is comparable to CRV. I still wouldn't compare it to the Explorer though. |
2006/11/2 [Recreation/Dating] UID:45097 Activity:nil |
10/31 Over the past 2 years I've gone from a small C cup to DDD, size 32 band. Because the girls are brand new and look like they belong on a 15 year old, they can come off as looking fake and they're cleavage challanged. Aside from the granny bra selection I have, the cleavage thing annoys me the most. Bras and breasts come up quite often among the people I socialize with. Often women complaining, or my boyfriend bragging about my breasts (he's quite proud). When sizes come into the picture, usually linked to bra complaints, people will insist on correcting me about my size, which I mention when they can't figure out why I can't find nice bras my size. "Oh, you can't be that cup size! You're much smaller!" "That's not possible, are you sure you're wearing the right bra size?!" Um.... yes, do you see wrinkly cups under my shirt?! Oh, and here's my favorite from men, as if they understand bras beyond how to remove them one handed. "I've played with A LOT of D cups and your not even near a D cup!" Excuse me, I think I need to hit someone. This usually leads to me launching into a lecture on the art of bra sizing and how not all D cups are the same size. The larger the difference between your band and the largest part of your breasts, the larger the cup. I'll then point out that I have a 10"+ difference, meaning large cup size. Slender girls CAN have large breasts!! A slender girl with D cups will NOT have the same size breasts as a girl that's quite large that has D cups. What I love about this is the women around me, suddenly their faces will light up with the realization that all along, they've been wearing the wrong bra size. |
2006/11/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45098 Activity:nil |
11/2 Top US general says Rumsfeld is inspired by God http://csua.org/u/hcw Holy fuck. (literally) \_ we need a new JCS chair, not really for the God comment, but for the praise of Rummy \_ '"He leads in a way that the good Lord tells him is best for our country," said Marine General Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.' I always figured Rummy hears voices in his head. |
2006/11/2-3 [Transportation/Bicycle] UID:45099 Activity:kinda low |
11/02 http://www.chp.ca.gov/html/bicycleriding.html Bicycle safety \_ It's illegal to ride a bicycle while drunk? Amusing. \_ What is "one wheel skid"? \_ Try locking just the rear brake while going downhill and see what happens. \_ Then what does it mean by "Brakes - Must be able to make one wheel skid on clean, level, dry pavement."? Skidding is good? \_ If your bike's brakes are so weak you can't skid your rear tire you need new brakes. \_ Most of the laws around bicycles don't really have much relation to bicycle safety. Being able to skid one wheel is neither a necessary nor sufficient test for the stopping power of the bicycle. Having one hand on the handlebars is actually less stable than riding no-handed. And the "ride as far to the right as is practicable" and "must use bike lane" laws definitely require cyclists to ride more dangerously. -tom \_ Um, I've repeatedly hit ruts/rocks/etc that if I didn't have a hand on the handlebars would have snapped the wheel around and sent me tumbling. \_ Really--have you tried it? Because it's a lot easier to knock a front wheel off-line when you have one hand on the handlebars than when you're riding no-hands. When you're riding no-hands, your front wheel tends to want to keep going straight; if you're riding with one hand on the handlebars, your front wheel tends to want to turn. The worst accident I've ever had was due to hitting uneven pavement with one hand on the handlebars (I was adjusting my shorts). -tom \_ There are add-on headlights and tail lights for bicycles. Does any manufacturer make add-on signal lights? If I have signal lights, I don't need to do hand signals and I can keep both hands on the handle bar. |
2006/11/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:45100 Activity:low |
e1/02 What does everyone think of CA props 1A-1E? I'm voting no on everything else, but I'm still undecided on those. \_ all the bond measures are part of the same 'borrow&spend' shennanigans we kicked Davis out of office for. The rest of it look like bypassing what the legislature is supposed to be doing. \_ i kicked out davis because he hid the magnitude of the deficit. i think every admin, GOP or Dem, borrows and spends to roughly the same level. \_ I supported the recall because I was unhappy with the way Davis handled the 'energy crisis'. \_ Did you vote for Schwarzenegger? \_ 1A is a bad idea. The California Legislature has a tough enough \_ 1A is a bad idea. The California Legisslature has a tough enough time making a budget because of all the current set asides. I voted for all the rest, because I think the State needs to fix all sorts of things that these bond issues address. 