2006/10/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:44937 Activity:nil |
10/24 The busty Lady McCartney (NSFW): http://www.elreporterodelacomunidad.com/img/110606_mills.jpg I guess Sir Paul really has a taste on busty women: http://news.yahoo.com/photo/010209/167/5bfsd.html (Who's she anyway?) \_ The soon to be ex McCartney looks like every other web bimbo. \_ Well, aside from she's an amputee, yeah. \_ But this one is styled Lady. You don't see a nude noble often. |
2006/10/24-25 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS] UID:44938 Activity:nil |
10/25 any good open-source RTS or turn-based game? I play FreeCiv. I really enjoy master of orient, comand and conquer, and starcraft. anything good around that calibre? I am looking for single-player game. \_ Not really. OS isn't very good at turning out great games. There are very few OS games worth playing. Most of OS gaming effort is spent on knock off clones or on the opened quake source. \_ Even though it's sort of redundant, saying "OSS" helps disambiguate quite a bit. "I tried that OS OS, but couldn't install it, so I just put that OS Software on my Windows OS" install it, so I just put that OS software on my Windows OS" \_ Yeah I thought of doing that but since we're talking games, not operation systems I thought it was clear. \_ Give "Battle for Wesnoth" a whirl. It's sort of a cross between Civ and Heroes of Might and Magic. Plenty of user created campaigns you can download from within the game as a "plug-in." http://www.wesnoth.org \_ The floating eye hits you. You are paralyzed. The fox bites you! The fox bites you! The fox bites you! The fox bites you! You die... \_ floating eyes do not attack. Their gaze is reflexive. Shoot me now. \_ there's something oddly disturbing about that. \_ whatever happened to xconq, that was an awesome game (for its time) |
2006/10/24-26 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:44939 Activity:nil |
10/24 The Onion would have done so much better with this headline http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20061024/ts_nm/environment_wwf_planet_dc \_ "On current projections humanity, will be using two planets' worth of natural resources by 2050 -- if those resources have not run out by then," No wonder those hot WWF valets always walk around by then," No wonder those hot sexy WWF valets always walk around carrying two planets in front of them. I love WWF! \_ "Leape said China, home to a fifth of the world's population and whose economy is booming, was making the right move in pledging to reduce its energy consumption by 20 percent over the next five years." 20% in 5 yrs! How do they plan to achieve that? And our goal is what, single-digit percentage in double-digit number of years? reduce its energy consumption by 20 percent over the next five years." 20% in 5 yrs! How do they plan to achieve that? And our goal is what, single-digit percentage in double-digit number of years? |
2006/10/24-26 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:44940 Activity:low |
10/24 So why is Firefox at 2.0 now? Granted this revision is a bit bigger than most minor revisions, but neither the program architecture or plugin interface changed much. \_ Marketing? Maybe even free software needs marketing? \_ The marketing wants to be freeeeee!!1111 \_ http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/2.0/releasenotes/#whatsnew \_ Sounds like it should be called instead. \_ Related question: Is anyone having a issue w/ the netflix queue page under FF2.0? I get an error that some script is taking too long to run and I should abort it. This didn't happen on FF1.5.x. \_ Works for me with FF2.0 200+ movies in queue. \_ Hmm, maybe it is b/c I have 400+ movies in my queue. \_ They might have just tweaked the max time value; you can change it yourself via about:config, look for dom.max_script_run_time --dbushong |
2006/10/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:44941 Activity:nil |
10/24 Finally! The Truth Is Out There! http://www.uncoveror.com/index.html |
2006/10/24-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:44942 Activity:nil |
10/24 oski crowd surfing from the game: http://youtube.com/watch?v=iChgCGa0ikg |
2006/10/24-26 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:44943 Activity:nil |
10/24 Why does hyperthreading slow things down? I can imagine why it may not be faster than a one-thread CPU (maybe too many bottlenecks), but how can it be even slower than a one-thread CPU? \_ When two procs are doing the same thing, they'll gain no benefit from HT and HT simply adds overhead. Two dissimilar procs will do well. \_ (Where pp says 'proc', read 'process', not 'processor') \_ Useless overhead. \_ Did Intel not test its own design before releasing it to the market? \_ Of course they did. In most circumstances HT is worth using but for some applications it is just overhead and should be disabled. *In general* HT is good for applications where UI responsiveness is more important than shaving over a few microseconds or increasing FPS by 1.5. It is bad for a situation where your single threaded application is cpu bound and the only process running on a machine. There are many other in between cases of course and YMMV but overall HT is a good thing and should be turned on unless you know it will hurt your use. Profile and test if you care. \_ We found the opposite. We found that in most instances HT hurt performance and so by default we turn it off. YMMV. \_ What was Intel thinking??? |
