2006/10/16 [Uncategorized] UID:44826 Activity:nil |
10/16 Happy Monday! |
2006/10/16-18 [Science/Space, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:44827 Activity:kinda low |
10/16 AMAZING COINCIDENCES 101: Saddam verdict to be read on November 5th http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15285264 \_ You're right. What are the odds he'd get his verdict 101 years to the day after the board game Monopoly was released? \_ on the 27th anniversary of the day Ayatollah Khomeini declared the US to be the "Great Satan" Ironic, indeed. \_ And omgwtfbbq!!! It is also the birthday of ~365.25/th of the world's population! That's so amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!! November 5th! Of all days! Golly... that really makes me think. \_ World population isn't actually evenly divided. \_ Ya know, I'm not sure if I should have just ignored you or if I should be as anal as you and point out I used the ~ which means "approximately" or make fun of you for being so anal. I've decided. OMGWTFBBQ! UR S0 SM@3T!111 \_ Yeah, that's much like saying "then add ~1.00004738 grams.." \_ You all get that this is happening 2 days before the Nov. election, right? \_ Hadn't noticed. Just like the violence is escalating just before the election, the Lancet comes out with another death report, the Mark Foley sleaze (even Gerry Studds has died!)... \_ OMG! I smell conspiracy! Back in 1997 when PNAC was secretly pushing to invade Iraq through open letters, yes, even then, Karl Rove, Agent of Evil(tm), knew that nine years later he would need an October Surprise for the 2006 mid-terms! Brilliantly, and equally evilly, he arranged for the invasion and several near misses with 1000 lb bombs (just to make it look good), followed by a well timed capture and trial with the verdict to be read only two days before the election! MISSION ACCOMPLISEHD! \_ Don't forget--if that doesn't go well, Rove still has OBL in the basement to announce that we've captured him just before the election...</tinfoil> \_ no way, everyone knows obl has always been on the bushco payroll since back in the days when his daddy ran the cia. obl is just an actor who thought he was doing a commercial, even he is a victim of the evil rove. this stuff all goes so far back not even bush is allowed by rove to know what is really going on. i read it has something to do with the lost treasures of the templars being hidden under david's temple. \_ Have you noticed how much Afghanistan looks like the "moon" from the fake NASA videos? \_ I have but then I found out neither Afghanistan *nor* the moon really exist! NASA, with the help of the Boy Sprouts and the Men In Black and 12 mega bucks attacked to destroy the moon and succeeded. That was of course the last kill the UFOs needed, they revealed their secret victory conditions and won. \_ By far my favorite NASA conspiracy theory is that they are editing sattelite images of the Earth's weather patterns so that the masses won't see the giant *hexagonal* weather patterns which are being generated by the weather control machines used by the Yakuza and "rogue elements of the former KGB", which the Bush administrations knows former KGB", which the Bush administration knows about, but can do nothing to stop. I'm not making this up. \_ That's awesome. Do these folks have a website? I need some new material. \_ I heard about it from a guy in person who was constantly talking about it. It was better than any website, since he had wraparound sunglasses, was completely bald, and sounded like Boomhauer on King of the Hill. I'm sure this is on the web somewhere. If you're going to waste time looking for shit like this on the web, you might also want to read about how Denver International Airport will be the secret underground headquarters of the NWO. |
2006/10/16-18 [Uncategorized] UID:44828 Activity:nil |
10/16 Map of Springfield: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=29511018&size=l \_ ooooooold |
2006/10/16-19 [Uncategorized] UID:44829 Activity:nil |
10/16 A Million Random Digits (from this month's CryptoGram): http://tinyurl.com/yjffa4 (amazon.com) Read the comments. \_ Very funny, made my day. Thanks. -John |
2006/10/16-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:44830 Activity:nil |