1B was a tough choice, since most of the money goes to freeways, but I voted for it anyway. -ausman \_ Wow, I'm exactly the opposite. 1A is an attempt to make taxes get spent on what they were supposed to be spent on. For B-E I'm not interested in getting $35B+ more in debt for things that should be paid for out of the general fund. -emarkp \_ where do you think the money to pay those bonds off is supposed to come from? yep, general fund. \_ Yes, with interest. My objection to bond measures is typically that they use the general fund for pork, and then borrow to pay for essentials. -emarkp \_ What percentage of the CA general fund budget would you say is pork? -tom \_ I voted no on every single prop. We have a legislature for a reason. - danh \_ You voted against Prop 83? You are in favor of less harsh sentencing against sex offenders? Interesting. \_ the legislature can't issue bonds. \_ and this is a good thing! \_ I always vote no on all bond measures even if it is something that would directly benefit me. Buying bonds via propositions is a horrible way to run the government. \_ Did you pay all-cash for your house? \_ My house is not the state government. My problem is not bonds. My problem is doing things like passing taxes on people we don't like to give ourselves stuff. My other problem is taking out loans/bonds to give ourselves more stuff and leaving the debt for the future to deal with. \_ Highways and schools aren't "stuff" they are infrastructure investments that should pay themselves back many times over.\ This is exactly when it makes financial sense to borrow. investments that should pay themselves back many times over. This is exactly when it makes financial sense to borrow. \_ This should come from the general fund, gas taxes and other things we're already paying, not proposition sponsored bonds. CA is one of the few states with a proposition system yet all the other states somehow manage to fund highways and schools without props. \_ Without props, yes. Without bonds, no. The problem is with the system that requires the public to vote on the bonds, not (necessarily) with the bonds themselves. \_ I've got no problem with the legislature issuing bonds. They can be removed from office if they screw up. Props are paid for by third parties who are not directly responsible to the voters. They also have the problem of "tax $unpopular_grp for my gain". Because hey if $you are getting taxed and $I get the benefits, why not tax $you? \_ Yes, those states can fund highways and schools because they don't have the bloody voters mucking around in the legislative system. Kal-eee-forn-ee-a is ungovernable _because_ of the proposition system. \_ I agree it's gone too far, thus I vote against all the bond type issues. Every so often there is a proposition that changes a law or fixes some hole in the system the legislature is too gutless to deal with. Those are the ones I'm much more likely to vote for. I've also seen plenty that look good until I read the entire text, not the he-said-she-said political garbage and a lot of them have all sorts of stupid nonsense in them. So I vote against those as well even though they look good at first. |
2006/11/2-3 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:45101 Activity:nil |
11/02 I just got an email (at my work account) from what appears to be a head-hunter. It is very low on job offer details. Does anyone else get these? Is it worth it to respond? If I respond, will I be flooded with these? \_ The job market is hot for employees now. Head hunter/recruiter types are hurting. If you're looking for a job, go post your resume and start applying to listed jobs from real companies. I wouldn't bother replying to this unless there's something in particular that caught your eye. Sounds like recruiter spam. \_ Make sure its a real head hunter / job offer things. Fake ones would be a real great phishing operation, as a lead-in to identity theft. I get tons of spam that looks like this is the intent. \_ if you are really good, head hunter will *CALL* you instead of emailing you. They should know it's not cool to send recruiting information into your WORK email. |
2006/11/2 [Recreation/Dating] UID:45102 Activity:nil |
*/* Stupid bra blog rant removed. \_ I'm willing to trade five years of my lifespan for a wife with a body like this. \_ Are you married now? \_ Yes I am. My wife has been talking about improving her body all the time, but it's all just talks. \_ Go sign up for one of those $300k/yr jobs in Iraq and when you come back, you will be able to acquire one. |
2006/11/2-4 [Recreation/Food] UID:45103 Activity:nil |
11/02 Ocean fish, seafood population could collapse by 2048 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20061102/sc_nm/environment_fish_dc \_ the rapture will come before then \_ Doesn't the Mayan calendar end this 'cycle of existence' in 2012 or so? \_ Or at least the unix epoch will run out. \_ One more reason to switch to vegetarianism. \_ Who cares? Do fish power my SUV? Real Americans eat beef. It's what's for dinner(tm). --average fatass \_ Beef powers SUVs? |