2006/10/24-26 [Computer/Domains] UID:44944 Activity:nil |
10/24 HTTP Cookies: is there a difference between specifying "domain=.aol.com" and "domain=aol.com" ? I can't find this answer on the web. Thanks. \_ From RFC 2109: --dbushong Host A's name domain-matches host B's if * both host names are IP addresses and their host name strings match exactly; or * both host names are FQDN strings and their host name strings match exactly; or * A is a FQDN string and has the form NB, where N is a non-empty name string, B has the form .B', and B' is a FQDN string. (So, http://x.y.com domain-matches <DEAD>.y.com<DEAD> but not http://y.com.) * A is a FQDN string and has the form NB, where N is a non-empty name string, B has the form .B', and B' is a FQDN string. (So, http://x.y.com domain-matches <DEAD>.y.com<DEAD> but not http://y.com.) |
2006/10/24-26 [Reference/Tax] UID:44945 Activity:nil |
10/24 How does property tax affect the value of homes? Is there a good correlation between a state's property tax rate and its averaged assessed home values? For example I've heard that Texas's proprety tax is over 2X of CA but equivalent home values are approximately less than 1/2. \_ More expensive homes don't cost (significantly) more to provide services for than cheaper ones. Therefore if two different areas both need to collect $X in taxes to provide services, and the homes in one area cost more on average, the area can afford to tax at a lower rate and they'll still collect $X. Duh. \_ No, there is not. IOW, California real estate is not expensive simply because property taxes are on the lower side. For example, Connecticut's property tax is just over 2% and yet property values are higher than Texas. \_ *IF* all else being equal, higher property tax rate will mean lower home sale values because it increases the cost of ownership, which (in Alameda county) will mean lower assessed values. But in reality there are too many other varying factors which obscure the picture. |
2006/10/24-26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44946 Activity:moderate |
10/24 Dear $200K man. Don't buy a home unless you are seriously prepared for it. Sure there are countless good reasons for buying a home but you need to ask yourself whether the purchase will fit your lifestyle. It may be the right decision for many people out there but you need to evaluate YOUR own needs. Data point: We purchased a home last year when we were all hyped up by our friends, HGTV, Extreme Makeover shows, etc. Things were great for a few months. We were excited about our new home, new furnitures, and upgrades. When the honeymoon period was over reality started to hit. After paying property taxes, countless expensive trips to Home Depot, HOA, Adjusted Supplemental Tax, reassessment fees, and many unexpected and surprising $$$ maintenance work, we were basically burning through our life long savings within one year. This year, I'm totally stressed out because our entire savings account is approaching $0 and unless I get a 15% raise or get a nice bonus this year I may simply have to take out loans and find other means to extend my current lifestyle, which already means not going out to eat out, no vacations, no PS3, and no Christmas toys. Unless you buy a cheap home AND make over 1/3 of the total loan AND enjoy going to Home Depot every other weekend and pay unexpected costs associated with homes, I don't recommend buying one as an investment. Good luck and please tell us what you ended up doing! \_ I think you are right about this being a "lifestyle" choice. I hate it with the typical rent vs. buy debate. Most of the time people are comparing apple to orange. It is like saying leasing a Kia is cheaper than buying a Lexsus because both are cars and get you from point A to B. Renting an apartment is not the same as buying a house soley based on the fact that they provide shelter. You buy a home because you want the benefits associated with it such as not sharing a wall with your loud and inconsiderate neighbor. Housing is one of the \_ You can rent a home, you can buy a condo. \_ Yes, but most "debate" about rent vs. buy is about renting something smaller and buying something bigger. Either way, the OP didn't do his homework before jumping into property owership. Do you think his last landlord only charged his PITI as rent and not included any of the "unexpected" expense? few necassity