10/16 As you listen to Nancy Pelosi promise to clean up what she calls a "swamp" of congressional problems, remember the following facts from her record: 1. Pelosi voted three times to make a convicted page sexual predator, former Congressman Gerry Studds (D-Mass.), chair of a congressional committee. 2. In 1990, Pelosi voted against censuring Barney Frank for having his live-in boyfriend run a prostitution ring from Frank's apartment. 3. Pelosi raised no objections when Clinton pardoned Democrat Congressman Mel Reynolds (Ill.) who had been convicted of felonies for having had sex with a 16-year-old campaign worker. The historic Nancy Pelosi is an authentic representative of San Francisco liberal values and hardly has the record to lecture anyone on cleaning up the Congress. http://www.humanevents.com/winningthefuture.php?id=17453 \_ dont care. mess in Iraq is enough for me to not vote Republican. They really fucked up and must pay the consequences. \_ No, I don't think a one-party government is good for America. \_ The two-party government is decreasingly good at fixing the one- party problems though. It's like the cloned Jacks from Futurama. \_ "decreasingly good at"? \_ fine "increasingly bad at" happy? \_ I think I'll still settle for a two-party government. \_ Yes, so stop voting for Dems and Reps and start voting for third party candidates who actually believe in something. Yes, yes, they'll never get elected. *Because* people get what they vote for instead of voting for what they want. \_ http://csua.org/u/h7s 90% of the country is religious, but 100% of the Senate. Hooray. And not a one who can vote his or her conscience. Fuckers. \_ As you read your silly partisan websites, consider this silly partisan website: http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/gopscorecard.php \_ Of what crime are you claiming Studds was convicted? \_ You mean Reynolds? \_ "It's not about the sex, it's about the lying" |
2006/10/16 [Uncategorized] UID:44831 Activity:nil |
10/16 Recontextualize your laundry. (comic strip) http://www.overduemedia.com/archive.aspx?strip=20061015 |
2006/10/16 [Uncategorized] UID:44832 Activity:nil 80%like:44836 |
10/16 I deleted my cookies and such and now the font in my gmail is crappy. What can I do to get it back to how it was? This only seems to be affecting gmail. |
2006/10/16-18 [Recreation/Dating] UID:44833 Activity:nil |
10/16 Man wants to stop paying alimony b/c ex-wife is now a man: http://tinyurl.com/jkbol (baynews9.com) \_ how do we know the experience of divorce didn't cause this person to want to become a man? he still must pay.. [formatd] \_ If there are no children, what is the purpose of alimony? Do payments stop after a specified time? \_ obReadWikipedia |
2006/10/16-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:44834 Activity:nil |
10/16 http://csua.org/u/h7w (nydailynews.com) So why is Daddy's sec state helping Bush Jr. with Iraq? "Forty-three has now repudiated everything 41 stands for, and still he won't say a word," a key member of the elder Bush alumni said. "Personally, I think he's dying inside." \_ He won't say a word because traditionally former Presidents do not comment on current Presidents. Having the former administation(s) running around second guessing the current is no way to run a country. \_ Having the current administration running around is no way to run a country. \_ Possibly but it is still ridiculous that one of the former administrations is still running around playing politics and trying to rewrite history to create someone's legacy. \_ Go, Bubba! |
2006/10/16-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:44835 Activity:nil |
10/16 I just got my first soda spam reforwarded to my real email address. I have never given this address to anyone. Thank you who ever gave out soda addresses on the net. \_ Have you considered that someone you correspond with may have had their machine rooted? Also whoever rooted soda a while back could have snarfed all the account names. \_ I don't send mail from here but I had forgotten about past soda break-ins. Thanks for reminding me of that. The idea that someone here would post email addresses is pretty sickening. \_ was your real email address written down somewhere on on soda? Was your soda mail getting forwarded to your email address? Are you sure it wasn't just forwarded from soda? I think you might not understand how forwarding works. \_ I'll explain: I have a .forward file on soda. It forwards to my real email address. I have never sent mail from soda or provided @soda to anyone. My .forward file is older than some current students. The spam was sent to my previously unknown and never used @soda address and then reforwarded via my .forward to my real address. I think I understand how forwarding works. Thanks for the help. \_ And I don't think you understand. So you use your brand new spanking email address? Do you \_ yes. email people with it? EVER? Has anyone ever \_ yes. \_ yes. received this email? Do they read it on a computer? \_ yes. \_ yes. Viruses infect computers, or so I hear. Some viruses look for the addressbook of users, and mail them back to their Russian masters, who then stick it in their recipient lists to Spam. The only way to never receive spam is oh I dunno shoot yourself. \_ And the email wasn't sent to that email address. It was sent to my soda address which has never been used and then reforwarded to that address from here. It is the fact that my soda account got spam that is the problem because *I* have never given out my soda address nor used it for any email transaction. The forwarding isn't the problem here. It is that the soda address got spam. The unused, never given out, never provided, previous unknown soda address got spam. Spam was sent to my soda address, to my completely unused and unknown soda address. The soda address that received the spam, that the spam was address to was never used on the net. Capiche? \_ you ever hear of a dictionary attack? they'll get you eventually. \_ It's possible but let's see the mail logs showing the dictionary attack. Maybe I missed that in the motd.official or the csua minutes. \_ what's your email address? I want to mail\ you a PNG of /etc/passwd \_ I'm root@soda. \_ you realize soda is one of the most heavily loaded single point mail machines in the universe? \_ sure, so? |