2006/11/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:45104 Activity:nil |
11/02 Is there a text-to-speech plugin for Gaim? |
2006/11/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:45105 Activity:kinda low |
11/02 Wow. Eff'in wow. Anti-dubya radio host Stephanie Miller goes on Hannity & Colmes. Retiree writes a letter filled with death threats and expletives to Miller, and leaves his phone number. Letter at end: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=3693 Miller calls retiree, and they talk for ~ 5 minutes (nsfw) http://www.stephaniemiller.com/bits/2006_1030_sock.mp3 \_ Poll: would you do Stephanie Miller? \_ This was kind of stupid and there was nothing in it NSFW. \_ How is this nuthead guy any different than our very own motd nuthead who said Ann Coulter should be jailed and/or gassed? \_ Poll: Would you do Ann Coulter? Hell Yes: Yes: \_ Does a Dirty Sanchez count? No: Hell No: ... Would you do Stephanie Miller? Hell Yes: Yes: . No: Hell No: Who?: . \_ sorry, but miller hearts keith olbermann http://www.stephaniemiller.com/content/view/579/71 \_ I doubt ann coulter reads the motd. i think ann coulter should be mailed to Iran. \_ non-anonymity and a 5-minute mp3 recording of the convo? \_ so anonymous threats are ok? ok, sure. \_ reading comprehension++ \_ reading comprehension++, try again \_ so anonymous threats are ok? ok, sure. \_ There is a huge difference between venting and noone in particular and telling the person you are venting at that they should be killed. If you can't understand that you are either intentionally being stupid or you cheated to get into Cal. \_ I see. So how do you know this nut guy wasn't venting? He doesn't have a motd to vent on and is likely low tech. Just how many psycho killers are giving their real info out to their victims? Either you're both friggin nuts or you're both just venting. I see no difference just because the tech is different. \_ Cause he sent the letter TO HER. See the difference? \_ Nope. Who was he supposed to vent to if not her? \_ this guy is a moron, hopefully an undergrad, which is excusable (even for Cal). \_ because we know education = smart!!! or maybe anyone who disagrees with you is just a moron by definition? god forbid you should actually come up with anything worth saying smarter than a very lame and weak minded personal attack cop-out. that might require real intelligence. |
2006/11/2-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:45106 Activity:nil |
11/02 November surprise? http://csua.org/u/hcz (SFGate.com article) link:csua.org/u/hd0 (Picture, jpg, Work Safe) \_ Iran fires Shahab-3 with 1250 mile range. No surprise. They've been working on this for a long time. You think Iran's missile test has something to do with the silly American mid-term elections? Tell us your theory. \_ /shrug. No theory, just asking. \_ Seriously, I doubt the Iranians are trying to change our elections with a missile test. If they nuked something or sent 200k soliders into Iraq or something that like it would have an effect but I don't think it would be predictable exactly *what* effect. Sometimes a missile test is just a missile test. Once they conduct a successful nuke test then there'll be something to worry about. |
2006/11/2-4 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:45107 Activity:low |
11/02 I need to include instructions on how to create a tcpdump file as part of a Word Doc testplan . What I would like to do is to be able to cut and paste from a Unix shell window into a word document without losing the formatting or having it come out like regular text. Is there a template or mode I can use for this inside word? --Thanks Stressed out linux hacker \_ ??? It's a single command. Why not just type tcpdump and your options in at that point in the doc? Are you cut'n'pasting tcpdump output or just the command to run tcpdump? \__ Sorry; I was just giving a high level summary; there bunch of other setup to do since this both a playback and record along with a file transmission. There are about 15 or so things the user needs to type out and monitor. The real point of the question is: How can I import something into word from a unix shell w/o all the tabbing getting screwed up and looking like crap. \_ This sounds like a one-off doc. I'd just c'n'p each of the 15+ lines once per and forget about it. You shouldn't have funny tabbing or anything from a single line. Do you have an example of what you're trying to copy in? \_ Why use a word doc when a plain text file would work better? \_ Because word looks better. \_ The tabbing issue comes due the fact that this in outline form per the corp testplan spec. So I need to have lines roughly tabbed in 1/2 way. e.g. %unix ssh root@DUT %DUT df -f . ( check for free space) %DUT ifconfig em1 up [......] Things need to remain tabbed and all that. I am also supposed to put commands in one font and user type-ins in italics ( I really really miss the days of plain text docs). I was hoping that there was something in Word that would already do this (like an emacs mode). \_ Sorry but not that I know of. For the tabbing you can set a marker from the top horizontal bar thingy with the little arrows on it (someone help me out here) so that section of text is auto shifted right to where ever. The italics and etc you'll have to do yourself AFAIK. |