in life where you could potentially "make" money from. It is not totally an investment. money from. It is not totally an investment nor is it just an expense. So, if you don't want the hassle associated with ownership, by all means, go rent an apartment or a house. Just realize that, at the end of the month, all the same expense you have now, your landlord has it too. You will ultimately pay the same thing thru rent. \_ op is exhibit one for "dumbass", but that doesn't mean that buying a home is necessarily a good investment. You can easily spend more these days on the _non-principal_ parts of home ownership than you would (total) on rent. Think about that. The home is only remotely an investment when either: a) it's increasing in value b) you're putting money into the principal (a)'s not really true right now and if you're spending more money on not-(b) than you'd spend renting, you're better off renting and putting the difference into a good investment that _is_ increasing in value. (Yes, yes, of course count interest and property tax as deductions before you come up with your final numbers.) \_ Pray tell, what are you doing to spend that much money on "non-principal parts of home ownership"? \_ I think he means maintenance and repairs. I probably spend more each year on that sort of stuff than I would to rent a cheap studio apartment somewhere. An apartment would cover trash and water, too. \_ OP mentioned new furnitures. -- !PP \_ Mortgage interest, points, PMI, Property Tax, Utilities that might be otherwise included in rent, maintenance, repairs, homeowners insurance... --pp \_ If you didn't include intrest, points (one time fee that) PMI (there's a reason you should always do 20% down) property tax and insurance into account when you bought, well, you were a moron. And I'm amazed your mortgage broker didn't point those all out to you before you bought. \_ I never said these were surprise fees; I was just listing possible sources of non-principal expenditures related to owning a home. Nice strawman, though. \_ I never said these were surprise fees; I was just listing possible sources of non-principal expenditures related to owning a home. Nice strawman, though. \_ sorry, I thought you were the person complaining about unexpected costs. \_ Plus homeowners association fees. \_ I just want to point out that if I have to pay some motherfucker money for the privelage of having them tell my to cut my lawn, paint my house in a certain way, and generally buy into their little cult, I don't really consider that ownership. Paying taxes to the local government which will put the fire out if your house catches on fire is one thing, but once some fucking corporation starts asking for money and enforcing rules, you're taking one step backwards towards serfdom. I'd rather own a little bunker outright in a piece of remote swampland than be a fucking serf in your suburb no matter how much square footage I get. Some day you bastards realize you are on the path to slavery. Until then good luck. swampland than be a fucking serf in your suburb no matter how much square footage I get. Some day you bastards realize you are on the path to slavery. Until then good luck. \_ You're confused. My HOA fees are $80 month. That covers them hiring people to take care of my front lawn and a bunch of other stuff. You're thinking condo associations. If you *really* want a purple and orange house with a glowing green door I didn't want you as a neighbor anyway. Short of that and your pig farm, HOAs are reasonably harmless. \_ Why would a purple and orange house bother you to that extent? Shouldn't people be free to paint heir houses other than the same shade of beige as every other house in the association? \_ Because it's tasteless and drives down prices. They should be free to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't screw other people. It isn't for everyone. Don't do it if you don't want it just don't whine when your neighbor sets up a pig farm or has chickens and there's nothing you can do about it. Those roosters get really loud at sun-up. \_ Zoning laws address whether one can raise chickens or hogs. As for whether it's tasteless to paint your house some color other than beige, that's just your opinion. Lots of victorians look \_ It is the opinion of most home buyers which is what counts. \_ It is the opinion of HOA Nazis, not most home buyers. great in purple. It also doesn't drive \_ Seen a victorian in the bay area recently? \_ Yes, in this small little town called San Francisco for one. down prices. Prices are determined mostly by the size of the house and the location (comparables). Color isn't an issue, because it's easily changed. Why \_ Sure it is. If my neighbor is raising pigs and has 8 cars in front on blocks in their purple, orange and green house, then my home price will drop. I can not easily change their color. \_ Again, zoning addresses the issue of raising animals and usually