2006/10/16 [Uncategorized] UID:44836 Activity:nil 80%like:44832 |
10/16 I deleted my cookies and such and now the font in my gmail and some other sites is crappy. What can I do to get it back to how it was? |
2006/10/16-19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44837 Activity:nil |
10/16 http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/10/16/iraq.poll/index.html Seven out of 10 women giving aid and comfort to the Enemy \_ "However, President George W. Bush personally assured the Iraqi prime minister Monday that he has no plans to pull U.S. troops out and that there is no U.S. timeline for Iraqi forces to take over." Boy, it makes _me_ feel better to know there's no timeline to hand things over to the Iraqis. \_ Bush found out that "we stand down as they stand up" sounded too much like "cutting and running". \_ this is the part i don't understand. what is wrong with "cutting and running?" we are already done that in Afghanistan. \_ probably because Afghanistan was always a mess and we never really made a serious commitment to turning it into a real country. the rest of the world and half of this country didn't think we'd even win militarily. but iraq, although a brutal dictatorship, was still a functioning government and there's a healthy dose of break-it-bought-it that goes with destroying another nation's government. so we owe the iraqi people some form of real government but afghanistan never had that so the bar is lower. |
2006/10/16-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:44838 Activity:nil |
10/16 Any comments on IceWeasel? I think they should call the Debian fork "DireFox" instead. \_ Phyrefawkes \_ Debian releases are always old, maybe they should call it Firebird. |
2006/10/16-18 [Uncategorized] UID:44839 Activity:nil |
10/16 Anybody ever heard of the "Cambridge Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals" "Honors Edition"? Is it in fact an honor or a scam? \_ It's Who's Who. It's a scam. \_ I love the Dilbert on this subject. \_ URL? |
2006/10/16-19 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:44840 Activity:low |
10/16 So the LATimes endorses Ah-nold for governor http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-ed-governor15oct15,1,6396468.story?coll=la-news-comment What are Democrats to do now? \_ the L.A. Times has been turning ideologically right-wing over the last year. it's too bad this endorsement didn't include any groping references. ("... AND da Guv-ah-nate-ah, in a nod to Bill Clinton, has managed to keep his hands to himself!") \_ I think you've got it backwards. Gov S. has been running to the left for the last year. \_ both can be true. L.A. Times going right, Ah-nold away from incompetency. \_ going away from the left is not the same as turning right-wing. there is still such a thing as centrism and moderates are still allowed to vote although the clowns from both parties call them independents which has all sorts of ugly connotations if you step back and look at the big picture. \_ yeah, I'm saying there has been a continuous internal push over the last year or so on the L.A. Times to go right-wing, not center. naturally this claim may be hard to prove, but i still think so. \_ they haven't even hit center yet. they're almost starting to make sense. well except for things like today's article where they claimed the US Constitution was the biggest impediment to democracy. Other than that sort of lunacy, they're almost starting to make sense. \_ I don't even understand the concept of an endorsement from a newspaper. "A company that prints what happens sez VOTE ARNIE" \_ newspapers have a traidtion of having seperate news and editorial operations. \_ although in the last 2 decades that line has pretty much washed away. \_ Start worrying when the Chronicle and the Merc endorse the Governator. \_ Who else can they endorse? I really want to like Angelides, but he's not making a good case for himself. |
2006/10/16-19 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44841 Activity:nil |
10/16 New PS2 game Bully lets players gain health by kissing boysrnie http://www.gamebrink.com/playstation-2/1833-Bully-reviews.html \_ if i had 1 hp.. i might consider it.. but i'd be dead for sure |
3/15 |