2006/11/2-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:45108 Activity:nil |
11/02 Why is "no modifier" in Java also referred to as package-private? That is just confusing terminology. \_ I think it used to be referred to as "friendly". \_ "no modifier" is the same as default visibility. Default visibility is package-level. The terminology is fine. You could debate the choice of defaults. |
2006/11/2-4 [Consumer/Camera, Computer/HW/Printer] UID:45109 Activity:kinda low |
11/02 A one megapixel picture on screen looks pretty good. Yet if you print the same picture on a sheet of paper that's the same size as the screen image, it looks bad regardless of what inkjet/laser printer you use. Why is there a difference? \_ That's a good question. Assuming a proper photo print out (real developed photo or dye-sublimation printing), I can think of a couple of possibilities. One is that a monitor is an active display device (it glows at you) whereas a printed media is a passive medium (it only reflects light). That probably gives the monitor a perceived advantage. Another is that printed medium usually has higher resolution. Since the dots are smaller, we may look closer, expecting more. If the printed medium's pixels are made the same size as that of a monitor output, it may reduce the perceived difference. It's kind of like displaying DVD-resolution video using HDTV-resolution display device. Unless the scaling algorithm is very good, it gives worse perceived crispness to the image than when the same image is displayed using matching resolution display device. \_ Because we're used to seeing crappy-looking images on screen. -tom \_ I'm not sure about 1mp, but photo paper always made shit nice. \_ Two factors. 1. surface of paper is not smooth. 2. the resolution of printer is very limited. \_ Look, if you don't know the answer, just keep your mouth shut, OK? Printer resolution is *much higher* than screen resolution. Your screen runs at maybe 100dpi; cheap printers print at 600dpi, good ones higher than that. -tom \_ yeah, how may color can a printer produce per pixel again? we are talking about EFFECTIVE pixel here. If all you have is a 16-color EGA screen, you will need a quite a bit DPI to make the picture look half-way decent. *FURTHER* many of the printer has a much lower mechanical resolution than optical resolution. And the mechanical resolution is typicaly max out at 300 dpis. \_ which is still three times better than your screen. And while your video card may produce 16 million colors, that's almost certainly more than your monitor can display, especially most LCD panels. Cheap inkjet printers can produce fine-looking prints from files of sufficient resolution; 1 megapixel is simply not enough resolution. You could sent one to a pro developer and it still would look fairly crappy. Again, it looks good on screen because we are willing to accept extremely low-resolution images on screen (TV is only 320x240). -tom \_ Actually many (most?) LCD are 8-bit now (16M colors). They may only produce like 73% of the color space but some get to high 90s. Either way it is much better than a cheap inkjet printer which may have like 16 colors. \_ whoa there tom. _n_ ______ _/o \/ \@ _________ O_ pig )=( tom__I_ \______ \___/\______/ \ \ \_____ I II II II II \_ On your monitor, each pixel is RGB 888 or 16M possible colors per pixel. Printers have far less color precision. They can only produce those colors by dithering etc. with more dots. produce those colors by dithering etc. with more dots. There should be some scale to print at that would look around the same though. Dye-sublimation printers can do the full color range. \_ Is this a home print job or you used one of the various online services? \_ Actually, I tried both an Epson Stylus Photo 1200 inkjet at home, and various 600dpi mid-range color laser printers at work. -- OP |
2006/11/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:45110 Activity:low |