the number of cars one can have. The color of a house is not significant in any way, because a new buyer can change it. How much less do you think a purple house is going to fetch relative to the beige one next to it? $2K? Oh my God! Your house is now worth only $710K instead of $712K. That's really worth being a Nazi over. You people who love HOAs (instead of just tolerate them) make me sick. I hope a kid falls down on your HOA sidewalk and sues the HOA for millions and you get to cough up your share. Then you will appreciate HOAs more. must you be a Nazi about what color someone paints his/her house? \_ See above. \_ Plenty of condos are like 2-6 units, and the "HOA" is really just a few people who meet every now and to figure out how to handle what issues have popped up. Not all condos are 200 unit monstorsities. \_ I don't think he's upset about condo HOAs, but did you realize that if the HOA gets sued (e.g. someone hurts himself on a cracked sidewalk) then all owners share in the pain? \_funny you should mention that, as our HOA got sued by one of the members, who was upset that they couldn't get an expansion approved. \_ Absolutely. Luckily, HOAs aren't all that common is much of CA, since they tend to be associated with new development. \_ New development--in other words the problem is getting worse. My problem with this is not that I'm afraid I will have trouble buying a home with no HOA, it's the value system represented by people who think that's ok. \_ I still think you don't know what HOAs are about but whatever. \_ HOAs are about people foreclosing on your house because your grass is too long. \_ No, but ok. Whatever. Go find a cabin in the woods. Just don't send people bombs. \_ Yes, they can. If the HOA fines you because your lawn is too long and you don't pay that fine (or you dispute it) then after 12 months they can foreclose on you. A new law made it such that they can only foreclose if the amount owed is > $1800, but before that it could be any amount and $1800 isn't all that much to lose one's house over. People have lost their houses over $120 fines, which spawned the legislation. I don't think most HOA members realize what deep sh*t they are in. \_ Uh, cut your lawn. In my case, my $80 covers that so if my lawn isn't cut I am the one with the complaint, not them. The sky is falling!!!! People have been hit by meteors but no one with a tinfoil hat has ever been hit by one. Fact. \_ Go fuck yourself. I'll bet anything you also supported Bush's suspension of habeus corpus, as well as torture. Why? Because people like you hate freedom. You want to live as a corporate serf with fucks like you for neigbors? Fine. But if I catch you and your fascist budies trespassing on my swamp, I'll shoot you right between the eyes. \_ I see. So it's perfectly okay that if you are on vacation in Europe for a month and your lawn gets long that the HOA can foreclose on your house? You don't see a problem with that? Did you ever read your CC&Rs? |
2006/10/24-26 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:44947 Activity:moderate |
10/24 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetric_multiprocessing "With the exception of a few rare 80486 systems, the x86 SMP market began with the Intel Pentium processor supporting up to two processors ....." Wasn't soda an 8-CPU 386SX machine more than a decade ago? \_ I think at peak it had 20 processors, and yes, they were 386. -tom \_ Yes, that would be the Sequent era (1992-1997). Soda Mark 2 had 8 386s, Soda Mark 3 had 16 386s and Soda Mark 4 had 20 386s. http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/computing/hardware/soda-mark-ii.html http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/computing/hardware/soda-mark-iii.html http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/computing/hardware/soda-mark-iv.html "[W]e must mustn't forget the days when the dry and cracked skin that we just shed were vigorous and bright with new colors. The next chance you have, hold a glass high to the past and drink to Soda MkIV, the last of the great Sequents." \_ I'm obviously too young. 22 386s in one machine? In 1995? Huh? I guess it was really good a multi-tasking. \_ Remember that it was *free* in 1995. The machine was built the late 80s, when the 386 was top-of-the-line. \_ and yes, those sequent systems were awesome at multitasking. Unfortunately the slow-ass cpu's were very slow at single tasks. However, it was ideal for its use as a multi-user, multi-purpose system. \_ Did the fastest Pentium-something CPU in 1995 perform twenty times as fast as a 386DX 20MHz (in terms of mips, I guess)? I don't remember which Pentium was top-of-the-line back then. \_ iirc, 1995 the fastest Pentium was 133 MHz. This was about as fast as a 486 running at 266 MHz or a 386 running at 533 MHz (ie nearly 25x faster than a 386 running at 20MHz). \_ I google'd for "8088 SMP", and I found "The SNC is an Intel 8088 based SMP system ..." in a non-free article. Can 8088 really support SMP??? \_ Why not? SMP is an old old old concept in CS. \_ I was just puzzled because Intel advertised one of the recent Pentium-whatever chip as the first x86 chip to support SMP. |