11/02 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061103/ap_on_re_us/haggard_sex_allegations \_ It's not a good year to be a hypocritical social conservative \_ I looked into this a bit. At this point there's a guy who says he was getting paid to have sex with "Pastor Ted" for 3 years and claims to have incriminating voice mail and emails but refuses to show anything to anyone. It may be entirely true but I'm really bored with unsubstantiated allegations being tossed around to destroy people's lives without so much as a "and here's a single voice mail that shows it, and I have more". But oh boy, he did say he'd take a lie detector test which are known to be worthless. He wouldn't need the useless lie detector test if he actually revealed any of his voice mails. It's all very fishy and annoying. \_ It's not a good year to be a hypocritical social conservative. Yes, yes, accusation != conviction. \_ In politics accusation == conviction. \_ But he's not a politican, he's a pastor... ah right... same things these days. Go go, United States of Megachurch! \_ If it wasn't politically OP wouldn't have called him a social conservative instead of a pastor. \_ "these days" as opposed to what 8 whole years ago? The trend in the nation is away from church doctrine and has been since at least the scopes trial. If you think otherwise, you are delusional. -an agnostic. \_ And if you haven't been paying attention to the new trends in who holds the reins on morality and what they're saying, you've been under a rock the last 10 years. \_ The reins of morality have always been held by the same people. What has changed? \_ The sad thing is, no matter which way this pans out, it'll be bad for gays: accuser is lying -> "look at the horrible gay agenda!" accuser is truthful -> "look at how they corrupted a good, good man!" \_ Well at least they weren't married. |
2006/11/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:45111 Activity:nil |
11/02 R's go apeshit on Kerry, Dem polling gets even better: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2006_11/009984.php \_ it's probably the "i remember the last time i had a choice between the student-body president (kerry) and the asshole-in-chief (dubya)" effect, or maybe people realize now a 1-party govt fucking sucks effect, or maybe people realize now a 1-party govt isn't working \_ No one likes the snobby student body president types. And no one likes Kerry. Not even the motd usuals bother trying to defend him in any real way. W may be the aic, but Kerry is still an elitist holier-than-thou prick. As far as 1-party governments go, you could swap any number of R for any number of D in Congress and you'd still have a 1-party government. It's all just bread n circuses. They pork the budget, pork their pages, pork their interns, and pork their wallets full of cash after they finally leave office and become 'consultants' for the next round of pigs. \_ You got my point exactly: No one likes the asshole-in-chief or the student-body president, but people are remembering the last time they had a choice, which was my point. What, did you think I dredged up "student-body president" as a neutral or pro-kerry phrase? c'mon. As for 1-part govt, I'd agree that an all-Dem govt may be a suspect as an all-GOP govt, but I feel that having one heading executive and one heading legislative is less worse than one controlling both. \_ Would it really be so crazy to have a no-party government? I think parties have outlived their usefulness and do far more harm than good. |
2006/11/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:45112 Activity:nil |
11/02 http://nationalpriorities.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=39&Itemid=110 shows that medicare is 19% of "mandatory" federal spending. It also lists "health" as being another 13% of off budget spending. What does this consist of ? \_ VA dept? |
2006/11/2-3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:45113 Activity:nil |
11/02 Does motdedit work for you all? It just dumps me out with a successfull exit code (0). \_ Works for me (using it now). Check your $EDITOR environment variable. -gm \_ Only GIRLY MEN use motdedit. -overwritinator |
2006/11/2-3 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:45114 Activity:nil |
11/02 I have a bunch of directories with files (and other directories) in them. I have a mirrored copy that contains many of the same files, but with different dates. Is there an easy way (short of writing s/w to check each file against the other) to do something like : If date on mirror < 10/31, then sync date with other dir? I don't think rsync can help with this. I just need the dates changed, not the contents of the files. Changing the contents could actually be bad. \_ Why would you want to do this? (Curious, and it might help to come up with a better solution) \_ Does one line of perl count as "writing s/w"? \_ find; grab time stamp; stamp matching file \_ The catch is that a checksum needs to be done at some point. Obviously, you could add a step to checksum in there, too. I was just wondering if there's a utility to do this. Essentially, I want rsync, but to have rsync only change dates and not contents. If you read the rsync man page, you will see that rsync has a lot more options than find for deciding when to do what. \_ What role does the checksum play in this? Are you trying to do something more than set the timestamp on /mirror/file to the timestamp on /primary/file if the timestamp on/mirror/file is more than N days old, or something more complicated? \_ If you're really too lazy to write something trivial in perl, you could use rsync with the -n option to find the relevant files, and pipe that to xargs/foreach. -tom \_ I broke down and did this. It was not too bad. Thanks. |