2006/10/24 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44948 Activity:high |
10/24 War Crimes committed upon illegally held detainees. http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/1024b1talker1024.html \_ The real title is "Arpaio starts 2-week mandatory English classes for inmates". Inmates of a county jail, that is. |
2006/10/24 [Uncategorized] UID:44949 Activity:nil |
10/24 Stupid caption deleted. |
2006/10/24-26 [Health/Disease/General] UID:44950 Activity:nil |
10/24 Thanks illegal immigrants! I was missing Tuberculosis. Especially the drug-resistant strains. http://wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=52555 \- "The states with the highest numbers of multi-drug resistant cases in the last decade were New York, California, Texas and Florida, according to the CDC -- states with the highest populations of new immigrants." ... gee, by coincidence, those 4 stats immigrants." ... gee, by coincidence, those 4 states also have the most Americans! ... http://csua.org/u/hak \_ Nevertheless, it is a fact that illegals bring this disease into the country. \- What about American fastfood causingg obesity-related problems in China, France etc?. What about Coca Cola casuingMr Tooth Decay to arrive? \_ What about them? Those are lifestyle diseases, not contageous killers of millions who never made the choice to eat crappy food. \_ Yeah and so? You can't tell the difference between someone choosing to drink Tooth Rot(c) and someone getting resistent staph by walking into a hospital for something else? |
2006/10/24-26 [Uncategorized] UID:44951 Activity:nil |
10/24 I am a stupid troll. http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/1024b1talker1024.html \_ The real title is "Arpaio starts 2-week mandatory English classes for inmates". Inmates of a county jail, that is. |
2006/10/24-26 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:44952 Activity:high |
10/24 Is this the end of antibiotics? http://www.laweekly.com/news/news/the-scourge-of-skid-row/14810 (Warning, some of the pictures are really nasty.) \_ In short, yes. And this plague of staph is starting exactly like AIDS. First, it gets the drug-users and other societal rejects. Then, it comes for everyone else. When it's an expensive killer of "normal" people, it's seen as a crisis, and it is, rather than being nipped in the bud. Like all our other infrastructure, public health is in a state of near-total neglect. Drug-resistant staph, tuberculosis, malaria, and a host of others are coming at us, spread in part by insecticide resistant bugs. Idiots in Washington spend trillions combating threats to thousands of us and ignore the threats which will kill millions of us. Write your congressman, please. --PeterM \_ How do you figure AIDS could have been "nipped in the bud" in this country? I recall at the time some were advocating enforced \_ That was just Lyndon LaRouche \_ No, it was a lot of people. Either way, the question remains: what would you have done at the time to "nip AIDS in the bud"? \_ Um, mounted effective research and prevention efforts early on instead of not worrying about the "gay plague", for starters? early on instead of not worrying about the "gay plague", for starters? \_ So with billions of dollars of research and education efforts since then, what has happened? People who wanted to engage in risky activity continued to do so despite knowing the dangers and still get AIDS today. There was no magic bullet that would have done anything of note. After 20+ years of public education there are still new cases even though the number of new cases *should* be near zero. People are dumb. \_ HIV isn't easy to transmit. If we'd had clean needle and condom campaigns early we could have lowered transmissability to the point where the infection might have died out in the US, especially with very focussed targeting on the initial high risk groups. Further, there WAS NO CURE at the time and a campaign of persuasion, "do this or die" might have been more effective. To this day, dirty needles are responsible for much spread of HIV and hepatitis because politicians would rather moralize than take effective action (needle exchange) for public health. Convinced now? --PeterM \_ Convinced? Of what? No. I'll repeat my main point: to this today everyone *should* be aware that certain activity will get you HIV/AIDS yet they still choose not to use condoms or use clean needles even in places where they are given free. People are dumb. And btw, there is still no cure, so I'm not sure why you mention there wasn't one then either but thats not the point. \_ Convinced that early vigorous action could have greatly reduced the impact of HIV on the US. HIV isn't very