2006/11/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:45115 Activity:nil 62%like:45146 |
11/2 It's here. Cell phone SMS spams. Anyone having problems? |
2006/11/2-4 [Reference/BayArea, Industry/Jobs] UID:45116 Activity:moderate |
10/2 Anybody ever used the "cost-of-living" salary calculators on the web? I'm using the one on http://bestplaces.net and also on http://salary.com. They're giving me vastly different numbers. Putting in a round number of 100,000 as salary in San Jose, CA, if I move to Houston, TX, the http://salary.com web site shows that I would have to earn 64K. But the http://bestplaces.net site shows that I'd have to earn 45K. Which site to trust? And what is the source of these numbers? Neither site says how they calculate these things. Thanks. \_ Even accounting for all the excellent "life is about living" advice given below, the calculators still do a very poor job of translating from one city to another. Your rent in Houston may be lower but other living expenses are static. A new car, computer, your next vacation, utilities, clothing, and a ton of other things don't change that much in price by location. The 45K number is garbage. the 64K 'feels' very low. I wouldn't leave this area for 64k in Texas even though the people there are nicer and living is easier. I might think about 80k if it was a great job with great people I knew and lots of upside. 90k would be more like it as a minimum to go from here at 100k to there into random job. For me. Whatever you do, you should definitely fly out there for a few days, drive around, see what the city is like, talk to realtors, chat with the locals, etc, before making any big decisions. \- people have convex perferences generally but with something like this people trade offs are wildly different. it may not be hard to compare rent/mortgage for same square footage of living space, but other factors are hard to compare both for hard to capture intanglible reasons [i would much prefer to drive bumper to bumper on the bay bridge for 45 or drive fast on 280 for 45 min than to drive medium speed on ugly 101 for 45min]. and even if some study could some how capture these factors, you know your preferences better than other people. some people would rather have a 2400sq ft house and a giant tv and swimming \_ Are you talking about dim, aka the average American with the typical big American dream of owning big SUVs, 4 children, 2 dogs, and a BBQ grills in the backyard? \_ I hate dogs, kids, and SUVs. BBQ is fine. --dim \_ I hate dogs, kids, and SUVs. BBQ is fine. --gay dim \_ This is so hilarious. Don't quit your day job. pool in freeemont, others would rather live in 900ft space in sf \_ Only Eurotrash aka I-Hate-America German John and Socialist \_ Only Eurotrash aka I-Hate-America German John and anarchist lafe like urban living. The average American hates urban living. \_ Which is precisely why we urbanites love it. -dans \_ Jawohl. And as to below, ditto here, but I can always get out of the city. And when I do, I want to visit nature, not Fresno. -John \- i dont like "urban living" because it keeps me away from suburbanites. i just like living a lot of my life outside the house. i generally meet friends at a bar or a restaurant or a cafe. rather than going over to people's houses or having them over. i think if you live in some place like danville or the almaden valley you probably spend more time at home with your "stuff" rather than going out. i also eat out a lot. i'm not being judgemental here, just suggesting the preferences here are radically different. i dont get milage out of having my car broken into or none of the movie theaters having "plenty of free parking", but that's ok with me. it's still worth it .. but might not be for somebody who likes spending time at home with the wife and kids and working in his garage woodshop. note also, before peet's/starbucks, ranch99, good standard bakeries, the current ubiquity of indian and thair restaurants, amazon [for books] there was a and thai restaurants, amazon [for books] there was a lot of "diversity" not really available easily in not lot of "diversity" easily available in the 'burbs. obviously this has changed a lot in berkeley/walnut creek/palo alto/freemont etc. if you were going to do the exact same job, how much would they have to pay you to move to stockon? bakesrfield? fresno? would you move to fresno for a year for $50k in "hazard" pay? [no offense slouie] .. i'd reject that instantly. 50k wouldnt really change my life at all but i think i'd be hating that year. but i think i'd be hating that year. [althought i'd be willing to spend 2 days there for $250]. and spend money on cocktails not plasma tv. so people living in huston and manhattan are probably looking for different things, so you cant take a static bundle and just price it in different markets. i think what makes the most sense is to compare specific places [say SF vs Manhattan or Chicago ... where you would be holding "lifestyle" reasonably constant] or decide if your priorities have changed and you want to change lifestyle ... for example a house-owning mech eng i know in san jose has decided to become an optometrist because she wants to live in the sierra foothills. in some cases you can bite the bullet and live a livestyle you dont want to live for a few years in return for big dollars, but usually that involves moving to dubai or iraq, not BF nowhere, USA. to move to houston i'd have to be paid more cash, not be able to live better at my current salary ... because you could not buy anything to compensate for living in houston vs SF ... it would be a matter of saving the money for future consumption. |
2006/11/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:45117 Activity:nil |
10/2 Political views aren.t just random opinions thrown together by a combination of environmental influences. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15534009/from/RS.2 |
2006/11/2-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:45118 Activity:nil |
11/02 M$ to "support" SuSE: http://tinyurl.com/y7uksq (online.wsj.com) I guess RH's days are numbered. \_ RH has horrible response/support and high prices. We have a few zillion seats and they made it very clear they couldn't care less about our business. The distro team is currently investigating other options. Bye RH. \_ There aren't many other options. \_ I've been seeing lots of corporations switching from RH to SuSE, mostly b/c they can continue to use RPMS, &c. but they don't have to deal w/ RH's BS. I have not seen much interest in CentOS (but that is probably b/c there isn't a big company behind it). \_ There are enough options and we only need one. And now Oracle is providing another that wasn't available when we first started looking into dumping RH. One way or another we *will* dump RH. They suck, they are history at this shop, and they don't care about the loss. \_ What do you mean? Isn't Oracle providing support for RH? I'd dump RH, but realistically more apps are supported under RH. \_ Yes I just said the Oracle thing. ???. We don't need support for Joe's Open Source Kewlness Doom3 Clone App. We need support for core OS, patches, RPM updates, etc. \_ If Oracle is providing support for RH, and you go with that then how exactly are you dumping RH? You would still be using RH. \_ Easy. Oracle gets the money, not RH. If we went that way. They also charge less. It's just one more option being considered but most likely we'll change to a different vendor entirely and ditch RH entirely as fast as possible once a final decision has been made. |
2006/11/2-3 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:45119 Activity:nil |
11/02 I don't get it. Moqtada Al-Sadr kidnaps a U.S. soldier. We surrender our barricades and abandon him on orders of the Iraqi PM. The media is largely silent. John Kerry makes a dumb joke - SCANDAL! JOKEGATE! APOLOGYGATE! \_ I agree. but didn't the guy marry an iraqi? or he was an iraqi? or shiite? or sunni? argh so confused. |
2006/11/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45120 Activity:nil |
11/02 Bus driver fired over obscene gesture made during a Bush visit: [ sorry I don't remember the original color language ] http://www.csua.org/u/hd5 |
2006/11/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:45121 Activity:nil |
11/02 you've seen the website: http://www.pixyland.org/peterpan but have you seen the interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=783KKs10Q2o \_ gay gay gay \_ Reminds me of a Spiderman dancing animation that someone posted before. \_ Keywords: peter pan gay weird funny |
2006/11/2-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:45122 Activity:moderate |
11/02 Americans always say their core value is promote democracy. Besides recent boycott of Hamas, we got this in Nicaragua: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6423982 This, and US past involvement in Iran, Guatemala, Chili, etc. Are you guys still dumb enough to think USA really believe in democracy? \_ Yes, the USA is all about promoting democracy. Our democracy, right here in the US. We cannot let any foreign government of any kind keep us from our God-given right to exploit foreign resources, products, and labor for the lowest cost. That is how we promote our democracy. \_ Actually, yes, that's the way it's been going. We are committed to the democratic cause that all governments should be of the (American) people, by the (American) people, for the (American) people. \_ Hi chicom! \_ i am still waiting for you comment on this issue of "promoting democracy world wide" thing. \_ Why should I defend a straw man you set up? Are you so dumb that you actually believe what you wrote? \_ I look at facts, and don't treat democracy as a religion. you guys need to look at