transmissible: maybe 1.1 new cases per existing case, or even less thanks to public health campaigns. Even if early vigorous action reduced transmission by 20%, there would be .9 new cases of HIV per existing case and the infection would die out. I'm saying that if we'd had vigorous prevention and needle campaigns early on, HIV would have had negligible impact on the US and we would not have needed the *billions* now required for treatment and research. --PM \_ So now that we have spent billions in research and the public is as educated as possible, is the rate .9 or 1.1? If you can show me something that says .9 then I'm fully convinced. Of course there would still be people coming from outside the country but I'm not going to push that as I'm sure it's a small number. Either way, people are still dumb. ;-) \_ http://csua.org/u/hb7 (Entrez PubMed) This is an NIH site. The number today isn't .9, it seems, but lower, .05/yr. That is, for every existing case, there is 1 new case in 20 yrs. That is actually more successful than I had thought. Just under 1M in USA have HIV. Oh, and yes, people are dumb, I fully agree on *that*. But remember, those *billions* spent have mostly been spent treating the sick, not on prevention/education. Early prevention efforts would have yielded a huge ROI, especially since at that time AIDS victims were dying relatively fast. --PeterM \_ Ok, I'll buy that. Just one last thing to keep in mind is that by the time HIV/AIDS was recognised and diagnosable there were already a lot of people who already had it since it has such a long infection -> symptoms period. It may be the case that after the initial death toll, the level of education was appropriate since new cases are determined based on test date, not the unknowable infection date. So the high initial rates were unstoppable and then people who were uninfected then more or less did do the right things to stay safe(r). It also may be the case that since H/A transmission is more likely with certain activity that the virus was already mostly isolated to those populations, thus without *any* education it might have had low rates after the initial deaths. No one can say with certainty how many more, if any, might have remained uninfected if there had been earlier education (IIRC it was about 2 years that it was believed to be a 'gay disease'). isolation a la Typhoid Mary. What do you figure 'they' should be doing about all these other diseases right now? \_ Spend money on better public health and research. This isn't exactly rocket science. -ausman \_ And how would that have done anything at the time when AIDS first became known in the US to stop it from spreading? Billions of dollars of research have gone into AIDS, medical science has advanced, and there was a lot of money going into public education, but no one really knew what AIDS was, some *still* dispute what it is and we are still are the very early stages of being able to deal with viruses of any sort. What was going to happen in the 80's to stop AIDS? \_ Politicians and public health officials ignored AIDS because most initial victims were gays and drug users. If it had been, say, children or middle-aged white males there would have been a much more effective prevention campaign. Similarly with this new drug-resistant staph in LA. Right *now* it's afflicting homeless, prisoners, and drug users. Very soon, like AIDS, it's going to be mainstream, and dealing with it is going to cost a lot more in lives and in money. Tuberculosis is back in many countries with a drug-resistant vengeance. Malaria's returning, too, also in drug-resistant glory. Remember when life expectancy was 50 years or less? Continued neglect of public health and medical research will bring those days back. --PeterM \_ On a related note, all those anti-bacterial soaps may not be so good for us after all: http://tinyurl.com/yxa9cw (motherearthliving.com) |
2006/10/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:44953 Activity:nil |
10/24 I vunt tu du a veb pruject boot dun't knoo hoo tu du it. Dues unyune-a knoo hoo tu vreete-a a ploogeen fur Ixplurer oor Fureffux? |
2006/10/24-26 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:44954 Activity:nil |
10/24 I want to do a web project but don't know how to do it. Does anyone know how to write a plugin for Explorer or Firefox? \_ No, no one. |
2006/10/24-26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:44955 Activity:nil |
10/24 just want to say .. I started using google reader. and I found a decent motd rss feed ... its awesome. I'm back to motd reading after a few months of not -- been getting more into various blogs. maybe I'm just writing this to see my own name in the google reader. no but really, fyi, its cool. \_ Which motd feed are you using? \_ I'm hesitant to say ... is having a motd feed w/in the rules of the politburo? I dont want to get it shut down ... and I dont know if the creator wants the notoriety. |
3/15 |