facts more coldly. The fact is, American talk about democracy, and they believe in it too. Just that it is never a first priority. The actual profit and exploit of resources always trump democracy. This is why we have no problem overthow democratically elected government in Iran, Guatemula, Chili, and now Palestine. And we have no issue supporting dictators, Monachs, Islamtic extremests world wide to advance US agenda at the time. That, combine with severe lack of sense of history tend to create very naive & myopic policies. Yet, at the same time, American don't realize they are the aggressors, invading countries, set up unfair trade policies, and torture people world wide. \_ 2 things: 1) any nation that puts a philosophy above the health of the state at all times is suicidal. 2) the neocons in this country share your belief that we should always ignore #1. that hasn't worked out that well. \_ 1. America ALWAYS waging crusade, putting philosophy abvoe health of the state. Think "Evil Empire" and "War on Terror." 2. good try, I didn't know you share the same believe as Adolf Hitler. \_ Hamas, ah yes, beacon of democracy in the middle east. Personally, I prefer Chinese style "charge the family for the bullet" democracy. None of that messy voting or listening to the peasants. \_ given the choice of Chinese style government verus American-style democracy in Iraq, and Bosnia, I take Chinese style government any day. It seems successful democracy need to go through a period of genocide. America, Turkey, Bosnia, Iraq. Democracy is great, but given the choice, I prefer avoid genocide at any cost. \_ "at any cost". Yes, safety above all else at all times. The direct path to slavery. A good call if you want to live in chains and die at the whim of any passing government official. In all seriousness, if you really believe what you said, you're not only in the wrong country, you're in the wrong culture. No where in the West has a place for that kind of thinking. And taking a quick look at the standard of living for free people vs. enslaved people around the world, you'll find a lot more of the enslaved trying to get to free countries than the opposite. But that just makes plenty of room for you in your oppressive country of choice. That'll be the last choice you make. \_ No where in the West? my friend, let me kindly remind you something. This "Western" culture which values basic rights of men traditionally ONLY apply to WHITEs. This is the reason why just a couple years after America declare its independence, it offers troops to *CRUSH* Haiti's independence from French rule. This is also the reason why we defeated Nazi's occupation of France, yet *SUPPORT* French occupation of Algeria and so-called "indochina." Do I believe personal freedom? yes. Do I believe these fredom includes political participations? After I've seen half dozens of countries/regions either fell into sectarian violence or rise in ethnic tensions, I am not sure any more. It is easy for *YOU* to say Iraqis are better off today than under Saddam's rule. Try to live in Iraq (outside the green zone) for two weeks you might get a sense of what I am getting at. What you don't get is that freedom to participate in political process is something "nice to have." but it is by no means a necesscity. Food, shelters, personal SAFETY all take precedent. Americans who lives in the comfort of their own country certainly don't understand this. This is why Americans decided that consitution, election is more important than security. And at this rate, American is just going to leave and let the violence taken its course. The REALLY sad part is that most Americans STILL DIDN'T learn from this lesson which already cost hundres of thousands of lives. \_ Yes, I see the U.S. flag waving everywhere I go. I know the sun never sets on it. I see how we directly vote for our govern't just like a republic should. Despite all of this I can easily see that Communism is such a successful sys, that I don't know why we don't have it here. Yes, I don't know how or why a bigger country would try to make itself richer off a poorer country. I mean that's downright wrong - we should give away our all $ \_ link:csua.org/u/hd8 \_ Hey chicom, here's a more interesting question. In order to be "pro-democracy" should the US support Hugo Chavez, as the elected leader of Argentina, or be against him because he is dismantling the Argentinian Democracy? \_ "I love *you*, but I *don't* love _you_!" "But! We are the same in all ways! Logical inconsistency! Brain is frying! Mordron save us!" Bvvvvvrrrrrrr, click. \_ Argentina? Hugo Chavez? There are adults speaking here. \_ he is one of 60% of Americans who don't know where is Mexico on a world map. give him a break. |
2006/11/2 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45123 Activity:nil |
11/02 Just keep repeating it: free speech and the freedom to dissent are Republican Values. Only Democrats try to silence opposition: http://www.csua.org/u/hd5 |
3/14 |